THE WASHINGTON HERALD FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9 1906 I tJr- I J t gJ iii IT Lawyers Outline Fight in Snit p Enjoin Life CLAIM WRONG USE Action Is in Behnlf of International Union to Stop Alleged Campaign- Ing Ijy Company with Policy- Holders Money Untermeyer 3IcIn tosh and Cromwell in the Trial New York Nov 8 The suit in Injunc- tion proceedings brought by Stephen Far relljr acajnet the Nw York Life Insur- ance Company as a corporation and against twenty dlrpetors of the com- pany as individuals came up before Jus- tice Dowling in the Supreme Court this afternoon Mr as a policy holder seeks to restrain company and direc- tory from carrying on the present cam- paign for the election of trustees at the expense of the policy holders Mr Farreliy Inhis complaint says that on information and belief he charges the company with spending th policy holders money in campaigning for tn adminis- tration ticket He alleges that the money ued in print- ing campaign literature seeking to in fluence the policy holders into sttppordng the administration ticket came from the funds of company He also charges that advances were made from the com- pany funds to agents to be used in elec- tioneering for the administration ticket Mr Farrelly seeks to have this stopped Is Policy Holders Suit Although the suit is brought by Mr Farrelly s an individual policy holder it is generally known that the suit is brought in the interest of the Internatton at Policy Holders Association which has taken the field in opposi- tion to the one placed in nomination by the present management of the company Samuel TJntermeyer the general counsel for the International Policy Holders As- sociation is acting as counsel for Mr Far rellyand appeared for him today The management of the New York Life has repeatedly denied that the policy hold- ers money was being used in the cam- paign This charge has before been in oeurt Mr Untermeyer opened the proceedings today by telling about the 4ftOM insur sacs that Mr Farrelly had in the com- pany and what he aimed to show in the case In speaking of the recent insur- ance legislation which made it possible for the policy holders to elect of the company Mr Untermeyer saW Sayu Law Very Bungling This legislation very crude very bungling and very much needed was passed in the interests of the policy hold- ers and provided for the creation of the machinery and the manner in which an- nual elections are to be held This law left all the loopholes in it which have been taken advantage of by the defend ants In this suit to defeat the object for which this law was passed Mr then stated Mr lIar relly s case at considerable length When he had finished John H as counsel for the company began to outline his defense With Mr Mc- Intosa as counsel for the company in the case is William ftelse Cromwell Neither Mcintosh nor Cromwell got an opportunity to so into the matter at any length owing to the lateness of the hoar Justice Dewing adjourned court 431 p m and the case will come up tomor WIVES SEEK FREEDOM Mrs Brodcrick Obtain Order Her front Husband Justice Gould sitting in Equity 2 yesterday issued an order restrain ing James Herbert Broderick from in any manner Interfering with his wife Wini fred Broderick in her employment at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving or at her home or upon the street or anywhere else Broderfok is also enjoined from in- terfering with the two minor children This order is based upon a petition of Mrs Broderick flied yesterday by J F EasbySmlth her attorney stating that In the suit for divorce heretofore filed by Mrs Broderick the court upon final hear- ing suspended its opinion in tne hope that a reconciliation might be effected Thereafter Mr and Mrs Broderick lived together on the promise of Mr Broderick that he vould conduct himself as a faith- ful and affectionate husband Mrs Broderick in the declaration filed yesterday alleges that her husband has broken all his promises that on frequent occasions of recent date particularly on the night of November 7 be tursed and abused her and threatened her life Sto alleges to be greatly in fear of bodily i harm Mrs Broderick asks the court to proceed to a final decree Alleging Infidelity Mrs Jennie Hurley flied suit in the District Supreme Court against Tohn W Hurley for absolute di- vorce The couple were married In this city where Hurley is employed a a in a clothing store July 17 1895 There are no children Mrs Hurley names alleged corespondents and askf for ali- mony and the permission to resume her maiden name Jennie Mtekle Gets Damages Against District Damages amounting te XSU were awarded yesterday to Charles W Hep burn in his suit against the District In the Circuit Court While walking along K street northeast near First on the evening of December 29 Mr Hepburn alleged he tripped over a piece of curb- ing negligently left on the sidewalk He was thrown to the ground and broke his arm He originally brought suit to re- cover SleXOOO Attorneys E T Colladay and Harry F Lerch represented tH plaintiff Explains Alcohol Laws Dr C A Crampton chief chemist of the Bureau of Internal Revenue Trees ury Department addressed the Chemical Society of Washington at the Cosmos Club last night He took as his subject Use of denatured alcohol free from tax and In this connection recalled his trip to Europe with Commissioner Yerttes to study laws governing and the us of dentured alcohol Members for Trial Board In accordance with a recommendation of Maj Sylvester the Commissioners yes- terday appointed Inspector Swindells and Capt Elliott as members of the police trial board for the determination of cases where no important legal points are involved This board Is appointed in ad- dition to the board composed of the assistant corporation counsel and two of- ficers of the police department PIcture Agent In Trouble A picture agent who for the pest ten days has been working with energy among the citlaens of Anaeostia was ar- rested last night by Officer Frazier of substation A on the Charge of embez- zlement mans employer W J Mc Guinness failed to notice returns and on this account caused his arrest N Y OP FUND I Farrell the the the tilt or- ganization de- nied t officers IS Un term eyer McIn- tosh at row Pro- tecting Court- o I I t j i 4 t j t f I I t 1 the New t The EMSURACE CASE a sales- man r j ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOREIGNERS Insurance Companies Slay Have to Pay Frisco Losses William Thomas and Oscar Sulre at torneys of San Francisco representing the policy holders In certain German and Austrian Insurance companies had a con- ference at the State Department yester- day with Assistant Secretary Bacon In regard to their effort to obtain satisfac tion from the foreign companies which have refused to pay fire losses In San Francisco The amount of the policies held In four German and Austrian companies by San Francisco sufferers aggregates more than 14000001 and thus far the companies have refused to pay a single dollar and have repudiated all claims arising from the San Francisco disaster- It Is the pprpose of Messrs Thomas and Sutre to go to Germany and lay the mat- ter before the proper German authorities- In effort to have the claims adjusted and paid While there Is nothing wllloh the State Department can do officially In the mat ter every assistance possible will be ex- tended to the San Francisco attorneys They will be given letters of Introduction- to the American representatives In Ger many who will be asked to do what they can to aid them Count Hatzfeldt counsellor of the Ger- man embassy called at the State yesterday morning and had a talk with Mr Bacon who advised him of the purpose of Messrs Thomas and Sutre in going to Germany TO BUILD 26 BUILDINGS Harry Wnrdmnn Gets Permits for Erection of Houses Harry Wardman the builder Is mak- ing extensive preparations to erect a number of dwelling houses within the near future He will build twentysix dwellings at 36W to Eleventh street northwest at an estimated cost of 7iftQd He will erect nine twostory brick houses at 1JS to 148 Quincy street northeast at a cost of 16088 and five twostory brick dwellings at 1 to MM Bckington place northeast to cost 515000 A H Beers Is tbe architect of all the butydings and permits for their erection were taken out at the District Building yesterday The N T Hailer Company architects are drawing plans for ten twostory brick dwellings to be erected for J H Loyd at Eleventh and Spring streets north- west WOODWARD SHARES EXPENSE Must Pay Part of Cost of Trip to Health Conference in Mexico Dr W C Woodward health officer of the District who expects to attend the an- nual meeting of the Public Health Asso- ciation which is to be held in Mexico City this year will be compelled to pay a por- tion of the expenses Incurred by the trip The Commissioners said yesterday that although the attendance of tbe health off- icer at meetings had proven bene- ficial to the District they think it advis- able that the District should not defray the total expense as it has done The Auditor has been asked to determine if their views are practicable and if so what prooortkm must be paid by the Di- strict Dr Woodward has expressed his willingness to pay a proportionate share NEW HOURS AT DISPENSARY Three Physicians Be Present to Trent Consumption The Free Dispensary for Consumptive announces the following as hours when physician will be in attendance On Mon- day Tuesday Ws nesttay and Thursday from 2 to 3 j anfl on FrWays froa to SJ0 p m Three different pity cicians will be in attendance at each x f these sessions The work done by this dispensary Is a part of the organised efforts being made toward the prevention of consumption more than 9M dispensary visits hating been made during the last year A can- vass for funds Is being made by the off- icers of the Institution Rosa Dittrichs Will Filed Under the will of Mrs Rosa Dittrich dated October 29 and lUnd for probate yesterday her entire estate goes to her husband John August Dittrich who is named as executor without bond According to the terms of the will of Charles P Scott dated May K last and filed yesterday premises XBS Sherman avenue northwest are given to his wife Mrs Julia M Scott during life Be- quests of 69 each are made to Washing ton Scott and Rosina Scott children of the deceased by a former marriage At the death or remarriage of the widow the house is to go to the children of the sec- ond marriage The residue of the estate is left to the widow Washington Scott Is named as executor Bonfire Brings Destruction The careless burning of a heap of rub bish In a back yard caused Up partial destruction of the home of L S Lips comb 2360 Seventeenth street yesterday afternoon about 1 oclock Sparks