Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-10-31 [p 5]. · 2017-12-21 · Sartorls which took Coburg...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 1906 5 i Woodward Lothrop New York WASHINGTON Paris Sectional Bookcases 7E are tire Washing f toii agents for the celebrated H um phrey Sectional Bookcase Our leader ModelStack as illustrated above in either golden or weathered oak is composed of a top and one 13inch section two II inch sections one 9inch sec tion has nonbinding glass doors is dustproof sub- stantially made and easy to set up 1375 per Model Stack Oriental Rug Importing Co I 1510 H Street N W Sells at a nnHorm io ir cent advance er actual cOst Great saving to purchasers Only place of the kind in Wash- ington Large and select stock of Ori- ental Rugs and Carpets All selected by experts invite your inspection Oriental Rug Importing Co AH Bakjhian Mgr 1510 H Street N W No Pure Feod Lucca OLIVE OIL laws would bf n ofs w re all products as free from adulterants as our XUCCA OLIVE OIL We import and bottle it Pur- ity and genuineness suarantef d FeLL PT BOTTLES SOc CTFULL Q U BOTTLES J c Thompson Pharmacy Frank C Hewy Prap 703 15tt SI KNABE PIANOSI- n tope action and dura the peers ef any S other Pianos to be The Knabe 13 Oj the combination of the Piano and the best self playing attachment Wm Knabe Co 12181220 F SiX- O CREAM TASTES LIKE FUSSELL3 f I SSELL- i See always8 mnde in th most arcfiU mannr with ibso- lut iy pure cream select J fresh fruits alid highgrade extracts Great variety of flavors always on hand 7Demw7 serrioe wirartabbr praapt M T FUSSELL 1427 X Y Ave Phone M 1513 An ad this size The Herald c the three months rate costs only a dollar a day and nearly everybody in Washincton will read It HERALD WANT ADS 1 Gent a Word J j j- r i 1 J f sdI arG tit I r l- i 1 h Ve Full HaT Bottles of I I C ART t IL t 44U III Cotrct ad- J tK Jf 4 JIlt 14 L Cream- i Dollar 1 j f Ti t 4 v 4 A V base- d Qut nfl i I A A- uM ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ < > < i THE SOCIAL WORLD President and Mrs Roosevelt Go to Virginia Today GAEL PROM CABINET CLEGEE- iigngcmciit of 3Irs Flora Louise Clement and Cnpt Sydney Amos Clomnn 17 A Announced Jlnr rlnge of Rosemary Snrtorls In The President Mrs Roosevelt Win leave today tor a three days visit to their cottage In Albemarle County Va where they propose waking several horse- back excursions In the mountains They will be accompanied only by the Presi dtnts stenographer and have the ser- i e there of the caretaker of the place Mrs Root Mrs Taft Mrs Hitchcock Cortelyou and Mrs Metcalf called the WBltc Houfce yesterday morning for their usu l weekly visit to Mnr Roosevelt who always devotes Tuesday morning to this informal reception of thr Cabinet hostesses In the afternoon Mrs Roosevelt the concert of the Philadelphia Orrhestnt having as guests in her hex Mrs Taft Mr Byard airs Pellew and Miss Hagner The engagement is announced of Mrs Flora Louise Ciememt of this city U Sydney Amos Clemen U S A the wedding to take ptaccm the near future Mrs Clement Is the widow of the late Victor Clement who was welt known in Now York and San Francisco She naa had an apartment at the Connecticut for the past two seasons Mrs Clement has traveled abroad very extensively and is extremely popular with the circle of frIends she has made in Washington Capt Cktman te one of the beatknown bachelor officers on duty in Washington a member of the Twentyfifth Infantry assigned to special duty at the War Col and on the General Staff He was appointed to the Military Academy from Ohio and graduated in the class of ft- He is a member of the Metropolitan Chevy Chase and Army and Navy clubs Austrian Ambassador who return- ed to New York yesterday wilt sail next week for a short visit to Vienna but not be accompanied by the Baroness HengelmuUer The latter who is sow in New York will return to Washington November f and reopen the Embassy on Connecticut avenue Baron Karl von Giskra the former flrst secretary of the AustroHungarian Em- bassy ho last spring entered upon the duties of Minister to Chile has again received a substantial promotion being named Minister to Mexico Baron and Baroness von Gtekrm the latter formerly Miss Helen lOng of Baltimore wilt not take up their residence in Mexico until the early spring In the Interval Dazes Humane the secretary of embassy hi- thfe city will go to Mexico to act as charge daffaires- The Baroness von Sternborg wife of the Gemma Ambassador entertained a box party at Daises Theater yesterday at the concert of the Philadelphia Or- chestra The marriage of Mies Bertha Asalha- Jnlihn daughter of Dr and Mrs Magnus L JuHfan of this city to Mr Robert W Dyer of Saratoga Wyo took place yes- terday morning at St Stephens Episcopal ChoJrch Mount Pleasant Bev WIlKam R- Bu hby natcfeti Srtae Twrd no at- tendant She wore a hndome tailor sown of brown broadcloth with white in brown velvet nand roses and carried American Beauty roses Im mfdhHely after the ceremony Mr and Mrs flyer left for a honeymoon trip York On their return they wilt be leave for their home hi Wyoming until December 1 A very pretty wedding took place last evening at Faith Chapel In sonthweat Washington where Miss Lydia C Haflt and Mr Sheldon Spencer Folte were mar- ried in the presence of a large company of Mends Rev John Hoyt jr the paw i tor officiating The brides only attend ant was her slater Miss Lena The latter wore a dainty sown of white mooggebae with pink ribbon accessories and curled bridesmaid roses The brides gown was of white mousse line elaborately trimmed in lace worn with tulle veil Her bouquet was a shower of roses and IDles of the valley Sir J Thomas Jefferson half brother of the bridegroom was best man The ushers were Mr W M Russell Mr George Mr W M Bnrlians Mr Thomas A Harlow Mr W Foltz and Mr C H Hafle The decorations of the church were unusually handsome consIsting cf a generous arrangement of white chrysan- themums and pVnw a wedding bell of roues directly over the scene of the ceremony completing the floral embellish- ment of the chancel A reception to the Immediate relatives and mot intimate friends followed the ceremony at the irs ktence of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Jacob Hafle Here aa at church the decoration was chiefly in chrysanthemums with the addition ot autumn foliage Among the outoftown guerts here for the wedding were Mr Herman and Miss Herman Mrs Speckt and Miss GlUezui all of New York Much interest is felt in Washington the romantic marriage of Mta Rosemary Sartori and Mr George H Woolston of Florida announced yesterday from New York tile ceremony followed upon the arrival cf the bride and her mother from Europe Mrs Woolston who Is the youngest of Mrs Nelly Grant Sartoris three children made her debut in this city November 36 1S98 the date be- ing that of her eighteenth birthday j was presented by her grandmother Mrs U S Grant widow of the former Presi- dent Grant home on Massachusetts avenue with Mrs McKinley and Mrs Ho brt among the first guests to extend- their congratulations to this most impor Wedding Gifts Diamonds Gems Artistic Jeweller y Silverware tine Cut QUALITY is con ourprices are always THE LOWEST GALT BRO Established Over a Century Jewellers Silversmiths Statibners I S JIbs York a Surprise to Friends and Mrs at apt loge The I will- I bat trlftUR4d at IIG venest avenue as Ut do not Halle I I I I the I here Imme- diately She atthe I I Sterling I Glass- I WHEN Nen 1 at- tended L S Ute The to- Ne B- oyd In- 11OPennaAve ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ tant bud of tho season She enjoyed great popularity during her first season and until the death of Mrs Grant when Mrs Sartoris retired from society and for sev- eral years passed the winter season in St Louis and the summer in Canada or abroad The marriage of Miss Vivian Sartorls which took Coburg Cdn ads In the summer of 1913 was almost as great a surprise as the ceremony of Mon- day The elder sister married Frederick Roosevelt Scovel a cousin of President BposeveK and at the time of his mar- riage a student in one of the New York universities They lived in Washington- for a year following their marriage but more recently have made their home in Italy where they have a residence near Florence Mr Woolston who is fourteen years brides senior is said to have met the latter eighteen months ago and to have begun his courtship at Poland Springs in the summer of 1906 lit and Mrs will reside in Florida but go not go there until January L Mrs Sartoris will pass a Prt of the winter in Washington Where she has a large and devoted circle of friends The first debutante function of the long and interesting series will be given next Tuesday when Mrs F B Loring will givd a tea for young people In honor of Mists Caryl Crawford daughter of Mr anti Mrs Joseph Crawford who are now living at Stnnetetgh Court This first of the sea- sons bus is already well known to a number of her contemporaries haying spent the last two years in a Washington school but wiir be an entirely now and charming addition to general society Mr Charles Francis Adams of Boston has abandoned his Idea of passIng the winter in Washington