TruFit Program Guide

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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This is the lastest edit of the TruFit UNIT/UNIversal Trainer Program/Strategy Guide. Enjoy and Learn.

Transcript of TruFit Program Guide






©2013 TruFit LLC Albuquerque, NM

All rights reserved. TruFit™, Load Transfer Training™, The UNIT™,

and the TF logo are trademarks of TruFit, LLC

No portion of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any

form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or

otherwise without written permission of TruFit, LLC. For further

information contact

Notice of Liability: The information in this guide is distributed 'as

is' and without warranty. Careful attention and preparation has

gone into the production of this guidebook. TruFit, LLC shall not

have any liability to any persons or entity with respect to damage

or loss caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly from

instructions contained in this guide.

Material in this guidebook is for informational purposes only. As

each individual is unique, you should use proper discretion, in

consultation with a health care practitioner, before practicing any

advice, exercise or technique described in this guidebook.

Do Not Allow any child under the age of 14 to perform these

exercises without adult supervision. Do Not Use any component of

the UNIT™ for climbing, rappelling, or in any other ways not

described in this manual.

TruFit Lifestyle

Welcome to TruFit, where we are setting the stage for a new fitness revolution. The advanced training methods of

fitness professionals have given us the opportunity to work out and instruct others like never before. These new

functional workouts carry over to the things you do and help you do them better. With TruFit and the UNIT, you

prepare your body for the challenges and highlights of an active lifestyle and help set the example for those around

you. Getting TruFit means you get active and inspire others around you to join in.

But TruFit is not just focused on working out alone. TruFit is how your fitness and outdoor lifestyles come together.

You workout to get outside and you get outside to go workout. Outdoor fitness is training to support a greater goal.

This is about you being able to take care of yourself with strength, stability, control and confidence no matter what the

game or situation.

TruFit workouts are smarter workouts. You develop everything. Strength, balance, flexibility, speed, coordination and

most of all attitudes. TruFit is about doing, TruFit is about teaching. Our goal is to reshape fitness into something

people are attracted to, not intimidated by. By performing and sharing the exercises in the guidebook, you not only

improve your own health and future, you help build the foundation for a youth fitness revolution.

Discover your Tru Potential

PICTURES Top: Young man performing a QUAD Pike

Top Middle: TruFit Ambassador Kim performing QUAD Pushups Bottom Middle: Orange UNIT handles

Bottom: QUAD Supergirl









se Section 2



se Section 2


se Section 2

Exercise difficultly is labeled L1 (easy) to L4 (extremely

difficult). All users should start with Level 1 exercises and

progress when they feel comfortable

























The UNIT is designed to work with a large population of individuals and promotes creativity and proper technique when fitness

training. The UNIT works with gravity. By adjusting your body position, you create the resistance necessary for many different

exercises. This style of training is often referred to as body leverage training and is an effective style of training for all ages and

experience levels. Special attention should be given early on in training to the substantial weight increases and decreases based

off the position of your body relative to the ground and the anchor. A small step forward or bend of the knee can adjust the

resistance or difficulty instantly and helps you avoid overloading a joint or muscle group allowing for safe continued exercise.

UNIT Training is designed to develop your entire kinetic chain, or the network of muscles, tendons and ligaments that work

together to produce movement. By training the body as a team you essentially prepare every player on your squad to work

together and efficiently. This approach to physical training helps to prevent injury and create a well tuned human body.

Body leverage training is a form of functional training and ideally works to prepare you for daily activity. Exercises are

progressive and promote a variety of benefits from increased joint stability to increased muscular strength and coordination.

Because UNIT Training is preformed in an unstable environment, each limb and joint have the opportunity to work

independently and cooperatively to perform exercise. As you become comfortable and develop the necessary joint stability, you

will be able to progress to more difficult angles and increase the resistance or challenge while still being able to regress almost at

any movement.

By combining the benefits of functional body leverage training with the UNIT, you can create a foundation of skill, strength and

flexibility that will last a lifetime. Start using the UNIT and performing exercises in their easiest form and progress as you see fit

while paying attention to any aches, pains and needs for rest.


DO NOT skip this page DO NOT use any component of the UNIT for climbing, rappelling, mountaineering, rescue or in any way not described DO NOT allow anyone under the age of 14 to operate the UNIT without adult supervision DO NOT forget to test your anchor point to ensure it supports the exercises you wish to perform DO NOT secure the UNIT to rough or abrasive surfaces to avoid unnecessary wear on the webbing DO NOT leave unattended if youth under the age of 14 are present DO NOT attempt difficult exercises without first becoming comfortable with an easier version DO NOT perform full bodyweight exercises if inexperienced or on any weak anchor setups DO NOT use without first consulting your health care professional DO NOT force any exercise on youth (TruFit is about show and tell) DO NOT move like a robot DO NOT use on a slippery or loose surface DO NOT perform exercises to a point of complete failure DO NOT assume any exercise is easy before trying it (popular exercises can often be more difficult on the UNIT) DO NOT forget that nutrition is just as important as any exercise DO NOT leave the UNIT outside and exposed to thieves, abuse or the elements DO NOT hesitate to contact us for more information DO NOT forget to register your product online at





CHOKING- due to the large handle opening, the ability exists for a pet or child to position their neck inside the handle opening and create an airway obstruction.

It is recommended that the handles be clipped into the Body Weight Rings when not in use so that they are positioned out of the way of fast traffic through

doorways and under jungle gyms.

PINCHING- the ability exist for the carabiner gate to pinch the hand between the thumb and index finger when very young children are attempting to clip or

unclip the handle. Adult supervisor is required and if the situation does happen, the carabiner gate should be pushed open.

OVERTRAINING- overtraining can refer to performing too many repetitions of one exercise or exercising too long without proper rest. Either situation promotes

injury and should be avoided. Overtraining can also mean attempting exercises over your ability level. This happens when individuals do not exercise or have not

exercised for an extended period of time and over estimate their ability when first attempting an exercise.

FALL THROUGH- when performing exercises in the prone position, or facing downward, the potential for joint failure at the shoulder and elbow exists. This

would appear as if the user is "falling through" with their arms extending awkwardly behind them. Common exercises that present a high risk of fall through are Flat

Pushups, Horizontal Flys, Iron Crosses, ALL Prone QUAD exercises, Dips, Planks and Horizontal Extensions. Always have a spotter present when performing exercises

like these and instruct users, especially youth, to lower down slowly and control every exercise.

POSTURE- always read instructions and use visual cues to correct posture deviations. Exercising with poor posture can promote injury. Improper movement

patterns and exercises should be discontinued or avoided if they cannot be preformed correctly. Use a spotter to provide instant feedback during exercises and take

turns looking for cues explained later in this guide.

QUAD TRAINING- Do not attempt any exercises in a QUAD setup until thoroughly confident in your ability to support your entire body weight. QUAD training is

not for beginners and should only be performed in the company of expert users.

UNDERSTANDING MUSCLES MUSCLES are classified as skeletal, cardiac, or smooth. Their function is to produce force and cause motion. Muscles can cause voluntary movement like moving your arm or involuntary movement like the beating of your heart. Physical Training commonly focused on skeletal muscle development or the muscles that move our bones or joints. Muscles connect to bone via tendons which carry forces and compress forces around joints. Ligaments connect bone to bone and produce joints that then work with our muscular system to produce movement. This entire system of muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments is what comprises our Kinetic Chain and should be viewed as a complimentary and connected system. Essentially every muscle in your body is connected to the network and works together to assist in movement and oppose resistance. Many people think a muscle is designed to produce force or produce movement. Although muscles and their connecting systems do work together to promote action in a joint, this is not the muscles only propose. Muscles can be decelerators working to resist change in the system. The muscles of your anterior core, or your abs, are designed to prevent forces from folding you over backward, whereas the muscles in your posterior core, or lower back are designed to keep you from flopping over forwards. Imagine this delicate balance taking place even as you read this. Are you leaning more forward or sitting up straight? If you are leaning forward, then the muscles in the lower back will be stretched and essentially attempting to pull you back up straight. This action happens all over our body and at almost every joint. As your bicep contracts, your tricep extends and provides the stretch necessary for proper elbow stability. In muscle action you will have a primary mover or agonist, an antagonist and a synergist. The primary mover in that bicep curl would be the bicep muscles which perform the contraction, or shortening of the muscles. The antagonist would be the tricep muscle system as it lengthens to oppose the action of the bicep. The synergist in this movement would be the shoulder and forearm systems as they provide stability to the arm and assist in the overall movement of bringing the hand closer to the midline of the body or towards the shoulder as in a traditional bicep curl. Think about your joints and try to figure out what muscles are doing what during movement. This knowledge of muscle function and anatomy will help you train properly and understand information in this manual better.





These images are here to get you thinking. Look at how complex you are. You have to understand how these muscles works if you want to train effectively. note: look at how the abdominal muscles in the picture above run in all kinds of different angles... now what does that mean to you and how does that effect your exercise selection. selection?

To understand your muscles is to

understand your movements

Rep range results for muscles 1-5 reps produces Strength gains if loads are close to maximum effort 6-15 reps produces hypertrophy gains if loads are manageable through reps 8-12 16+ reps produces muscular endurance and coordination throughout the body



Your body is an amazing organism and is capable of almost anything you can

think of. Understanding how your body moves will help you develop a better

sense of ability and help you to train effectively and prevent injury.

This isn't a stable world. We live in a dynamic environment that requires

efficient movement and stability throughout the entire kinetic chain. UNIT

Training works the body in all three planes of motion and provides a safer

alternative than traditional "sit down" exercise that eliminate necessary

muscles and isolate resistance.

"Nobody sits down to perform a task in real life, so why perform exercises sitting down? Exercise

on your feet and prepare yourself for life."

Starting off, you will find that most exercises you perform on the UNIT will be in the

Sagittal Plane and are directed forwards and backwards like the Pushup or Reverse Lunge.

Once comfortable, try exploring the Frontal Plane by performing exercises that take you

sideways and the Transverse Plane by rotating during movement. By focusing your

workout on all three planes of motion, you develop a solid foundation that promotes

action in real life.


You'll never hear, "Hey I can lift that heavy object up high for you, just let me take a seat

before I perform any movement".


Pain is not weakness leaving the body. Pain is your body's way of telling you something. The body is intelligent and wants you to survive in a comfortable

environment. Your body seeks out good feelings and avoids negative ones in an attempt to keep you happy and healthy. This communication system often gets

overlooked as just a minor annoyance and generally people push through the pain. Don't push through the pain. Explore the pain. Listen to it and try to

understand what it's telling you. Maybe you need to take a break from training or need to look into training styles that fits your goals and condition. Whatever it

may be, Don't train through pain. If something is hurt, it is not going to get any better if you beat it up further. Rest is the key to developing a well tuned body.

Think of pain as a "check engine light". When the light comes on you need to pay attention. Driving further will only cost you more in the end.

Always seek medical advice in any situation where you experience pain and do not recommend programs and

exercises to individuals in pain if you are not a qualified medical professional.


Back in the day, proper fitness was required for survival. Running, lifting, climbing, just plain old working hard. Early

humans did not have to focus on additional physical training because fitness was worked into their everyday lives. Today

things are much different. We live in a world built around convenience and now need to seek out adventure and activity.

Our playgrounds are growing smaller while our TV's are getting bigger and it is our responsibility now to explore every

option we have towards getting in shape and performing your best. Below are descriptions of different training styles, or

Modalities, to help get you thinking about ways to train with the UNIT and other cool fitness devices.

STABILITY TRAINING- This is the style to start with for

anybody new to exercise or for those looking to fine tune their body.

Stability training is any training that challenges the body to stabilize through

a joint or series of joints. This could be as simple as walking or as difficult

as catching a ball while standing on a Slackline. UNIT Training is stability

training because the muscles around your joints have to control the

imbalance so you can perform the exercise. Stability training is key in early

development because it teaches our neuromuscular system to accelerate

and decelerate force efficiently and effectively as we move through life.

TruFit's recommendation of starting each exercise in its easiest form is

rooted here. Because these exercises build the joint stability necessary for

more difficult movements, it is encouraged that all users begin easy and

progress to hard.

STRENGTH TRAINING- This is the style of training dedicated to

making you stronger. This doesn't mean you have to lift ridiculously heavy weights

or wear tight shirts and baggy jeans, but it does mean you're going to do work. You

can't get stronger by not challenging your current strength level. Much of strength

comes from better communication between the brain and muscles while the brawn

comes from the actual muscles and muscle groups. Strength can be increased by

placing a load on a muscle group for an extended period of time and then trying to

either increase the time or the load. Weight increases are common to avoid the

more endurance based approach but ideally we are looking for the muscles to be

tensioned for time. It is during this time adaptations take place in the body resulting

in increased strength once the muscle or muscle group has recovered. Heavy

loads close to your one rep maximum should only be attempted if comfortable with

the exercise and your own abilities. Also increase rest periods both during your

actual training session and afterwards before the next workout to ensure your

muscles and mind are ready to perform again.

INTERVAL/ CIRCUIT TRAINING- Intervals are when you

perform an exercise or series of exercises in succession with a determined rest

period between sets. Running and walking or performing 1 minute Mountain

Climbers with 30 seconds rest would be examples of intervals. Circuit Training

has you work in multiple stations with a training period and rest period, although

the exercises may be different. The effect of this "On then Off" style is ideal for

high volume, quick workouts and for people looking to create a high metabolic

boost. High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, could be done in either straight

intervals or in a circuit fashion with multiple stations. Remember that often with

interval and circuit training the goal is time combined with volume or distance.

Look to decrease the time while increasing the work performed.

REACTIVE TRAINING- This style of training

hones in on your ability to focus and make quick decisions,

either consciously or subconsciously. Reactive Training can be

done on the ground with quick movements followed by quick

action. Imagine jumping 180° degrees and then catching a ball

being thrown at you. Repeat this process and you are training

your reaction time. Everything in life involves reaction for you to

understand and develop a skill. From riding a bike to riding a

surf board, reaction is the key factor in many successful and

unsuccessful attempts. By practicing and training your body to

react without thought is the goal. Both Slacklining and UNIT

training have huge reactive components and will help you

perform tasks and focus on skill better than ever before.

BODY WEIGHT TRAINING- When you perform an exercise

that uses only your own body weight for the resistance you are body weight

training. This could include thousands of exercises and hundreds of different

devices to hang, hook and attach yourself to. Some common BW exercises

would be Pushups and Squats but really anything done with your body for the

goal of self improvement could fall into this category. Set a goal to master the

more common body weight exercises and set a foundation for movement

throughout all planes and training modalities. Exercises to master include:

Pushups, Pull ups, Squats, Lunges, Controlling Falls, Jumping, Walking,

Running and Single Leg Balance.

NON-TRADITIONAL TRAINING- This style of training

takes you away from general pumping iron and allows you to create

challenges in a variety of ways. Core training with a slosh pipe or playing

tag with a foam roller can be fun and provides a great workout for your

entire body. The idea is to change things up and have a big bag of tricks

you can pull out when you need a good workout. Other examples of non-

traditional running would include, paddle boarding in an ocean, river or lake

for cardio and core training, passing on the terrain park lift and walking up

after each run for a leg workout, or going for a walk while carrying a heavier

load than comfortable to train your entire body. Some UNIT exercises

would fall into the traditional categories while others would clearly be non-

traditional. Nontraditional training is ideal for outdoor and traditional sport

athletes and will help you push through training plateaus and boredom like

no other.


FLEXIBILITY TRAINING- This is much more than just simple stretching. Flexibility Training is any training

that is designed to increase range of motion of a joint. Ideally this is usable range of motion that can then help to assist

you in day to day activity and in sport. Stretching exercises can often be categorized into two major groups. Static

stretching is where you position your body or a limb in such a way that a continuous and gradual pull is placed on a

muscle or muscle groups. Static stretches are generally held for a period of time anywhere from 5-30 seconds and help to

relax the muscles and increase blood flow to the area. Static stretching before physical activity is common but there is

much debate that the long duration stretches reduce muscle readiness and cause fatigue prior to activity. Dynamic

Stretching are exercises and movements that prepare the body for activity and increase usable range of motion at the

joints. Dynamic stretches are done through movement and appear often in forms of yoga, athletic training and

rehabilitation. Stretching with the UNIT can be both static and dynamic, it all depends on you. Both styles of stretching are

covered in the Flexibility Exercise section.

POWER TRAINING- This style of training is designed to increase muscle fiber recruitment and rate of force

production. Power training is done in quick burst with loads that challenge but do not over task the body. Power is

increased by performing exercises that require fast movement typically by a large muscle group working together. Imagine

throwing an 8 pound medicine ball into a wall 5 times as fast and as hard as you can. These throws would require a large

amount of energy and recruitment from the central nervous system. Through continued practice and feedback from the

brain and body, you would become more powerful, more efficient and would be able to throw the ball harder, faster and

further than before. Power training requires extended rest periods and low volume loads to perform properly. Increase

resistance slowly and never go heavy or risk injury to the kinetic chain. Use power training techniques with the UNIT like

Power Lunges and Suspended kicks to increase your ability to produce and stabilize quick movement.