from the burning paper reached the kitchen of the dwelling Before the occupants could notify the Are department the blaze had spread rapidly Most of the interior fur niture of the house was lost and the damage is estimated at 3309 Three Lawyers Qualify Frederick S Lyon Frank Frayser sad Luther M Long on motion of F M Phelps V E Wallace and B L respectively yesterday were admitted to practice before Ute District Court of Ap- peals MARRIAGE LICENSES Onsiare Laucloiz 52 and Alice V Rohkder- 1L Rev to H Lazar John F SntUff 5 tad Lillian DOherty V Rich- mond Va Rev J J Isaac B Mwre 47 sad Saute W Hamtttee 38- HnntersvHk V Va D C MacLeod Robert T Neely S and Darothy Heath New York N Y ReT George E OiDeaate Lows W Jaates J aad Regina West 11 Rev MeL BWlritL Willie C Mutt 22 and B Ednarads 28 Rev E Swea Herbert S De Land S New York N Y and Julia D Matthews 25 Rev CoraeJfas S Abbott jr Robert L Tate 38 aad Lois A Halt 2i Char- lotte N C Rev d B it Brawn Frtderiek J Btehhriz 32 and Kathleen S Pas HM 3S Rev W H Battesser COLORED Yoang Stiaaers 37 ant Frances Slums 48 Rev Stephen R Lambkins lobe WaehfogtoB 38 and Jes pbine Frye 23 Rev Joseph Matthews Waikai R Ucatftet 22 aad Delia OIlier 2L- R w J A Taylor Denote A Lee 22 and Clara Brooks 9 Theodore WiNfenM- toarce F Theaws 21 and MsiyE Jetesos a Raw F X Bleehoff C Doaraore and Maad Osaka Rev r J Rttebie DEATH RECORD John H Kimball OoTt Heap Insane 35 years A Pony BaaIng D a 65 years Cora V Stalling 1S 3Sth st nw 30 years R CaRrie King 3M7 M st nw 31 years William L Belt 43 Q at n Si years Laura Teen ill Richardson st BTT 39 years Alice Forster 6 B Half st sw 30 years Catherine L Sixamoas 993 F st nw 23 years AscMa C Lffflam liD New Jersey are 96 years Rachel Mans 1 I2 Iark st 34 years Aathoey Marratt 12S G st sw 63 years Jeeepb F Marcoroo SSI 22d t nw TO years Jane Hill lIaise tar the Aged and InSna G years Mead Rraebean MB B st ne 43 years Margaret M Hayes 12 5th at ne 65 years Joseph F Morton MB t st nw it years Martha Huffaaa 7T C st ne 81 years Lewis Mathews 1US M at 33 years Harvey M Friend 4r 13W TJ st nw a menthe Albert H Montseaery 16S Corcoran nw S days Henry L Critteadon Kat Romeo Hospital 3 days AFTER w LCHmG n De- partment 3674 fA to ft 7G Glee aIr ROT 30 Rose Bee Rev Albert Z Heater as Mary S Breach IHt 2M st JIW 1 these Mrs 21 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE COUNTERSTROKE AMBROSE PRATT AUTHOR OF VIGOROUS DAUNT BILLIONAIRE BY = OAPTEE XXII Game of Dice and Its Consequence The 1st of August contrary to Miss Elliotts expectations passed in absolute tranquillity She saw neither the count nor Jlbaloff nor yet madams Desire came to her in the evening and they dined together in solitary state The girl had done a hard days work and was weary but before the meal was over she was sent for by her grandfather and Francine saw of her until noon of the next day Then Desire was able to inform her of the reason of the strange Inactivity that prevailed at the chateau The count and Jibetoff were waiting with the gravest anxiety for the arrival of madames hus- band the prince It seemed that a tele- gram had arrived saying that he had been suddenly taken ill and although the count had dispatched a score of Inquisi- tive cables no satisfactory reply had been yot received in answer xo his eager ques- tionings Desire said that she had never known her grandfather to be so disquieted He appeared to be expecting some catastro phe and had jut taken the extreme stoP of ordering his own yacht to be immedi ately dispatched to the island Meanwhile- he pissed the time in his library with madams and JibaJoff gambling for high stakes with the Turk at cards and dice He had been losing very heavily and was very bad tempered and upset Two men were kept constantly on the look out searshlng for the appearance of the counts yacht and every hour messages and fro between the castle and the mountain top messages which in- creased the old mans Rl humor The Turk also was uneasy and His yacht was kept under steam and was prepared at an instants notice to depart his men being alt on board at their posts with the exception of a single boats crew that waited on the beach ready to convey their master on board the moment that he wished Franclne was very curious as to the cause of all this anxiety but Desire was not able to further enlighten her al- though both guessed that the count and Jibatoff were afraid that the prince might have turned traitor and were preparing themselves to meet such a contingency Late in the afternoon however a change came oer the spirit of the scene Servants who had been before busily en- gaged in taking up carpets and hurriedly packing up the more valuable furniture of the chateau suddenly disappeared to re- appear after an interval and Just as hur- riedly undo their previous work Like a swarm of bees they buzzed about putting everything again in order and at the ex- piration of an hour the easUe3we its old appearance of calm magnificence message wa soon afterward brought- to Francine commanding her to array herself in her richest costume and dine with the count in old mans library that evening She guessed by that that the counts fears had been by some mesas allayed She prepared to obey the but her heart told her that the fatal moment of her life had almost and during her toilet she often lingered the knife which she had stolen with a feeling of despairing consolation recognizing it as a last friend whose as- sistance she must presently rely upon If she wished to save herself from indignity and outrage wore to her mind thou sand times than death She had ceased to fear death Itself but site was a woman and her soul stood ap- palled before the threshold of the tomb The brutal means of death at hr com- mand terrified her instincts and made her womans heart recoil in ahuddersome dread She wished ardently that she had been provided with some searching pain less potoon Such she would have readily taken without waiting for the compul- sion of Insult and ignominy but the eoW bladed knife seemed too hideous the pain It would bring oefore the end came too sure and certain Finally she hid it In her bosom her mind resolute to use it when the need arose but shivering at the thought of the dreadful act Itself and anxious to postpone that a t as long as possible She donned an tpire gown of pale blue silk that draped bet graceful figure with the charm of a caress and at length when the time came she glided from the room feeling hardly of earth aad as though the dark portal had been already passed fr her steps were light as air and In hot fancy she seemed to float above the boards without sense of effort or motion like a disembodied spirit Dinner was already served when she entered the library The host and guests were already seated the count at the head of the table his two dumb attend- ants as usual one on each side his chair the chain that joined them stretched at full extent behind the old mans back Madame sat on his left hand gorgeously arrayed Jibaloff beside her while Desire was placed directly opposite her father thus leaving a vacant chair on the counts right hand The old man was positively beaming his eyes sparkled his whole manner was extremely animated and he was engaged in chaffing the Turk most genially s Francine caught a fragment of his words When luck turns It turns Yes- terday and this morning all was me but with the princes the goodness smiled upon me This morning I nqthlng to dis- trait A the sum- mons ar- rived a message passod ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < you were a mighty Winner now you owe me 10000 Tonight I shall beggar you my friend Jlbaloff replied with a forced laugh We shall see sir wa shall see Dame Fortune is ever a fickle mistress to de- pend At that moment they became conscious- of Miss Elliotts presence and turned to look at her The girl had never appeared- so beautiful Her large blur tyee stared straight before her moist and glistening like stars she appeared to be only half jonBloua of her immediate environment for gaze was rapt ecstatic and seer like her mouth was like a blazing scarlet flower the lips parted to show her milk white te th She formed a picture which both men appreciated with a sharply in- drawn breath of admiration but the counts proprietorial instincts were soon excited by the contemplation of such loveliness and the Imp she had made upon the Turk This he said In French recovering himself hastily fs the lady whom I told you of Sit down Miss Elliott The Turk arose and slipping around the table placed her chair I am to make your acquaintance Miss Elliott he muttered in her ear The count beard and chuckled softly to himself Francine threw back her head with the gesture of a du ftn giving the Turk a glance which slightly disconcerted him She replied with icy calm Do not trouble yourself to be polite sir mademoiselle I pray you resume your aaat He bowed humbly and at fell back The girl sat down sad turned to the count Is the bargain completed she demanded haughtily Am I already the chattel of that man The old man chuckled Not yet not yet Perhaps you may not ever be my dear It will be hard to part with- a creature so superb as yon Madame gave utterance to a sudden rip- pling laugh Dont tell me that you in tend to present Desire with a new grand mamma she cried The count broke into a sear laugh- ter sinking back in his tfusWoss to In then after a draught of wine replied Stranger things have hap- pened Katherin I have Hen lug a celibate who knows Francine shivered and turned I should you a bad wife mat- tered The old mea saTe a sneer Wits spoke of marriage he demanded coarsely But there my dear calm yourself I would rather think bf you at present as my daughter He tamed to the Turk It is strange JlbaJoft no sign yet of the Argonaut she should here y sow Hardly excellency you wired for her only this afternoon But it is scarce an hours run her speed is fifteen knots She might not have been vnder steam Absurd she is always ready Pardon she should perhaps to always ready but orders are sometimes disre- garded If she does not arrive morning some one shall setter W stall have an execution Pour encoongw kc entree Precisely Madame held up a warning forefinger You will presently not have a qoaltfletf navigator left in your service my tatber It is not three month stoe CW caught the bullet fever Ab MIa returned UM count ts world is wide it has many children The Turk laughed cynically True ex- cellency most true If need I can give you a captain whom I one personally vouch fov ja man young enthusiastic and ardent who ie at present condemned to death for an indiscretion committed In the Sultans seraglio He would retard you as his savior and would serve you faithfully Timeo Danaos et dons ferents the count Pardon I do