W St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian...

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Transcript of W St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian...


St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd . Mettawa – Lake Forest , Illinois 60045 – 5104

Email: (office@stbasilchurch.org) www.stbasilchurch.org Parish Priest: V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar frkrosnjar@gmail.com (847) 477-1531

Trustee Co-Chairman: Michael Kosanovich V. Pres. Ted Potkonjak and Sofia Obradovic Scalzitti

Circle of Serbian Sisters: Masha Kosanovich Choir Director: Nada Savatic

Church School Coordinator: Vasilija Vojcanin; Folklore Coordinator: Daniela Gavric/Natasa Per ic Serbian School: Jelena Visnjevac and Svjetlana Masic

Brotherhood: Alex Lazic; Bookstore: Diana Potkonjak; Paul Saniuk Facilities Contact: Matija Peyakovic and Nikola Gabr ic

Weekly Digital Communications: Zoran Mihajlovic

Blessings are Gifts FROM God. Ste-war-dship is our Gift TO God. Stewardship is a legacy of personal sup-port in time, talent and

treasure, to maintain a church for today and tomorrow.





St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Church Annual




Saturday, July 15th, 2017

Foss Park Golf Course! North Chicago, IL

12:00 pm - Registration

and Lunch 1:00 pm Shot-gun Start

At St. Basil Church

6:00 pm Picnic Opens 8:00 pm Awards Ceremony

Start planning ahead….. join the church efforts to

host this great event!


When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thine immaculate Body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O Savior, granting life unto the world. Wherefore, the Hosts of the heaven cried out to Thee, O Life/giver: Glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ. Glory to Thy dispensation, O only Lover of mankind. TROPARION OF THE CROSS - Tone 1:

O Lord, Glory...Kontakion of the Resurrection - Tone 1:

As God, Thou didst arise from the tomb in glory, and Thou didst raise the world together with Thyself. And mortal nature praiseth Thee as God, and death hath van-ished. And Adam danceth, O Master, and Eve, now freed from fetters, rejoiceth as she crieth out: Thou art he, O Christ, that grandest unto all resurrection.


When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were

guarding Thine immaculate Body, Thou didst arise on the third day,

O Savior, granting life unto the world. Wherefore, the Hosts of the

heaven cried out to Thee, O Life/giver: Glory to Thy Resurrection,

O Christ. Glory to Thy dispensation, O only Lover of mankind.


O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance. Grant

Thou victory unto Orthodox Christians over their adversaries,

and by the power of Thy Cross do Thou preserve Thy habitation.

Glory...Kontakion of the Resurrection - Tone 1:

As God, Thou didst arise from the tomb in glory, and Thou didst

raise the world together with Thyself. And mortal nature praiseth

Thee as God, and death hath vanished. And Adam danceth, O

Master, and Eve, now freed from fetters, rejoiceth as she crieth

out: Thou art he, O Christ, that grandest unto all resurrection.

BOTH… Kontakion of the Feast - Tone 4:

O Thou Who wast lifted up willingly on the Cross, bestow Thy

mercies upon the new community named for Thee, O Christ God;

gladden by Thy power Orthodox Christians, granting them victory

over enemies. May they have as Thy help the weapon of peace,

the invincible trophy.

IRMOS….Instead of “It is meet…” Tone 8: Magnify, O my soul, the most precious Cross of the Lord.

O Theotokos, thou art a mystical Paradise, who untilled hast

brought forth Christ. He has planted upon earth the life-giving

Tree of the Cross: therefore at its Exaltation on this day, we

worship Him and thee do we magnify.

TROPARION OF THE RESURRECTION - Tone 1: When the stone had been sealed by the Jews/, and the soldiers were

guarding Thine immaculate Body/, Thou didst arise on the third day,

Savior/, granting life unto the world/. Wherefore, the Hosts of the

heavens cried out to Thee, O Life-giver/: Glory to Thy Resurrection,

O Christ/. Glory to Thy kingdom./Glory to Thy dispensation, O only

Lover of mankind.


From your youth you gave yourself entirely to the Lord, remaining in

prayer, labor and fasting, O God-bearing Father. Because you were an

example of virtues and good works to your flock, seeing your good work,

God established you as a pastor and good hierarch of His Church. And

after your repose, He kept your body incorrupt, O Holy Basil. Therefore,

with boldness pray to Christ God to save our souls. TROPARION OF HOLY DOROTHEUS - Tone 4:

As thou didst share in the ways of the apostles and didst occupy their

throne, thou didst find thine activity to be a passage to divine vision,

O divinely inspired one. Wherefore, speaking aright the word of truth,

thou didst suffer for the Faith even to the shedding of thy blood. O

hieromartyr Dorotheus, entreat Christ God, that our souls be saved.