owing to the de- lay in the cotnptetf of the improvo m nis begun in the house ho recently purchased on Massachusetts avenue Mrs Sidney Dillon Ripley and Miss Annan Ripley who have boon passing the autumn In Italy are now in Purls Mrs C W Dunlap of HW Corcoran street has been confined to her home by illness tOt several The Misses Gaines have romovod from 421 East Capitol street to Afton House Thirteenth street and Massachusetts aye The home of Mr and Mrs L Vernon SS l rtk street southeast was the scene a large gathering of friends Monday evening the occasion being the anniversary of the birthdays of Mr and Mrs L Vernon Small wood Dozing the evening refreshments were served Among those were Mrs Edwin Bartlett the Misses Ethel and Regina Bartlett Mr and Mrs John E Smallwood Miss Elite Smallwood Mr Eston Smallwood Mrs J F Smith Mrs Toalson Mr and Mrs F Hoover Mr and Mrs M Guy Yost Miss Ida Bartlett Miss Gertrude Bartlett Mrs M R Smattwood Mia Gertrude Fravel SmaHwood and Mr and Mrs L Vernon Smallwood SOLDIERS PAY HER TRIBUTE Funeral of Georgia JolinMon Attended by Patriots Many a former soldiers head was bowed in grief yesterday at the funeral services held over the remains of Mrs Georgia B Johnson president of Temple No 1 Lineal Society of the Spanish War Veterans who died tno day before typhoid pneumonia the result of a contracted during the national en- campment of the United Spanish War Veterans in Washington The services were held at the Johnson home 1814 Sixteenth street northwest and were conducted by Rev Joseph B Smith pastor of Grace M B Church Later the casket was seat to Detroit Mich the home eC the deceased who before her marriage was Miss Sher- man whose brother served with botibr the campaign of UKW thee entitling to admission to the Lineal Society which is composed of the wives sisters daughters of the men Who served In UK war with Spain Yesterdays services were largely at tended by members of the V S V the Lineal Society and the Ladles Aux- iliaries Among the beautiful floral em btenta sent by friends tra a great wreath of white ImmorteHes with the letters U s V in purple tied with national colors This was the stet of the Department of the District of Columbia sent through Department Commander J Walter Mitchell Mrs Ida M Galloway representing the Ladles Auxiliaries the District sent a great bunch of white chrysanthemums tied with tbe colors the auxiliary red white and yellow Messages of regret were received from Mary E Gedney of New York pres- ident general of the National Auxiliary and Mrs Isabella Alexander of Cleve- land Ohio past president general Mrs E V Hodgson of this city supreme chief ruler of the National Temple Lineal So clety and Mrs Lillian Capron past caW ruler were among those win attended the services Mrs Johnson was but thirty three years of age Besides her immediate relatives in Detroit she is survived by her hoe bend Capt Hiram Johnson of the United States Naval Observatory and a member of the G A R BAR WILL PAY TRIBUTE Memory of Late Justice Alvey to B Honored at Meeting ThurKdny A meeting of the District Bar Associa- tion to pay tribute of respect to the mem- ory of the late Richard H Alvey who died recently at his home at Hager town Md is to be held on morning at U oclock in the Circuit at the City Hall There win be present the justices of tfc District Court of Appeals justices of District Supreme Court Justices of Court of Appeals of Maryland distinguished persons of Ute muTt Maryland The arrangements for the meeting in the hands of the following committee William F Mattingly J J Darlington George B Hamilton A S Worthington and A A Hoehling jr Honor the I H C Officers A reception and boll was tendered officer of the Supreme Circle of Pro- tective Home Circle by the Capital of the P H C at Ninth and F streets last night J M Evans of Sharon Pa supreme orator of the order gave an address fraternal institmnc and remarks were also made by Messrs E A Llndberg of New York City and Frank Gilbert of Sharon Pa District Deputy Cole presented with an immense bouquet carnations a an expression of commen- dation for his work in connection with the order after which a very pleasing musical and literary programme was ren- dered Dancing with refreshments fol- lowed and concluded the nlghts enter- tainment The affair was in charge a committee consisting of Messrs Bev- erWge Estes Esbaum Cole and Norris Emmet Club Entertains- An informal hop was given last by the Emmet Social Club to its friends at Coateltos Hail Sixth find G northwest Refreshments were served j committee consisting of Miss Nelly Ba- rfs Messrs T F McCarthy and J D KeHlher has been appointed to make pfans tot a series of weekly entertain merits to be given under the auspices of the club during the earning winter Herald Want Ads will be received at Nelsons drug store 1st and C sts nw and promptly for- warded to the main office placoat his ton nec od Qt I pre r- and f Mrs of cold recent former In her and v V the of of Mrs JuStice Thursday Cour- troom the the ottfr t are th Hall on of of I I Weeks Sinallw su- preme EMI DI- vision ¬ ¬ ¬ Millionaires Daughter Finds Fiance in Florida- IS TIMEKEEPER ON RAILWAY Wife and Fortune Await Dutch Al Becker for Whom Wealthy XCTV Yorlc Girl Una Been WaKlngr Six Years Glad Tidings Plnshcil Across the Ocean to Pining Mnldcn New York Oct Flashing over the cable across the wide expanse of the At- lantic interrupting for a brief moment the exchange of sordid business communi- cations went one brief little message which carried more Joy to its recipient than has come into her life in six lung years Albrecht is found read the message and it told to a love sick girl acrocs tho water that her faithful wait of years for a miming fiance had been rewarded and tho search which she had prosecuted for the man of lr choice has at test been successful This girl is the daughter of an Ameri- can millionaire and for six years site has waited tot the return of a wooer who left her to seek his fortune when her cruel parents forbade his attentions at that time because they believed the men to be a mere fortune hunter Reject Other Suitor Albrecht Becker former officer In the German army is the man Since part- ed from him in York In 1 X the girl has heard no word from him But ha remained faithful to Mm and re- fused other suitors eves when she apparently authentic information that Becker disappointed and discour- aged had killed himself in Chicago Until she knew positively of his death she said would not give him up Then tho parents relented Believing that the restoration of her admirer would alone bring her happiness they eagerly began a search for him And this hunt ha at test proved successful Becker has been located in Florida Word of his whereabouts was brought to Adolph Kaufman who baa been in charge of the search yesterday Today the mes sage was sent to the girl who is now in Europe and a man started South to identify Becker and tell hint of the good fortune in store for Mm Timekeeper on lion l in Florida At present Becker te employed aa time- keeper for the East Const Railway at 0 a month He te known among his fellowemployes as Dotdi Al George Schneider a dvH engineer who worked with Becker brought the news of JIm whereabouts When Kaufmans agent finds Becker h will not only learn that hte former sweet- heart has remained true to him but will Inc that a comfortable fortune awaits him Mia father cut the young man off without a cent but his sister the Bar- oness von Kaskel to whom the family fortune was left has decided to share it with her brother Love sad fortune win come to Becker together when the WentMcatkNt of Dutch Al te made by the agent sent to Flor- ida FELICITATE SIMON WOLF VaahInKton linai Zion Society Pre Muntw Him with an Addrcxit A congratulatory address to the lion Simon Wolf on the occasion of his seven- tieth birthday was transmitted 9 him yesterday by the Bnai ZIon Society of Washington represented by a committee- of five coMteting of Rabbi IAeb P liar mel J Hoffenberg J Kandel and Rabbi Julius F Loeb The address te M follows Wo 8ietiB9 FdMu- As ZtehU abs bter te Ike dr crf i of tbt worMs mo perptexfae wxl tiMMiitbf- cftatlDB ptnhlta we fort mwc n1ril M ta- nttmHk oar MMK good whoa tMe unit rt sun kfcodnr of bracan rfet insqustftucy tilts mite Uvta JcvMVAwrkM smut ex- pnocst d tmi Bt principle Ida WKMictk Wrtft- O r uhMnry May hk brfBiMt orecr oeMhwe- to riktet iu antsrrabed Xt he Iw tpucd te 0 tone vbflt D puniun ta the s- r tl fcrteztaK ol- ipirit f MM UI UotacAooA ute mfew- la WB day sad te on muj JWNI be The Uri hiss oat ef X tins b the Mae dwe ia IsaeL PLANKINTON HEIR BORN- If BojuSnrvixcx Hospital Will Lose Bequest of Millions Milwaukee Oct The birth this morning of a eon to William and Alexandria Stuart Ptenkinton brings to this wellknown Milwaukee wily a male representative of the fourth generation fn Milwaukee and the first heir to the es- tate of the late John Plankmton If the newborn son sorrfves the chance heretofore by the Milwaukee Hos- pital Association oC receiving the entire Planklnton wealth at the death of the daughter and gramtibn wttl be wiped out Under tile will of John Ptankinton kin entire estate valued at several