not know th tongue you speak in said the Turk V The old man smiled Then I shall ranslate my words Ywwef I said I should feel a monster to deprive you of so useful a servant especially as the fact Is I do not need his services Jibalott shrugging his shoulders applied himself to the pleasures of the board and thereafter silence reigned until the son elusion of tIN meal When all was satIn lied servants carried the tabH bodily away and substituted a smaller one cov- ered with green cloth and armed with cards and dice Francine would have departed but the count restrained her wtth a look and at a nod from him negroes guarded the doors against escape Both h and had drunk deeply during dinner and their faces were flushed their manner anxious and excited Traactne took a distant chair but madame and Desire stood beside the table eager to watch tbe play Jlbaloff shuffled the cards The count cut and turning his portion of the peck face downward took up dice box What shall the stake br ft demanded Whatever sum you please A thousand pounds rising from ace to six Agreed commence Then I say And I red throw the dicer The count throw and tbe tipparmoat was six Slowly either man tffFned up upon bar delight- ed But Ice r et toe pole mace be r art loft the blank forms She eight bsfase Cap sneer- ed dear Jib ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ a card tho count that on the bottom of his pack the Turk that on the top of his The counts card was the ace of sparte Six thousand pounds the he observed calmly That makes In all sixteen that you owe me my friend Jibaloff turned Mile pale and his hands trembled as he gathered up the cards The count cut again but this time his adversary called growling out Red rod for my and quickly threw the dice which on settling showed tho number five He turned up his card seven of threw it on the table with a ahout of triumph That the score by five cried Precisely returned the count whose manner was growing more and more cold and businesslike as the game proceeded Shuffle the cards my dear Jlbalott a little more will you They played on for an hour in this fashion In varying luck but at the expiration of that time fortune set with- a steady tide in favor of the Turk and for a period he continued to win every hand with most monotonous precision the score minting on his side until he had recorded the enormous gain of eighty thousand pounds With this suc- cess he grew each moment more excited more triumphant He jeered at the count with the coarsest vulgarity de- riding the old mans previous boast to beggar him and savagely taunting his opponent to increase the stakes The Count dAttala listened calmly a set half smile just turning the edges of this thin and pasty colored lips but his eyes which he kept resolutely fixed upon the cards wore alight with the feverish fire of gaming and something else be- sides perhaps malice perhaps hate but 30 well did be command himself that very little of his mind was manifest He answered his adversary nothing but although he plied the Turk with wine keeping his glass constantly replenished he drank but little himself and was otherwise moveless and silent as an automatic figure Increase the stakes increase the stakes grated out the Turk for the twentieth time You owe jile eighty thou- sand pounds I am determined to break you but let us get it over quickly It is now II at midnight the prince will on with us aad I must then away Indeed I should have gone twelve hours ago as well you knew Let us end the matter quickly The count slightly shrugged Ida should- ers and for the first tints looked his opponent In the eyes Let m change the game let us throw a stogie stake for eighty thousand pounds But If I win I have enough te vur yB And afterward T That Is my affair but I shall win dear friend I shall win You He you shan not Threw throw Th eouat smiled a grim horrible smite and obeyed- A miHton curses shouted the Turk Give me UM dice The count had thrown six JinatofC shook the Sloe for a moment then crashed the box upon the table The number uppermost was fly The count laughed gently Ha ha said I not so We are quits dear friend Let us resume cried Turk his face livid with Let KB throw seek time for ten thousand vNo I weary of the game a little r hucatiwi I beg of you Two throws Jtrst only tw M urged the Turk Far hip stakes titan As high as you plans Fitty thousand pounds Yes TIle count snatched un the and ipnrk as light threw Pvc JtbaJoff threw two DanuMUfon muttered The count threw again this time Jlbatoff pressed the box to his lips and kissed it passionately twice Little friend be said hoarsely ttttte friend do not betray me HoMing bin hand on high boj allowed the ivory to tAlL faaam and Desire started forward watching the cast with bated breath The count leaned and closed his cried madame Allah b praised said the Turk so- bered for a second by me narrow victory count opened his eyes sad Again we are quits my friend though I hoped to have earned a hundred thousand be said gently now for a little rest surely we have earned IL MbK Elliott Franctoe got to her lest sad slowly forward YT Oblige me by stan the o a to the right no a forward so Now Jibatoff- Turk swung around had gazed at the girl embracingly A good face be said What is your price Five thousand pounds Too much far too stucK Franelne stared at her enemies with eyes aflame her cheeks paling to toe hue of milk Slowly she drew up her right hand until it rested on CM bosom of her gown these inch by inch she fell back toward the walL But the counts penetration was superhuman While watching her with apparent calm be was signing rapidly with his hands ts the dumb slaves behind his chair These made a suooen dart and threw themselves upon tbe girl She gave a wild scream and drawing the knife Hashed it before their eyes Next second it was wrested from her grasp and she sank half beside herself to the floor cowering and shud- dering in an abandon of terror and de- spair Cowar cowards panted Miss Bi- Itott unmanly Internal cowards that you are Desire started forward Grandfather she cried her crimson with passion tf you insult Mfew JStltoU I shall kilt The count glanced quizzically at Jibe loff Your 4aigttir needs correction h said TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW limit heartsand he tie r Ave back eyes SIx TIM Well same S little step TIM Lace you a life re- duces rage ames disc he smiled poads ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ THE HERALDS Telephone Number lsJ Main Subscriptions and Ads to The t Herald- i r 0 t mo 33oo Telephone Your I Want j DAILY COURT RECORD Supreme Conrt of the United States Present The Chief Justice Mr Justice Hartan Mr Justice Brown Mr Justice White Me Jwtice- Peekkia Mr Justice McKeaoe Mr Jwtice Holmes and Mr Jwtiw Dar Mary Phflbreafc of Newark N J Charles K Arise ef Ofertiaad Obte Dana MatoM of Green- field Mass Oeorse Weetmorelaad of Atlanta Ga Awok It Stewart of Cotambw OWo were ad allied to praoiioa No 100 United States plaintiff is error TS The Tony Cedar Company sad Ha m The United Stab plaintiff in war TB The Pales Lumber Cera pan passed to be reototod to UK can wider UK prefiifcns of 9 rule X- m BMtaw of Mr Sttcitor General Jfeyt for the ptefeua ht error Ne Leeakja M Lawsew et aL peUttoBer- an United Slate Mining Ceea aar fe which to fie reply britf extended to the Hth teu OK aw tics el Mr A S Wortbtegfcm In M K 0f OMiMei for the mpoodmt A M Smith pteteUff M- etrcr w It U Jomiags tnanonr c jmmtA to ba reMw ft to tb an Ute provtitoBS of MO the 1 silo 2 m aoeemttof sickness of owtaseL No 81 The Natiwwl Oomefi Jtnter Order of Caked AsLrfcaa Mtcaaafes of North Aasofca ct al pkteUet te error n State CanneS of Vte- Rtafe Jester Order American ctttnto f tile State of Virginia arpBaeat coatiaMd br Mr Frank Ckrictiaa for the defendant te scar and ooNdaoed br Mr Ellis G Ktekead for the pktotlffs- te enor No ML Frank W Gar rt al TS John A DwwW- pirmnt eoaniMMoi br Mr D Tucker Brooke for G Y at al apBttMMd br Mr Itob t M Hogfce Mr- DCMld and muMtA by 3Ir 1C C tjjaaH for Chqr tt aL- AdjowMd mrtfl to ar at K ociook y oaK for Friday Norwrter 9 tilt be M follows Xot U 9 96 M MS m and DISTRICT COURTS Court of Appeals Pm tf The Chfef AMON Mr JMUoe- COMS sad Mr Justice Kobe Froitrkk lyon Ftwk Fiayw sad Luther M lAttfAovr admiXed to pn bot No iSST Crawford w United State pasted te- So Wl In re H AdrfeaM a BMHV- UM lor of the Saprome Omit DMrfct of hmum coatttwe tor Mr I F Etobr- Sorftb lee appellant sad a Mr H P Blair sad Mr W P Mattntgir for UM eoaaOttt OB- grfetMieM and eanettMtol hr Mr J S Reels Switfe for aopeUnt No sW Miner ta Pares exoautor t aL argx oat r mum in rail br Mr J H AVHM8 Jr for apaenaat sad eoottoaud ly Mr C T Handler for No K1L Mann w Wagner iadgnnat nwentf with sad reese reaMMdod for further y- OMrt Opinion by Mr Jntttoa Bob- bte today On hcMtnz- Wo I n Payee Appenants attoraeys J H Wfleoo J H WHtoo jr John HbJoa- tapptnaas attorneys Thaaasoa Readies OiionhH oafcsMtar i DIr w McCarthr Appenasts attorney P K Hftnard aapefiees attorney L A BoOe- yJSo1 Iippkarrf w Hoaepbrey Appeoants at taMwra Che tn Brown and C H Bassos penWt attorneys B F Lei toa sat C JjaaTttaf- nVXaf Kohenemi w Fahner Appellants attor- ney C 1C Merflat appelleea attonw D W Baser Xo tt United State nse of Da TS Slaefariaad- AnpeBanta aXmaei L A Bailey appotlees at tocaeya K H Thomas and F H Stopben- fXOD Gnfted State ex rel Retaooh m stfros attemeyt L A BaIler and ken Hriiieuisn appenofa attorney H H Ghw skJKtt Naah re Dietrfet of CMsvabfe Apno- lhtntt attorney Ootra P Hooer appeMiis aU- tomry K II Thaw No Jt United State ex vii Smethsin vs Aih- ord AnpeBants B Lcishien ap pees attorney B H mesas JJo a Dktriot of Oalsnikla TC Oases Appei attorney B H ThoeaM ApnenoB at XOMM Sfcttr n Bsjaa AUooMy D W BoktrHasonoa OonMct Haatitsa Equity Court Xo 1 CHIKF JCSTIC8 CLABAUOIL- Kaopp w Deattw uro ooBfam oteteoi Om- pteteMf mUeller J H Taylor aad DoogttK- DoosWec Stedtli w SierfUi proof UAom botee T H PUjNoi enMteer CoBMitoiMntt aonenor H G KnebeJL Deaamta toncitor W B White Sfcr ic T Shier eobetttottOB of trwrtoe or- deted ptatn uf Mneitor HI Pneeau Xeaoira State Roaky Oompiay w CioisMMt need sad mbaaittod C eaphrte mts aeneaon Rai- atxm SiddoM mUeller R Gold DoMldeoo- Slaaifhter w SteveMer d 4rifc UoBJor ed aad- reterouef to auditor Complalnoajta toncHoea X aed Wfitoei J Laeabort DagBerfmfa- sotteHor Jolla Paul Jose No Bt Stewart et aL w Stewart et aL At onMn Fmw LewteDartd Itahtea Siddooe- Xe H Hofitaaa rs BaSsos AttooKyf Plum w Ckew AttoiMjg wmoa M E MVTMker No R Yodor w BefSM et aL Attorneys YosojCteote Brews No 61 KMba w Nails AttonMjv Laefcey- No SL Koriek n H taaiM ot aL AUorwjw- Gtttstsi CbaiBOcrt i Br BaiuUM Bread bvs No ST Akx d r T Atexoadte Ateeaej eel Haw HenuBi Peytoa No m