Kontakion of the Resurrection - Tone 1: As God, Thou didst arise from the tomb in glory/, and Thou didst

arise the world together with Thyself/. And mortal nature praiseth

Thee as God/, and death hath vanished/. And Adam danceth, O Master/,

and Eve, now freed from fetters, rejoiceth as she crieth out/: Thou art

He, O Christ//, that grandest unto all resurrection.

GLORY…Kontakion of St Dorotheus - Tone 5:

Resplendent with virtues brighter than the sun and with thy suffering, O blessed Dorotheus, thou didst shine forth and illumine the land, dispel-

ling the darkness of polytheism and vile heresy. Wherefore, we celebrate

thy memory with splendor.

BOTH… Kontakion of the Theotokos - Tone 6:

O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame/, O mediation unto

the Creator unfailing/, disdain not the suppliant voices of sinners/, but be

thou quick, O good one, to help us who in faith cry unto thee/; hasten to intercession and speed thou to make supplication//, thou who dost ever

protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee.

V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar - Home (847) 680-1117 - Cell (847) 477-1531 - Home Fax (847) 680-1127 frkrosnjar@gmail.com - Church Phone (847) 247-0077 - Church FX (847) 247-0088

S T . B A S I L O F O S T R O G S E R B I A N O R T H O D O X C H U R C H www . s e r b i a n c a t h e d r a l . o r g

EYE ON SCRIPTURE For there is no partiality with God. For as many as have sinned with-out law will also parish without law, and as many as sinned in the law will be judged by the law, for no the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bear-ing witness, and between them-selves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them, in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ….

Rom. 2, 11-16

Tone 1:

Epistle: Rom. (2, 10-16)

Gospel: Matt (4, 18-23)

2nd Sunday after Pentecost St. Dorotheus, Hieromartyr; Bishop

of Tyre; Ven. Petar of Korish

Pre-Feast Day and Saturday

Vespers at 5:00 PM ~Next Sunday~

Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM

Orthodox Study Bible Even as believing Christians, we must not take the outcome of God’s final judgment for gra-nted. In every Divine Liturgy Orthodox Christians pray, “for a good defense before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ, let us pray to the Lord: Lord have mercy.” The Epistle read-ing describes God’s righteous judgment showing how we can prepare ourselves for it. God’s judgment will be: 1. According to the truth 2. According to im-penitent hearts, 3. According to our deeds, 4. By Jesus Christ. In the day of judgment we are not judged directly by God the Father, whom we cannot see, but by the Incarnate Son whom we do see, Christ Jesus. Christ will judge on the basis of the

light He Himself has given to each of us and our response to His light. “The se-crets of men” are “the thoughts and intents of the heart.

St. Basil of Ostrog

Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd, Mettawa - Lake Forest, IL. 60045-5104




A sure way to make an enemy is to interfere with a person's ate-mpt at making money! This is precisely what happened to Paul and Silas when they took Christ's Gospel to the city of Philippi. As they passed through the marketplace of the town, they encounter-red a slave girl who made a considerable profit for her masters by fortune-telling. Paul, realizing that her abilities were not God-given, commanded an evil spirit to leave her. Her enraged masters had them taken before the magistrate, who ordered Paul and Silas to be beaten and cast in prison. While they may have been beaten, Paul and Silas were far from being DEFEATED. While singing hymns and praying in their cell, the Apostles were given wonderful opportunity to witness for their Faith. At midnight, an earthquake shook

the prison, casting the cell doors open and breaking the chains of the prisoners. When the terrified Jailer found that Paul and, Silas had not escaped (the Jailer would have answered for this with his life if they had), he posed a shocking question to them: “WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?” Their answer is a simple one: “BELIEVE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND YOU WILL BE SAVED, YOU AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD.” We are all sinners, captives of things great or small. Part of our calling as Orthodox Christians, is to struggle to become free. It is a goal for which our Holy Church provides ample means. We are taught that salvation comes through believing in Jesus Christ. Those who TRULY believe in the Lord will reflect this truth in every word that they utter and in every deed that they per-form.