millions would go to the hospital In the event that no heir was born or was living at the death of the descendants who are Miss Elizabeth Planklnton daughter of John Plankinton and William Woods Plankinton son of the late William Plankmton and the only grandchild of John Plankinton t GEORGE W CABLE TO WED KncrnKcnicnt of Author and Mlsx Eva Stevenson Announced Lexington Ky Oct li Tho engage- ment of Miss SBva Stevenson wealthy plub of this city to George W Cable tiie author was announced Here this afternoon Miss Stevenson is the daughter of former Congressman Job Stevenson o Cincinnati and WOK at the head of the Womans Club of Central Kentucky for several years She entertained Mr Cable here when l e was on a lecturing tour The wedding Is to be some time in No- vember in either Atlantic City or New York Entertains Spanish Veterans Dr Anita Newcomb McGhee entertained the members of the Gen Nelson A Miles Camp No 1 United Spanish War Voter MIS at her home Id P street lust at 7 She exhibited to the visit lug veterans a iarge assortment of views which she has taken during her servlj at the oontlns nt of American nurses while serving with the Japanese army in the Manchurian campaign Royal Heir Is Expected London Oct 3k According to a dispati to the World from Madrid the accoiicl meat of Queen Victoria is expected I April next Herald Want Ads will be received at Castells Pharmacy 11th and Irving ate nw and promptly forwarded to the mam office HER VIGIL REWARDED I New she rec- eived L Goldman The article drawn up To the lisa tima ill yet for a 1atoa4I Ute saM nndes f1l wc- 1ZJ to t hi the ef of Maftll math Ia lie WOOdS oman C even- Ing L she she T was by 8ea eat ash tie ta and sod sa tar nl- Of aed awl aed HI sod eIotel nine ndumsl- z thee Sins asaker and as ms held ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ARMY AND NAVY Transfers By direction of the President Capt Edward Klmmel Artltery Corps now at New York City is relieved from further duty as transport quartermaster and IF detailed ag professor of military science and tactics at the Washington State Col lege Pullman Wash Capt Kimmel will proceed to Pullman and report in person to the of the college for duty accOrdingly Capt David L Stone Twentysecond Infantry now at New Jg re- lieved from further duty nS transport quartermaster and will procQod to Omaha Nebr and report in person to MaJ Moses G Zallnsici quartermaster for duty as assistant to the quartermaster In that city Lieut Oscar S Look Twelfth Cavalry now at New York City is r HeTOd from further duty as transport quartermaster and detailed as an act- ing quartermaster Link will re port In person to the depot quartermaster New York City for duty as his assistant First Lieut Frederick W Van Dayiie Fourth Infantry now at New York City is relievod from further duty as transport quartermaster and is detailed as an act- ing quartermaster Lieut Van Dayne will proceed to St Louis Mo in person to the depot quartermaster in that city for duty as Me assistant First Lieut WilliaM IL Noble Twenty third Infantry now at New York City is relieved from further duty us transport quartermaster and is detailed aa acting quartermaster Limit Noble will pro- ceed to Boston Moss and report in per son to the depot quartermaster in that city for duty his The following named officers of the Artillery Corps now at N w York City are relieved from further duty as trans- port quartermaster and will proceed to Fort Olonroe Va and report In person to the commandant Artillery school for the purpose of continuing the course of Instruction in that school First Llettt William H Tobin First Lieut Jacob AL Coward Capt Peter C Halnet jr quarter- master in addition to his other duties will report in person to the command- ing officer Fort Hamilton N Y for appointment and dUty as quarter- master of that post Dental Surg Alden Carpenter U S A Is relieved from duty at Vancouver Barracks Washington and will proceed to Newport News Va and take the first available transport soilIng from that place tor Cuba and upon arrival at Havana will report In person to the com- manding general Army of Cuba Pacifica- tion for assignment for duty Dental Surg Gorge E Stattman U S A te from duty in the Philip pines division to take effect January 1 1987 and will proceed by first available transport thereafter to San Francisco and upon arrival will report by tele- graph to the military secretary of the army for further orders Post Quartermaster Sergt Lewis B Mantle Fort Preble Me will be sent to Fort Williams Me reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer to re- lieve Post Quartermaster Sergt UHck Bourke Sergt Bourke upon relief will be sent to Fort Monroe Va reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer who will send him on the first available transport to Havana Cuba Upon ar- rival at Havana he will report to the commanding general Army of Cuban Pacification for assignment to duty Post Quartermaster Sergt Nels J Tnorud now at Fort Mends S Dak wilt report to the commanding officer of that post for duty to relieve Post Quarter- master Sergt William J Foster Sergt Foster upon relief will be sent to Fort Monroe Va reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer who will send him on the flrst available transport to Havana Cuba Upon arrival at Havana be will report to the commanding gen- eral Army of Cuban PaciAcatkm for as- signment to duty Poet Quartermaster Frank W Arnold now at Fort Sill Oklahoma Terri- tory wilt be sent to the recruit depot Columbus Barracks Ohio reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer for duty Post Quartermaster Sergt WHltem Fort Terry Y will be sent to Fort Missoula Mont reporting upon ar- rival to the commanding officer to re- lieve Post Quartermaster Sergt Frank Ustecki Sergt Unlock upon relief win be sent to Fort Monroe Va reporting upon arrival to the commanding effleer who will send him on the first available transport to Havana Cubs Upon ar- rival at Hanava he wilt report to the commanding general Army of Cuban Pacification for assignment to duty Post Quartermaster Sergt Max Pack now on temporary duty at Fort Hamil- ton N Y will be sent to Fort Terry N Y reporting upon arrival to the com- manding ottoer for duty The followingnamed post quartermaster sergeants now at Ute stations designat- ed after their respective names will be sent to Fort Monroe Va reporting up- on arrival to the commanding officer who will send them on the available transport tp Havana Cuba William Van Heucheroth Pfettaburg Barracks N Y Daniel H Lynch Fort Smiling Minn- Jchn E Mendor Fort Barrancas Fin Clifford J Fort Constitution N H Upon arrival at Havana they will to the commanding general Army of Cuban Pacification for assignment to duty 1 YorkCity con ltVCUng First Is rind re- port as Mar- tin Iii MOn re- port LIeU assistant CaL fiery a fret ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ QuartenmuUer Sergt Abraham L Gtfnther Fort Jay N Y will be sent to Port Trwnbull Conn repotting upon arrival to the commafttHng officer for duty Post Quartermaster Richard Gib- bons upon arrival San Francisco Cal from the Philippine Islands will be sent to Fort Mackenzie Wyo reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer to Post Quartermaster Sergt James Murrell Pest Quartermaster Sergt William Carter now on temporary duty at Fort Reno Okla will be sent to Fort Howard Md reporting upon arrival to tho com- manding officer for duty Post Quartermaster Sergt Henry P Johnson now at Fort Douglas Utah will be sent to Fort Duchene Utah reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer to relieve Post Quartermaster Sergt Ernest Hess Sergt Hess upon relief will be t Feat Monroe Va reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer who will send him on the first available trans port to Havana Cubs Upon arrival at Havana he will report to the commanding general Army of Cuban Pacification for assignment to duty Recruit John H Busch cavalry recruit depot Columbus Barracks Ohio In trans ferred to the Hospital Corps as private Upon receipt of this orBsr at the depot the soldier will be directed to report to tile surgeon for duty at the hospital Commissary Sergt William F James office of the chief commissary of the East Governors Island N Y will be sent to Fort Wood N Y reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer for duty Post Quartermaster Sergt Robert W Lindcitstruth the Presidio of Monterey Cal will be sent to Fort Rosecrans Cal reporting upon arrival to the ctrmmandirig- ofllcer for duty Recruit Henry F Hickey cavalry Sioeuai N Y transferred to the Signal Corps as private He will be sent Fort Wood N Y reporting upon arrival to the commanding officer for duty Special Orders The permanent board of officers ap pointed by paragraph 2 Special Order No 2M December 9 MM War Department is hereby dissolved A permanent board of officers to consist of Maj John T French jr quartermast- er Capt JfunagA gan Jr commis- sary Capt Harry L Pettus quarter- master is appointed to meet at the War Department at the call of the president erGt at rel- ieve sent Pst De- partment Forj to I board the Of etamin o otV the for purposc ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ing