Unleash the Power of an Integrated Drupal and SugarCRM solution

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To view a recording of this presentation visit: http://www.acquia.com/resources/acquia-tv/conference/unleash-power-integrated-drupal-and-sugarcrm-solution-may-23-2012

Transcript of Unleash the Power of an Integrated Drupal and SugarCRM solution

Drupal and SugarCRM

May 20, 2012

Inside Many Large Organizations, "the Web Is Broken

• Duplication of content"

• Disparate sources"

• Disconnected reporting"

• Islands of excellence"

Inside Many Large Organizations, "the Web Is Broken

Inside Many Large Organizations, "the Web Is Broken

Marketing Driving Re-Platform efforts

Convert more prospects

With personalized, optimized "experiences speak to your audience

Create captivating experiences

Across new segments, channels, "and devices

Connect more deeply

through compelling global targeted, "multi channel campaigns

Capture rich customer info

that displays the history and context "of all your customer interactions

Generate Demand

Across new mobile, social, and web "channels and reinvigorate offline

Expand Digital Footprint

to reach a wider audience

Build Brand Loyalty

to create loyal brand advocates that "buy more and recommend

Measure and Refine

future programs, campaigns, "and customer segments

Market Presence 1,500,000+ sites Global Adoption 228 countries Extensive Capabilities 16,000+ modules Broad Community 800,000+ members Active Development 17,000+ developers

The Platform is Drupal"Open source, web phenomenon

2X the size of Linux developer community


Truly Agile Marketing

February 2012 March 2012 April 2012

Pinterest hits 10M unique visitors

New Drupal module created for website

Users “pinned” images

15 Drupal sites go live with

Pinterest integration

Drupal Delivers Rich, Integrated Experiences

Flexible, Open, Best of Breed

Integrated content store (local + aggregation)!


Primary !site!

Email campaign!


Mobile application!

Community site!

Measurement and reporting!

Rich media assets User generated "content

Marketing automation

CRM Feeds

Easily Tailored for Various Devices

A. Comments  

B. Ratings  C. Video  Player  D. Personalized  Content  E. Related  Links  F. Advertising  G. Share  H. Tags  I. Download  

J. Learn  More  

K. RSS  Feed  

Campaign 1"

Campaign 2"

Content “components”" ..that can be arranged for varying contexts .." .. for all form factors."

Drupal and SugarCRM: Grounded in Open Source Continuous Innovation






Ex. 1: Traditional Product Development Cycle! Ex. 2: Continuous Innovation!

Project A

Project C

Project B

Project D

Project E

Project A

Drupal and SugarCRM: Joint Solutions 1) Advanced Lead Management: Deliver closed-loop

programs that go from awareness, to consideration, through to purchase and retention.

2) Social CRM: Create new Social CRM experiences to enable improved support, customer self-servicing, and loyalty

3) Transformative Shopping: Deploy content-rich and social experiences that seamlessly connect to order processing, management, and payments systems.



Acquia Product Offerings


Managed Deployments"Acquia Cloud"

Drupal Management &SaaS Feature Services"

Acquia Network"

Enterprise Site Factory"Drupal Gardens"

Software "Distributions"

Fastest time to market for web projects: •  Built at the speed of the web •  Rapid development and deployment •  Rapid cycle content and page creation

Open SaaS drives the most compelling ROI: •  Drives cost and complexity out of IT. •  Scale IT investments with marketing success •  Avoid vendor lockin

Best of breed ecosystem: •  Thriving partner ecosystem •  Pre-built integrations with ALL investments.

Our Community. Your Platform. Purpose built for engagement:

•  Built by web experience experts for experts. •  Single Platform: Content, Collaboration, Commerce •  Rapid Innovation

Integrating Content with CRM Engage | Collaborate | Accelerate


Brian Land"Director, Business Development Brian@osscube.com

Vineet Agrawal"Director of Operations Vineet@osscube.com

•  Business •  Leading provider of Open Source CRM

Founded April 2004 in Cupertino, California •  Europe Head Office in Munich, Germany •  IBM Global Alliance Partner

•  Market Traction •  Award winning products •  3rd largest global CRM Provider •  1M users, 80,000+ organisations •  350 partners on five continents

•  Fastest Growing •  68%+ billings growth 2011 over 2010 •  > 10 Million downloads •  2,500+ New customers in 80 countries Leader Position in CRM for

Midmarket - June 2010

About SugarCRM

MARKETING Complete marketing campaign

management and analytics

SALES Sales force automation: from lead to

opportunity to close

SUPPORT Case Management, Knowledge Bases and Self-Serve Portals

CUSTOMER LIFE CYCLE Integrated Management of Accounts,

Contracts, Projects

What can SugarCRM do?

Drupal • User Generated

Content • Content

Management • Commerce • Social • Collaboration • Products

SugarCRM • Workflows • Analytics / BI • Sales • Marketing • Customer Support • Quotes / Orders/

Invoices • Campaigns • Products

Drupal & SugarCRM Strengths

Integrated Drupal & SugarCRM Use Cases

Social CRM

Social Actions • Social Bookmarking • Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook

Like • Leaves a comment • Or Pinterest it! • Recommends a product or

service • Negative Review or Comments? • Email to friends

Business Actions • Are there any corresponding

business actions? • Many businesses don’t take

any actions on social • Business Users are

disconnected from activities on Website

Social CRM leverages all of this. How do we take advantage?












Quote/ Invoice

CRM Intelligence

Search Engine

Search Query




Browsing Path

Be proactive and take action

Promote and Protect your Brand

Increase Revenue and Margins

Engage with your customers

Advanced Lead Management

Take advantage of great information from Drupal:

• Region • Search Query • Page Path • Page Source • Time Spent, Bounce Rate • History of Visits

- Integrating with SugarCRM, you can build Lead Scoring Rules - Take Action on high quality leads to Increase Revenue

E Commerce – Shopping Cart

Drupal Commerce / Ubercart Research says that following up with abandoned shopping carts can increase sales by X% (Quote Source) • Are you proactively following Abandoned Shopping Carts?

SugarCRM can be used to keep track of Abandoned Carts • Automated follow-ups and offers • Integrate with your marketing campaigns • Custom workflows for High Value Items or Click Thru Rates

E Commerce – Order Management

Order Management

Drupal Can

Front End of Funnel and Transaction

SugarCRM Can

Process all orders Integrate with ERP Reporting


Customer Engagement Management

Product Integration with Drupal

Newsletter Management Drupal • Subscribe to mailing lists

SugarCRM • Mailing List Management • Automated Workflows • Track Bounces, Opens, Click-Thrus • Automated Lead Creation • Extensive Reports


Social CRM: Promote and Protect the Brand

Lead Scoring: Increase Revenue and Efficiencies

Ecommerce: Turn Lost Sales into New Customers

Order Management: Integrate and Automate to Save Money

Newsletter and Campaign Management: Visibility and ROI

Tech Talk

Simple Form Integrations

•  Database Storage & Cron Method (Batch Job with API)

•  SugarCRM API Method (Real Time) •  SOAP & REST API’s

•  SugarCRM Lead Form in Drupal (POST to SugarCRM)

Single Sign On for Internal Users

•  Transparent HTTP form-based Single Sign On between SugarCRM and Drupal

•  Single Sign-On based on LDAP authentication of Drupal and SugarCRM

•  Single Sign-On Through a SAML based integration provided SSO service provider or Identity provider is available.



Brian Land"Director, Business Development Brian@osscube.com

Vineet Agrawal"Director of Operations Vineet@osscube.com