What we have said above is a very brief, elementary synopsis of what has been written in thousands upon thousands of pages of anthologies on prayer. But the point we are addressing is making the external motions, actions and words become in-ternal, to bring the things which we do with our bodies into the depths of our souls where we truly meet God. When we make the sign of the cross, and when we teach our children to do so, it must be made deliberately, slowly and reverently. We remember that our Lord shed His most-pure blood on the Cross and that through that Cross death has been overcome and the devil put to shame. It is the most powerful weapon against the darts which the evil one hurls at us, and it is, in itself, a pra-yer. When we make pros-tra-

tions, let them not be simple physical movements, but truly humbling yourself before God in repentance and in worship. Children love to make prostra-tions: teach them that this is worship and bowing before God our Creator. When we venerate an icon, it is not just the "right thing to do" when we go into church, but it is a veneration, a sign of love for the one depicted on the icon , whether it be the Lord Jesus Christ, His holy Mother, or the saints who have been so pleasing to Him. We beseech those saints, in our venerating of the icon, to be with us and to help and guide us along the way to Him, to strengthen us by their prayers and their exa- mple. Everything that you are doing is very right - keep doing it - but we must remember that the externals that we are so blessed with in our Church are vitally

important as tools to bring us to Christ. They are not an end in themselves. Icons are beau-tiful, but they are not decora-tions. They are to be used to direct us to prayer, and to ma-ke us aware of the presence of God. Still, it is a very common thing for all of us to experi-ence this dryness, this lack of the "warm fuzzies" that we love to feel when we pray. Our life of prayer, our life in Christ, can often be like taking a road trip across the United States: there are high points like seeing the view from the top of a 12,000' mountain pass, and then there are very long and desolate stretches (on a recent drive across Nevada and Utah we definitely experien-ced stretches of "nothingness" for as far as the eye could see

for hours at a time!) In the pa-

rgraph abo


we used the expression

"our life of prayer", not our "prayer life". Our life must be one of prayer, which we have stressed repeatedly... we do not have two separate lives, one outside in the world, and a separate one which we pull out of our pocket and call our "prayer life". In our life of prayer, we find that the Lord has given us the road to fol-low, and He told us that it is narrow, not a wide and spa-cious interstate. He did not abandon us on this road to fo-llow as we please, but He gave us the fathers and saints of the Church to serve as warnings, comforts and directions along the way, just as we have signs on roads to warn us, to direct us and to ease our weariness as we travel. Still, when we encounter tho-se very long stretches where we don't seem to be aware of God's presence despite the fact


EMPTINESS Q. I attend all the services… follow the fasting seasons and days, as well as celebrate the feasts and keeping Sundays as holy days dedicated to God. I have an icon corner in my room where I do my daily prayers and the prayer rule before receiving Holy Com-munion, but I still feel empty spiritually. What is wrong? A: Nothing is "wrong". You are doing all of the right things: icons, reading your prayers daily at home, fasting, rejoicing on the feasts and keeping them holy. All of this is not only good, but neces-sary. What needs to happen is for the externals to become inter-nal. We must be careful that we do not just go through the formulas with our bodies only. We are so blessed in Ortho-doxy, the True Faith, in that the Church recognizes that man is made of body and soul which are so mystically inter-twined. We worship with all of our physical senses: smel- ling the incense, seeing the icons, kissing the icons and holy cross, hearing the holy hymns, and tasting of the Bo-dy and Blood of the Lord and/or the antidoron at the end of the Divine Liturgy. As we ha-ve said before: "matter mat-ters." All of these actions of the body must then move inward. The fathers of the Church teach us that the very earliest beginning of prayer begins with oral recited prayers — prayer with the lips and the tongue. This is the first, baby step in prayer. We watch chil-dren grow from babes into early stages of maturity, we must also allow and nurture our baby steps of prayer to mature. That next stage is to bring the prayer from our lips to our mind - to under -stand and contemplate those words of prayer. Next the prayer, like the adolescent child, needs to fully mature into adulthood, which is when the prayer descends in-to the heart.