inte and adjusting such questions of responsibility for government property and stores as may from time to time be referred to the board The junior member of the board act as record- er The unfinished business now before the permanent board of officers which has been dissolved In orders of this date will bd turned over to the permanent board of officers appointed by this order of officers to consist of Maj Walter D McCaw surgeon Maj Joseph- T Crabbs md First Lieut James Carroll is ap pointed to meet at the call of the presi- dent thereof at the Army Medical Mu- seum Building this city to examine a water purifying process and apparatus for applying tho same devised by Capt Carl R Darnall assistant Burgeon and to repost aa to their availability for army use By direction of the President and upon the application of Commissary Sergt An drew B Ntcholls Seventeenth Infantry that soldier upon the receipt of this order at the post at which he is then serving will be placed upon retired list created by the act of Congress approved February 14 K8f as amended by the act approved September 3J ISO He will repair to his home The Quartermasters Department will furnish tile necessary transportation It beta impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind commutation therefor will be paid in advance for necessary number of days travel Paragraph 19 Special Order No 2 War Department October 16 1906 relating to Private Bernard Devlin Eightyfirst Com- pany Coast Artillery la revoked Capt Sowelli corps of engineers win proceed to New York City on official business pertaining to the plans of the post exchange Washington Barracks Die trlct of Columbia and upon completion of duty will return to his proper i station Paragraph 4 Special Order No 237 Oc tober 1808 War Department rotating to Capt Matthew A Battson U S A retired is revoked Post Quartermaster Sergt Osntttn now on temporary duty at Fort Reno Okla Tejr will report to the com- manding officer of that post for duty Paragraph 11 Special Order No 123 War Department June 5 1906 relating to Post Quartermaster Sergt Clifford J Hlnson Fort Constitution N H Is revoked Capt Percy P Bishop artiUerj corp will perform the duties of recorder of the board of officers at Fort Terry N Y appointed by paragraph 6 Special Order No S3 1905 in addition to his duties as member of that board vice Capt Henry H Sheen artillery corps hereby relieved as recorder The leave of absence granted Second Lleut Edward Bennett Philippine In Special Orders No 161 July K 1M6 Philippine Division is extended one month Leave of absence for throe months is granted Capt John H Wholley Second Infantry Leave of absence for two mouths is granted Cant Fielder M M Beau Third Infantry Resignation The resignation of First Ueut William- J Schmidt Fourteenth Infantry of his commission as an officer of the army has been accepted by the President to take effect October 29 19Qg for the good of the service NAVY Capt F J Drake detached duty in commend of Wisconsin when placed out of commission to home and w it orders Comdr B W Hodges detached duty as Inspector of ordnance at the Waterrltet Arsenal West Troy N Y c to the Asiatic Station sailing from Seattle Waah November 2S K96 Lieut Comdr L C Bertolette detached Newark when placed out of commission- to Quincy Mass for duty in connection with the rftting out of Vermont and for duty as executive officer on board that vessel wheA ptacdtl commission Lieut Comdr W J Maxwell additional duty as nspect r of ordnance United States Naval Magazine Toni Island N Y Limit E WInsfaip retired placed on the retired list of officers of the navy from October 26 19W in accordance with the provisions of section 1469 of Ute Statute Limit ZE Brlgga detached Wisconsin when placed out of commission to home and wait orders Lieut R Williams detached Maine to home and grunted leave of absence for one month from November 2 139- 3Sneign K O Fitch detached navy yard Boston Mass c to the United States Army Hospital Fort Bay N Mex for treatment Ensigns T L Osburn T L McNalr jr W J Giles W Ancmm and D T Ghent and Boatswain F Bresnan Wisconsin when placed out of commission to homo and welt order Boatswain J lieU detached Illinois to home and leave one mouth L J De Ryder retired placed on the retired list of officers of the navy from October 3S 192S In accordance with the pravjpions of section 140 of the Revised Statutes Warrant Machinists J P Richter C G Nelson A T Percival and G S Bing ham detaehed Wtecoaetn placed out of commission to home and wait orders MILITIA TO GET NEWARK 111 surgeon t th 4i t JohnS I I i this 4 I I I I April I ORDERS In I Re- vised Boats I I j when I i i Aboard tie VV Free- man IS Snits VV de- tached ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CruKer Turned Over York rVitrhl Organization The New York State Naval Militia will hereafter have the use of the pro tetfed Newark now lying In the Brooklyn Navy Yard in place of the old wooden sailing Hampshire designed and bulk early in the nineteenth century and which has been lying for many years in the mud of New York harbor totally unfit for cruising purposes and utilized by the militiamen as a bar- racks Orders have Just been Issued at the navy yard to this effect The Newark Is a steel schooner of two built by William Cramp Sons of Philadelphia in ISSt arid was one of the first warships of the new navy She Is 31 feet long 4 feet broad and has a mean draft of 18 feet I indies and a displacement of 4098 tons With her speed und armament she wIn prove of lvjintugo to the mtiltfa In the line of pra4tlcal naval instruction NAVAL VESSEL MOVEMENTS Juan de Austria at Monte Cbrtetl Sterling at Monte ChrlfeU Mari- etta at Santo Domingo City Kentucky and Mohawk at Norfolk Virginia ai- Tompfcmsville navy yard New York AbnrendBr at TompUmsvllle Sailed Dubuque from San Juan for Philadelphia Sioux from Boston for Bradford Denver from Norfolk for League Island Blakely from Norfolk to cruise Eagle from Norfolk for Key West Prayed Convention Philadelphia Oet Edgar MT Levy who made the opening prayer at the first Republican national convention in this city in 1S56 died yesterday He was ordained sixtytwo years ago Earl of Cranljrook Is Dead Londwi Oct 30 Gathorne Hardy first Earl of Cranbraok who was twice secre- tary for war and lord president of the council died today at Hompstead Park was born In 114 Untlier Xcafiroe 4n Session Canton Ohio Oct 3L TJ seventh p of the Luther of AtSaricji Opened a thrpeday session here today with an attendance of Se delegates to New crOis r Ne masts i i I ArrivedDon train He co vessel In- valuable S Vat First Rev VV Lsogto ¬ Dulin Martin Co Those Who Have Recently Returnedt- o the city and are preparing homes for the winter may pend on this store to furnish everything required in the line of Our stocks of China Glass Sliver Cutlery Kitchen Uten- sils c are now embracing the newest produc- tions in imported and domes- tic wares We handle but one quality In all lines THB BEST and our prices for this walty sIn the VERY LOWEST inspection is invited Dulin Martin Co rettery FertsJaln CHaa Maw Slur ie 1215 F Street and 121418 G Street Unmusical Sounds So common with many piano play ors issue from your instrument if you use one of the new metalac tion Ceoilian Piano Players Delicacy of touch and music not noise is what Is sought for by all music lovers Try any of the players for which so much Is claimed and then try the CeclHan Instantaneous rec- ognition of its superior qualities is the result The new metalaction Is not at fectPd by atmospheric changes which is the case more or less with all wooden actions The Ce ciliun alone has the metal action New Ceciilans 265 Cecllian Pianos 675 Sohmer CeclHan Pianos900 Time Payments Acceptable 925 Pennsylvania Avenue Trouland KundahI 1411 F Street Wedding Reception cards are now be ing engraved in the following styles Shaded French Script Old and Script fine engraving in the above styles MODERATE PRICES Gotham Shop 1411 F Street Advertisers in The HeraldA- re getting good re- turns from their invest- ments An ad this size at the three months rate costs only a dol- lar a day How About the Sewing Machine Beginning to j get heavy and TiOjgy AbOUt time to trade it fvr a Stamwrd Rotary it runs light and n nt SOC rents the lIst STANDARD SEWING MACHINE CO JOSEPH H FISKE Transplanting Trees and Plants Thats we do V she facahn sit kinds of pUoU Md Jbnli- bety hare us do your l aaqi Aa ins bow THE WASHINGTON HEDGE AND NURSERY CO- M STABLER Manajer Tkeas West 2434 Pa Ave N W MepaUbi- dDeatkts JID- JCo Just as I Advsrtisft- Mta wurth iaw my 53 ffl verdi 759 tay price eeth worth M r J7- Iurcetain Kuatoei JU PwceMun Oruira 23is licU Crowns it op silver Ami aai Dr Carleton Vaughan K stnct nw Pbem Main 3BS The Heralds Great Home Circulation Brings results to etery advertiser Your ad this size space in The Herald the three mdnthsrate costs only two dollars a day 6 J DROOPS VISITING Eng- lish Vie make a specialty of The ooe 9th St visit f trees r 123S I tJte appronu- ttlMdt usea T T ta SCJc Ills c 7Your MUSIC HOUSE nssa- Mgr bev- rt Teeth r pas F5L in- Vat 5 VV ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > >

