Using Reviews and Assurance to Manage Portfolio and Programme Risk

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Projects are risky activities. We take on a managed level of risk in order to achieve defined rewards. It's therefore not surprising that some projects fail — completely eliminating failure would be a sign that we're being too risk averse. Problems arise when the level of failure across our program or portfolio is not commensurate with the desired risk/reward profile. Project reviews and assurance can be a very useful tool to help monitor risk levels across our portfolio, and hence to identify and mitigate the risks which are not being managed effectively. This talk looks at some factors you should consider when setting up an assurance programme.

Transcript of Using Reviews and Assurance to Manage Portfolio and Programme Risk

Using Reviews and Assurance

To Manage Programme and Portfolio Risk

Graham Oakes ( December 2013


• Projects fail

• That’s OK

• Portfolio mgt is easier than project mgt…

• … provided you can get the right information

• Setting up an assurance programme

Why do projects fail?

Simon Schoeters

Christiaan Triebert

We lose touch with reality

Simon Schoeters

Failure becomes obvious when we run back into reality

Failure is OK!

L Gnome

There are 2 types of failure: Inherent & Unnecessary


Statistics don’t work for project managers

Steve A Johnson

Statistics do work for portfolio & programme managers

James Bowe

Portfolio & programme managers have more tools


But they often don’t have the information they need


The role of assurance is to provide validated information


How do we set up an effective programme of reviews?


1) Make reviews the norm

Lars P.

2) Be clear who you’re serving

Bird Brian

3) Tune investment to risk levels


4) Use a mix of review types


5) Negotiate clear objectives for each review


Recommendations to improve review artefacts

Review execution


Artefacts & otheritems to review, plus supporting details.


Improved artefacts.

Go / No - go decision.

Baseline Criteria Reference Models

Control parameters

Feedback to improve reference models

Analysis Loop

6) Run a structured process

Simon Schoeters

7) Focus on evidence

Simon Schoeters

8) Manage logistics


9) Minimise overheads


10) Train people

One Laptop per Child

11) Act on findings


12) Monitor effectiveness


13) Disseminate lessons learned

The U.S. Army

Assurance supports stakeholder communications

Keoni Cabral


• We engage with risks to achieve rewards

• Sometimes the risks win

• Aim is to eliminate unnecessary failure

• Program & portfolio mgrs have a lot of tools

• They need information in order to use them

• Reviews & assurance provide this information(provided they’re set up appropriately)

Unnecessary Failure…

… happens when people with the skills, resources and authority to act effectively don’t

get full, validated information about project status and issues.

The role of reviews and assurance is to provide this information.


Thank You