Stability Ball Chest Fly

Horizontal Tricep Extension

Indoor Rock Climbing

Explosive power off the Wall UNIT Shoulder & Hip Flexor Stretch

Runners performing a dynamic warm up before an adventure race

Figure 4 stretch


TruFit Training incorporates multiple training modalities to achieve the goal of functional readiness for everyday life

and sport. TruFit Training starts when you set a personal goal of achievement. This could be anything. Deciding to

train for and learn a new activity is the first step in a long line of big accomplishments. TruFit promotes developing

skills and healthy habits rather than 6 packs and ripped bodies. Those come standard in a lifestyle that keeps you

engaged and challenged while exploring new capabilities every step of the way.

TruFit also promotes smart training and encourages people to look long term in matters of training progression,

rehabilitation and injury prevention. Always remember the future when training and think about preparing for

situations you may encounter. This focus is recommended to keep you training smarter and not overdoing any

exercise just for the sake of a big number. TruFit Training is designed to last forever. The exercises you perform now

with the UNIT you could be doing forever. That is the idea. If along the way an injury, long rest period or unforeseen

circumstance comes up and takes you out of the game, don't worry. The smarter you are the longer you will be able

to enjoy all that you are capable of doing. UNIT Training will help you along the way by supporting your exercise

needs and keeping you ready for what you want to do.

Now that you understand the body a little better and have an idea of what you are training for, you can choose the right

assessment, or tests, to discover your starting point and next step. For most people this will be deciding what exercises can

help your progress your sport skill and prevent injury as you start training. There is no point in getting in shape if you can't do

anything with it. That is why with TruFit we encourage you to speak with a health care practitioner or medical professional,

talk to nutrition experts or take a class that teaches fitness and health principals. By doing this you will find out things about

yourself and can take the right steps to correct or reinforce what you are doing right or wrong.

Imagine you decided you wanted to run an endurance race in one year and started training by walking hills, running long

distances and training your entire body to take on an all day challenge. Now imagine that you have an imbalance in your right

hip because you have slouched to that side during many years of sitting in class, cars and on living room couches. So now you

are out running and things are starting to hurt. Not muscle soreness, but pain. Pain that hurts sometimes when you are not

doing anything. You keep running though because you think it will get better as you run more and you want to be ready for

the race coming up. Then one day as you are heading down a trail, you hear a pop from you knee and you feel incredible pain.

Oh no, this is bad. And anybody who has had a non contact knee injury would agree that if they could go back and perform

exercises that would've prevented this they would have. The only problem is how do you know what's wrong if nothing hurts

now. If you do assessments and talk to somebody about movement and the way you move, you could be figuring it out and

working to correct the imbalance before it's too late. As humans we have a somewhat standard movement pattern and if you

deviate from this pattern over and over again, as this runner would be doing with every step, the body breaks down where it

is the easiest to break. This often happens in the joints and can be avoided with an ounce of prevention and by taking a few

minutes to test out yourself.

TruFit provides online assistance as well as Ambassadors to help connect you with the right person or ideas for your

situation. Look in the appendix for our testing and assessment pages and discover something about yourself that matters



50% of all 12-21 year olds do not participate in any vigorous activity.

59% of adults do not participate in any vigorous activity.

Youth should be engaged in at least one hour of physical activity per day.

Adults should participate in at least 5 hours of physical activity per week.

Children should focus on cardiovascular and strength training at least 3 times per week.

Adults should focus on cardiovascular and strength training at least 5 times per week.

The average youth watches over 1500 hours of television per year.

The average adult watches 4 hours of television per day.

The average number of schools with a daily physical education class is 4.6%.

The average adult has little or no formal education on proper exercise and nutrition.

The top children's advertisements on TV are junk food and fast food commercials.

Adults account for 95% of all the food purchased for children.

The rate of youth diabetes and obesity is rising at an alarming rate without any signs of slowing.

Many adults fail to educate their children about proper exercise and nutritional principals.

Youth often make decisions off impulses and are influenced by what they see and what they know.

Adults often make decisions based off price, convenience and satisfaction.

Many overweight and obese individuals are trapped and unable to ask for the right assistance in helping themselves or their


Many children with overweight, obese or inactive parents will develop issues with healthcare, physical challenges and

emotional challenges related to obesity.

This can all change if we stop caring so much about what others think and start thinking about our future and our children's future.

Youth vs Adults

Think this was his idea... Positive Influence? You decide.


Getting started with TruFit and the UNIT is easy and it takes little time to go from a beginner to

experienced user. It is important to remember that this is a process and everybody has to start

somewhere. Begin your workouts practicing exercises in their easiest form to develop proper

movement patterns. Once you have established a solid foundation, you can become more creative

and challenge yourself by expanding outside the box.




Understanding how the UNIT works is a little bit like a Science mixed with Geometry class. By combining gravity and your body weight you create

the ability to perform exercises and stretches that normally would be difficult or impossible for some.

Lesser angles result in increased difficultly while standing up more at an upright angle will decrease the difficultly of the exercise.

Exercises where you are positioned between the straps can be adjusted by repositioning the feet or base of support. By increasing the distance

between your feet you can effectively complete an exercise by making it easier. (wide stance make exercises more balanced)

Most adults will understand the UNIT's Training concepts in a short amount of time. It is important you progress properly to avoid overtraining

and injury. Youth generally have little trouble learning the standard body positions with the UNIT and should always be supervised when

exercising to ensure a safe workout.

Loop anchor strap over the bar

Pull webbing down through loop

Clip into ring for Full Bodyweight exercises


ANCHORING To setup the UNIT you first need to find a structure that can support the exercises you want to do. Once you have selected a anchor point, simply loop the strap over the bar and pass the long length back through the top loop. Pull the anchor strap through the loop and pull tight around the bar. Repeat with the other strap and connect the handles via the body weight ring or at the end of the long strap. Extensions may be required for "out of reach" anchor points. Remember to attach the UNIT at a point to where the buckle is reachable for adjustment and that you will be able to take it down when finished using.

Clip handle to strap via carabiner


Raise the handle by pulling down on the front strap. (Picture left)

Lower the handle by releasing the buckle and pulling

down on the back strap. (Picture right) -Locking buckle works automatically when force is applied on the back strap. Release tension on the strap before making height adjustments.

Common anchor structures

are Monkey Bars, Pull up

Bars, Gym Racks and Cable

Stations, Rafters, Beams,

virtually any strong

overhead fixture can work as

an attachment point.

Toes in the sand













Hanging out at the beach UNIT hooked up to a gym cable station


Single Arm Row at the park Solo Halo in a training studio

Heels in the sand

Use caution when exercising over hard floors

and slippery surfaces.

Use Offset Stances, Close Feet and Single Leg

options for exercises to increase or decrease


The UNIT can also be attached to a doorframe by passing the rings over the door so that the handles hang down in

front of the door. Remember to lock the Deadbolt and only perform exercises with the door in a closed position and

so it cannot open in your direction. Many exercises are possible with this doorway setup and it will provide you with a

great workout in almost any room without having to attach another anchor point. Horizontal and full body weight

exercises are not recommended when working off a door and be sure not to let the handles go and hit the door when

finishing an exercise.


A) LAYING DOWN, heels in straps (HIP BRIDGE) B) PRONE, feet in large foot strap (PUSHUPS) C) QUAD PRONE, feet in small foot strap, hands on handles (SUPERMAN) D) STANDING, centered between handles (RUSSIAN DANCE) E) STANDING FORWARD, back foot suspended (SUSPENDED REVERSE LUNGE) F) SEATED facing anchor, using handles (SIT UPS) G) STANDING, handles overhead (PULLUPS) H) STANDING facing, slightly inclined (INCLINE ROWS) I) QUAD SUPINE, feet in foot or heel strap, hands on handles (QUAD ROWS) J) PRONE, more horizontal, using handles (HORIZONTAL CHEST FLY) K) FACING AWAY INCLINE, one or two handles (SOLO HALO, CHEST PRESS)










A) HEAD IN A NEUTRAL POSITION Often when people exercise in a prone or supine position they have a tendency to drop their head forward or down. Try to keep your head level by looking out instead of down or by looking straight up when laying flat. This works the muscles of the neck and upper back properly and helps to promote correct posture in this region. Always remember to lead your movement with your eyes.

B) BODY FLAT AND STRAIGHT This would include keeping the head level but also refers to the core, more specifically the hips. During exercises that are prone or supine, people tend to drop their hips when fatigued or if lacking proper core strength. Ensure you keep your hips in line with the rest of the body by squeezing your stomach muscles during prone movement and sticking your butt up more during supine exercises when the back arches downward.

C) KNEES FOLLOWING TOES This is a general rule for lower body exercises and recommends that when performing movements that load the knee, hip and ankle complex, that the middle joint, or the knee, tracks with direction of the toes. This idea is designed to get you thinking about the direction your knees move during movement and prevent unwanted sheer or strain on the knee. Imagine your foot turning outward as you lunged and fell forward. If the knee goes straight while the foot goes left, you increase your chance of injury by twisting your knee while loading it with weight. Ideally, once you have developed good movement patterns, you can start to train with less focus on knee and foot position and concentrate on advanced movement where the knee performs in a variety of loaded positions similar to real life.

Every exercise performed on the UNIT has an ideal posture that goes along with it. Written in the exercise descriptions are

cues and insights into what to look for as a spotter or trainer and ways to instruct others so that they know better when

working out. Many people do not know if they are using good form and it is important to notify individuals if they are

increasing their risk of injury or instructing others improperly. Posture checks and assessments are a great tool in looking

for and distinguishing imbalances and old injuries. These checks are not intended to provide medical diagnosis or to treat

existing medical conditions. Always strive to use your best form possible. Doing an exercise without a focus on posture is

not worth the effort or risk involved.













Provide assistance when using the foot straps


QUAD UNIT RULES 1) Always have a spotter present when performing quad exercises 2) Position handle height so that user can kneel down to discontinue 3) Spotters should assist user in and out of foot straps 4) Use the heel strap as a toe strap to prevent slippage from the foot 5) Focus on core control and shoulder stability 6) Do not attempt if inexperienced or unsure 7) Use a crash pad or fall protection if possible 8) Double check anchor structure & confirm body weight support 9) Experienced supervision required, adult supervision required, 10) Not intended for youth



Prone with 4 independent anchor points-top picture Supine with 2 anchor points and 4 handles


Eat smartly and enjoy the rewards of your efforts


DO NOT skip this page.

DO NOT use any component of the UNIT for climbing, rappelling, mountaineering or in any other way not described in this manual.

DO NOT allow anybody under age 14 to operate the system without adult supervision.

DO NOT forget to check your anchor structure to ensure it can support full body weight.

DO NOT secure the UNIT to rough or abrasive surfaces which can cause wear and can increase the risk of injury. DO NOT leave children under the age of 14 unattended. DO NOT attempt difficult exercises without first becoming comfortable with the more easier versions. DO NOT perform full body weight exercises on weak or uncertain anchor structures. DO NOT begin a new exercise program without first talking with your health care provider. DO NOT force exercises or repetitions on youth. TruFit Training is show and tell. DO NOT move like a robot. TruFit Training is done through all planes of motion. DO NOT exercise using a slippery surface. Be sure to keep floor dry if sweating causes a hazard. DO NOT work out to failure. The idea is to stimulate not annihilate. DO NOT assume an exercise is easy because you have done something like it before. Example- flat pushups are really hard. DO NOT forget that nutrition is more important than exercise. Fuel up for fun. DO NOT leave the UNIT outside exposed to the elements, abuse or thieves. DO NOT hesitate to contact TruFit for more information. DO NOT forget to register your product to activate your warranty.

Good TruFit Training is all about Show and Tell




Fried Appetizers have become a big problem



There are an unlimited amount of exercise combinations and possibilities with the UNIT. This section is

designed to help you make sense of it all and put together great programs that support your active lifestyle.

Explore all the different styles of training and look to be creative in your workouts once comfortable with the

basic and beginner exercises.

Reps- number of complete movements performed in a sequence. Set- a group of repetitions performed continuously. Generally from 1-25 depending on the exercise. Super set- two exercises performed back to back with very little rest between. Complex- a group of exercises performed without removing your hold on the resistance. Tempo- speed at which an exercise is performed. 2,2,2 would be 2 seconds eccentric, 2 isometric,

and 2 seconds concentric. Tempos should be played with to discover the different effects Aerobic- exercise that utilizes oxygen for energy, long term exercise Anaerobic- exercise that utilizes stored fuel for energy, (ATP-CP, Glycolysis), short term exercise

BASIC FOUNDATION- develop core control, joint stability, exercise familiarity, muscular strength, muscular endurance


It is a good idea to practice and become comfortable with the exercises above. These exercises will set you up for more complex exercises in the future and will give you a stable foundation to fall back on. Most of the exercises performed with the UNIT have a similar free weight or fixed weight counterpart; this carryover to other traditional exercises will help you in situations where you are not training with the UNIT. A more complete list of exercises and their carryover to traditional exercises is listed in the appendix.


The number of repetitions or time spent performing an exercise depends on your current skill level and overall goal. Beginners should aim for

workouts ranging from 10-45 minutes in length with exercise sets ranging from 10-25 repetitions. Experienced users may perform workouts 10-60

minutes in duration with exercise sets ranging from 1-50 reps depending on the exercise difficultly and goal.

Example: Beginner Super Set- Incline Chest Press + Incline Rows / 2 sets 20 reps / easy / goal_ endurance

Experienced User Giant Set- Horizontal Pushups, Horizontal Rows, Power Lunges / 3 sets 10 reps / difficult / goal_ strength


Rest between exercises is just as important as rest after activity. The reason you rest between exercise sets is to allow your CNS and muscular

systems to recover and prepare for future activity. Aim for shorter rest periods if you are looking to increase the cardiovascular demand on your

body with longer rest periods reserved for the time between more difficult exercises. Ideal rest periods between easy and medium difficulty

exercises and exercise sets are 30-120 seconds. Rest periods between more difficult exercises should be longer and more complete ranging from

60-300 seconds (5mins).

Rest between whole workouts by listening to your body and taking the time it tells you to take. You want to be recovered before you train a muscle

or muscle group again or that system will not be able to perform at full potential. Resting 24-72 hours usually is sufficient but sometimes more

time is required if performing high intensity workouts. In many cases you can train daily with the UNIT depending on your exercise selection,

nutritional program and rest periods.

SAMPLE 30 DAY PROGRAM 5 training days per week / 45 min - 1 hour sessions / 8 rest days M-T-W-T-F (on) S-S (off) or M-W-F-S-S (on) T-T (off) DAY 1) Upper body 2) Lower body 3) Core 4) Upper Body 5) Lower Body Perform 6-10 Exercises for 10-25 repetitions each with 2-3 sets per exercise. Perform 1-2 lower body exercises on the upper body days and vise versa.


STABILITY- beginner to expert users, rehabilitation, corrective exercise, plateau busting Perform mostly easy to difficult exercises focusing on joint control and balancing the movement. Should incorporate some

strength components to build joint stability. Exercise rep ranges from 12-25 with loads light enough to complete each set.

Example exercises- chest press, planks, split squats, one foot hop

STRENGTH- intermediate to expert users, rehabilitation post stability, foundation development Perform medium to extreme exercises focusing on correct form and efficient movement. Exercises should not exceed 20

repetitions. Heavier loads and lower rep counts with a greater number of sets will help build strength and will keep you from over

exerting during any one set. Look to increase the load and time on your muscles group while under tension. Example exercises-

suspended floor press, L-sit, squat handle drop

FLEXIBILITY- beginner to expert users, rehabilitation, performance enhancement Perform dynamic stretches prior to activity to engage the muscles and activate the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Hold

positions for very short periods of time and attempt to move fluidly from one position to another. Perform static stretches, or

stretches with sustained muscle extension, after workouts or at any time that you need a good stretch. Example exercises-

anterior chest/ hip stretch, rotational reaches, lunges

POWER- intermediate to expert users, performance enhancement To increase power and agility focus on quick bursts of action that require a large muscular effort. Power training should be done

only when you are well rested and able to perform at a high intensity. Power development reps usually last anywhere from 1 to 3

seconds with generally no more than 20 reps per set. Example exercises- super lunge, solo floor press, mountain climbers

ENDURANCE- intermediate to expert users, rehabilitation, performance enhancement To increase endurance, perform exercises with lighter loads but with higher repetition counts. This could be in the form of

Isometric endurance by increasing the duration you are able to hold with an exercise like a Plank or Half Squat. Repetition

endurance can be achieved through adjusting resistance properly and performing multiple repetitions of an exercise. Example

examples- load transfer chest presses, Russian dance, squat rows

REMEMBER YOUR GOALS Set goals often and make them reachable so that you can reassess where you are in life when you hit these milestones. TruFit Training is designed to support your goals no matter what they are. Be sure to learn about the different training methods and suggestions for each outdoor and traditional sport in the appendix.