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-10-31 [p 5]. · 2017-12-21 · Sartorls which took Coburg...

Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-10-31 [p 5]. · 2017-12-21 · Sartorls which took Coburg Cdn ads In the summer of 1913 was almost as great a surprise as theceremony of Mon-day



Woodward LothropNew York WASHINGTON Paris

Sectional Bookcases

7E are tire Washingf toii agents for the

celebrated H u mphrey Sectional Bookcase

Our leader ModelStackas illustrated above in eithergolden or weathered oak iscomposed of a top andone 13inch section two IIinch sections one 9inch section has nonbinding glassdoors is dustproof sub-

stantially made and easy toset up

1375 per Model Stack

Oriental Rug Importing CoI 1510 H Street N WSells at a nnHorm io ir cent

advance er actual cOstGreat saving to purchasers

Only place of the kind in Wash-ington

Large and select stock of Ori-

ental Rugs and Carpets Allselected by experts

invite your inspection

Oriental Rug Importing CoA H Bakjhian Mgr 1510 H Street N W

No Pure Feod


laws would bf n ofsw re all products

as free from adulterantsas our XUCCA OLIVEOIL We import andbottle it Pur-ity and genuinenesssuarantef d FeLL PTBOTTLES SOc


Thompson PharmacyFrank C Hewy Prap 703 15tt SI


n tope action and durathe peers ef any

S other Pianos to beThe Knabe 13

Oj the combination of thePiano and the best selfplaying attachment

Wm Knabe Co12181220 F SiX-


f ISSELL-i See

always8 mnde in th mostarcfiU mannr with ibso-lut iy pure cream select

J fresh fruits alid highgradeextracts Great variety offlavors always on hand

7Demw7 serrioe wirartabbr praapt

M T FUSSELL1427 X Y Ave Phone M 1513

An ad this size TheHerald c the three monthsrate costs only a dollar aday and nearly everybodyin Washincton will read It




r i1


sdI arG tit






Full HaTBottles of





t 44U III Cotrct


JtK Jf 4 JIlt 14



















A A-











President and Mrs RooseveltGo to Virginia Today


iigngcmciit of 3Irs Flora Louise

Clement and Cnpt Sydney Amos

Clomnn 17 A Announced Jlnrrlnge of Rosemary Snrtorls In

The President Mrs Roosevelt Win

leave today tor a three days visit to

their cottage In Albemarle County Vawhere they propose waking several horse-

back excursions In the mountains Theywill be accompanied only by the Presidtnts stenographer and have the ser-

i e there of the caretaker of the placeMrs Root Mrs Taft Mrs Hitchcock

Cortelyou and Mrs Metcalf calledthe WBltc Houfce yesterday morning

for their usu l weekly visit to MnrRoosevelt who always devotes Tuesdaymorning to this informal reception ofthr Cabinet hostesses

In the afternoon Mrs Rooseveltthe concert of the Philadelphia

Orrhestnt having as guests in her hexMrs Taft Mr Byard airs Pellew andMiss Hagner

The engagement is announced of MrsFlora Louise Ciememt of this city U

Sydney Amos Clemen U S A thewedding to take ptaccm the near futureMrs Clement Is the widow of the lateVictor Clement who was welt known inNow York and San Francisco She naahad an apartment at the Connecticut forthe past two seasons Mrs Clement hastraveled abroad very extensively and isextremely popular with the circle offrIends she has made in WashingtonCapt Cktman te one of the beatknownbachelor officers on duty in Washingtona member of the Twentyfifth Infantryassigned to special duty at the War Col

and on the General Staff He wasappointed to the Military Academy fromOhio and graduated in the class of ft-

He is a member of the MetropolitanChevy Chase and Army and Navy clubs

Austrian Ambassador who return-ed to New York yesterday wilt sail nextweek for a short visit to Vienna butnot be accompanied by the BaronessHengelmuUer The latter who is sow inNew York will return to WashingtonNovember f and reopen the Embassy onConnecticut avenue

Baron Karl von Giskra the former flrstsecretary of the AustroHungarian Em-

bassy ho last spring entered upon theduties of Minister to Chile has againreceived a substantial promotion beingnamed Minister to Mexico Baron andBaroness von Gtekrm the latter formerlyMiss Helen lOng of Baltimore wilt nottake up their residence in Mexico untilthe early spring In the Interval DazesHumane the secretary of embassy hi-

thfe city will go to Mexico to act ascharge daffaires-

The Baroness von Sternborg wife of theGemma Ambassador entertained a boxparty at Daises Theater yesterdayat the concert of the Philadelphia Or-


The marriage of Mies Bertha Asalha-Jnlihn daughter of Dr and Mrs MagnusL JuHfan of this city to Mr Robert WDyer of Saratoga Wyo took place yes-terday morning at St Stephens EpiscopalChoJrch Mount Pleasant Bev WIlKam R-

Bu hby natcfeti Srtae Twrd no at-tendant She wore a hndome tailorsown of brown broadcloth with white

in brown velvet nand rosesand carried American Beauty roses ImmfdhHely after the ceremony Mr andMrs flyer left for a honeymoon trip

York On their return they wilt be

leave for their home hi Wyoming untilDecember 1

A very pretty wedding took place lastevening at Faith Chapel In sonthweatWashington where Miss Lydia C Hafltand Mr Sheldon Spencer Folte were mar-ried in the presence of a large companyof Mends Rev John Hoyt jr the paw

i tor officiating The brides only attendant was her slater Miss Lena Thelatter wore a dainty sown of whitemooggebae with pink ribbon accessoriesand curled bridesmaid roses Thebrides gown was of white mousse lineelaborately trimmed in lace worn withtulle veil Her bouquet was a shower ofroses and IDles of the valley Sir JThomas Jefferson half brother of thebridegroom was best man The usherswere Mr W M Russell Mr George

Mr W M Bnrlians Mr ThomasA Harlow Mr W Foltz and Mr C HHafle The decorations of the church wereunusually handsome consIsting cf agenerous arrangement of white chrysan-themums and pVnw a wedding bell ofroues directly over the scene of theceremony completing the floral embellish-ment of the chancel A reception to theImmediate relatives and mot intimatefriends followed the ceremony at the irsktence of the brides parents Mr andMrs Jacob Hafle Here aa atchurch the decoration was chiefly inchrysanthemums with the addition otautumn foliage Among the outoftownguerts here for the wedding were MrHerman and Miss Herman Mrs Specktand Miss GlUezui all of New York

Much interest is felt in Washingtonthe romantic marriage of Mta RosemarySartori and Mr George H Woolston ofFlorida announced yesterday from NewYork tile ceremony followed

upon the arrival cf the bride andher mother from Europe Mrs Woolstonwho Is the youngest of Mrs Nelly GrantSartoris three children made her debutin this city November 36 1S98 the date be-ing that of her eighteenth birthday

j was presented by her grandmother MrsU S Grant widow of the former Presi-dent Grant home on Massachusettsavenue with Mrs McKinley and Mrs Hobrt among the first guests to extend-their congratulations to this most impor

Wedding GiftsDiamonds Gems

Artistic Jeweller ySilverware

tine CutQUALITY is con

ourprices arealways THE LOWEST

GALT BROEstablished Over a Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Statibners



JIbsYork a Surprise to Friends








bat trlftUR4d

at IIG venest avenue as Ut do not








here Imme-diately




I SterlingI Glass-I WHEN
























tant bud of tho season She enjoyed greatpopularity during her first season anduntil the death of Mrs Grant when MrsSartoris retired from society and for sev-eral years passed the winter season in StLouis and the summer in Canada orabroad The marriage of Miss VivianSartorls which took Coburg Cdnads In the summer of 1913 was almost asgreat a surprise as the ceremony of Mon-day The elder sister married FrederickRoosevelt Scovel a cousin of PresidentBposeveK and at the time of his mar-riage a student in one of the New Yorkuniversities They lived in Washington-for a year following their marriage butmore recently have made their home inItaly where they have a residence nearFlorence Mr Woolston who is fourteenyears brides senior is said to havemet the latter eighteen months ago andto have begun his courtship at PolandSprings in the summer of 1906 lit andMrs will reside in Florida butgo not go there until January L MrsSartoris will pass a Prt of the winter inWashington Where she has a large anddevoted circle of friends