BeodwME TS Bradend Attorneys Fazes Woaw BorinsawLaabwt- Ko 71 Brooke T Brooke Attorney HeMovar No n Doriaoa TO Durwaa Attomjn Car rfcagtoai Kord sad Miser No IS Low w Loacatuir et aL Attorneys Ok BatbrSeattbC Macaty KPMU No n ABea w Soother Ooff t Ctraoacy At tontya TfeesHK F HaatoaBokor Sfceasy- Hoaaa Sfo MOEBBV TK BaooyS hh Attorneys Mad- dox Stephen TobrbaerBaabrSarfta Equity Court Xo 2 JUSTICE GOULD Webb TV BooevoUat Society argued and sob attUed Oeeapfaiaaats eoHcitora Banned Jotm- soa oWcaJaafa solicitor Tttefcer Keevosu- TaornUm w Tboraton ar aed and saaraitt d CooiBkbMafs toncHor Thomas defead antS soncttor T L Jooes- Bcooeriok TS BroAerick reMaining order granted Coaaptefeaafs solicitor J S Basbr SFakfe solicitors J K Fagw tad WIlMa Barks deJoAeoigacMfiU for today No M WasMngtOR Tobacco Company et aL TS- Ooorge B Smith Attorneys Welt Bostaberff Hayae Cia No Edwards TS Edwawk Attorneys Hashes No St TS White et aL Attorney Rich atdaoa No I B fd et aL vs Camp Attorneys Lar aer Perry MaUiagiyAabraso No 66Ralahuia vs Retebanr Attwoeys Gard erI st r A Prim No La Ser va Locftr Attorneys Welt i Koseaber No Callahan TS OattaaaB AUonteps Am Stutter No K VBHams TS Eagtorling AUoneys Get tugs Jk CbMaocrhtaWlteen Bartedate No M Will TS Bath et aL AUoraeJs Stoles Potbury HottandsrWolf Kesegtor No 78 HoUMmlc TC Uoibrook AUoraay Jos H Stewart No 73 Settr TS Sdby Attorneys rtoglao Circuit Court Xo 1 JUSTICE WRIGHT Kebaa TS Washington Railway and Hectrfc Oem pany a aled Tardtct ordered Plaintiffs B F Dowsing G A Bury and J V Ian attorneys C A Dewglaaa sad George P Reorer- A ltn U fee today No L Motes YB Miller Attorneys Taci- Kenyon Vaa Dyke No 2 Imhoff TS Chwape J aad Potomac Teltoae Company Attotatn L To braerA S Worthtegtoa No i Kauer T Sovtbera Railway nsovanr Attorneys GIUfa ss CaamberWaHetaMton Colbert No i WbtUoid Coeaptar w HobAetecMs At toracyt W A JokMtosWolf Rojeaberg No 5 Bnofl w Kaopp 3L W LwrfBWHeoa BsrloeWo- Ko S Fiem y T Bryaa Attorneys M Strat- bnreer C K Bnle No 7 Turpin admlaktratBT T Rkaaead Frederickaburg and Poioatac Raoroad Obaaaay Attorneys Biaekimra MeKesaey aad Flaaasry No 8 Boyea TS Wublnston Post AtMrnsra T L Jefford Cbaata Brown No 9 TrarawflH miniatoator TS Potemae Rice tile Power Company Attorneys a Mtu J J DarHngton- Xo Gttefdnffii TS Slye AtteraeiR T L Jef fordaT W Fills No IL Beall Clagctt Attorney Headier Tfeompsoa- No 12 Dousliss TS Darts AttojB i s Douglass aad JeffordtMaefcalt and SUasburftr No 13 Co T Magrjd i Attorneys J W WbcaUey It F Dowalaa No 1L CoBttaetoa Supply Compaar w Kaci een K aDd Attorneys Carnal and JoBesS G H Ahrart IS Cwrtia Ta Kb Attorney B A Jenes J Alders Jobason Circuit Court No S JUSTICE ANUERSON- HepUm n District of DOamWa Terdiet for plaiatiff for 2 0 Ilaiatlffs attorneys E F sad The tL tIM NOl Horny under United w a TIN tie il S ware fellow patent l John C- ar with the el Uds filet sad N all Co or- s w mU 4 and at I Del So- t for U tiuedcau sad TNIt Onspany SidL k 1 It Walk k Moore a Jr f Lester ants a tar if C o section receiver n Me 1 ems endist set Iaessshtast n dIea tsiIuist attn 1 hats uides- tsahr Gad Aad Isey Emi Me Pcudt3 JIeis HuMs Soups ile defen- dants Jokes 21 GreyOlsyrton M bee attorneys i 4 Attorneys It Read den era ass I > ¬ > < > < > ¬ < = < Colladay and Tf f Ltreh DtfaMata aUarae- B H Tbomu and H P Blair AerfjramoaU for te dy Na L Bradter n MoKar Attorneys Yukon Lewlz A A Bkaey Xp 2 Beaslejr T Bakhooro and Ohio Railroad Cempaar Attorneys Dow teg Keigwta McKea No 3 Fees T DAadlcao Attoraeys Tucker KefiroaHaiofltoo Colbert SoMfltoa No L Uaidoawa w Cats and Ohio RaP way Cerapaay Attorneys David Malopey Baa Cotb t Hajainoa- No 5 Brooks T DMriet of Cofcnibit AV Jolm Bidovt and G C GerOaanB H Thesis No 6 Wyne n Ry Atfotnaya Usher BradjDoBchtss DoveJMa- No 7 Walker w H t AHoriwyi J JrW J Lwafctrt DieadOHae TB Faher Attorneys Join RMratL e e PaSse Cox No 9 FtotMacbast m Karrk Attorneys C B EmfcXikoa SMIth No M Bentley w National Laundry Gaetpaor Attorneys W G OorffawrMfleMin GaO y No II Dkkbaut TI WaabiaetoB and Potomac StttBoat Coeapaay Attonwrs W Henry Wloto Ralston Siddow No 12 CnMey m Bandatl Attoraeyi L J- MatherC L F aey- No IS BeJtiaoi Builder aad Lou AswcJabom- TS Jennings et aL Attorneys Ocorte H Lamar Jr John BMAit- No It Waakintteo awl Cbonprare Beach rwsd Comma a TyrMr Attorney XStaae E No IS Pent w Posh AUonHoa John BJdoot and Alex WolfnJ Criminal Court JVo 1 JDSTICB STAFFORDi flailed Suite n Braeat Pastor Mieiy kt of jndgateat ovensM nakiird to tfc- peaKeansry for iMyeui Attorney BL Gu Mm United States us Vkiamoa Patoaano rioktiore- bramry H MIL for aov witaeniwa SedtesMed to jaU te stz Attomeyt W B tahoe aiM G E Trails Criminal Court No 2 JOOTIC BARKARD Walt w WBaast Mayor eastlaaed PUinMrs attorney J A Jeaatoa defeadaafs attoraays WB Barfcadak- Biobsr m Cobaabla Bond o 31 eoatsoaed De feBdanfa attomeya Beadneiar Kotaoaand w Scott leave granted C H Merilfct ta- lamrtw at missed te defendant Sdw toar TS LHetriet of Cohaaafa jary neptpM salt Monday Piatetiffs aUomoyo a Ketgn- and W R Andrews oWonduTs aMoraor Ifnocst- Snutb Motioai and iminncgs to ay Bankruptcy Court CHIRP JOOTICB CLABAUCH In re Jan Eldest trattoM antbedaed t cnt- reie s Probate Court JUSTICE GOULD Relate of WiMM K Fusses ankr aatnorizfca- narcHase Attomeya Gordon A GorSe Delete of Jane B Kiecteat potatiea far probote of vffi AUoney Fsnnt J Wanne- rla Katharine L Stevtna erder to HU part of lot Attorney WiBnm 1L DeeMs In re Florence Tbontoa et aL order appointing Mary E Melntoeh aaateaan head IMs Attorney Thomas IB re Beaete Pahneetoefc order apnaiedac LoLa PnkjMotoek gnannan bond IMH Ailaney Job Ride la n Pos B Bland ct aL onter aathomb 5- mootbiy exnendttare Ataoraey W C Martin Estate of DbUridi doted October 9- Ml tied Batata of Ftttx FenaUla adeahted to pin to M I miMe Attnenay A S Taylor of chasm P Seed will elated May 1906 fcd Estate of Waiter sat Fowter nnttnoo te ten of adarfBtHradon Ill Attorney Cbarkc J Mnrpby Equity Suits Mil Joan SMman vs CMssni L aL to aatatnvte tnetao ConinlaHMnt ige m H P 00- No aW Jennie Bnriey TS John W Henlaf dime Coaspbrinants sotteitar B L eta No WL W caritk m East TOsill n ton Snifaga Beak lot IS aonan m HftS A4 Law No tIlL Wyne W Zertte n Chwaneani and Potneane deaaonnt fUsl- PMntbTa Peter No 4WL Janaea F Rolled and AOoa C Oaek- taMteot T Henry L Janen ante U9o Pbnv tiffs attorneys Skit k Tneen REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Na Hat Q street aorUnreatrFMnv H Cbrtatman ct S street between Xteoteoatfc ant Twentieth etreete- Ceurlos H Davbison et ax to Sonmel H e- nwyef lot M ton am- Wa hbt te i H igkt Swnejel H Vefbmerer to Cbarlea H Darkteon lot f Wed X SM Allay between 0 and H Stctb and Serentb stnota- naaa H Yertaa part Jot P eonnre m- V9aon norutweet Kdwwd f Newton et ml to Jutes F Bandy put lot B blocs M kit angbani piece H- ReeerfOir ViewBorah X Goes et VnHani P to Bait M LoU lots 0 and M Us 2 B tenet nsrtinreet between Fonranda aK tad Stilt sCeettArtanr T CaiiUhm nt nt to an rims ted Bdnwad FxapBraki part wktaA nt Z Halt street aaathweot between N and 0 streets St ROMS Industrial School to Joha B Wea BMW orfeteal lot 5 sqnaro 9H SM No MW NInth street a Jwntr Bburitea K LeSs to George W Murray lot M samara 3K SNl West BckteRtoaCapital City laiprortmsat Cesapasy- to Catherine Reagan lot 3J sanan S 5 No IH Second street northeoat Robert M Morrisen to Flora Baynwnd tot St gonare iST m Third street MrO ea t between A Bnaabeth D Jobnetnn pert lof 4 sonara W 51- No S13 Twelfth street Bflrthw stB Steno e- rhr Choriea H to Bottle Wbhj lot Hi sere SI 31- hjt I block 7 Wl Eleventh treat nocthw t befcreea K and L streets Walter C Oeates to ClasS D Thoam acith lot 9 eqnare 9O W- GarAeMBrasnard H Wantar et we te ate Adansa lot 119 W Quitclaims amara 653WBbwr F et Wckmaa lot S 5H- Washiajloa HeihUCbark H Darldosa et ur to Charles P Stone and Charles W Fairfax to sccare Sanwel H Yeftiraeyer EgMi see year 5 per out Gfada a attr lot I block 2 S Mre MBEUa F SdnchMr ot sir Henaan to Clarence B Bheem sad JvlkK A MiniM to seose GeraaacAaeericoB Fire lansraaea Con pany TM 3 years 5 per cent semiasseall- rkt 5- HarkmHaiary M Smith et t to Theodore P Heap sod lease B Shoemaker to seoire O P 3L Brown JW S Bwntha I per sent past lotS Bihagba JaaMa F Beady et nz to Beafeofe F Lolsbton and Gong Iraaefe WIlma to se- oare tiDe F T ront er S1SM 3 years 3 pn cent seaiannaaUr pan lot 19 Heck M Addition to Le Droit ParkJohn J Torrens to Richard E Faire and Herbert A Gill to so rare B C Paw JS6I atn year 6 per cent Kmiamraally lot 9- Sqwre 7ST Flera Rayamtd to C Albert WhU and Juts E Lackey to moire Robert M MOITOOB- SO ooftthly notes S per cent lot Square J3SRkhaiu H Johnstoa K BZ to Gharlos- E Doses aad Ghosts H Jerana to times Thomas Q Mellon ClnJ one year 6 per seat B3iftaaRay part lot it- Sj SlBettte Whiting to Wffleasbey S eMs kgr and William H Walker to times Mary Merrftetecr two yean C per soot senri- annoaliy lot t- Fabmonnt Hetthte Goociia Land et Tic Joseph and Mica Loa to Geornt W Basfeea aenl Luther u Apple to aeesre BrawMind Bad lag Asoaciation U tots X and fT Ubefc L North Oraoads ColantMan UairenttjHanneei- Palraer et nx to Artkrar A Btraey and Ham pi B TrtHe to leone Henry F Woooawl OM T W S per mat quarterly Iota K n K 49- Sqpon SSSHiw I Swaosy et aL to J Raid worth Gordon to aeoaM F Clark 5J50 two yoarc C semtannaaRy hH S3 lot I block 1 North Grando eatables Untrerany Bannon 8- Pstaner tt nx to A iar A Bfrney tad Ueora B Trail to seons Henry F Woodavd bond kK 31 Meek L- GorfWdBUea Adam to George E Smmoos and WMfctm L JPflOard to seems Brainanl H Waraer IW tnartor r noieev C par cent lot 1 SONG OF A COLLHGH ZOO I ireat to the aaknl air Tfce birds sod beasts mero there The Harrard Lampoott by the light of the moos Was OMBbtes this Tkjrra hair The Pelican west and stow Soar from the big Punch lest I hare dusk my an I wQt now D UM UU- lU waarked with e atnwnlKhMas droll Th dofner emr nraakml Aad ohatrtfd a nuOrical- Sf the Pelican he and the Badger aU three Were Marooned in the Chaparral 1Vtr the Badacr snt tipsy the say And bthTri to a riotous hit Ute Widow aimed at the voaewhonse sOsed Blushed Crimson aad disney Cornell Widow tHf and PlADMrJ k dt flies k B- Arr No X emit i sat of moD 4 lOB wi Walker nil bats lit N se- t Mechanics Lien israel S T no Suit TAr 1 IlL cart II iat U JI8 DritorS et ux W Wit is Street IiqMft tII a and B Keea Theresa II st too Rinband H sad RJOJMB L it ttL to Annie B Phelps 12 Null 11 JGbr I DEEDS OF 1IUST fI H Sleek per nen E Pholpa to lease L J lit r 1 G- on tee per SoL sloe way WIn 1 tarn S Rio i Matte Mode tat Moses lied Ito nI as lam 51 Tie to Fsoad we aunheadTimulby A S sir Melt e Olbis is origIn bio 3 SIllS Watt test Retain sad Jobs McLerpn eec poses S seat senianauit on < > > > <