USE TIME WISELY Everybody wants to have more time. Use yours wisely and plan workouts that are smart and effective. Plan 2-6 week routines with exercises you can practice and progress from. As you develop more skill you can change your goals and continue your progression in both fitness and in sports.

KEEP IT WELL ROUNDED Avoid boring routines and repeating the same exercises over and over again by mastering the Basic foundational exercises first. Once comfortable with the Plank, Pushup, Row, Squat, Lunge, Dip and Combo Squat Row, you should look to take them outside their basic parameters. Add in new challenging exercises and look to progress favorites through increased resistance, rotation or greater control. This will help keep you ready for life and free from plateaus and boredom.


PLANKS Lvl 1-3 CORE 24

A) SUSPENDED FOOT PLANK L1- kneel in front of open loop handle strap

and place feet through large loop. Position the hands so that when upright, your feet

are directly underneath the anchor point. Push up with your arms and lift your hips so

that your body is parallel to the ground. Attempt to hold this position always keeping

your head and hips in a neutral position. You might feel like you are sticking your butt

up in the air when you actually are very much flat. Look for a sagging back when

spotting others and discontinue if you experience any pain in the shoulders or lower


B) ELBOW PLANK L1- similar to the foot plank, you position your body with

the feet through the large handle loop and elbows on the ground. Try not to cave in

your shoulders blades by maintaining a stable push through the arm pits and upper

back. Both the Elbow and Suspended Foot Planks can be regressed to ground or with

only one foot suspended.

C) PROGRESSIVE PLANK L1- this is the ideal plank for beginners who have

yet to feel how the stomach tightens up when going prone, or face down. Take the

handles while standing and walk forward until the straps go tight. With straight arms,

take small steps backwards controlling the descent by pushing back into the ground

with your feet. During this "walking down" phase there will come a point in time

when your stomach tightens up on its own. This is what you are looking for and is

where you can begin to hold the plank. Over time this position will get lower until you

are doing the Hand Plank(E) in the flat position. To discontinue, simply walk up out of

the incline while maintain a tight press into the handles.

D) SIDE PLANK L2- this is a more difficult static hold that will challenge your

core and shoulder stability. Take one handle and position your body so that the anchor

strap runs along your shoulders when pressing down into the handle. The handle

ideally should be under the anchor point but this can be done progressively too. With

your feet out to the side, lift your hips and press into the handle. It is recommended to

look up at your anchor point and reach for the strap with the other hand to help

stabilize and support the hold. You can increase the challenge by abducting at the hips,

as pictured or by lowering and raising the hips in a rep style fashion.

E) HANDLE PLANK L2- the goal with all the planks is to develop the core and

shoulder strength to perform the handle plank. This one exercise sets a foundation for

a multitude of exercises in the future. Ideally you want to maintain a neutral head with

your back flat and shoulders tight. Squeeze your arm pits and engage those muscles to

stabilize the shaking in the upper body. Again you may feel like you are sticking your

butt in the air but you actually will be flat. Hold this position with a big smile for time

and kneel down or walk forward to rest. Discontinue if you experience any pain in your

shoulders or lower back.

A- Suspended Foot Plank L1

E- Handle Plank L2

Side Plank L2 -D

Progressive Plank L1 -C

B- Elbow Plank L1

KNEE INS Lvl 2-4 CORE 25

Handle Plank Knee Ins L2 (A) Foot Plank Knee Ins L 2 (B) Take the static Plank to the next level by performing Knee In maneuvers once in the standard hold. This adds a dynamic

component to the isometric Plank exercise and can be performed with either a quick or slow tempo. In both, the Handle

Plank Knee Ins L2 (A) and the Foot Plank Knee Ins L2 (B) you can bring the knees in straight forward or up and out to the

side. These two Knee In options are great for athletes that need both mobility while maintaining core control during

movement. Additionally they help to further increase the shoulder stability developed with Level 1&2 Planks. Perform 5-

50 Knee Ins depending on your goals, experience and endurance. Discontinue if you experience any pain in your lower

back or shoulders. In both situations, kneel down while ending the exercise.

Tripod Knee Driver L4 (C)- This exercise is one of the more difficult progressions to the Plank series. (QUAD EXERCISE!) Place one foot inside the smaller foot strap so that it fits tightly around your shoe (recommended). Once the single foot is secure, lift up into the Plank position with the other 2 handles. Control any instability by tighten the arms and stomach. Perform reps by exploding off your "grounded" foot while driving your suspended knee forward. Attempt to complete the knee drive before the other foot hits the ground. Switch legs after completing desired number of drivers on one side.

A- Handle Plank Knee In L2

C- Tripod Knee Driver L4

B- Foot Plank Knee In L2



Side Bend L2 in the starting position

Side Bend L2 in the stretched position


Side Bend L2 The Side Bend is a great core exercise that incorporates the hips, abdominals, back and shoulders. This Frontal Plane exercise can be

done with the feet either together or positioned slightly apart to decrease the resistance.

Stand sideways and away from the anchor point with one handle positioned over your head. The strap should be tight as you step in

just slightly to produce a lean on the body. From here, relax in the upper back and allow your body to lean further while controlling

the gravity push with your core and shoulders. Pull your body back to upright by lifting your arms overhead and straightening out in

the oblique's.

Perform 5-25 repetitions facing each direction. Be sure to control the lowering half of the exercise and do not allow yourself to drop

sideways too quickly. Discontinue by standing up straight.






Hip Bridge L2

The Hip Bridge builds posterior core strength and helps to balance out

anterior lean or a posture that promotes forward lean. This can be caused

from things like sitting for extended periods of time, training only the

abdominals or working over a desk.

The Hip Bridge can be done for repetitions or for extended periods of time

to build core endurance.

Position yourself so you are sitting down facing the anchor straps and

handles. Move the handles to the side and place your heels inside the

smaller foot strap. This will hold your heel with better stability than just

using the large loop. Once your feet are secure, lay down on your back and

position your body so that your feet are directly under the anchor point.

Now push down into your heels and lift your hips up of the ground. Try to

keep everything straight from your shoulders to your knees. Lower down,

rest and repeat for reps or hold for 5-60 seconds.

The Bridge Cycle will have you assume the regular bridge position but then

have you extend one foot out while still maintaining the press down with

the other foot.

The Hip Bridge should be discontinued if you experience any pain in your

shoulders or lower back. Regression of this exercise would simply have you

perform it on the ground without use of the UNIT.

TOP: Hip Bridge L2 BOTTOM: Bridge Cycle L2 with a single leg extended


Pikes L2

Pikes are performed on the UNIT to increase abdominal strength while challenging your shoulder stability and core control. With

your feet through the small foot strap, position the body so that your feet are underneath the anchor point when straight out

behind you. Push yourself up into the Pushup position or Foot Plank position. From here, pull your hips up into the air while bringing

your feet closer to your arms. Try to keep your legs straight and hinge at the hips only. This Flexion will be difficult to maintain due

to the pull of gravity wanting your legs to go back. Descend carefully and with control. Use your abdominals to stretch out and slow

the movement while taking it easy on the shoulders.

Perform reps or attempt to hold in the up position for time.

Discontinue by kneeling down. Do not perform if you feel any pain in your shoulders or lower back.

Pike L2, use caution not to go over your shoulders


Sit up Twist L1 Traditional Sit ups where you curl your body straight up towards the knees are over glamorized and can lead to issues if not balanced out correctly. This is why we recommend the Twist Up instead of the traditional Situp. You can do traditional Sit ups too with assistance from the handles but once you've got it, try using only one handle and rotating towards the anchor strap as you raise up. This twist up with the handle allows you to focus as much attention into your core as needed while you support the movement with your other arm. Lower down slowly and switch directions after you've completed your reps. Be sure to reach out when in the up and down positions. This will help stretch your core and load it for each consecutive repetition.

V-Ups L2 Perform this abdominal exercise by positioning the body away from the anchor with both handles and straps tight. Lift up with your legs while you raise your upper body up stabilizing with the handles. Here you can hold the position or lower down and repeat the full movement or you can stay in the up position and lower only the legs challenging your core even more. Try holding for 5-30 seconds or performing 5-20 repetitions.

Sit up L1 with a

rotation and

reach towards

the anchor strap

V up L2 using both

handles to support

the static hold at the


Full extension up on the toes with tension on both straps


Overhead Rotational Reach L2

Build rotational strength and coordination with this

dynamic core exercise.

Stand with two handles back from the anchor as if you

were going to perform an incline row. With your elbows

bent and resistance in the arms, rotate to the left while

extending your right arm overhead. Always try to keep

tension on the straps, both when extending and

returning to the home position. The slight lean

backwards will help to promote a tight core while you

rotate and punch up from side to side.

Repeat consecutive reps on one side or alternate each

repetition with left to right overhead extensions.

Allow yourself to come up on your toes and drive

your stability into the ground. This rotation from

the toes up helps to promote proper movement

patterns and connects the body from head to toe.

Midway through the Overhead Rotational Reach L2

L-SIT Lvl 3 CORE 31

Stiff Arm L-Sit L3 Perform this difficult core exercise by placing the handles at a height that allows you to lift your body off the ground with straight arms. Once you can lock out at the top portion, lift your legs up in front by bending at the hips. Attempt to keep the legs straight and bring them up to a height so that your body makes a right angle. Try to hold your legs out straight and lower as slowly as possible when complete with the rep. Bending the knees will decrease the resistance and is recommended if the straight leg position is impossible at the moment.

Pullup Style L-Sit L3 This L-Sit is performed with the handles in a position so that you can pull up and lift your body off the ground. Once you are in the air, try to lift your legs out in front of you keeping the knees straight as best you can. You should try to maintain the top portion of the Pullup while lifting and holding your legs up and out. Try to hold for time or perform repetitions with a smooth paced tempo.

Get Creative Look for ways to increase the resistance of your L-Sit. Use Bikes, Snowboards, Wakeboards, Ski Boots and other action sport equipment to challenge yourself while keeping you in your

right mind.

Straight Arm L-Sit


Pullup L-Sit L3


Front Lever L3

The Front Lever is extremely difficult and tasking on the Core and Shoulders. Don't attempt unless extremely confident in your upper body

physical ability.

Begin with the handles high enough so that you can lift your body off the ground. Perform a Pullup and maintain the up position by keeping your

arms tucked in close. Once here, slowly begin to push your arms out and away with your palms turning out and arms going straight. As your

body lowers down through the arms, lift your hips and legs up and out to extend your body horizontally. Hold this position for time, reversing

the movement to complete the rep.

You can also get into the Front Lever position by rolling over into a backwards summersault and reversing the movement halfway. This will put

your body in position to tighten up and decelerate the legs falling down.

Discontinue if you experience any pain in the shoulders or elbows.

Front Lever L2 using the Full Body Weight Ring




Russian Dance L2

This one is fun, and difficult. Perform the Russian Dance with

the handles around mid-leg to hip height. This will allow you

to stand between the straps and lower your body down

using both your arms and legs. Ideally you will be performing

small Tricep Dips while exploding up off of one foot. The

alternating nature of these explosive hops gives this exercise

the appearance of some traditional Russian Dances. Similarly,

this exercise is challenging and requires good coordination

between the upper and lower body.

Use the Russian Dance as a good total body Cardiovascular


Because this exercise uses so many muscles to perform, the

body must increase heart rate and respiratory rate to keep

up with the workload. Perform 10-50 Russian Dance hops

focusing on a balance between the arm work and leg work.

Discontinue if you experience any pain in your elbows,

shoulders or knees.

TOP: Lower portion with left leg extended, chest and triceps and right leg loaded MIDDLE: Exploding up with effort from both the upper and lower body BOTTOM: Landing in the bottom position with right leg extended


Windshield Wipers L3 Here is another difficult and dynamic core exercise that has you holding yourself off the ground while rotating through the core. Position one handle or both handles so that you can hang with your feet off the ground. Hold the Row or Pullup position and extend your legs out in front of your body. Then twist your body to the left or right and allow your legs to follow. Pause the momentum at about the 90 degree zone and try to reverse the movement by bringing your legs around to the other side. Discontinue if you have pain in your elbows or shoulders. Perform 2-20 Windshield Wipers while maintaining a strong hold in the Pullup position.

Single handle Windshield Wiper L3

Dual handle Windshield Wipers L3


Spider Crawl L2

This exercise is similar to the Foot Plank or Foot Plank

Knee In except with the Spider Crawl you perform a

pushup maneuver while bringing a knee in towards

the same side elbow.

Perform 10-40 Spider Crawls focusing on smooth and

controlled movement. Both the Pushup and the Knee

In should be steady allowing the core to stabilize the


This is a good exercise to challenge the entire body and see how well you can combine movements and exercises. Just like the Spider

Crawl, there are endless combinations of movements you can put together to create some awesome and effective exercises. Practice

each movement independently and then try putting it all together to complete the exercise.

Discontinue if you feel pain in your elbows, shoulders or lower back.

Spider Crawl L2 in the top Foot Plank position

Spider Crawl L2 in the bottom Pushup/ Knee In position




Reverse Fall Back L2

Perform this exercise by standing up and facing the anchor with the straps tight. Place your hands through the handles or hold onto the

handles with a pronated or overhand grip. Step forward so that you have some resistance now trying to push you down. With your arms

straight, press into the handles and raise your body back up. This will be harder than it looks and should be held for time or done in reps

where you come up and down from the backward lean. Remember to keep your arms and legs straight and step out of the exercise if it

becomes too difficult.

Trying to keep yourself from falling is harder than it looks

with the Reverse Fall Back L2

Fully extended Rollout L2 at an angle on toes

Horizontal extended Rollout L3 on toes

Fully extended Rollout L2 at an angle on knees


Rollouts and Ab Extensions L2-3

Similar to the old Ab wheels of the past, this Ab Rollout is extremely difficult and should only be attempted when confident in your

shoulders, core strength and stability. Position your body either on your knees or in an incline position on the toes. The lower you are,

the greater the resistance, so it is recommended to start this exercise on the knees when attempting for the first time. Once in position,

extend your arms overhead so that they are parallel with the back. Hold this position anywhere from 2-20 seconds allowing you to step

out or stand up when fatigued or complete. Discontinue or do not attempt if shoulder weakness or pain is present.

Performing the Incline Chest Press L1 with a staggered stance

off a closed door

Chest Presses L1 on the Playground. Stepping forward

increases the core demand and balance

CHEST PRESS Lvl 1 Upper Body Pressing 38

The Chest Press is one of the foundational exercises

that progress into a variety of pressing movements.

You should learn and be able to perform the Chest

Press before moving on to more difficult exercises like

Pushups and Load Transfer presses. Furthermore, the

Chest Press is the ideal exercise for teaching beginner's

correct form and for developing muscle memory of

this movement pattern.

Encourage youth and deconditioned users to perform

this exercise prior to attempting any horizontal

pressing exercise.

Chest Press L1

Begin the Chest Press by taking the handles and walking forward so

that your body is in an incline position to the ground. You should be

leaning forward slightly using the UNIT to support your body

weight. Lower down by bending at the elbows until your shoulder,

ear and elbow are lined up or close to it. (SEE Position) From here,

reverse the movement and press yourself back up to the starting

position. Keep your body straight by tightening the same muscles

you use for Planks. A staggered stance or having a foot forward can

also assist in decelerating the forward fall and can help to push you

back up if needed. Perform 5-50 Chest Press pushups practicing

good form maintaining a steady tempo. Adjust the effort between

the Triceps and Chest by performing a tucked elbow style press for

the Tri's and a wide, elbows out press to work more of the chest.

Performing Tucked style presses with your elbows inside will

really work the Triceps

Prefect Horizontal Pushup L2, with

the head neutral and the hips level

PUSHUPS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pressing 39

A new challenge to an old favorite

Pushups have been popular as a common method of

testing ones upper body strength. Pushups with the

UNIT increase the challenge over traditional ground

based pushups and should only be performed if

comfortable with UNIT Chest Presses and ground

based Pushups.


Pushups L2

Position your body so that you are horizontal with the handles about 4-12 inches off the ground. Extend your feet out behind you and

tighten your core as if you were performing a static plank. Maintain this flat body position while you bend the elbows and lower down.

Pause when your upper body reaches the Shoulder, Ear and Elbow position and then push back up. Perform Pushups with a slow tempo

and discontinue if you experience pain in your elbows or shoulders. Step out of the horizontal position or walk yourself back upright using

the handles to support you. Perform 5-50 Pushups regressing to the Chest Press if hip or neck alignment cannot be maintained.

