Vertical Marketing- B2B Sales Leads

Post on 09-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Vertical Marketing- B2B Sales Leads

Growing Your Business

Vertical Marketing

Select the U.S. Business Database

Use the Quick Search to search for a client you already have by entering their Company Name. You can also enter the City and State for the company to narrow your results. Press view results.

On the results page select the Company Name to view the detailed record for this company.

From the detailed record note the SIC code, NAICS code, Number of Employees and Sales Volume.

Select the ReferenceUSA icon and enter the U.S. Business database once more.

Select the Advanced Search tab.

From the left hand side select Keyword/SIC/NAICS, Sales Volume, and Business Size. Complete the search in the center column by selecting the filters you noted from the detailed record. You can add additional filters as well, such as geography.

To complete the Keyword/SIC/NAICS code

Select whether you are searching SIC or NAICS. Then enter the numbers into the search box and press search. Select the correct result in the result window and it will also appear in the selected window.

9. For Sales Volume and Employee Size

Select the correct range or multiple ranges and ensure they appear in the selected box.

Press Update Count to see how many companies fit your criteria. Press View Results to see the results.*

*Remember to filter results until the record count is a manageable number

From the results page you have the option to view the detailed records for a company by selecting the name of the company.

From the results page you can download or print the records. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look at the number of records you can export at one time.

Scroll back to the top of the results page. Select the square on the right of the company name. This selects the entire page of results; 25 records. Select the arrow to move to the next page and select these records. Repeat this process until you reach your export limit.

Select the Download or Print button from the top or bottom of the page.

Select the file format you want and the level of detail you require. Select Download Records or Email the Records.

To download more records select the back button

Unselect the records you had selected.

Move to a page you have not downloaded. Select the next series of records. Select download.

Select the file format you want and the level of detail you require. Select Download Records or Email the Records.