J tgJ

iii IT

Lawyers Outline Fight inSnit p Enjoin Life


Action Is in Behnlf of InternationalUnion to Stop Alleged Campaign-Ing Ijy Company with Policy-Holders Money Untermeyer 3IcIntosh and Cromwell in the Trial

New York Nov 8 The suit in Injunc-

tion proceedings brought by Stephen Farrelljr acajnet the Nw York Life Insur-ance Company as a corporation andagainst twenty dlrpetors of the com-pany as individuals came up before Jus-tice Dowling in the Supreme Court thisafternoon

Mr as a policy holder seeksto restrain company and direc-tory from carrying on the present cam-paign for the election of trustees atthe expense of the policy holders MrFarreliy Inhis complaint says that oninformation and belief he charges thecompany with spending th policy holdersmoney in campaigning for tn adminis-tration ticket

He alleges that the money ued in print-ing campaign literature seeking to influence the policy holders into sttppordngthe administration ticket came from thefunds of company He also chargesthat advances were made from the com-

pany funds to agents to be used in elec-

tioneering for the administration ticketMr Farrelly seeks to have this stopped

Is Policy Holders SuitAlthough the suit is brought by Mr

Farrelly s an individual policy holderit is generally known that the suit isbrought in the interest of the Internattonat Policy Holders Association which

has taken the field in opposi-tion to the one placed in nomination by thepresent management of the companySamuel TJntermeyer the general counselfor the International Policy Holders As-

sociation is acting as counsel for Mr Farrellyand appeared for him today

The management of the New York Lifehas repeatedly denied that the policy hold-ers money was being used in the cam-paign This charge has before been

in oeurtMr Untermeyer opened the proceedings

today by telling about the 4ftOM insursacs that Mr Farrelly had in the com-pany and what he aimed to show in thecase In speaking of the recent insur-ance legislation which made it possiblefor the policy holders to elect ofthe company Mr Untermeyer saW

Sayu Law Very BunglingThis legislation very crude very

bungling and very much needed waspassed in the interests of the policy hold-ers and provided for the creation of themachinery and the manner in which an-

nual elections are to be held This lawleft all the loopholes in it which havebeen taken advantage of by the defendants In this suit to defeat the object forwhich this law was passed

Mr then stated Mr lIarrelly s case at considerable length

When he had finished John Has counsel for the company began

to outline his defense With Mr Mc-Intosa as counsel for the company inthe case is William ftelse CromwellNeither Mcintosh nor Cromwell got anopportunity to so into the matter at anylength owing to the lateness of the hoarJustice Dewing adjourned court 431p m and the case will come up tomor


Mrs Brodcrick Obtain OrderHer front Husband

Justice Gould sitting in Equity2 yesterday issued an order restrain

ing James Herbert Broderick from in anymanner Interfering with his wife Winifred Broderick in her employment at theBureau of Printing and Engraving or ather home or upon the street or anywhereelse Broderfok is also enjoined from in-

terfering with the two minor childrenThis order is based upon a petition of

Mrs Broderick flied yesterday by J FEasbySmlth her attorney stating that Inthe suit for divorce heretofore filed byMrs Broderick the court upon final hear-ing suspended its opinion in tne hopethat a reconciliation might be effectedThereafter Mr and Mrs Broderick livedtogether on the promise of Mr Broderickthat he vould conduct himself as a faith-ful and affectionate husband

Mrs Broderick in the declaration filedyesterday alleges that her husband hasbroken all his promises that on frequentoccasions of recent date particularly onthe night of November 7 be tursed andabused her and threatened her life Stoalleges to be greatly in fear of bodily

i harm Mrs Broderick asks the court toproceed to a final decree

Alleging Infidelity Mrs Jennie Hurleyflied suit in the District Supreme Courtagainst Tohn W Hurley for absolute di-vorce The couple were married In thiscity where Hurley is employed a a

in a clothing store July 17 1895There are no children Mrs Hurley namesalleged corespondents and askf for ali-mony and the permission to resume hermaiden name Jennie Mtekle

Gets Damages Against DistrictDamages amounting te XSU were

awarded yesterday to Charles W Hepburn in his suit against the District Inthe Circuit Court While walking alongK street northeast near First on theevening of December 29 Mr Hepburnalleged he tripped over a piece of curb-ing negligently left on the sidewalk Hewas thrown to the ground and broke hisarm He originally brought suit to re-cover SleXOOO Attorneys E T Colladayand Harry F Lerch represented tHplaintiff

Explains Alcohol LawsDr C A Crampton chief chemist of

the Bureau of Internal Revenue Treesury Department addressed the ChemicalSociety of Washington at the CosmosClub last night He took as his subject

Use of denatured alcohol free from taxand In this connection recalled his tripto Europe with Commissioner Yerttes tostudy laws governing and the usof dentured alcohol

Members for Trial BoardIn accordance with a recommendation

of Maj Sylvester the Commissioners yes-terday appointed Inspector Swindells andCapt Elliott as members of the policetrial board for the determination ofcases where no important legal points areinvolved This board Is appointed in ad-dition to the board composed of theassistant corporation counsel and two of-ficers of the police department

PIcture Agent In TroubleA picture agent who for the pest ten

days has been working with energyamong the citlaens of Anaeostia was ar-rested last night by Officer Frazier ofsubstation A on the Charge of embez-zlement mans employer W J McGuinness failed to notice returns and onthis account caused his arrest




Farrellthe the









Un term eyer















I t1














































Insurance Companies Slay Have toPay Frisco Losses

William Thomas and Oscar Sulre attorneys of San Francisco representingthe policy holders In certain German andAustrian Insurance companies had a con-

ference at the State Department yester-day with Assistant Secretary Bacon Inregard to their effort to obtain satisfaction from the foreign companies whichhave refused to pay fire losses In SanFrancisco

The amount of the policies held In fourGerman and Austrian companies by SanFrancisco sufferers aggregates more than14000001 and thus far the companies

have refused to pay a single dollar andhave repudiated all claims arising fromthe San Francisco disaster-

It Is the pprpose of Messrs Thomas andSutre to go to Germany and lay the mat-ter before the proper German authorities-In effort to have the claims adjustedand paid

While there Is nothing wllloh the StateDepartment can do officially In the matter every assistance possible will be ex-

tended to the San Francisco attorneysThey will be given letters of Introduction-to the American representatives In Germany who will be asked to do whatthey can to aid them

Count Hatzfeldt counsellor of the Ger-man embassy called at the State

yesterday morning and had atalk with Mr Bacon who advised him ofthe purpose of Messrs Thomas and Sutrein going to Germany


Harry Wnrdmnn Gets Permits forErection of Houses

Harry Wardman the builder Is mak-ing extensive preparations to erect anumber of dwelling houses within thenear future He will build twentysixdwellings at 36W to Eleventh streetnorthwest at an estimated cost of 7iftQd

He will erect nine twostory brick housesat 1JS to 148 Quincy street northeast at acost of 16088 and five twostory brickdwellings at 1 to MM Bckington placenortheast to cost 515000 A H Beers Istbe architect of all the butydings andpermits for their erection were taken outat the District Building yesterday

The N T Hailer Company architectsare drawing plans for ten twostory brickdwellings to be erected for J H Loydat Eleventh and Spring streets north-west


Must Pay Part of Cost of Trip toHealth Conference in Mexico

Dr W C Woodward health officer ofthe District who expects to attend the an-nual meeting of the Public Health Asso-ciation which is to be held in Mexico Citythis year will be compelled to pay a por-

tion of the expenses Incurred by the tripThe Commissioners said yesterday that

although the attendance of tbe health off-icer at meetings had proven bene-ficial to the District they think it advis-able that the District should not defraythe total expense as it has done

The Auditor has been asked to determineif their views are practicable and if sowhat prooortkm must be paid by the Di-strict Dr Woodward has expressed hiswillingness to pay a proportionate share


Three Physicians Be Present toTrent Consumption

The Free Dispensary for Consumptiveannounces the following as hours whenphysician will be in attendance On Mon-day Tuesday Ws nesttay and Thursdayfrom 2 to 3 j anfl on FrWays froa

to SJ0 p m Three different pitycicians will be in attendance at each x fthese sessions

The work done by this dispensary Is apart of the organised efforts being madetoward the prevention of consumptionmore than 9M dispensary visits hatingbeen made during the last year A can-vass for funds Is being made by the off-icers of the Institution

Rosa Dittrichs Will FiledUnder the will of Mrs Rosa Dittrich

dated October 29 and lUnd for probateyesterday her entire estate goes to herhusband John August Dittrich who isnamed as executor without bond

According to the terms of the will ofCharles P Scott dated May K last andfiled yesterday premises XBS Shermanavenue northwest are given to his wifeMrs Julia M Scott during life Be-quests of 69 each are made to Washington Scott and Rosina Scott children ofthe deceased by a former marriage Atthe death or remarriage of the widow thehouse is to go to the children of the sec-ond marriage The residue of the estateis left to the widow Washington ScottIs named as executor

Bonfire Brings DestructionThe careless burning of a heap of rub

bish In a back yard caused Up partialdestruction of the home of L S Lipscomb 2360 Seventeenth street yesterdayafternoon about 1 oclock Sparks fromthe burning paper reached the kitchen ofthe dwelling Before the occupants couldnotify the Are department the blaze hadspread rapidly Most of the interior furniture of the house was lost and thedamage is estimated at 3309

Three Lawyers QualifyFrederick S Lyon Frank Frayser sad

Luther M Long on motion of F MPhelps V E Wallace and B Lrespectively yesterday were admitted topractice before Ute District Court of Ap-peals