Tip: Lifting a leg off the ground while in the

Pushup position increases the demand on

the core

LOAD TRANSFER PUSHUPS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pressing 40

Load Transfer Training

This style of training uses unilateral dominance to

perform certain exercises on one side of the body

more than the other. Transferring comes from shifting

the load or resistance across the body and applying

the more dominate force now on the other side.

Load Transfer Training applies to many tasks and

activities that we do today. Perform Load Transfer

exercises once comfortable with the standard, non

transfer version.

Load Transfer Press L2

Perform the Load Transfer Chest Press by positioning the body in the incline press position. Once comfortable with the traditional Chest

Press movement, you can increase the challenge by adding in the transfer on each repetition. Lower down into a tucked style Pushup with

one arm while extending the other arm to support the movement. You can adjust the amount of resistance placed into each arm and

dominate the exercise with whichever side you choose. Ideally your power arm will be the arm tucked against your side and the

supporting arm will be extended out. Bring both arms together as you push back to the starting position. Pause, then lower down again,

this time switching the extended arm and the tucked arm. Perform 10 -50 Load Transfer presses and get creative with where you extend

the non-dominate arm. This will give you some usable flexibility and encourages teamwork throughout the upper body.

Use caution if attempting the more difficult Load Transfer Pushup in the horizontal position. This can be extremely dangerous to your

shoulders and should be avoided until mastering Horizontal UNIT Pushups.

The Load Transfer Chest Press L2 going right to left across the body

Chest Fly L2, with a forward step for support

CHEST FLY Lvl 2 Upper Body Pressing 41

The Chest Fly is an exercise that requires you to be in the forward incline position. Different from the

Pushup, the Chest Fly uses little effort from the Triceps and dominates the movement through the chest

and shoulders. It is recommended that beginners use a staggered stance to assist in the forward

deceleration. The Chest Fly can become very difficult once the arms are fully extended so having a leg in

front can keep you from injuring your shoulder or falling forward.

Try combining Chest Fly's with standard Pushups, alternating after each repetition. This helps develop the

chest and tricep muscle groups in conjunction with the shoulders and encourages varying movement

patterns which is more like real life and sports.

Chest Fly L2

Position your body similar to an incline Chest Press, only use less resistance than you would for the Chest Press. Stagger your feet so that

one foot can load in the front to help control the movement. Open your arms wide and allow yourself to lower down towards the

ground. Pause when your hands are out and even with your shoulder height. Reverse by "squeeze pressing" the arms back together, thus

lifting the body back into the standing position. Perform 5-50 Incline Chest Flys increasing the resistance very slightly as you improve.

Chest Fly performed on a Stability Ball

TRICEP EXTENSION Lvl 2-3 Upper Body Pressing 42

Tricep Extensions L2 performed in the recommended Incline position

This exercise can also be made easier by having one foot in front of the

other for support.

Tricep Extensions can be an effective exercise for strengthening the upper arm and shoulder. They can also be

dangerous. Tricep Extensions, regardless of the equipment used, pose a higher risk of injury to the elbow and

shoulder due to the amount of force being directed into the elbow joint. Triceps Extensions with the UNIT are to

be performed in the Incline position and ideally with a staggered stance to prevent overload failure. Additionally

you can use the Single Arm Tricep Extensions as part of a Load Transfer Chest Press to combine the effects of

these two exercises.

Tricep Extension L2-3

Position your body away from the anchor with the

straps tight as if you were going to perform an Incline

Chest Press. A staggered stance is recommended to

prevent overload on the joints during the movement.

With your arms above your head, allow the elbows to

bend behind you slowing down your decent. Your

front foot can also help to control decent. Pause when

your Triceps are stretched with your hands near your

head. Press back to reverse the movement, lifting your

body back to the upright position. Your front foot

should assist in this upward movement. Perform reps

with a very slow and controlled tempo. Moving too

fast during this exercise can cause injury in the elbow

or shoulder. Moving slow can create strength and joint


Staggered Stance (previous page) is not pictured but is

recommended for first time users to experience the exercise

with less potential for injury. Stand with one foot slightly in

front of the other so that you can support your weight on

that forward foot.

This is position is extremely difficult and should never be

attempted unless you are very confident in your elbow and

shoulder strength. Other great Tricep focused options include

close grip Pushups and Low Supported Dips.

Low Dips L2-3 are similar to common bench dips and

allow you to use your legs to assist with the


Full Body Weight Dips L3 are serious business. Practice

eccentrically (lowering) and then work on completing the

full ROM

DIPS Lvl 2-3 Upper Body Pressing 43

Dips are a great upper body strength exercise that when performed with the UNIT requires a large amount of stability from the shoulders and

elbows. Low Dips L2, should be attempted first with your feet on the ground as pictured above. You can adjust the position of the feet to

provide more or less assistance for the arms. Position the handles so that you are supported between them and can sit down without touching

the ground. Lower down by bending the elbows back and sitting into the imaginary chair. Pause midway with your elbows forming a right

angle. Then push down into the handles and lift your body back up to the starting position. This exercise is similar to traditional chair or bench

dips and can be performed for 5-50 repetitions depending on endurance strength and goal.

Full Body Weight Dips L3, are a true test of upper body strength and stability. Full Body Weight Dips are extremely difficult with the UNIT

and should only be performed if comfortable with traditional fixed full body weight Dips. The ring style Dips add a huge stability component to

this common exercise and if not perform correctly can lead to injury in the elbow and shoulder. Performing the eccentric or lowering down

portion can be effective at building the proper strength necessary to reverse and complete the movement. Try positioning the handles so you

can jump up and simply try to lower down slowly, eventually stepping out and repeating the movement. This will help you build the strength

and control you need to perform this Level 3 full body weight exercise. Try 1-20 Dips and use a spotter in addition to a soft surface for landing.

Low Dips L2

FOOT PLANK PUSHUPS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pressing 44

Foot Plank Pushups L2

This exercise needs very little explanation. The Foot Plank Pushups is simply performing ground Pushups

with your feet suspended behind you. Set the handles about 12 inches off the ground and place your foot

through the large handle opening. Position your body so that your feet are directly under the anchor point

and move up into a Pushup or Plank position. Lower down slowly controlling any sway or instability with

your core muscles. Perform reps and practice double knee tucks and single knee drivers in between Pushup

reps to challenge the body while somewhat resting your arms. Remember to keep your head neutral and lift

the hips if they're dropping down the core

Foot Plank Pushup L2, starting position

Foot Plank Pushup L2, bottom position with elbows tucked

for greater Tricep recruitment


Swimmers L2

Prepare yourself to paddle with these Swimmers. Perform both in the

Incline facing away position. From here you can adjust the resistance so

that you are able to make big sweeping arm circles that look similar to a

swimmer performing a Butterfly stroke. pictured above. Two hand

Butterflys start from the Chest Press position and have you perform an

overhead bear hug that wraps around back to the start.

The Freestyle Swimmer has you stabilize the movement with one fixed arm

overhead while the other arm sweeps down and around. Alternate sides

or perform consecutive reps on the same side.

A staggered stance is ideal for first timer with either swimmer style

exercise. A push with the front foot helps to prevent overload and injury if

you are at too great of an angle.

Two Arm Butterfly Swimmers L2, in the incline position

with feet together to increase difficultly

Staggered stance recommended for beginners

Overhead position for the Freestyle Swimmer L2

Freestyle Swimmer L2 alternate stabilizing arm in the

overhead position after completing a full movement pattern

on the opposite side

Single Arm Pushups L2 with a hand behind the back to

cue good posture

Broken Arm? No problem when you can do Single Arm

Pushups, L2

SINGLE ARM PUSHUPS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pressing 46

Single arm Pushups are impossible for many people if performed flat on the ground. But by using the UNIT, you are now able to

position yourself at the proper angle to so that the resistance and instability is manageable and you can perform repetitions of this

difficult exercise.

Single Arm Pushups L2

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and position your body so that you are in an Incline Chest Press Position.

Take only one handle and while bracing your core, perform Pushups similar to single arm Chest Presses. Here again, a staggered

stance can help decrease the instability by having the opposite foot from the loaded arm in front of the body just slightly. Make

sure to keep your head up and try to prevent unwanted hip drop when in the bottom position. One hand behind the back

sometimes helps to provide a physical cue that you need to keep the body straight. Perform 1-10 reps on each side adjusting your

stance to accommodate fatigue.

Offset Handle Press L2, has you set one handle slightly

higher to increase upper body ROM

Offset Handle Press L2, performed in a horizontal

body position

OFFSET HANDLE PRESS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pressing 47

Offset Handle Press L2

The Offset Handle Press is a unique way to increase ROM and flexible strength throughout the upper body. By

positioning one handle slightly higher than the other you put your body in a position that makes it stabilize and control

the imbalance throughout the upper back and chest. Core rotation appears during this movement as well due to the

offset of the handles and will require your control. Perform 10-20 per side switching directions so that you alternate

the power arm. (higher arm) Discontinue if you feel any pain in your shoulders, elbows or lower back. Regression of

this exercise moves it up to the Incline Press position or Incline with staggered stance.

SOLO HALO Lvl 3 Upper Body Pressing 48

Solo Halo L3

Perform this exercise by taking a single handle and walking forward to the

Incline Pressing position. Extend your arms overhead with both hands on

the handle and brace your core. From here, rotate down in a pendulum

motion bringing the handle down towards one side. You should maintain a

slight forward lean and tension on the strap throughout the entire

movement. Return the handle overhead and then alternate towards the

opposite side. Allow this movement to be controlled from head to toe and

use your stability on the ground to maintain a strong rotational crunch.

Perform 10-50 Solo Halos counting each time you reach over your head.

Solo Halo L3 goes from one side overhead to the


Try to produce a strong oblique crunch when bringing the

handle around your head and to the side

SOLO FLOOR PRESS Lvl 3 Upper Body Pressing 49

Solo Floor Press L3 The Solo Floor Press incorporates only one handle and provides you an excellent strength benefit to one side while

increasing stability on the other. Position your body in a Horizontal Pushup position but only grab one handle to support

yourself. With that handle 4-6 inches off the ground and your other hand on the ground, perform a pushup by lowering

down slowly. Pause at the bottom and press into both the ground and the handle to reverse the movement. At a certain

point you will leave the ground with the non handle arm and will have finished the movement in a stabilized hold. Lower

down slowly and repeat the semi single arm Pushup. Discontinue if you experience pain in the elbow or shoulder.

Perform 10-20 reps per side focusing on stabilizing as much as you do pressing.

The Solo Floor Press L3 is great for building strength and stability throughout the upper body

INCLINE ROW Lvl 1 Upper Body Pulling 50

The Incline Row is another foundational exercise that should precede all other upper body pulling exercises. Perform the Incline row as a

warm up or as a main exercise to train your back, arms, shoulders and core muscles. This is the ideal exercise to learn proper form for

pulling exercises as it teaches you in a standing position and requires engagement of the core muscles to maintain alignment. This

teamwork between your hips and upper body will be needed in future exercises that pose a greater core demand and challenge your

posture. Remember to keep your hips level and head looking up and forward, (neutral position). Many people tend to hunch forward and

shrug the shoulders when performing rows. Try to bring your shoulders down and back by pulling the shoulder blades together.

Additionally you can select or adjust dominance by bringing the elbows in tucked for less shoulder recruitment or by raising your elbows

out to your side for greater shoulder recruitment. This can be helpful if you want to perform rows but need to rest your shoulders and it

gives you an idea just how important slight differences in movement can be.

Incline Row L1

Position your body so you are facing your anchor point

and walk backwards until the straps and your arms go

tight. From here, lean back and take a small step

forward to increase the angle. You should be leaning

back and holding the handles for support. A staggered

stance with one foot behind the other will make this

easier. From this hanging back position, simply pull

your body forward by bringing the elbows back. Again

you can pull back to your sides or you can pull up high

and recruit from your shoulders more. Pause at the

top position with tension always maintained on the

straps. Reverse the movement by lowering down

slowly until your arms are fully extended. Repeat the

row and explore the different elbow positions to feel

different effects between your arms, shoulders and

back. Perform 10-50 reps with a smooth tempo and

constant tension.

Incline Row L1 off a door that opens away

Safety First. Do not attempt. Proper climbing

protection was used for this picture

The Incline Row L1 is all about show and tell

HORIZONTAL ROW Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 51

The Horizontal Row is harder than it looks. The Horizontal Row is in

essence a Body Weight Pull Up and requires a tremendous effort

from your upper body and core muscle groups.

Horizontal Row L2

Adjust the handles so that you can position your body underneath

the anchor with your arms extended while still off the ground. You

want to aim for a flat or horizontal body position so that when you

pull up, you go mostly straight up and then lower straight down.

Allow yourself to walk backwards and regress this to an easier

Incline Row if needed. Again, you can pull up with your elbows out

to the side or you can keep them tucked next to your body

depending on where you want to focus. Lower down with control

and allow your back to stretch before repeating the next repetition.

Make the exercise more difficult by lifting and extending a leg out

or by holding the top position in an isometric hold.

Isometric holds build strength in the muscles. If you cannot perform

a lot of Rows or Pull, ups work on holding yourself in the up position

or midway and soon you'll have the strength you need to complete


Adjust your foot position to assist with the Horizontal Row L2. Bent knees allow for greater stability while having your legs

straight out will create greater resistance.

LOAD TRANSFER ROWS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 52

The Load Transfer Row takes what you developed with the Incline Row to the next level. Load Transfer training has you shift the

resistance across your body during the exercise. In this picture below, the primary exercise is a single arm tucked row. The other arm

can perform a more assisting role and should have less resistance to deal with. As you return to the start position, reverse the role

and have the primary side assist the other side with the transfer of force. Load Transfer Rows are ideal for athletes and people who

move and shift weight around. The coordination developed between sides and teamwork built throughout the body will help you in

many other areas including future fitness and performance training.

Load Transfer Rows L2

Step back with the handles as if you were

performing an Incline Row. Assume the

same degree of difficulty and perform a

couple of standard Incline rows to

prepare the muscles and body. After 2 or

3 reps, start to perform the more

dominate Row on one side while

assisting with a reverse fly, overhead

reach, downward reach or bicep curl with

the other arm. This movement should

assist the Row and then can be repeated

on the other side during the next

repetition. Perform 10-50 Load Transfer

Rows and be sure to explore the different

ways you can reach out and assist the


Load Transfer Row L2 with a Reverse Fly for the assisting motion

Load Transfer Row L2 as part of a Single Leg Squat Combination

UPRIGHT PULL TO OVERHEAD Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 53

Upright Pull to Overhead Extension L2

Perform this exercise with either a single handle or with two

handles. Stand back in an Incline Row position with your arms

extended and straps tight. Pull your body up by pulling your

elbows back and bringing your hands in towards your neck. Pause

in this High Pull position and then extend your arms overhead

while maintaining a tight core and strong shoulders. Hold the

overhead position for a moment and then reverse the movement

by lowering your hands down in front of your face and extending

them out to lower yourself back down. Repeat the movement 10-

30 times, developing a smooth rhythm through the transition.

This is an excellent combination exercise that engages your

shoulders in different capacities and requires strong core control

to maintain the proper hip position. Discontinue if you experience

any pain in the shoulder or elbow and speak with a medical

professional. A staggered stance can also help to exit this exercise

by having one foot behind the other for increased support.

TOP: Upright Pull to Overhead L2 in the start position

MIDDLE: Pulling into the neck with a High Pull movement

BOTTOM: Extending arms overhead while maintaining a tight


Combine movements to achieve

greater results!

REVERSE FLY Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 54

Reverse Fly L2

Stand back from the anchor as you would an Incline Row

with the straps tight and your body straight. Lift your body

up towards the anchor by using your back and shoulders to

extend your arms out. A slight bend from the elbow is

okay. This Reverse Fly movement will train your upper back

and shoulders greater than the traditional row in which you

bend your elbows. Perform the Reverse Fly with a slight

angle or staggered stance to avoid overload on the

shoulders. Lower down by having the stretch across your

back help slow the falling back. Repeat for 5-50 repetitions.

The Reverse Fly is great to combine with the Incline Row in a

Load Transfer fashion. Have the Reverse Fly arm assist the

row and work on keeping the elbow mostly straight

throughout the movement.

Reverse Fly L2 with the elbows slightly bent

Reverse Fly L2 keeping the hips and core muscles mostly

straight throughout the movement

ROW TO OVERHEAD REACH Lvl 3 Upper Body Pulling 55

Row to Overhead Rotational Reach L3

Perform this exercise by stepping back into the Incline

Row position. Perform a standard row and hold your

body at the top point with an isometric hold. From

here take one arm and reach out across and overhead

your body similar to a punch. Use the other arm to

support this movement and lower back down slowly.

Repeat on the other side after coming back into the

fully extended Incline Row start position. Perform 20-

40 alternating reps.

