UNCTAD-UNDP Joint Initiative on BioTrade and Reintegration Enhancing the Sustainability of...

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Transcript of UNCTAD-UNDP Joint Initiative on BioTrade and Reintegration Enhancing the Sustainability of...

UNCTAD-UNDPJoint Initiative on BioTrade

and Reintegration Enhancing the Sustainability of Socioeconomic Reintegration for Conflict-Affected Groups

Nagoya, Japan 19 October 2010



DDR and Natural Resource Management UNCTAD-UNDP Joint Initiative BioTrade and Reintegration Pilot Initiatives Challenges & Opportunities


UNDP – DDR and Natural Resource Management

UNDP has supported the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegraton of ex-combatants and associated groups in over 20 countries worldwide

UNDP's support for reintegration goes beyond ex-combatants to focus on the socioeconomic recovery through a community-based approach

Co-chair of the Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR, and the Sub-Working Group on Reintegration

Integrated DDR Standards launched in 2006

Reintegration module review 2010

Natural resources and conflict Many conflict-affected areas are also

biodiversity hotspots (2/3 of hotspots experienced violent conflict between 1950-2000)

From: Hanson et al. 2009. Conservation Biology

Natural resources and DDR Role of natural resources in

supporting livelihoods is crucial in post-conflict contexts

Conflicts fuelled by natural resources are twice as likely to relapse within 5 years

Most reintegration programmes occur in rural areas and are agriculturally-based

UNCTAD-UNDP Joint Initiative

UNCTAD-UNDP Joint Initiative on BioTrade and Reintegration developed in February 2009:

To develop and promote BioTrade as an economic reintegration option for ex-combatants and conflict-affected communities in post-conflict environments

To integrate environment and NRM into reintegration efforts

BioTrade and Reintegration Linkages:

Economic Reintegration programs

Social cohesion

Development of local business and entrepreneurial skills

Sustainable use of natural resources

Aceh, Indonesia UNDP Gender-

responsive Reintegration pilot programme in Aceh Selatan

Working with female ex-combatants and widows

High potential BioTrade products (essential oils and natural ingredients)

Next steps Scale-up planned for 3 additional districts

in highlands area

Working through provincial and district governments to integrate support for markets and BioTrade industries into development planning processes

Elaborate and implement workplans to develop the chains of selected products

Challenges & Opportunities

Working on the ground reintegration and BioTrade: different actors & approaches

Programmes must be conflict sensitive, inclusive and target specific groups

High expectations by DDR beneficiaries

Potential to work on providing sustainable livelihoods options that support biodiversity

Promoting specialized value chains that have cultural significance and market advantages

Integrating natural resource management and environment into DDR programmes

Upscaling the Joint Initiative

Northern Uganda Initial assessment of

potential BioTrade value chains begun

Ongoing national reintegration programme

Opportunity to support SMEs and value chain development in conflict-affected areas

Colombia Ongoing national

BioTrade and Reintegration programmes

Initial exchange of experiences has taken place

Discussions ongoing to identify specific opportunities to link programmes

Thank you!

Adrienne Storkadrienne.stork@undp.org