Onsiare Laucloiz 52 and Alice V Rohkder-1L Rev to H Lazar

John F SntUff 5 tad Lillian DOherty V Rich-

mond Va Rev J JIsaac B Mwre 47 sad Saute W Hamtttee 38-

HnntersvHk V Va D C MacLeodRobert T Neely S and Darothy Heath New

York N Y ReT George E OiDeaateLows W Jaates J aad Regina West 11 Rev

MeL BWlritLWillie C Mutt 22 and B Ednarads 28

Rev E SweaHerbert S De Land S New York N Y and

Julia D Matthews 25 Rev CoraeJfas S Abbott jrRobert L Tate 38 aad Lois A Halt 2i Char-

lotte N C Rev d B it BrawnFrtderiek J Btehhriz 32 and Kathleen S Pas

HM 3S Rev W H BattesserCOLORED

Yoang Stiaaers 37 ant Frances Slums 48 RevStephen R Lambkins

lobe WaehfogtoB 38 and Jes pbine Frye 23Rev Joseph Matthews

Waikai R Ucatftet 22 aad Delia OIlier 2L-

R w J A TaylorDenote A Lee 22 and Clara Brooks 9

Theodore WiNfenM-

toarce F Theaws 21 and MsiyE Jetesos aRaw F X Bleehoff

C Doaraore and Maad OsakaRev r J Rttebie


John H Kimball OoTt Heap Insane 35 yearsA Pony BaaIng D a 65 years

Cora V Stalling 1S 3Sth st nw 30 yearsR CaRrie King 3M7 M st nw 31 yearsWilliam L Belt 43 Q at n Si yearsLaura Teen ill Richardson st BTT 39 yearsAlice Forster 6 B Half st sw 30 yearsCatherine L Sixamoas 993 F st nw 23 yearsAscMa C Lffflam liD New Jersey are 96 yearsRachel Mans 1 I2 Iark st 34 yearsAathoey Marratt 12S G st sw 63 yearsJeeepb F Marcoroo SSI 22d t nw TO yearsJane Hill lIaise tar the Aged and InSna G yearsMead Rraebean MB B st ne 43 yearsMargaret M Hayes 12 5th at ne 65 yearsJoseph F Morton MB t st nw it yearsMartha Huffaaa 7T C st ne 81 yearsLewis Mathews 1US M at 33 yearsHarvey M Friend 4r 13W TJ st nw a menthe

Albert H Montseaery 16S Corcoran nw S daysHenry L Critteadon Kat Romeo Hospital 3 days













Albert Z



Mary S Breach IHt 2M st JIW 1































BY =

OAPTEE XXIIGame of Dice and Its Consequence

The 1st of August contrary to MissElliotts expectations passed in absolutetranquillity She saw neither the countnor Jlbaloff nor yet madams Desirecame to her in the evening and theydined together in solitary state Thegirl had done a hard days work and wasweary but before the meal was over shewas sent for by her grandfather andFrancine saw of her until noonof the next day

Then Desire was able to inform her ofthe reason of the strange Inactivity thatprevailed at the chateau The count andJibetoff were waiting with the gravestanxiety for the arrival of madames hus-band the prince It seemed that a tele-gram had arrived saying that he hadbeen suddenly taken ill and although thecount had dispatched a score of Inquisi-tive cables no satisfactory reply had beenyot received in answer xo his eager ques-tionings

Desire said that she had never knownher grandfather to be so disquieted Heappeared to be expecting some catastrophe and had jut taken the extreme stoPof ordering his own yacht to be immediately dispatched to the island Meanwhile-he pissed the time in his library withmadams and JibaJoff gambling for highstakes with the Turk at cards and diceHe had been losing very heavily andwas very bad tempered and upset Twomen were kept constantly on the lookout searshlng for the appearance of thecounts yacht and every hour messages

and fro between the castle andthe mountain top messages which in-

creased the old mans Rl humorThe Turk also was uneasy and

His yacht was kept under steamand was prepared at an instants noticeto depart his men being alt on board attheir posts with the exception of a singleboats crew that waited on the beachready to convey their master on boardthe moment that he wished

Franclne was very curious as to thecause of all this anxiety but Desire wasnot able to further enlighten her al-though both guessed that the count andJibatoff were afraid that the prince mighthave turned traitor and were preparingthemselves to meet such a contingency

Late in the afternoon however achange came oer the spirit of the sceneServants who had been before busily en-gaged in taking up carpets and hurriedlypacking up the more valuable furniture ofthe chateau suddenly disappeared to re-appear after an interval and Just as hur-riedly undo their previous work Like aswarm of bees they buzzed about puttingeverything again in order and at the ex-piration of an hour the easUe3we itsold appearance of calm magnificence

message wa soon afterward brought-to Francine commanding her to arrayherself in her richest costume and dinewith the count in old mans librarythat evening She guessed by that thatthe counts fears had been by some mesasallayed She prepared to obey the

but her heart told her that thefatal moment of her life had almost

and during her toilet she oftenlingered the knife which she had stolenwith a feeling of despairing consolationrecognizing it as a last friend whose as-sistance she must presently rely upon Ifshe wished to save herself from indignityand outrage wore to her mind thousand times than death

She had ceased to fear death Itself butsite was a woman and her soul stood ap-palled before the threshold of the tombThe brutal means of death at hr com-mand terrified her instincts and made herwomans heart recoil in ahuddersomedread She wished ardently that she hadbeen provided with some searching painless potoon Such she would have readilytaken without waiting for the compul-sion of Insult and ignominy but the eoWbladed knife seemed too hideous the painIt would bring oefore the end came toosure and certain Finally she hid it Inher bosom her mind resolute to use itwhen the need arose but shivering atthe thought of the dreadful act Itselfand anxious to postpone that a t as longas possible

She donned an tpire gown of pale bluesilk that draped bet graceful figure withthe charm of a caress and at lengthwhen the time came she glided from theroom feeling hardly of earth aad asthough the dark portal had been alreadypassed fr her steps were light as airand In hot fancy she seemed to floatabove the boards without sense of effortor motion like a disembodied spirit

Dinner was already served when sheentered the library The host and guestswere already seated the count at thehead of the table his two dumb attend-ants as usual one on each side his chairthe chain that joined them stretched atfull extent behind the old mans backMadame sat on his left hand gorgeouslyarrayed Jibaloff beside her while Desirewas placed directly opposite her fatherthus leaving a vacant chair on the countsright hand The old man was positivelybeaming his eyes sparkled his wholemanner was extremely animated and hewas engaged in chaffing the Turk mostgeniallys Francine caught a fragment of hiswords When luck turns It turns Yes-terday and this morning all wasme but with the princes thegoodness smiled upon me This morning



































you were a mighty Winner now you oweme 10000 Tonight I shall beggar youmy friend

Jlbaloff replied with a forced laughWe shall see sir wa shall see Dame

Fortune is ever a fickle mistress to de-

pendAt that moment they became conscious-

of Miss Elliotts presence and turned tolook at her The girl had never appeared-so beautiful Her large blur tyee staredstraight before her moist and glisteninglike stars she appeared to be only halfjonBloua of her immediate environmentfor gaze was rapt ecstatic and seerlike her mouth was like a blazing scarletflower the lips parted to show her milkwhite te th She formed a picture whichboth men appreciated with a sharply in-

drawn breath of admiration but thecounts proprietorial instincts were soonexcited by the contemplation of suchloveliness and the Imp shehad made upon the Turk

This he said In French recoveringhimself hastily fs the lady whom I toldyou of Sit down Miss Elliott

The Turk arose and slipping around thetable placed her chair I am

to make your acquaintance MissElliott he muttered in her ear

The count beard and chuckled softly tohimself

Francine threw back her head with thegesture of a du ftn giving the Turk aglance which slightly disconcerted himShe replied with icy calm

Do not trouble yourself to be politesir

mademoiselleI pray you resume your aaat

He bowed humbly and at fellback The girl sat down sad turned tothe count Is the bargain completedshe demanded haughtily Am I alreadythe chattel of that man

The old man chuckled Not yet notyet Perhaps you may not ever be mydear It will be hard to part with-a creature so superb as yon

Madame gave utterance to a sudden rip-pling laugh Dont tell me that you intend to present Desire with a new grandmamma she cried

The count broke into a sear laugh-ter sinking back in his tfusWoss to In

then after a draught ofwine replied Stranger things have hap-pened Katherin I have Hen luga celibate who knows

Francine shivered and turned Ishould you a bad wife mat-tered

The old mea saTe a sneer Wits spokeof marriage he demanded coarsely

But there my dear calm yourself Iwould rather think bf you at present asmy daughter He tamed to the TurkIt is strange JlbaJoft no sign yet of the

Argonaut she should here y sowHardly excellency you wired for her

only this afternoonBut it is scarce an hours run

her speed is fifteen knotsShe might not have been vnder steamAbsurd she is always ready

Pardon she should perhaps to alwaysready but orders are sometimes disre-garded

If she does not arrive morningsome one shall setter W stall have anexecution

Pour encoongw kc entreePrecisely

Madame held up a warning forefingerYou will presently not have a qoaltfletf

navigator left in your service my tatberIt is not three month stoe CWcaught the bullet fever

Ab MIa returned UM count tsworld is wide it has many children

The Turk laughed cynically True ex-cellency most true If need I cangive you a captain whom I one personallyvouch fov ja man young enthusiastic andardent who ie at present condemned todeath for an indiscretion committed Inthe Sultans seraglio He would retardyou as his savior and would serve youfaithfully

Timeo Danaos et dons ferentsthe countPardon I do not know th tongue you

speak in said the Turk VThe old man smiled Then I shall

ranslate my words Ywwef I saidI should feel a monster to deprive youof so useful a servant especially as thefact Is I do not need his servicesJibalott shrugging his shoulders applied

himself to the pleasures of the board andthereafter silence reigned until the sonelusion of tIN meal When all was satInlied servants carried the tabH bodilyaway and substituted a smaller one cov-ered with green cloth and armed withcards and dice

Francine would have departed but thecount restrained her wtth a look andat a nod from him negroes guarded thedoors against escape Both h and

had drunk deeply during dinner andtheir faces were flushed their manneranxious and excited Traactne took adistant chair but madame and Desirestood beside the table eager to watchtbe play

Jlbaloff shuffled the cards The countcut and turning his portion of the peckface downward took up dice box

What shall the stake br ft demandedWhatever sum you pleaseA thousand pounds rising from ace to

sixAgreed commenceThen I sayAnd I red throw the dicer

The count throw and tbe tipparmoatwas six Slowly either man tffFned up





































a card tho count that on the bottom ofhis pack the Turk that on the top of his

The counts card was the ace ofsparte Six thousand pounds thehe observed calmly That makes In allsixteen that you owe me my friend

Jibaloff turned Mile pale and hishands trembled as he gathered up thecards The count cut again but thistime his adversary called growling out

Red rod for my and quicklythrew the dice which on settling showedtho number five He turned up his cardseven of threw it on thetable with a ahout of triumph That

the score by five criedPrecisely returned the count whose

manner was growing more and more coldand businesslike as the game proceeded

Shuffle the cards my dear Jlbalott alittle more will you

They played on for an hour in thisfashion In varying luck but at theexpiration of that time fortune set with-a steady tide in favor of the Turk andfor a period he continued to win everyhand with most monotonous precisionthe score minting on his side until hehad recorded the enormous gain ofeighty thousand pounds With this suc-cess he grew each moment more excitedmore triumphant He jeered at thecount with the coarsest vulgarity de-riding the old mans previous boast tobeggar him and savagely taunting hisopponent to increase the stakes TheCount dAttala listened calmly a set halfsmile just turning the edges of this thinand pasty colored lips but his eyeswhich he kept resolutely fixed uponthe cards wore alight with the feverishfire of gaming and something else be-sides perhaps malice perhaps hate but30 well did be command himself thatvery little of his mind was manifest Heanswered his adversary nothing butalthough he plied the Turk with winekeeping his glass constantly replenishedhe drank but little himself and wasotherwise moveless and silent as anautomatic figure