The Row to Overhead Reach is a great way to pair a

Sagittal Plane exercise with a Transverse Plane

exercise. The regular Row is only a front to back

movement that lacks core rotation and increased

Range of motion. By performing this overhead reach,

you engage more muscles from your head to your toes.

This movement will help to develop the communication

necessary throughout the body to perform tasks in any

and all planes of motion and can help prevent injury

when these movements do happen in real life.

TOP: Row to Overhead Reach L3 in the rowing position

BOTTOM: Fully extended up on toes with supporting arm tucked and

extended arm reaching

Overhead reach L3 in the extended position. Notice the drive through the legs and


CROSS ROWS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 56

Cross Rows L2

The Cross Row takes advantage of using Dual Anchor points to create an amazing stretched base exercise across your back. This

stretch helps to produce movement and assists in the upward pulling motion. Take the handles as if you were performing a

Traditional Incline Row. Switch handles so that the straps cross each other forming an X. Pull your body forward using a row or fly

maneuver and pause at the top. Reverse the movement by bringing your arms back together in front of the body.

The additional stretch you feel during the cross row comes from your rhomboid muscles being stretch out further than traditional

rows. This pulling across your back helps to promote concentric movement just as pulled rubber bands would want to snap back

before relaxing. The dual anchors' being crossed, pulls your back apart greater than if your arms were parallel with the straps.

Perform 5-50 Cross Rows using an incline staggered stance for support.

Cross Row L2 stretches out your back and gets

muscles involved for movement

Cross Row L2 using a Reverse Fly as the

primary exercise

OFFSET ROWS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 57

Offset Rows L2

Take advantage of the opportunity to lengthen one anchor strap longer

than the other and perform Offset Rows with the UNIT. Set one handle

about 3-6 inches shorter than the other. This will produce a greater

stretch on one side of the body (left arm in picture) and will allow to you

transfer the resistance during the exercise. The extended arm will always

have tension and will be used throughout the movement, whereas the

longer arm will not be utilized as much during the upper portion of the

exercise. Try both, keeping tension on the long strap and releasing

tension on the long strap while practicing this movement. The short strap

arm will always be under some form on tension and thus will support the

other side when unloaded. A staggered stance will help to regress this

exercise if needed in the beginning. Switch sides performing 10-20

repetitions per side.

Also try the Offset Row with Rotation. By releasing tension on the long

strap you can turn into your power arm and rotate in that direction. This

adds a nice component of hip rotation and teaches good teamwork

throughout your entire body. Lower down slowly re-tensioning on the

long strap as you descend back down.

ABOVE: Offset Row L2 in the start position

BELOW: Offset Row L2 in the top Row position with tension on both straps

Offset Row L2 with Rotation in the top position. Notice the

slack in the longer strap

BICEP CURLS Lvl 1 Upper Body Pulling 58

Bicep Curls L1

Perform Bicep Curls in a similar position to the Incline

Row. The big difference and the reason this is a Bicep

Curl and not a Row, is the position of your elbows. To

make a Row a Bicep Curl, simply lift your elbows up

out in front of your body. (pictured) This will work to

transfer the resistance normally handled by your back

to your arms and shoulders. Keep your elbows up high

and curl your hands in towards your shoulders raising

your body up as you do. A staggered stance can help

here to decelerate and support the movement. Pause

at the top and then slowly lower down using your

Biceps to help control the decent.

Repeat repetitions or try holding the Bicep Curl in the

halfway or up position for time. This isometric hold will

require a good effort from the Biceps and builds

strength by increasing time under tension.

Use the Bicep Curl to support Load Transfer Pulling exercises like the Rows,

Flys and Extensions. (pictured)

Load Transfer Bicep Curl L2 with Reverse Fly as support

Bicep Curl L1 requires keeping the elbow up on the curling arm

PULLUPS Lvl 3 Upper Body Pulling 59

Isometric Hold and Eccentrics/ Negatives

Sure Pullups are hard, but the best way to get better at

them is by doing them. So what do you do if you can't? You

simply hold on. Performing a hang or slowly lowering

yourself from the Pullup top position is the best way to

become better at the full movement. Position the handles

so you can easily get up into the top holding position. This

could be by jumping or just due to handle height. From this

top position try to lower down as slow as you possibly can.

During this eccentric movement or muscle lengthening, you

should try to pause or even reverse the movement without

exerting too much overall strength. You want to avoid

injury and be able to do more. So do them slow and soon

you will have the ability to stop and pull up for multiple


Pullups L3

Pullups are a big goal in the Upper Body Pulling progression and

have the highest muscular demand of almost all prior exercises

covered. Pullups require the UNIT handles at a height that allows

you to hang from your arms without touching the ground. From

this hanging position, pull your body up towards your hands

using the muscles of your arms, shoulders and back. Maintain a

tight core and do not forget to breathe. The UNIT handles allow

for some flexibility in hand position from a neutral or palms

facing grip (pictured left) to a pronated grip (pictured right). A

supinated or underhand grip is possible too with all three hand

positions allowing for variety. Hold yourself in the top position

and then lower down slowly to the full hang or half hang

position to repeat. Both full extension and partial extensions are

recommended during your training of the Pullup. Perform 1-20

Pullups varying grip position as you go.

Pullups L3, in the Top and bottom positions

Holding the top position of the Pullup builds strength in the

arms, back, shoulders and core.

SHOULDER PRESS DOWN Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 60

Shoulder Press Down L2

Perform the Shoulder Press Down in the Incline Row position

with the straps tight and arms out straight. The idea of this

exercise is to lift the body up using the upper back and

shoulders. A staggered or wide stance can help provide a greater

base of support and can make the exercise easier. From the

start position with your arms extended out, push down into the

handles keeping your elbows straight. This lift will require you

also to keep your hips level and head straight, especially on the

decent. After lifting your body up, pause and then lower down

until your arms are out in front again. Perform 5-25 Shoulder

Press Downs focusing on a slow and controlled return to start.

Discontinue if you feel any pain in your shoulders.

Pair the Shoulder Press down with an Incline row to

work the shoulders, back and arms in a Load Transfer


Remember to watch out for shrugging and try to lead

the motion down into your shoulder blades when you

press down.

Lifting the body up during a Shoulder Press Down L2

Standing tall but with constant tension during Shoulder Press

Down L2

OVERHEAD EXTENSION Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 61

Overhead Extension L2

Train your shoulders and upper back with

this overhead extension from the Incline

Row position. Using one or two handles, lift

your body up from an extended arm Incline

Row position to a more upright standing

position. Pause with your arms overhead

and then slowly lower down returning to

the starting position. Repeat using a

staggered stance if necessary to maintain

proper form. Your hips should stay inline

and your head should be in the neutral

position always looking up and forward.

If using two handles you can pair this

overhead extension with a Reverse Fly or

regular Row. This can allow for less

resistance to travel through the shoulder and

is a smart progression than just simply

starting off with two arms going overhead.

Discontinue if you feel any pain in the


Lifting the handle overhead while keeping the body

straight and shoulders strong during the Overhead

Extension L2

OVERHEAD ROTATIONS Lvl 2 Upper Body Pulling 62

Overhead Rotations L2

Overhead Rotations should only be attempted once

comfortable with the Incline Overhead Extension. Walk

back with the straps and lift your body up by bringing both

arms overhead. You should only have a slight lean or use a

staggered stance to assist in adjusting the difficultly. With

your arms overhead and body lifted up, make small circles

going clockwise or counter clockwise. These small rotations

should be controlled with a strong effort from the shoulders

and core. Do not attempt this exercise in the horizontal

position or in a steep incline. Use Overhead rotations to

stimulate the shoulder muscles with movement while they

hold the body up with Isometric strength.

Perform 5-10 rotations in each direction and allow your

body to relax by lowering down into the Incline Row


Overhead Rotations L2 can be performed with the arms going clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Overhead Rotations L2 should use a

staggered stance or only have a slight

lean backwards to reduce load on the


REVERSE SWIMMERS Lvl 3 Upper Body Pulling 63

Reverse Swimmers L3

Perform Reverse Swimmers once comfortable with your Incline Load

Transfer exercises, especially Reverse Flys and Overhead Extensions.

Stand back from your anchor as if you were going to do easy Rows. From

here, pull yourself up by pulling your arms back into a Fly position. Then

raise your arms up overhead while still maintaining tension on the

straps. Pause overhead and then return to the starting position with your

arms extended out in front. This exercise will resemble a butterfly stroke

and should be performed with a steady tempo and constant tension


The Reverse Swimmer is a difficult combination movement that requires

practice in several other movements before attempting. You should be

confident in the reverse fly and overhead extension before trying the

Reverse Swimmer. Discontinue if you feel any plan in the shoulders during

this exercises. Perform 5-20 Reverse Swimmers using a staggered stance if


Reverse Swimmer L3 in the start position

Reverse Swimmer L3 in the Fly position

Reverse Swimmer L3 during the overhead

extension movement

SQUAT ROWS Lvl 1 Upper Body Pulling/Combo 64

Squat Rows L1

Squat Rows are often the first major combination

exercise people do and incorporate muscles from all over

the body. It is a good idea to first be comfortable with

the Incline Row and able to Squat pain free. Stand back

from the anchor with either one or two hands holding

one or two handles. With a small lean backwards and

arms slightly bent, sit down towards the ground using

the UNIT to support you. Pause in the bottom position

and pull yourself back up while coming up out of the

squat. If performing with a single arm you can switch

hands on every pull or repeat to the same side for

repetitions. Perform 10-50 reps and work on making this

a smooth one piece exercise instead of the two part

movement it actually is.

Also be sure to not to come up on your toes when

squatting down by keeping your feet in front of you.

Use the Squat Row as a great Cardiovascular warm up or

mid-session heart rate booster.

Squat Row L1 in the bottom position with one arm used for


Squat Row L1 in the top position with elbow pulled back

Use Squat Rows L1 as a great Total Body Cardiovascular


ASSISTED SQUATS Lvl 1 Lower Body 65

Assisted Squats L1

Perform Assisted Squats by walking back away

from the anchor with one or two handles. Lean

back on the straps so that they are tight and

position your feet slightly in front of your body.

From here, sit down towards the ground by

lowering in the hips and butt first, then allowing

your knees to bend naturally without unwanted

stress. Pause at the bottom with your arms

stretched out and then push pull yourself back up

using your arms and legs together. Repeat for as

many repetitions as necessary until you are

comfortable with body weight non-assisted


Assisted Squats are designed to regress your natural squat so that you can learn the proper

movement patterns of sitting back and down into a squat. Some people during the squat

exercise come up on their toes and have trouble keeping balanced. Use the Assisted Squat to

help correct this and teach the body how to lower down properly. The next step after the

Assisted Squat would be Full Body Weight Squats without assistance or Box/Chair squats

which provide slight assistance.

ABOVE: Assisted Squat L1 in the top leaning back position

BELOW: Halfway down during the Assisted Squat L1 with arms extended out

SINGLE LEG SQUAT Lvl 2 Lower Body 66

Single Leg Squats L2

This exercise requires you to be very confident in your squatting ability and knee stability. The Single Leg Squat is often impossible

to perform for numerous repetitions but by using the same assistance as you did with Assisted Squats, you can repeat the

movement over and over now on the same leg. Take a stance similar to if you were starting the Assisted Squat, but this time center

one leg out in front and lift the other leg off the ground. Lower down towards the ground by moving down into the hip of the

grounded foot. The other foot should extend out in front and remain off the ground throughout the movement. Again, pause at

the bottom or at however far down you feel comfortable, then push pull your way back up to standing and repeat.

This Single Leg Squat is an excellent

leg builder in terms of strength and

stability. Perform this exercise with a

slow tempo keeping control

throughout the movement.

Discontinue if you experience any pain

in your knee, lower back or shoulders.

Perform 5-20 per leg alternating legs

each rep if desired.

This Single Leg Squat L2 is all about show and tell

Single Leg Squat L2 with two handles

down in the bottom position. Push/

Pull your way back up keeping the knee

inline while pushing through the heel.


Suspended Side Lunge L2

Perform the Suspended Side Lunge using the large

loop opening. Place your foot through the strap and

position your body so that you are out and away

perpendicular to the anchor. You might need to use

the other handle and hold onto it for support. Once

you are stable and standing out to the side, lower

down by sitting back into the grounded leg. If this is

difficult, adjust your foot position so you have a wider

or toe out stance. Lower down only as far as you feel

comfortable and try to maintain your balance and hip

stability over everything else. Perform 5-20

Suspended Side lunges and develop leg strength and

core stability in the Frontal Plane.

Remaining balanced in the bottom position of the Suspended

Side Lunge L2

Standing tall and balanced in the top

position of the Suspended Side Lunge L2

SIDE LUNGE SQUAT Lvl 2 Lower Body 68

Side Lunge Squat L2

Here is another lunge movement that is performed in the frontal

plane or side to side. Stand back from the anchor as if you were

performing an Assisted Squat. From here instead of squatting down,

you will take a big step sideways and then squat down in the

direction of your step. Use your arms to assist in the descent and

during the return. Pause at the bottom allowing your hips to load and

stretch. Then return upright and repeat towards the other side.

Bringing the knee up and in during the start of the movement will

help to load the core and develop abdominal strength as well and

stability. Perform 5-20 Side Lunge Squats per side alternating every

repetition or repeating on the same side for reps.

Side Lunge Squat L2 in the top position with knee and hip

flexed and arms supporting

Side Lunge Squat L2 in the bottom position with the left leg

straight and feeling the majority of the stretch

REVERSE LUNGE Lvl 2 Lower Body 69

Reverse Lunge L2

This is a great exercise to develop single leg strength and stability as well as building teamwork between the upper and lower body.

Stand back from the anchor with one or two handles similar to if you were performing an Assisted Squat. This time though, you will step

backwards with one leg while your arm extends out and helps control the movement. Find the ground with your back foot or allow it to

hover and not touch the ground at all. By using the arms you can stabilize this exercise and then stand up and return to the start position.

Perform 5-50 Reverse Lunges repeating on the same side or alternating on every repetition.

Holding on and stepping back during a

Reverse Lunge L2

The Prefect Exercise to build

Single Leg Balance and


Using a single handle to perform a

Reverse Lunge L2

LUNGE PRESS Lvl 2 Lower Body/Combo 70

Lunge Press L2

This exercise combines the movements of a forward

stepping lunge with the Chest Press from earlier on in

this manual. Position your body so that you are in the

Incline Chest Press position. Lift one leg off the ground

and proceed to fall forward using your arms to control

the descent. At the bottom position your front leg should

touch the ground and help stabilize before pushing back.

Allow it to hover and increase the demand on your core

and upper body. Push off with you front leg after

completing the forward step. Perform 5-50 Lunge Presses

alternating the forward leg on every rep or by repeating

the movement and instability on the same side.

Discontinue if you feel any pain in your shoulders or knee

during this exercise.

The Lunge Press L2 resembles a forward step where the front

leg can use the ground to help decelerate the momentum.

TRANSVERSE LUNGE Lvl 2 Lower Body 71

Transverse Lunge L2

The Transverse Lunge is a progression of the Reverse

Lunge and should only be attempted once

comfortable with the Reverse Lunge and your own

knee stability. Standing back as if you were going to

do an Incline Row, take a large step back and across

behind the body. Different from the Reverse lunge

where your leg just goes straight back, the Transverse

Lunge has you drive your foot and knee behind the

other leg touching the ground if needed for stability.

This movement places a great deal of rotation on the

core and front knee and should be performed with

caution especially in regards to the knee. Discontinue

if you experience any pain in the knee and try to

perform this exercise while paying special attention to

the direction and force being placed on the front


Notice all the different joint angles during the Transverse

Lunge L2 movement. Be sure to perform slowly and with your

attention directed to the front knee.

ABOVE: Standing tall in the start position of the Transverse

Lunge L2

Below: Stepping back and across without touching the


SPLIT SQUAT Lvl 1 Lower Body 72

Split Squat L1

The Split Squat is another good combination exercise

that has you using both upper and lower body

muscles to perform. Stand between the handles with

the handles about mid leg height. Take one big step

forward with one leg and take one big step backwards

with the other. Your arms should be somewhat

supporting your body weight in addition to your legs.

Perform each rep by lowering your back knee towards

the ground while your arms support the descent and

tempo. You should lower down slowly and pause at

the bottom. Reverse the movement by pushing down

into your arms and standing up with your legs. This

will feel like a lunge style dip in which your Chest and

Triceps can be just as involved as your legs and core.

Perform 5-50 Split Squat Dips switching your stance so

that both legs get a chance to be the back leg.

The Split Squat is an excellent exercise for individuals looking to train their Upper and

Lower Body at the same time. This exercise allows for easy load distribution so that the

user can adjust the resistance in certain joints and muscle groups.