that we long for Him, it seems all to easy to just give up. No-thing pleases the enemy of our souls more that when someone says, "I tried all that church stuff and didn't get anything out of it, so I quit." The Church is the Bride of Christ. We are its members, being espoused to the Lord. When we don't "feel" anything, we sometimes behave like those who are married and tell the priest, "we want to get a divorce because we just plain don't feel love for each other any more." One very wise and respected father confessor re-sponds to couples that say that by telling them, "Both of you need to behave toward the oth-er as though you still love him/her. You will see the love re-turn." In other words: persist. These words can be our own instruction when we feel those dry times spiritually. Continue to love the Lord; continue to do all the things you are doing. He is there, watching and hearing you, and filling your heart, even though you do not realize it. The external motions must move internally and not just remain on the surface. In your driest moment, while you are doing your Morning or Evening Prayers, or the Prayers Before Communion, one word or one phrase will strike you. Stop. Say those words over and over again, directing them to God. It was said of one holy father that it could take him four hours to say the Lord's Prayer just one time because he so reflected on the words of the prayer. It is sometimes the case that we have a dryness in our souls dur-ing prayer because we have sin(s) that have not been con-fessed. It is good to truly exam-ine your conscience thorough-ly, going back through your entire life, to see if this is the case. Speak with your fa-ther confessor and have him guide you through a real life-time confession. The weight of an un-repented sin can fill all the chambers of your heart. The Lord's hand is there to lift you up, but you must also reach to grasp that out-stretched hand.

We are so blessed in Orthodoxy, the True Faith, in that the Church recognizes that man is made of body and soul which are so mysti-cally intertwined. We worship with all of our physical senses: smelling the incense, seeing the icons, kissing the icons and holy cross,

hearing the holy hymns, and tasting of the Bo-dy and Blood of the Lord and/or the antidoron at the end of the Divine Liturgy. As we have

said before: "matter matters."

Lord, visit Thy servants in their suffering, and grant them grace

and strength to bear their sickness with which they are afflicted; heal and save them:






Roxanne GETZ; Aleksandar GLISOVIC; Daniela GOMEZ;


Jadranka KOPAC; Branko KOSANOVIC;


Stojanka KOVACEVIC; Ray/Laura KULMALA;




Vojislav/Helen NOGULICH; Djuro/Jelena OPSENICA;

Faith -Vera PAICH Mladen PECANAC;

Natalija PETROVIC: Milo POPOVIC; Aleksandra RALEVICH;






Vojislav VLA; Jovan ZORCIC;

Gloria ZRNIC;


Glenview Summer Lecture

Sts. Peter and Paul Greek

Orthodox Church in Glenview, IL we will be

hosting their annual Creticos Memorial Lecture.

Featuring Fr. Andrew

Stephen Damick of the Antiochian Archdiocese.

The title of his lecture is The Church in the Bible: The Body of Christ in the

Holy Scriptures, and he will be speaking at the parish at 7:00 pm, following vespers, on Monday,

June 26th, 2017.

In Christ, Fr. Panagiotis Boznos.


Fellowship Lunch

With our Chef Jelica available weekly for food and fellowship

Join us following Divine Liturgy

Adults $7.00

Children $4.00

By Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick

This new edition of the bestselling Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy is fully revised and significantly expanded. Major new features include a full chapter on Pen-tecostalism and the Charismatic movements and two new appendices (Relations with the Non-Orthodox and How and Why I Became an Orthodox Christian). More detail and more religions and movements have been includ-ed, and the book is now addressed broadly to both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, making it even more sharable than before. Are you an Orthodox Christian who wonders how to explain to your Baptist grandmother, your Buddhist neighbor, or the Jehovah’s Witness at your door how your faith differs from theirs? Or are you a member of another faith who

is curious what Orthodoxy is all about? Look no further. In Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick covers the gamut of ancient heresies, modern Christian denominations, fringe groups, and major world religions, highlighting the main points of each faith. This book is an inval-uable reference for anyone who wants to understand the faiths of those they come in contact with - as well as their own.



Vidovdan Observance

Sunday, June 25th, 2017

Immediately following

the Divine Liturgy and

General Parastos.

~Sunday Lenten


Upcoming Dates and Events

June 24, Saturday. Vidovdan celebration organized by SND at monastery Gracanica hall. Banquet begins at 6:00pm. June 25, Sunday. Liturgy at 10:00am. Vidovdan celebration after Liturgy. June 28, Wednesday. Vidovdan. St. martyr Prince Lazar. Divine Liturgy at 10:00am. July 4, Tuesday. Independence Day. Divine Liturgy at monastery Graca-nica at 10:00am, followed by picnic on the monastery grounds. July 7, Friday. Birth of St. John the Baptist. Divine Liturgy at 10:00am July 12, Wednesday. Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles. Divine Liturgy at 10am. (Fasting day). July 15-16, Saturday and Sunday. St. Mardarije celebration and glorify- cation Days. Please plan to attend. No service at our church that Sunday. July 15, Saturday. St. Basil of Ostrog church Golf Outing. Foss Park Golf Course, North Chicago, IL. Dinner at church hall at 6:00pm.