Increase the stakes increase thestakes grated out the Turk for thetwentieth time You owe jile eighty thou-sand pounds I am determined to breakyou but let us get it over quickly It isnow II at midnight the prince will onwith us aad I must then away Indeed Ishould have gone twelve hours ago aswell you knew Let us end the matterquickly

The count slightly shrugged Ida should-ers and for the first tints looked hisopponent In the eyes Let m change thegame let us throw a stogie stake foreighty thousand pounds

But If I winI have enough te vur yBAnd afterward TThat Is my affair but I shall win

dear friend I shall winYou He you shan not Threw throw

Th eouat smiled a grim horrible smiteand obeyed-

A miHton curses shouted the TurkGive me UM dice The count had

thrown six JinatofC shook the Sloe for amoment then crashed the box upon thetable The number uppermost was flyThe count laughed gently Ha ha saidI not so We are quits dear friend

Let us resume cried Turk hisface livid with Let KB throw seektime for ten thousand

vNo I weary of the game a little rhucatiwi I beg of you

Two throws Jtrst only tw M

urged the TurkFar hip stakes titanAs high as you plansFitty thousand poundsYes TIle count snatched un the

and ipnrk as light threw PvcJtbaJoff threw two DanuMUfon

mutteredThe count threw again this timeJlbatoff pressed the box to his lips and

kissed it passionately twice Littlefriend be said hoarsely ttttte frienddo not betray me HoMing bin hand onhigh boj allowed the ivory to tAlLfaaam and Desire started forward

watching the cast with bated breath Thecount leaned and closed his

cried madameAllah b praised said the Turk so-

bered for a second by me narrow victorycount opened his eyes sad

Again we are quits my friend though Ihoped to have earned a hundred thousand

be said gently now fora little rest surely we have earned ILMbK Elliott

Franctoe got to her lest sad slowlyforward YT

Oblige me by stan the o ato the right no a forward so NowJibatoff-

Turk swung around had gazed atthe girl embracingly A good face besaid What is your price

Five thousand poundsToo much far too stucK

Franelne stared at her enemies witheyes aflame her cheeks paling to toehue of milk Slowly she drew up herright hand until it rested on CM bosom ofher gown these inch by inch she fellback toward the walL But the countspenetration was superhuman

While watching her with apparent calmbe was signing rapidly with his hands tsthe dumb slaves behind his chair Thesemade a suooen dart and threw themselvesupon tbe girl She gave a wild screamand drawing the knife Hashed it beforetheir eyes Next second it was wrestedfrom her grasp and she sank half besideherself to the floor cowering and shud-dering in an abandon of terror and de-spair

Cowar cowards panted Miss Bi-Itott unmanly Internal cowards thatyou are

Desire started forward Grandfathershe cried her crimson with passiontf you insult Mfew JStltoU I shall kilt

The count glanced quizzically at Jibeloff Your 4aigttir needs correctionh said








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THE HERALDSTelephone Number



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Supreme Conrt of the United StatesPresent The Chief Justice Mr Justice Hartan

Mr Justice Brown Mr Justice White Me Jwtice-Peekkia Mr Justice McKeaoe Mr Jwtice Holmesand Mr Jwtiw Dar

Mary Phflbreafc of Newark N J Charles KArise ef Ofertiaad Obte Dana MatoM of Green-field Mass Oeorse Weetmorelaad of Atlanta Ga

Awok It Stewart of Cotambw OWo were adallied to praoiioa

No 100 United States plaintiff is error TS

The Tony Cedar Company sadHa m The United Stab plaintiff in war TB

The Pales Lumber Cera pan passed to be reototodto UK can wider UK prefiifcns of 9 rule X-

m BMtaw of Mr Sttcitor General Jfeyt for theptefeua ht error

Ne Leeakja M Lawsew et aL peUttoBer-an United Slate Mining Ceea aar fe whichto fie reply britf extended to the Hth teu OK awtics el Mr A S Wortbtegfcm In M K 0f OMiMei

for the mpoodmtA M Smith pteteUff M-

etrcr w It U Jomiags tnanonr c jmmtA toba reMw ft to tb an Ute provtitoBS of MOthe 1 silo 2 m aoeemttof sickness of owtaseL

No 81 The Natiwwl Oomefi Jtnter Order ofCaked AsLrfcaa Mtcaaafes of North Aasofca ctal pkteUet te error n State CanneS of Vte-

Rtafe Jester Order American ctttnto ftile State of Virginia arpBaeat coatiaMd br MrFrank Ckrictiaa for the defendant te scar andooNdaoed br Mr Ellis G Ktekead for the pktotlffs-te enor

No ML Frank W Gar rt al TS John A DwwW-

pirmnt eoaniMMoi br Mr D Tucker Brooke forG Y at al apBttMMd br Mr Itob t M Hogfce Mr-DCMld and muMtA by 3Ir 1C C tjjaaH forChqr tt aL-

AdjowMd mrtfl to ar at K ociooky oaK for Friday Norwrter 9 tilt be M

follows Xot U 9 96 M MS m and


Court of AppealsPm tf The Chfef AMON Mr JMUoe-

COMS sad Mr Justice KobeFroitrkk lyon Ftwk Fiayw sad Luther

M lAttfAovr admiXed to pn botNo iSST Crawford w United State pasted te-

So Wl In re H AdrfeaM a BMHV-UM lor of the Saprome Omit DMrfct ofhmum coatttwe tor Mr I F Etobr-Sorftb lee appellant sad a Mr H P Blair sadMr W P Mattntgir for UM eoaaOttt OB-

grfetMieM and eanettMtol hr Mr J S ReelsSwitfe for aopeUnt

No sW Miner ta Pares exoautor t aL argxoat r mum in rail br Mr J H AVHM8 Jr for

apaenaat sad eoottoaud ly Mr C T Handler for

No K1L Mann w Wagner iadgnnat nwentfwith sad reese reaMMdod for further y-

OMrt Opinion by Mr Jntttoa Bob-bte today

On hcMtnz-Wo I n Payee Appenants attoraeys

J H Wfleoo J H WHtoo jr John HbJoa-tapptnaas attorneys Thaaasoa Readies

OiionhH oafcsMtar

i DIr w McCarthr Appenasts attorneyP K Hftnard aapefiees attorney L A BoOe-

yJSo1 Iippkarrf w Hoaepbrey Appeoants attaMwra Che tn Brown and C H BassospenWt attorneys B F Lei toa sat CJjaaTttaf-

nVXaf Kohenemi w Fahner Appellants attor-ney C 1C Merflat appelleea attonw D WBaser

Xo tt United State nse of Da TS Slaefariaad-AnpeBanta aXmaei L A Bailey appotlees attocaeya K H Thomas and F H Stopben-

fXOD Gnfted State ex rel Retaooh mstfros attemeyt L A BaIler andken Hriiieuisn appenofa attorney H H Ghw

skJKtt Naah re Dietrfet of CMsvabfe Apno-lhtntt attorney Ootra P Hooer appeMiis aU-tomry K II Thaw

No Jt United State ex vii Smethsin vs Aih-ord AnpeBants B Lcishien appees attorney B H mesasJJo a Dktriot of Oalsnikla TC Oases Appei

attorney B H ThoeaM ApnenoB at

XOMM Sfcttr n Bsjaa AUooMy D WBoktrHasonoa OonMct Haatitsa


Kaopp w Deattw uro ooBfam oteteoi Om-pteteMf mUeller J H Taylor aad DoogttK-DoosWec

Stedtli w SierfUi proof UAom botee T HPUjNoi enMteer CoBMitoiMntt aonenor H GKnebeJL Deaamta toncitor W B White

Sfcr ic T Shier eobetttottOB of trwrtoe or-deted ptatn uf Mneitor HI Pneeau

Xeaoira State Roaky Oompiay w CioisMMtneed sad mbaaittod C eaphrte mts aeneaon Rai-atxm SiddoM mUeller R GoldDoMldeoo-

Slaaifhter w SteveMer d 4rifc UoBJor ed aad-reterouef to auditor Complalnoajta toncHoea X

aed Wfitoei J Laeabort DagBerfmfa-sotteHor Jolla Paul Jose

No Bt Stewart et aL w Stewart et aL AtonMn Fmw LewteDartd Itahtea Siddooe-Xe H Hofitaaa rs BaSsos AttooKyf Plum

w Ckew AttoiMjg wmoa M E MVTMker

No R Yodor w BefSM et aL AttorneysYosojCteote Brews

No 61 KMba w Nails AttonMjv Laefcey-

No SL Koriek n H taaiM ot aL AUorwjw-Gtttstsi CbaiBOcrt i Br BaiuUM Breadbvs

No ST Akx d r T Atexoadte Ateeaej eelHaw HenuBi Peytoa

No m BeodwME TS Bradend AttorneysFazes Woaw BorinsawLaabwt-

Ko 71 Brooke T Brooke Attorney HeMovarNo n Doriaoa TO Durwaa Attomjn Car

rfcagtoai Kord sad MiserNo IS Low w Loacatuir et aL Attorneys

Ok BatbrSeattbC Macaty KPMUNo n ABea w Soother Ooff t Ctraoacy At

tontya TfeesHK F HaatoaBokor Sfceasy-Hoaaa

Sfo MOEBBV TK BaooyS hh Attorneys Mad-dox Stephen TobrbaerBaabrSarfta

Equity Court Xo 2JUSTICE GOULD

Webb TV BooevoUat Society argued and sobattUed Oeeapfaiaaats eoHcitora Banned Jotm-soa oWcaJaafa solicitor Tttefcer Keevosu-

TaornUm w Tboraton ar aed and saaraitt dCooiBkbMafs toncHor Thomas defeadantS soncttor T L Jooes-

Bcooeriok TS BroAerick reMaining order grantedCoaaptefeaafs solicitor J S Basbr SFakfe

solicitors J K Fagw tad WIlMa BarksdeJoAeoigacMfiU

for todayNo M WasMngtOR Tobacco Company et aL TS-

Ooorge B Smith Attorneys Welt BostaberffHayae Cia

No Edwards TS Edwawk Attorneys Hashes

No St TS White et aL Attorney Richatdaoa

No I B fd et aL vs Camp Attorneys Laraer Perry MaUiagiyAabraso

No 66Ralahuia vs Retebanr Attwoeys GarderI st r A PrimNo La Ser va Locftr Attorneys Welt iKoseaberNo Callahan TS OattaaaB AUonteps Am

StutterNo K VBHams TS Eagtorling AUoneys Gettugs Jk CbMaocrhtaWlteen BartedateNo M Will TS Bath et aL AUoraeJs Stoles

Potbury HottandsrWolf KesegtorNo 78 HoUMmlc TC Uoibrook AUoraay Jos H

StewartNo 73 Settr TS Sdby Attorneys


Circuit Court Xo 1JUSTICE WRIGHT

Kebaa TS Washington Railway and Hectrfc Oempany a aled Tardtct ordered PlaintiffsB F Dowsing G A Bury and J V Ianattorneys C A Dewglaaa sad GeorgeP Reorer-