Split Squat L1 in the top position with handles about hip height

Split Squat L1 in the bottom position with little to no

stress on the front knee


Suspended Reverse Lunge L3

Perform this exercise only when comfortable with the

Reverse Lunge and Transverse Lunge. Place your foot

through the large handle opening with the handle off

to the side. Use the other handle and strap to support

yourself if necessary for balance. Hop yourself forward

so that the suspended foot is out in front of the

anchor point. This will create a pull backwards as you

lower down and perform the Lunge maneuver. Allow

your front knee to bend naturally as the back leg

swings backwards under the anchor. Pause and

reverse the movement by pushing down into the

front leg and standing up tall again. Allow the other

handle to support this movement in any way

necessary. Perform 5-25 Suspended Lunges on each

side and discontinue if you feel any pain in your knee

or lower back.

Suspended Reverse Lunge L3 with one foot suspended

behind while the other hand holds on for support

SUPER LUNGE Lvl 3 Lower Body 74

Super Lunge L3

The Super Lunge is an explosive movement that requires

you to be proficient in the Suspended Reverse Lunge

before attempting. The Super Lunge has your foot placed

through the large foot strap or small foot strap while

standing out in front of the anchor. The other UNIT

handle can be used for support if needed. Lower into the

Suspended Reverse Lunge down position. You should

feel a good stretch in the hip flexors of the back leg and

strong stability coming from the core muscles to keep

you upright. From the bottom position, push down hard

through the front leg and lift your body off the ground

using the momentum to propel your body up. This

explosive movement will then reverse itself and bring

you back to the ground where you must land with your

forefoot and then repeat the full movement or rest in

the suspended back leg standing position.

Do not attempt if uncomfortable launching yourself off

the ground with only a single leg to land on.

-Develop Amazing Explosive Leg Strength -Ankle Stability -Learn to Decelerate

Above: Super Lunge L3 in the loaded bottom position and

then Below: during an explosive hop


Front Kick with Squat L2

Practicing throwing effective Front Kicks by using the UNIT

handles to support and stabilize the movement. Start by

squatting down from the Assisted Squat position. Power

up out of the squat and lift your knee up and in towards

your chest. Once stable on the grounded foot, extend

your other foot out in a quick and powerful pushing

motion. Hold this kick for only a moment before returning

the knee back in and then down to the home position.

Repeat on the same side or alternate sides after every kick.

Remember to take your time with these kicks especially in

the beginning. Discontinue if you feel any pain in your

knees or lower back and be careful not to kick your spotter

if close by.

Front Kick Squat L2 in the bottom hips loaded position

Front Kick Squat L2 in the middle or single knee tuck portion

Extending the foot out during a Front Kick Squat L2 in

the top stabilized position

SIDE KICK WITH SQUAT Lvl 2 Lower Body 76

Side Kick with Squat L2

Practice throwing Side Kicks while supporting your body with the UNIT handles. From a traditional Assisted Squat

position, squat down to load the posterior chain muscles and prepare to kick. As you stand up from the squat, lean

into one side of the body bringing your knee up towards your chest. Once stabilized on the single leg, extend your

kicking leg outward while turning your hips inward as if you were throwing a side kick. Stabilize the movement and

then return your leg to the chest and then back to the ground. Repeat the Squat Side Kick on the same side or

switch sides to produce double the kicking power.

Load the Hips and Prepare

yourself to throw powerful

kicks with stability

Side Kick with Squat L2 in the squatting position

with toes pointed slightly out for increased hip ROM

Side Kick in the top extended leg position. Notice

how the arms help stabilize for the left leg.

ONE FOOT HOP Lvl 1 Lower Body 77

One Foot Hop L1

The One Foot Hop is just like it sounds. Start by taking

the UNIT handles and walking back as if you were

going to do an Assisted Squat. Position one foot

slightly in front of the body and lift the other foot off

the ground. Lean back and support yourself with your

arms before you start jumping on the grounded foot.

Try to stay up on the toes and forefoot throughout the

movement. Continue jumping for time or reps and

then switch sides repeating this on the other foot. The

idea from this one foot hop is to develop ankle and

knee strength and stability while still being supported

by the handles. Discontinue if you experience any

discomfort or pain in the knee or ankle.

One Foot Hop L1 loading in the single leg down position

One Foot Hop L1 loading and exploding

Exploding off the ground during a One Foot Hop L1

SQUAT HANDLE DROP Lvl 2 Lower Body 78

Squat Handle Drop L2

This exercise is a great isometric leg builder and helps

to develop strength and stability in the posterior chain.

Perform this exercise once comfortable with Assisted

Squats and Body Weight Squats.

Walk back with the handles and assume the bottom

position of the Assisted Squat exercise. You should be

holding on with the straps tight, then try to shift the

resistance so that you can release the tension and

support yourself. From this Squat hold position, push

the handles away into a swinging motion and try to

maintain the half squat position until the handles

come back to you. Grab the handles at the right

moment and pause or miss them and try to wait it out

one more time. If the handles aren't getting back to

you, try pushing them away harder and maybe lean

forward slightly to reach them without falling over.

If spotting a person performing this exercise for the

first time, stay behind them and help to prevent any

backwards fall after they release the handles.

A Fun and Challenging way

to build awesome leg


Top: Squat Handle Drop L2 in the bottom holding position

Middle: Holding the Squat halfway after pushing the handles


Bottom: Reaching out to end the isometric Squat hold


Quadricep Dominate Squats L2

These squats focus on the front of the upper leg more than the glutes and should be performed in addition to regular assisted squats and

body weight squats. Take the handles and walk forward bringing the straps tight with your hands at your sides. Support the movement

by keeping the upper body stable through this side tucked hand position. Angle your body so that you can come up on your toes. Be

careful not to have your feet slide out by keeping tension with the ground and not performing over slippery surfaces. Once you are

angled and on your toes, lower down by bending at the hip and knee. Keep up on your toes and drive your feet into the ground to

reverse the movement. Because of the body position, your quadriceps will have to provide more effort and have fewer muscles to team

up with. Discontinue if you feel any pain in your knees or lower back and simply stand up out of the exercise when complete.

QUAD Dominated Squat L2 in the

bottom position with arms tucked

to his sides

QUAD Dominated Squat L2 in the top position with

arms still tucked to his sides. Notice how the heels

always stay up during this exercise.


Transverse Side Step L2

Perform this dynamic exercise with a single handle

from the Incline Row/Assisted Squat position. Stand

facing the anchor holding the strap tight with the arm

bent slightly. From here, take a large step away from

the anchor allowing your body to rotate away so that

you are now facing away from the anchor. Let your

knees bends and lower down as you extend your arm

out and help stabilize the movement. Return to the

top by pulling yourself back up with your arm and

pushing off the ground with your legs. Stabilize at the

top and repeat on the same side or switch hands on

the handle and reverse in the other direction. Perform

10-50 Transverse Side Steps or set a time and see how

many you can do within those limits. Discontinue if

you experience any pain in the knees, back or elbows.

Full Body Dynamic Warm Up/


Transverse Side Step L2 in the start


Lunging out while turning away during the

Transverse Side Step L2

Transverse Side Step L2 returning to the

starting position

QUAD PLANK Lvl 4 Total Body 81

Welcome to QUAD Training. This style of exercise is extremely dangerous and quite possibility one of the most difficult methods

of physical training ever. Always use caution and a spotter when performing QUAD exercises and don't not ever attempt if

unfamiliar with the UNIT and safe operating procedures.

This is where you start... Actually you started long ago when you were practicing Planks, Pushups and other UNIT exercises in two handle mode.

Now it's time to take it up, literally, and see how strong and stable you really are. Time for a reality check? It happens, but don't get discouraged.

QUAD Training can be difficult even if it may look like a user is doing an easy exercise. Large amounts of Shoulder and Core strength are required

as well as experience in the exercises you wish to perform. (example: You should be a "Pushup Master" with 2 handles before ever attempting 1

QUAD Pushup) Keep this in mind and keep yourself safe with QUAD Training. In most scenarios you can kneel down or sit down out of any

exercise. Do Not attempt exercises at any height where you cannot easily remove yourself from the system. A knowledgeable spotter is required

at all times when anyone is exercising in QUAD mode. Do not Attempt if you have any pre-existing conditions that would be aggravated or could

be made worse through QUAD Training. Do not train to a point of failure with any QUAD exercise. Taking an exercise this far is dangerous to

your body and increases your risk for joint failure especially in the elbows, hips and shoulders.

QUAD Pike L4

Begin the QUAD Pike by setting up 4 handles at an equal

height, about 6-12 inches off the ground. Kneel down in

between the handles and choose 2 for your hands and 2

back handles for your feet. Slide the handle aside and

place you foot in the smaller foot strap so that it fits

tightly around your foot. Repeat with the other foot

while still kneeling or have your spotter help and put

your foot in the strap. Once the feet are secure, take the

front handles and lift your body off the ground by

pulling the hips up and pushing down into the handles.

This will bring you into the standard straight arm Plank

position and is where you want to start off your QUAD

Training. Ideally you want to control any swinging or

swaying and maintain a strong, flat body position

throughout the static hold. Keep yourself in this locked

out top position for time remembering to bring the hips

up at the sign of the low back sagging. It should feel like

you are sticking your hips in the air but in actuality

you'll be flat. Hold for 30 seconds before moving on to

any other QUAD exercise. Kneel down when complete.

QUAD Plank L4 in the top position with back flat and

head looking straight

QUAD Plank L4 will increase static core strength and

shoulder stability

QUAD PUSHUPS Lvl 4 Total Body 82

QUAD Pushup L4

The QUAD Pushup is an extreme progression of the traditional Pushup or Horizontal UNIT Pushups. This exercise utilizes all of your body weight

as the resistance and provides you no stable support to react against. This makes the movement extremely difficult to stabilize and requires you

to develop the proper shoulder, elbow and hip stability using other exercises covered earlier in this manual. Use your spotter to help control any

sway or swing and remember to kneel down out of the exercise when complete.

QUAD Pushups can be performed with the elbows flared out, as pictured, or with your elbows tucked inside to recruit more effort from the

Triceps and less from the shoulders. Lower down very slowly, pause, and then return up with the same control and tempo as you used during

the descent. Aim for the SEE position or Shoulder, Ear and Elbow alignment when at the bottom position. Avoid sets to failure and kneel out of

the exercise if you go past the point where you cannot safely reverse the movement.

Challenge your Upper

Body Strength and


with the QUAD PUSHUP!

QUAD Pushups L4 in the top QUAD Plank


QUAD Pushups L4 in the bottom position with

elbows outside for greater chest and shoulder


QUAD LOAD TRANSFER Lvl 4 Total Body 83

QUAD Load Transfer L4

Perform QUAD Load Transfers while in the Plank and Pushup QUAD positions. Once into the QUAD system, lower down as if you're planning on

doing a tucked elbow Pushup with one arm and an Extension out with the other arm. Apply most of the effort from the tucked elbow side as

it will be stronger due to its close proximity to the body. The extended arm should only support the movement to the best of its abilities.

Because of this arm being extended out and your feet in a suspended state, it is important to remember to dominate the movement on the

tucked side or kneel out if and when this becomes too difficult. Do not use this Load Transfer style exercise for any form of rehabilitation or

injury recovery. Alternate sides or perform multiple repetitions on the same side until complete. Discontinue if you feel any pain in your

shoulders, elbows, or lower back during this exercise.


QUAD Load Transfer L4 in the bottom

position with one elbow tucked and the

other arm extended

QUAD Load Transfer L4 in the bottom

position with one elbow tucked and the

other arm extended

QUAD CHEST FLYS Lvl 4 Total Body 84

QUAD Chest Flys L4

Perform this exercise only when comfortable with QUAD Pushups and Horizontal Chest Flys. Start from the QUAD Plank position with

your feet secure in the small foot straps. Lower down by spreading your arms apart and bending slightly in the elbows if needed. Once

you have reached a comfortable level, pause and reverse the exercise by bringing your arms back in together. This can be extremely

difficult for the shoulders and should not be attempted if you have any preexisting shoulder conditions or legitimate worries. Holding the

bottom position can also be very effective for strengthening the upper body and should only be attempted with you remembering that

you can kneel down at any moment during this exercise. Do not allow yourself to fall out of the lower position but rather kneel down and

return to the starting point or discontinue.

QUAD Chest Fly L4 in the top QUAD Plank position

QUAD Chest Fly L4 in the bottom position

with the arms extended

QUAD SKYDIVER Lvl 4 Total Body 85

QUAD Skydiver L4

EXTREME CAUTION: Do Not Attempt unless 100% confident in

your strength and joint stability.

The Skydiver is one of the hardest exercises to be performed

when prone with the QUAD. From the Plank position, it is

recommended to perform a Full Pike prior to extending out with

your arms and legs. From the Pike or Plank position, lower your

body down by abducting your legs and extending your arms out

and slightly up. You should feel like you are making a Y with your

arms and a V with your legs. Continue as far down as you feel

comfortable remembering you can kneel down at any time to end

the exercise. If able, pause in the bottom position and then raise

your body back up by pulling your arms and legs back into the

Plank or Pike position. Discontinue at any signs of weakness or

pain. This is not an exercise to play around with and should never

be attempted without an experienced spotter assisting the


QUAD Skydiver L4 in the recommended upper Pike position

QUAD Skydiver L4 with both arms and legs extended

QUAD SUPERMAN Lvl 4 Total Body 86

QUAD Superman/Supergirl L4

The QUAD Superman is a fun challenge while setup in the QUAD. You must be familiar and comfortable performing QUAD Load Transfer

Pushups prior to attempting the QUAD Superman exercise. From the QUAD Plank position, lower down with one elbow tucked while the

other arm extends out. Simultaneously bring in the knee opposite the extended arm. This position will resemble a familiar action hero flying

through the sky. Reverse the movement by pushing down into your dominate tucked arm and returning your leg back to the start position.

From here repeat on the same side or alternate the sides by extending the other arm and driving in the other knee forward this time.

Remember you can kneel out of this position at any time and should discontinue at the first sign of pain or weakness.

QUAD Superman Side L4 side view with left arm and left leg


QUAD Supergirl Side L4 front view. Notice how easy it would

be for her to kneel out of this exercise


QUAD Mountain Climbers L4

QUAD Mtn Climbers are a fun and challenging new way to perform this popular dynamic exercise.

QUAD Mtn Climbers are great for developing Upper Body and Core stability while training movement

with the lower body. You must be proficient with QUAD Planks before attempting these Mtn

Climbers. The body position you learned there will now be more important as you attempt to drive

your knees forwards and backwards. Once you are stable and in the Plank position, bend your

elbows slightly and push down into the handles. Take one knee and bring it in while extending the

other leg out to help stabilize. Repeating this knee drive and alternating legs will complete the

exercise. Be sure to maintain a steady tempo and try not to swing or sway during the movement. In

the beginning you can use a spotter to help keep your position and remember that you can kneel

out of the exercise at any time if you feel the resistance or time under tension has become too great.

Performing QUAD Mountain Climbers L4 looking

focused and steady

Alternate legs with a controlled tempo using your

arms and core muscles to help stabilize

KNEE TUCK Lvl 4 Total Body 88

QUAD Knee Tuck L4

Perform the Knee Tuck only once comfortable with the

QUAD Plank for time. The Knee Tuck has you assume the

traditional QUAD Plank position with your arms straight

and legs out behind you. Once stable, bend the elbows

and lower the upper body while bringing both knees in

towards the chest. Hold this tucked position for time or

perform reps by extended the legs back out and

repeating. Return to the QUAD Plank position between

reps and remember you can always kneel down out of

this exercise if it becomes too difficult. Use a spotter to

help control any swinging or sway and discontinue if you

experience any pain in your shoulders, elbow or lower


ABOVE: QUAD Knee Tuck L4 with the back straight, arms bent and knees tucked BOTTOM: Holding a Knee Tuck for time can develop some serious core strength.

QUAD PIKE Lvl 4 Total Body 89

QUAD Pike L4

Perform QUAD Pikes once proficient with QUAD Planks. This exercise requires a strong effort from your core and shoulders and should be

controlled using a smooth, slow tempo. From the QUAD Plank position, bring your feet in towards your hands while simultaneously pulling your

arms back towards your legs. Both the elbows and knees should remain mostly straight. Try to hold in the up position or continue using a slow

extension back out with your feet and arms. Be careful not to perform an overhead extension when coming out of the pike. Often the

momentum will want to bring your arms out overhead and you must tighten your core and shoulders to keep this from happening especially if

you are not comfortable with QUAD Overhead Extensions. Discontinue if you experience any pain in your shoulder or lower back and remember

you can kneel out of this exercise at any time.