The first debutante function of the longand interesting series will be given nextTuesday when Mrs F B Loring will givda tea for young people In honor of MistsCaryl Crawford daughter of Mr anti MrsJoseph Crawford who are now living atStnnetetgh Court This first of the sea-sons bus is already well known to anumber of her contemporaries hayingspent the last two years in a Washingtonschool but wiir be an entirely now andcharming addition to general society

Mr Charles Francis Adams of Bostonhas abandoned his Idea of passIng thewinter in Washington owing to the de-lay in the cotnptetf of the improvom nis begun in the house ho recentlypurchased on Massachusetts avenue

Mrs Sidney Dillon Ripley and MissAnnan Ripley who have boon passing theautumn In Italy are now in Purls

Mrs C W Dunlap of HW Corcoranstreet has been confined to her home byillness tOt several

The Misses Gaines have romovod from421 East Capitol street to Afton HouseThirteenth street and Massachusetts aye

The home of Mr and Mrs L VernonSS l rtk street southeast

was the scene a large gathering offriends Monday evening the occasionbeing the anniversary of the birthdays ofMr and Mrs L Vernon Small woodDozing the evening refreshments wereserved Among those were

Mrs Edwin Bartlett the MissesEthel and Regina Bartlett Mr and MrsJohn E Smallwood Miss Elite SmallwoodMr Eston Smallwood Mrs J F SmithMrs Toalson Mr and Mrs F HooverMr and Mrs M Guy Yost Miss IdaBartlett Miss Gertrude Bartlett Mrs MR Smattwood Mia Gertrude FravelSmaHwood and Mr and Mrs L VernonSmallwood


Funeral of Georgia JolinMonAttended by Patriots

Many a former soldiers head wasbowed in grief yesterday at the funeralservices held over the remains of MrsGeorgia B Johnson president of TempleNo 1 Lineal Society of the Spanish WarVeterans who died tno day beforetyphoid pneumonia the result of acontracted during the national en-

campment of the United Spanish WarVeterans in Washington

The services were held at the Johnsonhome 1814 Sixteenth street northwestand were conducted by Rev Joseph BSmith pastor of Grace M B ChurchLater the casket was seat to DetroitMich the home eC the deceasedwho before her marriage was Miss Sher-man whose brother served with botibrthe campaign of UKW thee entitlingto admission to the Lineal Society whichis composed of the wives sistersdaughters of the men Who served In UKwar with Spain

Yesterdays services were largely attended by members of the V S Vthe Lineal Society and the Ladles Aux-iliaries Among the beautiful floral embtenta sent by friends tra a great wreathof white ImmorteHes with the letters

U s V in purple tied withnational colors This was the stet of theDepartment of the District of Columbiasent through Department Commander JWalter Mitchell Mrs Ida M Gallowayrepresenting the Ladles Auxiliariesthe District sent a great bunch of whitechrysanthemums tied with tbe colorsthe auxiliary red white and yellow

Messages of regret were received fromMary E Gedney of New York pres-

ident general of the National Auxiliaryand Mrs Isabella Alexander of Cleve-land Ohio past president general MrsE V Hodgson of this city supreme chiefruler of the National Temple Lineal Soclety and Mrs Lillian Capron past

caW ruler were among those winattended the services

Mrs Johnson was but thirty three yearsof age Besides her immediate relativesin Detroit she is survived by her hoebend Capt Hiram Johnson of the UnitedStates Naval Observatory and a memberof the G A R


Memory of Late Justice Alvey to B

Honored at Meeting ThurKdnyA meeting of the District Bar Associa-

tion to pay tribute of respect to the mem-ory of the late Richard H Alveywho died recently at his home at Hagertown Md is to be held onmorning at U oclock in the Circuit

at the City HallThere win be present the justices of tfc

District Court of Appeals justices ofDistrict Supreme Court Justices ofCourt of Appeals of Marylanddistinguished persons of Ute muTt

MarylandThe arrangements for the meeting

in the hands of the following committeeWilliam F Mattingly J J DarlingtonGeorge B Hamilton A S Worthingtonand A A Hoehling jr

Honor the I H C OfficersA reception and boll was tendered

officer of the Supreme Circle of Pro-tective Home Circle by the Capital

of the P H C atNinth and F streets last night

J M Evans of Sharon Pa supremeorator of the order gave an addressfraternal institmnc and remarks werealso made by Messrs E A Llndbergof New York City and Frank Gilbertof Sharon Pa District Deputy Colepresented with an immense bouquetcarnations a an expression of commen-dation for his work in connection withthe order after which a very pleasingmusical and literary programme was ren-dered Dancing with refreshments fol-lowed and concluded the nlghts enter-tainment The affair was in chargea committee consisting of Messrs Bev-erWge Estes Esbaum Cole and Norris

Emmet Club Entertains-An informal hop was given last

by the Emmet Social Club to its friendsat Coateltos Hail Sixth find Gnorthwest Refreshments were served jcommittee consisting of Miss Nelly Ba-rfs Messrs T F McCarthy and J DKeHlher has been appointed to makepfans tot a series of weekly entertain

merits to be given under the auspicesof the club during the earning winter

Herald Want Adswill be received at Nelsons drug store1st and C sts nw and promptly for-warded to the main office







pre r-










V the


























Millionaires Daughter Finds

Fiance in Florida-


Wife and Fortune Await Dutch AlBecker for Whom Wealthy XCTV

Yorlc Girl Una Been WaKlngr SixYears Glad Tidings Plnshcil Acrossthe Ocean to Pining Mnldcn

New York Oct Flashing over thecable across the wide expanse of the At-

lantic interrupting for a brief momentthe exchange of sordid business communi-

cations went one brief little messagewhich carried more Joy to its recipient

than has come into her life in six lungyears

Albrecht is found read the messageand it told to a love sick girl acrocs thowater that her faithful wait of years fora miming fiance had been rewarded andtho search which she had prosecuted forthe man of lr choice has at test beensuccessful

This girl is the daughter of an Ameri-can millionaire and for six years sitehas waited tot the return of a wooer wholeft her to seek his fortune when hercruel parents forbade his attentions atthat time because they believed the mento be a mere fortune hunter

Reject Other SuitorAlbrecht Becker former officer In the

German army is the man Since part-

ed from him in York In 1 X the girlhas heard no word from him Butha remained faithful to Mm and re-

fused other suitors eves when sheapparently authentic information

that Becker disappointed and discour-aged had killed himself in Chicago Untilshe knew positively of his death she said

would not give him upThen tho parents relented Believing

that the restoration of her admirer wouldalone bring her happiness they eagerlybegan a search for him And this huntha at test proved successful

Becker has been located in FloridaWord of his whereabouts was brought toAdolph Kaufman who baa been in chargeof the search yesterday Today the message was sent to the girl who is now inEurope and a man started South toidentify Becker and tell hint of the goodfortune in store for Mm

Timekeeper on lion l in FloridaAt present Becker te employed aa time-

keeper for the East Const Railway at0 a month He te known among his

fellowemployes as Dotdi Al GeorgeSchneider a dvH engineer who workedwith Becker brought the news of JIm

whereaboutsWhen Kaufmans agent finds Becker h

will not only learn that hte former sweet-

heart has remained true to him but willInc that a comfortable fortune awaitshim Mia father cut the young man offwithout a cent but his sister the Bar-oness von Kaskel to whom the familyfortune was left has decided to share itwith her brother

Love sad fortune win come to Beckertogether when the WentMcatkNt of DutchAl te made by the agent sent to Flor-ida


VaahInKton linai Zion Society PreMuntw Him with an Addrcxit

A congratulatory address to the lionSimon Wolf on the occasion of his seven-tieth birthday was transmitted 9 himyesterday by the Bnai ZIon Society ofWashington represented by a committee-of five coMteting of Rabbi IAeb P liarmel J Hoffenberg J Kandel and