A ltn U fee todayNo L Motes YB Miller Attorneys Taci-

Kenyon Vaa DykeNo 2 Imhoff TS Chwape J aad

Potomac Teltoae Company Attotatn L TobraerA S Worthtegtoa

No i Kauer T Sovtbera Railway nsovanrAttorneys GIUfa ss CaamberWaHetaMtonColbert

No i WbtUoid Coeaptar w HobAetecMs Attoracyt W A JokMtosWolf Rojeaberg

No 5 Bnofl w Kaopp 3L WLwrfBWHeoa BsrloeWo-

Ko S Fiem y T Bryaa Attorneys M Strat-bnreer C K Bnle

No 7 Turpin admlaktratBT T RkaaeadFrederickaburg and Poioatac Raoroad ObaaaayAttorneys Biaekimra MeKesaey aad Flaaasry

No 8 Boyea TS Wublnston Post AtMrnsraT L Jefford Cbaata Brown

No 9 TrarawflH miniatoator TS Potemae Ricetile Power Company Attorneys a MtuJ J DarHngton-

Xo Gttefdnffii TS Slye AtteraeiR T L JeffordaT W Fills

No IL Beall Clagctt Attorney HeadierTfeompsoa-

No 12 Dousliss TS Darts AttojB i s Douglassaad JeffordtMaefcalt and SUasburftr

No 13 Co T Magrjd i AttorneysJ W WbcaUey It F Dowalaa

No 1L CoBttaetoa Supply Compaar wKaci een K aDd Attorneys

Carnal and JoBesS G H AhrartIS Cwrtia Ta Kb Attorney B A Jenes

J Alders Jobason


HepUm n District of DOamWa Terdiet forplaiatiff for 2 0 Ilaiatlffs attorneys E F




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Colladay and Tf f Ltreh DtfaMata aUarae-B H Tbomu and H P Blair

AerfjramoaU for te dyNa L Bradter n MoKar Attorneys Yukon

Lewlz A A BkaeyXp 2 Beaslejr T Bakhooro and Ohio Railroad

Cempaar Attorneys Dow teg Keigwta McKea

No 3 Fees T DAadlcao Attoraeys TuckerKefiroaHaiofltoo Colbert SoMfltoa

No L Uaidoawa w Cats and Ohio RaPway Cerapaay Attorneys David Malopey Baa

Cotb t Hajainoa-No 5 Brooks T DMriet of Cofcnibit AV

Jolm Bidovt and G C GerOaanB HThesis

No 6 Wyne n Ry Atfotnaya UsherBradjDoBchtss DoveJMa-

No 7 Walker w H t AHoriwyi JJrW J LwafctrtDieadOHae TB Faher Attorneys Join

RMratL e e PaSse CoxNo 9 FtotMacbast m Karrk Attorneys C

B EmfcXikoa SMIthNo M Bentley w National Laundry Gaetpaor

Attorneys W G OorffawrMfleMin GaO yNo II Dkkbaut TI WaabiaetoB and Potomac

StttBoat Coeapaay Attonwrs W Henry WlotoRalston SiddowNo 12 CnMey m Bandatl Attoraeyi L J-

MatherC L F aey-No IS BeJtiaoi Builder aad Lou AswcJabom-

TS Jennings et aL Attorneys Ocorte H Lamar JrJohn BMAit-No It Waakintteo awl Cbonprare Beach

rwsd Comma a TyrMr Attorney XStaaeE

No IS Pent w Posh AUonHoa John BJdootand Alex WolfnJ


flailed Suite n Braeat Pastor Mieiykt of jndgateat ovensM nakiird to tfc-peaKeansry for iMyeui Attorney BL GuMm

United States us Vkiamoa Patoaano rioktiore-bramry H MIL for aov

witaeniwa SedtesMed to jaU te stzAttomeyt W B tahoe aiM G E Trails

Criminal Court No 2JOOTIC BARKARD

Walt w WBaast Mayor eastlaaed PUinMrsattorney J A Jeaatoa defeadaafs attoraays WB

Barfcadak-Biobsr m Cobaabla Bond o 31 eoatsoaed De

feBdanfa attomeya Beadneiar Kotaoaandw Scott leave granted C H Merilfct ta-

lamrtw at missed te defendantSdw toar TS LHetriet of Cohaaafa jary neptpM

salt Monday Piatetiffs aUomoyo a Ketgn-

and W R Andrews oWonduTs aMoraor Ifnocst-Snutb

Motioai and iminncgs to ay


In re Jan Eldest trattoM antbedaed t cnt-reie s


Relate of WiMM K Fusses ankr aatnorizfca-narcHase Attomeya Gordon A GorSe

Delete of Jane B Kiecteat potatiea far proboteof vffi AUoney Fsnnt J Wanne-

rla Katharine L Stevtna erder to HU part oflot Attorney WiBnm 1L DeeMs

In re Florence Tbontoa et aL order appointingMary E Melntoeh aaateaan head IMs AttorneyThomas

IB re Beaete Pahneetoefc order apnaiedac LoLaPnkjMotoek gnannan bond IMH Ailaney JobRide

la n Pos B Bland ct aL onter aathomb 5-mootbiy exnendttare Ataoraey W C Martin

Estate of DbUridi doted October 9-Ml tied

Batata of Ftttx FenaUla adeahted to pinto M I miMe Attnenay A S Taylor

of chasm P Seed will elated May1906 fcd

Estate of Waiter sat Fowter nnttnoo teten of adarfBtHradon Ill Attorney Cbarkc JMnrpby

Equity SuitsMil Joan SMman vs CMssni L

aL to aatatnvte tnetao ConinlaHMnt ige mH P 00-

No aW Jennie Bnriey TS John W Henlafdime Coaspbrinants sotteitar B L eta

No WL W caritk m East TOsill nton Snifaga Beak lot IS aonan m HftS A4

LawNo tIlL Wyne W Zertte n Chwaneani and

Potneane deaaonnt fUsl-PMntbTa Peter

No 4WL Janaea F Rolled and AOoa C Oaek-taMteot T Henry L Janen ante U9o Pbnvtiffs attorneys Skit k Tneen


Na Hat Q street aorUnreatrFMnv H Cbrtatman ct

S street between Xteoteoatfc ant Twentieth etreete-Ceurlos H Davbison et ax to Sonmel H e-

nwyef lot M ton am-Wa hbt te i H igkt Swnejel H Vefbmerer to

Cbarlea H Darkteon lot f Wed X SMAllay between 0 and H Stctb and Serentb stnota-

naaa H Yertaa part Jot P eonnre m-V9aon norutweet Kdwwd f Newton et ml

to Jutes F Bandy put lot B blocs M kitangbani piece H-

ReeerfOir ViewBorah X Goes et VnHaniP to Bait M LoU lots 0 and M Us 2

B tenet nsrtinreet between Fonranda aK tadStilt sCeettArtanr T CaiiUhm nt nt to anrims ted Bdnwad FxapBraki part wktaA nt Z

Halt street aaathweot between N and 0 streetsSt ROMS Industrial School to Joha B WeaBMW orfeteal lot 5 sqnaro 9H SM

No MW NInth street a Jwntr Bburitea K LeSsto George W Murray lot M samara 3K SNl

West BckteRtoaCapital City laiprortmsat Cesapasy-to Catherine Reagan lot 3J sanan S 5

No IH Second street northeoat Robert M Morrisento Flora Baynwnd tot St gonare iST m

Third street MrO ea t between A

Bnaabeth D Jobnetnn pert lof 4 sonara W51-

No S13 Twelfth street Bflrthw stB Steno e-

rhr Choriea H to Bottle Wbhj lot Hisere SI 31-

hjt I block 7 WlEleventh treat nocthw t befcreea K and L streets

Walter C Oeates to ClasS D Thoam acithlot 9 eqnare 9O W-

GarAeMBrasnard H Wantar et we te ate Adansalot 119 W

Quitclaimsamara 653WBbwr F et

Wckmaa lot S 5H-

Washiajloa HeihUCbark H Darldosa et ur toCharles P Stone and Charles W Fairfax tosccare Sanwel H Yeftiraeyer EgMi see year5 per out Gfada a attr lot I block 2

S Mre MBEUa F SdnchMr ot sir Henaan toClarence B Bheem sad JvlkK A MiniM toseose GeraaacAaeericoB Fire lansraaea Conpany TM 3 years 5 per cent semiasseall-rkt 5-

HarkmHaiary M Smith et t to Theodore PHeap sod lease B Shoemaker to seoire O P3L Brown JW S Bwntha I per sent past lotS

Bihagba JaaMa F Beady et nz to Beafeofe FLolsbton and Gong Iraaefe WIlma to se-

oare tiDe F T ront er S1SM 3 years 3pn cent seaiannaaUr pan lot 19 Heck M

Addition to Le Droit ParkJohn J Torrens toRichard E Faire and Herbert A Gill to sorare B C Paw JS6I atn year 6 per centKmiamraally lot 9-

Sqwre 7ST Flera Rayamtd to C Albert WhU andJuts E Lackey to moire Robert M MOITOOB-SO ooftthly notes S per cent lot

Square J3SRkhaiu H Johnstoa K BZ to Gharlos-E Doses aad Ghosts H Jerana to timesThomas Q Mellon ClnJ one year 6 per seatB3iftaaRay part lot it-

Sj SlBettte Whiting to Wffleasbey S eMskgr and William H Walker to times MaryMerrftetecr two yean C per soot senri-annoaliy lot t-

Fabmonnt Hetthte Goociia Land et Tic Josephand Mica Loa to Geornt W Basfeea aenlLuther u Apple to aeesre BrawMind Badlag Asoaciation U tots X and fT Ubefc L

North Oraoads ColantMan UairenttjHanneei-Palraer et nx to Artkrar A Btraey and Ham piB TrtHe to leone Henry F WoooawlOM T W S per mat quarterly Iota K n K


Sqpon SSSHiw I Swaosy et aL to J Raidworth Gordon to aeoaM F Clark 5J50two yoarc C semtannaaRy hH S3

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North Grando eatables Untrerany Bannon 8-

Pstaner tt nx to A iar A Bfrney tad UeoraB Trail to seons Henry F Woodavdbond kK 31 Meek L-

GorfWdBUea Adam to George E Smmoos andWMfctm L JPflOard to seems Brainanl HWaraer IW tnartor r noieev C par cent lot 1

SONG OF A COLLHGH ZOOI ireat to the aaknl airTfce birds sod beasts mero there

The Harrard Lampoott by the light of the moosWas OMBbtes this Tkjrra hairThe Pelican west and stowSoar from the big Punch lest

I hare dusk my an I wQt now D UM UU-

lU waarked with e atnwnlKhMas drollTh dofner emr nraakmlAad ohatrtfd a nuOrical-

Sf the Pelican he and the Badger aU threeWere Marooned in the Chaparral1Vtr the Badacr snt tipsy the sayAnd bthTri to a riotous

hit Ute Widow aimed at the voaewhonse sOsedBlushed Crimson aad disney

Cornell Widow

tHf and PlADMrJk




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RJOJMB L it ttL to Annie B Phelps


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