QUAD Pike L4 is the starting QUAD Plank position

QUAD Pike L4 is the top Pike position, hold for time or

extend out to repeat


QUAD Prone Hip Abduction L4

This is a great exercise for working the abdominals and

glutes with the QUAD. By now you should understand

the importance of the QUAD Plank and should not be

performing any of these QUAD exercises if you have not

mastered the QUAD Plank. Perform this Hip Abduction

by keeping your core and shoulders steady while

spreading your feet apart. Hold this position and then

return your legs slowly back to the start. Repeat for

repetitions or hold the abduction for time while

maintaining proper Plank position. Discontinue if you

experience any pain in your shoulders or lower back

and remember to kneel down if this exercise becomes

too difficult.

QUAD Prone Hip Abduction L4 in the Abducted Plank

position, legs apart

QUAD Prone Hip Abduction L4 in the starting Plank position

QUAD DIVE BOMBERS Lvl 4 Total Body 91

QUAD Dive Bombers L4

Spotter Assistance Required!

Do Not perform if you are not 100% confident in your ability

to perform this exercise. Exceptional Shoulder Stability and

Strength is required.

Perform these Dive Bombers by having your spotter clip your

foot straps into the Body Weight Rings. Additionally, your

spotter should help to control swing or sway and should

never leave your side while performing this exercise. Once in

the "up" position lower down slowly by bending at the

elbows. Pause at the SEE position and then reverse the

movement by pushing back down into the handles. Keep your

elbows straight in the up position to rest. Discontinue by

telling your spotter and having them lift your legs out one by

one. Your spotter can help with support during this exercise

by lifting on your legs or assisting at the core but you will be

100% responsible for the Upper Body strength and stability.

Do not perform unless completely comfortable with QUAD

Pushups and Planks. You cannot kneel out of this exercise! A

spotter is mandatory!

QUAD Dive Bombers L4 in the up position after feet have been clipped in by the


This exercise requires a ton of strength to pause and reverse all while keeping body



QUAD Overhead Extension L4

QUAD Overhead Extension while in a prone QUAD setup is

extremely difficult. Only perform if 100% comfortable

performing Horizontal Rollouts with the UNIT in 2 Handle

mode. (pg 37) Once in the QUAD Plank position, extend

your arms out overhead in a slow and controlled motion.

This exercise requires an extreme amount of resistance to

be handled by the shoulder and should not be attempted if

you have any preexisting shoulder conditions. Return to the

starting position by pulling your arms back underneath and

pausing in the Plank position. Single Arm Extensions should

be preformed similar to the QUAD Load Transfer Pushup.

Remember, you can kneel out of this exercise if it becomes

too difficult for the shoulders. Discontinue if you experience

any pain in your shoulders or low back. Always maintain

proper Plank position through the torso. (Head straight,

back flat)

ABOVE: The first ever photographed Overhead Extension L4 off a cable cross station

BOTTOM: A good single arm overhead extension with a spotter watching


-Do Not Attempt any QUAD exercise without first being comfortable with the original two handle version.

Most QUAD exercises have numerous regressions out of the QUAD setup. Remember to take your time when

progressing with your exercise selection.

-Always use a spotter when attempting QUAD exercises. Even movements that seem easy or simple can

become extremely difficult when your stabilizer muscles start giving out. Try regressing exercises on the spot by

performing an easier version after you complete your QUAD exercise set.

-Height is irrelevant when QUAD training. Do Not set up your QUAD kit at a point off the ground that you

cannot kneel, step or sit down out of.

-Use fall protection or practice QUAD exercises over soft surfaces. Think about when you are finished

with an exercise and the energy you will have then. You don't want to risk it and fall on a hard surface potentially

injuring yourself. Use Crash Pads, mattresses, cardboard boxes, Sand or something else that will give a little if you

do fall on it.

-Know your Limits! Do not perform any exercise you are not comfortable with or do not think you have

the proper experience to do. If you feel this way you are correct and shouldn't try what you're thinking

Safety first, here you see a Fall Pad, a spotter, the right handle height and a guy knowing his limits

QUAD ROWS Lvl 4 Total Body 94

QUAD Rows L4

Perform the QUAD Row in the Supine position with 2

Handles clipped into the Body Weight Ring above. Step

into the foot strap by moving the handle aside and

placing your foot in the big opening. You can also sit

down and place your feet in the smaller foot strap to

support your foot better during the exercise. Once your

feet are secure, lift your body up by pulling on the

handles above. Pull yourself up as high as you can and try

to control any swinging or sway you may experience by

keeping your core tight and body straight. Be sure not to

sag your hips and do not lean forward with your neck

and head. Hold yourself in the top position for time to

build upper body strength or perform reps to build

muscle, endurance and stability. Discontinue by

lowering down with your arms and sitting down or by

performing a Pullup hold and lifting your feet out of the

straps. Discontinue if you experience any pain in your

elbows or shoulders.

QUAD Rows L4 in the up position with elbows pulled back

ABOVE : QUAD Rows L4 in the down position with arm


Bottom: QUAD Rows L4 in the top position with elbows a

little more flared out

TRIPOD ROW Lvl 4 Total Body 95

Tripod Rows L4

Tripod Rows use a single handle while in the Supine QUAD

position and should be attempted only after practicing the 2

handle QUAD Row. Position a handle so that it is in between

the 2 foot straps and place your feet in the large strap

opening with the handles moved aside. Hold onto the single

handle with two hands and pull yourself up by pulling your

elbows back. Hold in the top position and then lower down

slowly to repeat or rest. Be sure to keep your body straight

during the exercise and keep your head and hips inline.

Perform single arm Tripod Rows by releasing your grip with

one arm while holding on with the other. Lower down slowly

and then pull yourself up using the single arm. Switch or

repeat for reps on the same side.

Can be regressed out of QUAD mode if too difficult.

Tripod Row L4 using two hands on one handle similar to a

close grip row

Tripod Row L4 using one hand on one handle. Match hands

or grab the other handle to continue

QUAD SQUATS Lvl 4 Total Body 96

QUAD Squats L4

Here are two versions of QUAD Squats, the Horizontal Squat and

the Vertical QUAD Squat. Perform the Horizontal Squat by laying

out supine or face up in the QUAD set. Your feet can use either the

large foot strap or small strap with your arms holding on to

handles clipped above in the rings. With your feet secure and

hands holding on, lower down so that your knees and hips are

flexed and you feel a stretch in your shoulders and upper back.

Pause in this "squat" position and then return out to the horizontal

hang with legs extended. Use a spotter to assist with foot

placement and swinging if needed. Perform reps or hold in the

lower position to help stretch and promote flexion in the posterior


For a more difficult version that challenges your stability and leg

strength, try the Vertical QUAD Squat L4 by standing upright in the

foot straps. Lower down while supporting your body with the other

handles and try to sit back into this squat as much as possible. You

will be required to control the instability in your legs and should

attempt to keep the knees steady and tracking in the same

direction of the toe. Lower down as far as comfortable and pause

before reversing the movement. You can use your arms to assist in

the upward movement and should maintain a neutral head in

relation to the body, as pictured. Discontinue either QUAD Squat by

lowering back and sitting down or by pulling up hard with your arms

and lifting your legs out. A spotter is always recommended for

QUAD exercises and can be utilized as well to help with swinging

and sway.

Horizontal QUAD Squats L4 in the tucked and extended positions

Vertical QUAD Squats L4 in the bottom position with arms supporting

QUAD L-SIT Lvl 4 Total Body 97


Perform the QUAD L-Sit while in the supine QUAD Horizontal Row Position. Position you body so that you are in the Pullup

position with your hands holding onto the handles overhead. You can try to maintain the Pullup hold or relax your arms into a

straight hang. With your legs out in front, release the tension on the leg straps so that your core muscles are now supporting

the legs. It is recommended to use the smaller foot strap to provide a more secure hold on the foot when going in and out of

tension. Hold the L-Sit on your own for time allowing your legs and core to rest in between leg lifts. Sit down completely when

finished and discontinue if you experience any pain in the shoulders, elbows or lower back. Once comfortable with this

supported L-Sit, try the 2 handle version covered earlier in the CORE section. A spotter is required and can assist by lifting on the

legs or by helping to place and remove the feet from the foot strap.

A Great New Option for this Challenging

Core Exercise

Holding on in the Pullup position during a QUAD L-Sit L4

QUAD AIR SPLITS Lvl 4 Total Body 98

QUAD Air Splits L4

Splits are fun when supported in the air with the QUAD. Clip

2 handles into the overhead rings and stand up in the larger

foot strap. From here you can lower down slowly using your

arms to help control the decent. Allow your hips to stretch

by turning slightly one direction and increasing the range of

motion. Reverse the movement by pulling up with your

arms and back while your legs bring themselves together.

Repeat the movement to the other direction if you are using

a "hip turn" and work on holding the bottom position for

time to build strength in the upper body while developing

flexibility throughout the hips.

QUAD Air Splits L4 using the handles to help control the

descent and stretch

QUAD LOW DIPS Lvl 4 Total Body 99

QUAD Low Dips L4

QUAD Low Dips are an advanced version of the UNIT Low Dip and common bench dip. This exercise is performed in the supine QUAD

setup but with your upper body vertical and flexed at the hips. Place your feet in the large or small foot straps with the handles no

more than 12 inches off the ground. Position the handles for your hands slightly higher so that you can lower down without sitting on

the ground. Perform the exercise by pushing yourself up into a straight arm position. Control any sway or swing with a tight stomach

or by using a spotter. Perform reps using the chest, shoulders and triceps to lower down and raise yourself up. Discontinue if you

experience any pain in your shoulders or elbows by sitting down on the ground.

QUAD Low Dips L4 in the up position

with arms straight

QUAD Low Dips L4 in the bottom

position with elbows bent

QUAD AIR BICYCLE Lvl 4 Total Body 100

QUAD Air Bicycle L4

Attempt this exercise only after becoming familiar

with the QUAD Low Dip. From the upper starting

position, draw in one leg while extending the other

out for support. At the same time you will perform a

small Tricep Dip similar to the Russian Dance.

Alternate sides by pressing up slightly with the arms

and switching the leg position before lowering back

down. Be sure to use a smooth and controllable

tempo to avoid an increased risk of shoulder or elbow

injury. It is important to remember this exercise is two

movements combined that equally affect one

another. Moving too fast can be hazardous to your

health. Discontinue by sitting down on the ground and

always have a spotter when performing QUAD


ABOVE: QUAD Air Bicycle L4 with right leg extended BELOW: QUAD Air Bicycle L4 with left leg extended

QUAD L-SIT ADDUCTION Lvl 4 Total Body 101

QUAD L-Sit Adduction L4

This exercise is similar to the QUAD Low Dips

and Air Runner previously discussed. The L-Sit

Adduction/Abduction has you sitting in a hip

flexed, supine QUAD position. From here you

can remain static in the upper body by keeping

the arms straight or you can perform the same

Tricep dip that is common in exercises like the

Russian Dance and Air Runner. Spread your

feet apart or Abduct your legs slowly holding

the "V" position for a moment before

returning your legs together to the start

position. The return is called adduction

because you are bringing your legs closer to

the midline of the body as opposed to the

abduction which took them away. Repeat this

Abduction/Adduction movement and

discontinue if you feel any pain in your

shoulders or elbows. Remember you can

always sit down out of this exercise at any

time if it becomes too difficult and use a

spotter to assist if necessary.

QUAD L-Sit Adduction L4 with the legs

together or adducted

QUAD L-Sit Adduction L4 with the legs

apart or abducted

TRIPOD HALO Lvl 4 Total Body 102

Tripod Halo L4

Perform the Tripod Halo only when confident in your ability

to perform QUAD Overhead Extensions and grounded Solo

Halos. This exercise is extremely difficult and should only be

attempted with a spotter present to assist if needed.

With your feet in the small foot straps, position your body so

that you can lift yourself up into a single handle two hand

plank position. This will require the long strap to be more

dominate on one side of the body at the start. From here,

extend both arms out overhead and then return them back

around on the other side of the body/head. Repeat this to

the alternating side, keeping your hips level and core tight.

Use a side tuck or oblique crunch maneuver similar to the

standing Solo Halo to help stabilize and direct resistance into

the core. Discontinue by kneeling down at any sign of

weakness or pain.

Tripod Halo L4 during the overhead extension part of the


Tucking the Tripod Halo L4 down towards the left side

Tucking the Tripod Halo L4 down towards the right side after

coming around the head

RING LADDER Lvl 4 Total Body 103

Ring Ladder L4

This exercise is different from all other QUAD exercises and has you setup each handle at

various heights so you can climb your way to the top. Use 3 or 4 handles and start with

two hands on the lowest handle. Lift yourself off the ground and stabilize before

reaching out to the next handle up. Continue to climb up by matching your hands on each

handle before moving upward. Pause at the top and then attempt to descend down using

an incredible amount of strength to decelerate each drop down. Do not attempt or

discontinue if you have any pain in your elbows or shoulders.

Ring Ladder L4 starting position from a

sit start

Ring Ladder L4 transferring to the next



The following pages include Level 1-4 Training programs. It is recommended to start with Level 1 exercises and progress forward as you master

movements and develop better awareness and understand of your ability.

When designing training programs there are several key factors to think about. - Who is this training program for? - What is their age? Ability? - What is there experience with exercise? With UNIT exercises? - Do they have any injuries, imbalances or disorders that affect the way they exercise? - Have you done an assessment on posture and movement? - Are they showing excitement or worry about the idea of exercising? - Do they have a doctor's prescription or recommendation for exercise? - Where is the exercise being performed? What other requirements come with the location? - Are you comfortable moving forward with the workout? - Have you read this entire book and understand the potential risk involved? - Am I certified, licensed or qualified to be providing assistance?

Based on your answers to the questions above you should know if you are ready to move forward with your own program or start helping someone with their program. It is recommended that you further educate yourself in the science of exercise and learn about the human body. Because everybody is different and has different needs and different lifestyles, it is impossible to design a one size fits all program. This is why the material in this manual is written- to help you understand your needs and design exercise and workout plans that suit your specific goals.

Tips for designing training programs: 1) Know your level and start there. Progress as exercises become easy and only move up one level at a time. 2) Develop programs that last 1-6 weeks. Allow for exercise proficiency without overtraining or becoming bored with the same routine. 3) Design in Rest Periods to ensure your body can recover properly. The more strenuous the exercises the longer the rest periods need to be. Always ensure you are properly rested before any major event where your physical skill is tested. UNIT Training can compliment a resting program through low resistance and no resistance exercises combining numerous stretching and mobility training options. 4) Develop several preferred warmups to do before exercising and master them. Ideally your warmups should be 5-15 minutes in length and should help to prepare the body to perform and do extraordinary work. Common ideas for a warm-up include jogging or bike riding, paddling, rope jumping, a dynamic stretch routine, jumping jacks, 8 count body builders, tag, Kettlebell exercises, a ViPR routine, dancing, snow shoeing, playing with kids or dog, light DB routine, stair climbing, low grade Bouldering, Climbing ropes, Playground Obstacle Course, Medicine Ball routine, low resistance UNIT exercises and Slacklining. 5) Choose between 2-10 exercises for developing your program. Try to cover all your angles and plan exercises that allow for rest in other areas of the body during the workout session. (Example- You wouldn't want to develop a program that had 10 exercises only for your Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. If you wanted to actually develop those areas, choose exercises that focus on those muscles and combine them with exercises that train the antagonist or opposing muscle groups, in this case the Upper Back and Biceps. Additionally you would want to include a few lower body and total body exercises into the mix so that your Shoulders and Arms can rest while the body is still going. 6) Do not do all Upper Body or Lower Body workouts. If you do all Upper Body workouts you will over train your shoulders and they will not develop the way you want them to. Shoulders need rest to get better and support the arm. By performing mostly Upper Body exercises you increase the workload of the Shoulders and do not give them a chance to recover. Similarly, the knees and hip are at risk if an abundance of lower body work is in the program. 7) Use supersets and extended sets to boost metabolic conditioning. By combining several exercises together with very little rest between, you challenge your cardiovascular system by increasing the demand for oxygen from the body. Later, this can help by producing a greater thermic effect on the body and burning more calories after the workout. This is similar to circuit and interval training. 8) Stop at the first sign of pain or loss of form. Do not worry so much about what you can't do today but think about what you want to be able to do in the future. It is never worth it to train through pain or with bad form. Don't do something you will end up regretting, stop now, rest, learn what to do next, and then move forward with all your options in front of you.