Rabbi Julius F Loeb The address te Mfollows

Wo 8ietiB9 FdMu-

As ZtehU abs bter te Ike dr crf iof tbt worMs mo perptexfae wxl tiMMiitbf-

cftatlDB ptnhlta we fort mwc n1ril M ta-

nttmHk oar MMK good whoa tMe unit rtsun kfcodnr of bracan rfet insqustftucytilts mite Uvta JcvMVAwrkM smut ex-pnocst d tmi Bt principle Ida WKMictk Wrtft-O r uhMnry May hk brfBiMt orecr oeMhwe-to riktet iu antsrrabed Xt he Iw tpucd

te 0 tone vbflt D puniun ta the s-

r tl fcrteztaK ol-

ipirit f MM UI UotacAooA ute mfew-

la WB day sad te on muj JWNI be

The Uri hiss oat ef X tins b the

Mae dwe ia IsaeL


If BojuSnrvixcx Hospital Will LoseBequest of Millions

Milwaukee Oct The birth thismorning of a eon to William andAlexandria Stuart Ptenkinton brings tothis wellknown Milwaukee wily a malerepresentative of the fourth generation fn

Milwaukee and the first heir to the es-

tate of the late John PlankmtonIf the newborn son sorrfves the chance

heretofore by the Milwaukee Hos-pital Association oC receiving the entirePlanklnton wealth at the death of thedaughter and gramtibn wttl be wiped out

Under tile will of John Ptankinton kinentire estate valued at several millionswould go to the hospital In the eventthat no heir was born or was living atthe death of the descendants who areMiss Elizabeth Planklnton daughter ofJohn Plankinton and William WoodsPlankinton son of the late WilliamPlankmton and the only grandchild ofJohn Plankintont


KncrnKcnicnt of Author and Mlsx EvaStevenson Announced

Lexington Ky Oct li Tho engage-ment of Miss SBva Stevenson wealthyplub of this city to George WCable tiie author was announced Herethis afternoon

Miss Stevenson is the daughter offormer Congressman Job Stevenson oCincinnati and WOK at the head of theWomans Club of Central Kentucky forseveral years She entertained Mr Cablehere when l e was on a lecturing tour

The wedding Is to be some time in No-

vember in either Atlantic City or NewYork

Entertains Spanish VeteransDr Anita Newcomb McGhee entertained

the members of the Gen Nelson A MilesCamp No 1 United Spanish War VoterMIS at her home Id P street lust

at 7 She exhibited to the visitlug veterans a iarge assortment of viewswhich she has taken during her servljat the oontlns nt of American nurseswhile serving with the Japanese army inthe Manchurian campaign

Royal Heir Is ExpectedLondon Oct 3k According to a dispati

to the World from Madrid the accoiiclmeat of Queen Victoria is expected I

April next

Herald Want Adswill be received at Castells Pharmacy11th and Irving ate nw and promptlyforwarded to the mam office





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TransfersBy direction of the President Capt

Edward Klmmel Artltery Corps now atNew York City is relieved from furtherduty as transport quartermaster and IF

detailed ag professor of military scienceand tactics at the Washington State College Pullman Wash Capt Kimmel willproceed to Pullman and report in personto the of the college for dutyaccOrdingly

Capt David L Stone TwentysecondInfantry now at New Jg re-

lieved from further duty nS transportquartermaster and will procQod toOmaha Nebr and report in person toMaJ Moses G Zallnsici quartermasterfor duty as assistant to thequartermaster In that city

Lieut Oscar S Look TwelfthCavalry now at New York City is rHeTOd from further duty as transportquartermaster and detailed as an act-ing quartermaster Link will report In person to the depot quartermasterNew York City for duty as his assistant

First Lieut Frederick W Van DayiieFourth Infantry now at New York Cityis relievod from further duty as transportquartermaster and is detailed as an act-ing quartermaster Lieut Van Daynewill proceed to St Louis Mo

in person to the depot quartermasterin that city for duty as Me assistant

First Lieut WilliaM IL Noble Twentythird Infantry now at New York City isrelieved from further duty us transportquartermaster and is detailed aa actingquartermaster Limit Noble will pro-ceed to Boston Moss and report in person to the depot quartermaster in thatcity for duty his

The following named officers of theArtillery Corps now at N w York Cityare relieved from further duty as trans-port quartermaster and will proceed toFort Olonroe Va and report In personto the commandant Artillery school forthe purpose of continuing the course ofInstruction in that school First LletttWilliam H Tobin First Lieut Jacob ALCoward

Capt Peter C Halnet jr quarter-master in addition to his other dutieswill report in person to the command-ing officer Fort Hamilton N Yfor appointment and dUty as quarter-master of that post

Dental Surg Alden Carpenter U SA Is relieved from duty at VancouverBarracks Washington and will proceed toNewport News Va and take the firstavailable transport soilIng from thatplace tor Cuba and upon arrival atHavana will report In person to the com-manding general Army of Cuba Pacifica-tion for assignment for duty

Dental Surg Gorge E Stattman U SA te from duty in the Philippines division to take effect January 1

1987 and will proceed by first availabletransport thereafter to San Francisco

and upon arrival will report by tele-graph to the military secretary of thearmy for further orders

Post Quartermaster Sergt Lewis BMantle Fort Preble Me will be sentto Fort Williams Me reporting uponarrival to the commanding officer to re-lieve Post Quartermaster Sergt UHckBourke Sergt Bourke upon relief willbe sent to Fort Monroe Va reportingupon arrival to the commanding officerwho will send him on the first availabletransport to Havana Cuba Upon ar-rival at Havana he will report to thecommanding general Army of CubanPacification for assignment to duty

Post Quartermaster Sergt Nels JTnorud now at Fort Mends S Dak wiltreport to the commanding officer of thatpost for duty to relieve Post Quarter-master Sergt William J Foster SergtFoster upon relief will be sent to FortMonroe Va reporting upon arrival tothe commanding officer who will sendhim on the flrst available transport toHavana Cuba Upon arrival at Havanabe will report to the commanding gen-eral Army of Cuban PaciAcatkm for as-signment to duty

Poet Quartermaster Frank WArnold now at Fort Sill Oklahoma Terri-tory wilt be sent to the recruit depotColumbus Barracks Ohio reporting uponarrival to the commanding officer forduty

Post Quartermaster Sergt WHltemFort Terry Y will be sent to

Fort Missoula Mont reporting upon ar-rival to the commanding officer to re-lieve Post Quartermaster Sergt FrankUstecki Sergt Unlock upon relief winbe sent to Fort Monroe Va reportingupon arrival to the commanding effleerwho will send him on the first availabletransport to Havana Cubs Upon ar-rival at Hanava he wilt report to thecommanding general Army of CubanPacification for assignment to duty

Post Quartermaster Sergt Max Packnow on temporary duty at Fort Hamil-ton N Y will be sent to Fort TerryN Y reporting upon arrival to the com-manding ottoer for duty

The followingnamed post quartermastersergeants now at Ute stations designat-ed after their respective names will besent to Fort Monroe Va reporting up-on arrival to the commanding officer whowill send them on the availabletransport tp Havana Cuba

William Van Heucheroth PfettaburgBarracks N Y

Daniel H Lynch Fort Smiling Minn-Jchn E Mendor Fort Barrancas FinClifford J Fort Constitution

N HUpon arrival at Havana they will

to the commanding general Armyof Cuban Pacification for assignment toduty



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QuartenmuUer Sergt Abraham LGtfnther Fort Jay N Y will be sentto Port Trwnbull Conn repotting uponarrival to the commafttHng officer forduty

Post Quartermaster Richard Gib-bons upon arrival San Francisco Calfrom the Philippine Islands will be sentto Fort Mackenzie Wyo reporting uponarrival to the commanding officer to

Post Quartermaster Sergt JamesMurrell

Pest Quartermaster Sergt WilliamCarter now on temporary duty at FortReno Okla will be sent to Fort HowardMd reporting upon arrival to tho com-manding officer for duty

Post Quartermaster Sergt Henry PJohnson now at Fort Douglas Utah willbe sent to Fort Duchene Utah reportingupon arrival to the commanding officer torelieve Post Quartermaster Sergt ErnestHess Sergt Hess upon relief will be

t Feat Monroe Va reporting uponarrival to the commanding officer whowill send him on the first available transport to Havana Cubs Upon arrival atHavana he will report to the commandinggeneral Army of Cuban Pacification forassignment to duty

Recruit John H Busch cavalry recruitdepot Columbus Barracks Ohio In transferred to the Hospital Corps as privateUpon receipt of this orBsr at the depotthe soldier will be directed to report totile surgeon for duty at the hospital

Commissary Sergt William FJames office of the chief commissary

of the East Governors IslandN Y will be sent to Fort Wood N Yreporting upon arrival to the commandingofficer for duty

Post Quartermaster Sergt Robert WLindcitstruth the Presidio of MontereyCal will be sent to Fort Rosecrans Calreporting upon arrival to the ctrmmandirig-ofllcer for duty

Recruit Henry F Hickey cavalrySioeuai N Y transferred to the SignalCorps as private He will be sent FortWood N Y reporting upon arrival tothe commanding officer for duty

Special OrdersThe permanent board of officers ap

pointed by paragraph 2 Special Order No2M December 9 MM War Department ishereby dissolved

A permanent board of officers to consistof Maj John T French jr quartermast-er Capt JfunagA gan Jr commis-sary Capt Harry L Pettus quarter-master is appointed to meet at the WarDepartment at the call of the president









board the Of etamin


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ing inte and adjusting such questions ofresponsibility for government propertyand stores as may from time to timebe referred to the board The juniormember of the board act as record-er The unfinished business now beforethe permanent board of officers whichhas been dissolved In orders of this datewill bd turned over to the permanentboard of officers appointed by this order

of officers to consist of MajWalter D McCaw surgeon Maj Joseph-T Crabbs md First LieutJames Carroll is appointed to meet at the call of the presi-dent thereof at the Army Medical Mu-seum Building this city to examine awater purifying process and apparatusfor applying tho same devised by CaptCarl R Darnall assistant Burgeon and torepost aa to their availability for armyuse

By direction of the President and uponthe application of Commissary Sergt Andrew B Ntcholls Seventeenth Infantrythat soldier upon the receipt of this orderat the post at which he is then servingwill be placed upon retired list createdby the act of Congress approved February14 K8f as amended by the act approvedSeptember 3J ISO He will repair to hishome The Quartermasters Departmentwill furnish tile necessary transportationIt beta impracticable for this soldier tocarry rations of any kind commutationtherefor will be paid in advance fornecessary number of days travel

Paragraph 19 Special Order No 2 WarDepartment October 16 1906 relating toPrivate Bernard Devlin Eightyfirst Com-

pany Coast Artillery la revokedCapt Sowelli corps of engineers

win proceed to New York City on officialbusiness pertaining to the plans of thepost exchange Washington Barracks Dietrlct of Columbia and upon completionof duty will return to his proper i

stationParagraph 4 Special Order No 237 Oc

tober 1808 War Department rotatingto Capt Matthew A Battson U S Aretired is revoked

Post Quartermaster Sergt Osntttnnow on temporary duty at Fort

Reno Okla Tejr will report to the com-manding officer of that post for duty

Paragraph 11 Special Order No 123 WarDepartment June 5 1906 relating to PostQuartermaster Sergt Clifford J HlnsonFort Constitution N H Is revoked

Capt Percy P Bishop artiUerj corpwill perform the duties of recorder ofthe board of officers at Fort Terry N Yappointed by paragraph 6 Special OrderNo S3 1905 in addition to hisduties as member of that board vice CaptHenry H Sheen artillery corps herebyrelieved as recorder

The leave of absence granted SecondLleut Edward Bennett PhilippineIn Special Orders No 161 July K 1M6

Philippine Division is extended onemonth

Leave of absence for throe months isgranted Capt John H Wholley SecondInfantry

Leave of absence for two mouths isgranted Cant Fielder M M Beau ThirdInfantry

ResignationThe resignation of First Ueut William-

J Schmidt Fourteenth Infantry of hiscommission as an officer of the army hasbeen accepted by the President to takeeffect October 29 19Qg for the good of theservice


Capt F J Drake detached duty incommend of Wisconsin when placed outof commission to home and w it orders

Comdr B W Hodges detached duty asInspector of ordnance at the WaterrltetArsenal West Troy N Y c to theAsiatic Station sailing from SeattleWaah November 2S K96

Lieut Comdr L C Bertolette detachedNewark when placed out of commission-to Quincy Mass for duty in connectionwith the rftting out of Vermont and forduty as executive officer on board thatvessel wheA ptacdtl commission

Lieut Comdr W J Maxwell additionalduty as nspect r of ordnance UnitedStates Naval Magazine Toni IslandN Y

Limit E WInsfaip retired placed onthe retired list of officers of the navyfrom October 26 19W in accordance withthe provisions of section 1469 of Ute

StatuteLimit ZE Brlgga detached Wisconsin

when placed out of commission to homeand wait orders

Lieut R Williams detached Maine tohome and grunted leave of absence forone month from November 2 139-

3Sneign K O Fitch detached navy yardBoston Mass c to the United StatesArmy Hospital Fort Bay N Mexfor treatment

Ensigns T L Osburn T L McNalrjr W J Giles W Ancmm and D TGhent and Boatswain F Bresnan

Wisconsin when placed out ofcommission to homo and welt order

Boatswain J lieU detached Illinois tohome and leave one mouth

L J De Ryder retiredplaced on the retired list of officers of thenavy from October 3S 192S In accordancewith the pravjpions of section 140 of theRevised Statutes

Warrant Machinists J P Richter CG Nelson A T Percival and G S Bingham detaehed Wtecoaetn placedout of commission to home and waitorders







JohnS I





































CruKer Turned Over YorkrVitrhl Organization

The New York State Naval Militiawill hereafter have the use of the protetfed Newark now lying In theBrooklyn Navy Yard in place of the oldwooden sailing Hampshiredesigned and bulk early in the nineteenthcentury and which has been lying formany years in the mud of New Yorkharbor totally unfit for cruising purposesand utilized by the militiamen as a bar-racks Orders have Just been Issued atthe navy yard to this effect

The Newark Is a steel schooner of twobuilt by William Cramp Sons

of Philadelphia in ISSt arid was one ofthe first warships of the new navy SheIs 31 feet long 4 feet broad and has amean draft of 18 feet I indies and adisplacement of 4098 tons With herspeed und armament she wIn prove of

lvjintugo to the mtiltfa In theline of pra4tlcal naval instruction

NAVAL VESSEL MOVEMENTSJuan de Austria at Monte

Cbrtetl Sterling at Monte ChrlfeU Mari-etta at Santo Domingo City Kentuckyand Mohawk at Norfolk Virginia ai-

Tompfcmsville navy yard NewYork AbnrendBr at TompUmsvllle

Sailed Dubuque from San Juan forPhiladelphia Sioux from Boston forBradford Denver from Norfolk forLeague Island Blakely from Norfolk tocruise Eagle from Norfolk for KeyWest

Prayed ConventionPhiladelphia Oet Edgar MT

Levy who made the opening prayer atthe first Republican national conventionin this city in 1S56 died yesterday Hewas ordained sixtytwo years ago

Earl of Cranljrook Is DeadLondwi Oct 30 Gathorne Hardy first

Earl of Cranbraok who was twice secre-tary for war and lord president of thecouncil died today at Hompstead Park

was born In 114

Untlier Xcafiroe 4n SessionCanton Ohio Oct 3L TJ seventh p

of the Lutherof AtSaricji Opened a thrpeday sessionhere today with an attendance of Sedelegates

to New

crOis r














Vat FirstRev




Dulin Martin Co

Those Who HaveRecently Returnedt-

o the city and are preparinghomes for the winter maypend on this store to furnisheverything required in the lineof

Our stocks of China GlassSliver Cutlery Kitchen Uten-sils c are nowembracing the newest produc-tions in imported and domes-tic wares

We handle but one quality Inall lines THB BEST and ourprices for this walty sIn theVERY LOWEST

inspection is invited

Dulin Martin Corettery FertsJaln CHaa Maw Slur ie

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SoundsSo common with many piano playors issue from your instrument ifyou use one of the new metalaction

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The new metalaction Is not atfectPd by atmospheric changeswhich is the case more or lesswith all wooden actions The Ceciliun alone has the metal action

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Wedding Receptioncards are now be

ing engraved in the followingstyles Shaded French Script Old

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Gotham Shop1411 F Street

Advertisers inThe HeraldA-

re getting good re-

turns from their invest-ments An ad this sizeat the three monthsrate costs only a dol-

lar a day

How About the Sewing

MachineBeginning to

j get heavy andTiOjgy AbOUttime to trade itfvr a StamwrdRotary itruns light and

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2434 Pa Ave N W

MepaUbi-dDeatkts JID-

JCo Just asI Advsrtisft-

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eeth worth M r J7-

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lish Vie make a specialtyof


ooe 9th St




ItJte appronu-

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T ta

