Stand up Paddleboarding- the best way to get on the water and explore. SUP gives you a great workout. Dig in hard to really get the body going. Mountain Biking- the downhill will pay for the uphill and you get a great interval session mixed in with the dirt and rocks. Hiking- tread lightly and step out into your backyard. Trails can provide an easy or extreme workout, just bring water and let someone know where you go. Trail Running- move a little quicker down those trails and now we're talking. Keep it up for a while and you'll become an endurance athlete. Kettlebell Training- develop strength and coordination with a huge cardio bonus through learning the Kettlebell basics and keeping with it. Jump Rope Training- become a jump rope master perfecting the single jump and double under. Thousands of little explosive hops have to do something. Tag- run around like crazy, tag somebody and tell them "Your it". Then run away as fast as you can so they can't catch you. Repeat. Hills- find hills of all sizes and see how far you can run up them. If you have to stop, keep going slowly but try to beat that spot next time. UNIT complex- perform 5-10 exercises in a row with very little rest in between. Focus on large muscle groups and upper/lower body splits. Paddling- different from SUP, this requires you to kneel or lay down. Get outside or find calm water to do paddle sprints and endurance trips. Endurance Races- sign up and start training for an endurance race that focuses on one or two disciplines and go far with your new cardio capabilities. Adventure Races- sign up and start training for a multi discipline adventure race. Often done in teams, it's a fun way to get yourself going with others. Light pole to Light pole- go out in your neighborhood and jog to the closest light pole, then walk to the next, then sprint to the next. Repeat. Balloon Party- get a bunch of balloons and try to keep as many up in the air as you can. Draw exercises on some and do them if those hit the ground. Treadmill Complex- walk, run, skip, sprint, incline, backwards, walk, run, repeat. Swimming- develop this skill while practicing in a pool, lake, ocean or other body of water. Dancing- either in the club or your bedroom, dancing is a great cardio workout and provides an outstanding carryover to other movements. ViPR complex- learn the hundreds of possible exercises that you can do with a ViPR and get a bonus cardio session every time you try. Snow shoeing- strap on your snowshoes and head out on a white adventure. Leading the pack can be tough so fall back and take turns trailblazing. Personal Mountain Lift- walk up the sides of your favorite runs next time you go out and shred, especially small terrain parks and individual obstacles.

There are a lot of people who look at Cardiovascular Training as a way to lose weight. They see it as good way to burn bad calories and spend

countless hours sometimes beating themselves up to get these calorie burning results. But that is not 100% correct.

TruFit looks at Cardiovascular Training as what it actually is, "the training of your Heart and Lung Systems". It would take an entire book to

explain why these two are so important but they are. Your heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body at a very fast rate. As you get

moving your heart has to work harder to supply the body with more oxygen so that it can perform more work. If your heart can't keep up or if

your lungs are weak, you will soon slow down. TruFit makes this our goal with Cardiovascular Training, “to never have to slow down”.

At TruFit our lives are Cardio. We can get it anywhere and at almost any time. Often it only requires you. Think about your body today with the

idea that you are going to need more cardio capacity tomorrow. It might be a big set of waves or a rush to beat bad weather but whatever the

case may be, you are going to need your heart and lungs to be able to go hard. Try out some of the ideas below to get your Cardiovascular

system ready to go. With this attitude, weight loss and calorie burn come naturally.

What goes up

must come


Enjoy the

challenges and

rewards of an

active lifestyle


Stretching Out with the UNIT

There are multiple stretching options using the

UNIT. By positioning your body, you can allow

gravity to push and pull you into some

effective stretches. Flexibility training for

corrective measures should be discussed with

a medical professional and is not covered in

this manual.

Anterior Stretching- walk forward with the

handles and allow your arms to stretch your

Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. By taking a large

step forward, you can incorporate a hip flexor

stretch while maintaining balance. Allow

yourself your move into positions that feel

good. (Side bends and twists, stepping

forward, stepping sideways). Explore you

options and learn more about your muscular

system to ensure you properly stretch what

you need to be stretching.

Posterior Stretching Walking backwards from your anchor with the handles will help you to position your body so that you can effectively stretch you posterior chain. Sitting back will help to stretch your back and shoulders while shifting and side lunging will open up the hips and allow for a variety of dynamic and static stretches.

Static Stretch- holding the stretched position for an extended period of time Dynamic- stretching through movement to warm up and prepare your ROM

Top: Anterior Chest Stretch Bottom: Hip Flexor Stretch with anterior core, shoulder and chest recruitment

TOP: Figure 4 stretch squat is great for the hips Middle: Posterior Chain Hip Back Shoulder Side Lunge Stretch Bottom: Single Leg Hamstring stretch with added stability


There are an endless amount of testing and assessment possibilities that depend on you and your

goals. Below are some ideas and procedures for carrying out different assessments. Each

assessment should be researched further to ensure 100% understanding of the methods and

testing practices. Like any exercise, an assessment should be discontinued if any pain, dizziness or

other unusual condition occurs during the assessment.

Walking and Running Times Test how far and fast you can run.

- 400M ________________

- 1200M ________________

- 5000M ________________

- 10000M ________________

Paddle Speed and Distance Test how far you can paddle and how fast you can get from one point to another.

- SUP for distance - SUP for speed - Paddleboard for distance - Paddleboard for speed

UNIT BASICS - Pushups or Chest Press __________

- Rows or Incline Rows __________

- BW Squats or SL Squats __________

- Plank time __________

QUAD UNIT BASICS - QUAD Plank _________

- QUAD Pushup _________

- QUAD Row _________

UPPER BODY Strength and Grip Test - Dead hang from a bar for time ___________ (hang with straight arms from a bar or UNIT handles)

- Pullups Supinated Grip (underhand) ____________

- Pullups Pronated Grip (overhand) ____________ - Pullups or Hang (Towel Grip) ____________

TOTAL BODY Strength and Grip Test - Deadlift (attention on form and weight) __________ - Carry for Distance __________ (carry Dumbbells, Buckets of water, Sandbags or other object or objects that provide resistance. Walk with resistance on both sides, one side, on your shoulders, against your chest and over your head.) (be careful with Overhead Carries for distance as they can be deadly if not performed properly) It is good to know how far you can walk with external resistance especially if you go into the outdoors with people about your same weight or heavier.

BIKE RIDE - 5K _________ - 10K _________ - 50K _________ - BMX track time _________ - Mountain Bike Climb Time and Grade _________

3 Minute Step Test HR _______ Setup a step about 12-18 inches off the ground and step up and down repeatedly for 3 minutes straight. Rest for 30 seconds once complete and then test your pulse to see how quickly you recovery to your normal heart rate. Steps should be with a steady tempo but not rushed. The number of steps is irrelevant.

JUMP ROPE TEST - Can you do jump rope? ________ - Can you do two swing unders in one jump?________ - Can you perform over 500 jumps at once? ________ Body Weight Tests

- Davies Test- Lookup instructions - Box Jump Height - BW Wall Sitting for time - Single Leg Reaching (reach slowly with your hand

or opposite foot going in various directions and see what makes you imbalanced)

-Depth Jump (jump off a short box or step and try to remain balanced on your toes when landing)


NAME ________________________________________ DATE ______________________

AGE __________________________________________

OCCUPATION __________________________________

SEX ______________

GOALS ______________________________________________________________________________________


CURRENT WEIGHT ____________________________ CURRENT CONDITION LEVEL ________________________

RESTING HR _____________ MAX HR _________________

BLOOD PRESSURE __________________________________

MEDICATIONS ________________________________________________________________________________

PAST EXPERIENCE _____________________________________________________________________________

Fill in the Blanks with your selected Assessments and scores. Retest occasionally to look for improvement or lack of progression.


__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________ _______________________________________________________

Assessments should be performed with a trained professional and talked about afterwards so that both parties involved understand

the results. Use Assessments to determine exercise suitability for potential users. Do not make medical recommendations or

prescriptions based off assessment testing and results. In the event of unusual results, notify a doctor who specializes in those areas.

Name____________________________ Date_____________________


Most answers can be found either by reading the text and thinking or by looking up through other resources. Either way you need to know this.

Anaerobic exercise produces energy from ATP-CP and glucose.

a) True

b) False

2) Muscles connect to Bones via ligaments.

a) True

b) False

3) How many calories per gram of Protein__, Carbohydrates__, Fat__, Alcohol__

4) What is the synergist of the Chest/ Pec Major in a standing chest press?

a) Rhomboids

b) Adductor Longus

c) Triceps

d) Clavicle

5) Normal Blood pressure is

a) 80/120

b) 70/140

c) 120/80

d) 140/70

6) Which exercise would NOT be recommended in a youth program?

a) Plyometric Jumps

b) Planks

c) Barbell Bench Press

d) Reverse Lunge

7) Which exercise would produce the greatest strength gains for the abdominals?

a) Crunches

b) Assisted Squats

c) Hip Bridge

d) Plank

8) A knee that dramatically turns inward during a Squat could be due to weakness in which muscle?

a) Adductor Shortest

b) Supraspinatus

c) Gluteus Medius

d) Infraspinatus

9) Which answer best describes the Kinetic Chain?

a) A chain of tissue that helps stabilize joints during kinetic movement

b) refers to the spinal column as a chain of segments from C1-S1

c) lifting chains commonly found in gyms

d) the interconnection of movement, force and stability throughout the body Answer Key found in the appendix



CORE- PROGRESSIVE PLANK--- Incline Plank HANDLE PLANK--- Flipped Half Dome Ball Plank FOOT PLANK--- Feet on a Stability Ball Plank SIDE PLANK--- Side Plank on Half Dome Ball FOOT PLANK MATRIX--- Elbow, Hand to Side plank matrix ROLL OUTS (STANDING/KNEELING) --- Ab wheel rollouts SIDE BEND--- Standing weighted side bend HIP BRIDGE--- Hip Bridge in Half Dome or Stability Ball BRIDGE CYCLE--- Single leg bridge switch on Half Dome Ball HANDLE PIKE--- Stability Ball Pike, feet on top SIT UP ROTATION--- Situp with reach V UPS--- Grounded V-ups OVERHEAD ROTATIONAL REACH--- Cable/tubing OVHD reach L-SIT--- Dip style or Pullup style L-sit FLOOR TUCK--- Stability Ball Knee ins RUSSIAN DANCE--- Explosive Squats with a single leg extension FRONT LEVER--- Ground Front Lever WINDSHEILD WIPERS--- Pullup bar windshield wipers SPIDER CRAWL--- Flipped dome pushup with a single knee in REVERSE FALL BACK--- Push style reaction game

UPPER BODY PUSHING CHEST PRESS--- Stability Ball Chest Press PUSHUP--- Flipped Half Dome ball Pushups, top down LOAD TRANSFER PUSHUP--- Single arm chest press + SA Fly STATIC TRANSFERS--- Dumbbell transfers from Chest Press STANDING FLY--- Stability Ball Fly TRICEP EXTENSION--- Stability Ball DB Tricep Extension LOW DIPS--- Bench Dips DIPS--- Fixed Dips FOOT PLANK PUSHUP--- Pushup with feet on Stability Ball SWIMMERS BUTTERFLY--- Cable cross Arm Circle Fly's SWIMMERS FREESTYLE--- Cable cross Single Arm Circle Flys SINGLE ARM PUSHUP--- Incline Single Arm Pushups OFFSET HANDLE PRESS--- Uneven Dumbbell Chest Press DIVE BOMBERS--- Ground Dive Bombers SOLO HALO--- Witches Pot SOLO FLOOR PRESS--- Single Arm Floor Press

UPPERBODY PULLING INCLINE ROW--- Fixed bar Incline Row HORIZONTAL ROW--- Fixed bar Horizontal Row LOAD TRANSFER ROW--- Dumbbell or Cable Row with Fly combo STATIC TRANSFERS--- Dumbbell/ Cable Rows that transition each other REVERSE FLY--- Stability Ball Reverse Fly dumbbells or cables ROW TO OVERHEAD REACH--- Cable Row to Overhead Reach CROSS ROWS--- Tubing or Cable X Rows OFFSET ROWS--- Dumbbell or Cable row with two different weights BICEP CURLS--- Dumbbell or Cable Bicep Curls REVERSE CURLS--- Barbell or W bar Reverse Curls LOAD TRANSFER CURL--- Cable Row + Cable Bicep curl switch every rep PULL UP--- Pull ups SHOULDER PRESSDOWN--- Cable or Tubing Lat Pressdown OVERHEAD EXTENSION--- Stability Ball Dumbbell Overhead extensions OVERHEAD ROTATIONS--- Standing overhead arm circles REVERSE SWIMMER--- Stability Ball Reverse Fly Arm Circles SQUAT ROWS--- Cable Squat Row

LOWER BODY ASSISTED SQUAT--- Stability Ball Wall Squat SINGLE LEG SQUAT--- Single Leg standing bench squat SIDE LUNGE SQUAT--- Standing Side Lunge Squat SUSPENDED FOOT SIDE LUNGE--- Slackline Side Lunge REVERSE LUNGE--- Standing Reverse Lunge LUNGE PRESS--- Cable Lunge with Chest Press TRANSVERSE LUNGE--- Standing Transverse Lunge SPLIT SQUAT--- Free Standing or supported Split Squat SUSPENDED REVERSE LUNGE--- Slackline Bulgarian Split Squat SUPER LUNGE--- Standing reverse lunge with explosive hop FRONT KICK SQUAT--- Standing Squat into Front Kick SIDE KICK SQUAT--- Standing Squat into Side Kick ONE FOOT HOP--- Jumping on one foot SQUAT HANDLE DROP--- Body Weight Squat Hold QUADRICEP DOMINATE SQUAT--- Sissy Squats

QUAD PLANK--- Plank on SB and Half Dome Ball PUSHUP--- Pushup on SB and Half Dome Ball LOAD TRANSFER PUSHUP--- none FLY--- none SKYDIVER--- none SINGLE ARM EXTENSION--- none SUPERMAN--- none MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS--- Flipped Half Dome Mountain Climbers KNEE TUCKS--- Flipped Half Dome + SB Knee Tucks PIKES--- Flipped Half Dome + SB Pikes PRONE HIP ABDUCTION--- none DIVE BOMBERS--- none OVERHEAD EXTENSION--- none QUAD SAFETY ROWS--- Bungee Supported Horizontal Pullup bar Rows TRIPOD ROW--- Close Grip Bungee Supported Pullup Bar Rows L SITS--- Floor Hand Stand L-Sit L SIT AIR RUNNER--- none LOW DIPS--- Bench Dips with feet on SB AIR SQUAT--- Flipped Half Dome Ball Squats REVERSE LEVER--- Pullup bar Reverse Lever L SIT ADDUCTION--- none TRIPOD HALO--- Witches Pots RING LADDER--- Monkey Bars

Try it these conversions to your Favorite UNIT or QUAD exercises next

time you are in the gym or stranded without your TruFit gear.


CORE- PROGRESSIVE PLANK--- Core, Shoulders, Hip HANDLE PLANK--- Core, Shoulders, Hip FOOT PLANK--- Core, Shoulders, Hip SIDE PLANK--- Core, Shoulder, Hip, Elbows, Wrists FOOT PLANK MATRIX--- Core, Shoulder, Hip, Elbows, Wrists ROLL OUTS (STANDING/KNEELING)--- Core, Shoulders, Hip SIDE BEND--- Core extra Oblique's, Shoulders, Elbows HIP BRIDGE--- Core Lower Back, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip BRIDGE CYCLE--- Core Lower Back, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip, Knees PIKE--- Core, Shoulders, Hip SIT UP ROTATION--- Core extra abs, Shoulders, Hips V UPS--- Core extra abs, Shoulders, Hips OVERHEAD ROTATIONAL REACH--- Upper Back, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Ankle, Elbow L-SIT--- Core, Shoulders, Hip FLOOR TUCK--- Core extra abs, Shoulders, Hips RUSSIAN DANCE--- Core, Triceps, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip, Knees, Ankle FRONT LEVER--- Core, Glutes, Shoulders, Hips WINDSHEILD WIPERS--- Core, Upper Back, Biceps, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows SPIDER CRAWL--- Core, Chest, Triceps, Shoulders, Hip, Knee REVERSE FALL BACK--- Core extra abs, Shoulders, Hip

UPPER BODY PUSHING CHEST PRESS--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows PUSHUP--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows LOAD TRANSFER PUSHUP--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows STATIC TRANSFERS--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows STANDING FLY--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip TRICEP EXTENSION--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows LOW DIPS--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows DIPS--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows FOOT PLANK PUSHUP--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows SWIMMERS BUTTERFLY--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows SWIMMERS FREESTYLE--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows SINGLE ARM PUSHUP--- Chest, Tricep, Core, Shoulders, Hip OFFSET HANDLE PRESS--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows DIVE BOMBERS--- Anterior Deltoid, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows, Wrist SOLO HALO--- Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows SOLO FLOOR PRESS--- Chest, Triceps, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbows

UPPERBODY PULLING INCLINE ROW--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip HORIZONTAL ROW--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip LOAD TRANSFER ROW--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip STATIC TRANSFERS--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip REVERSE FLY--- Upper Back, Core, Shoulders, Hip, Elbow ROW TO OVERHEAD REACH--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip CROSS ROWS--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip OFFSET ROWS--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip BICEP CURLS--- Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip REVERSE CURLS--- Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip LOAD TRANSFER CURL--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders Elbows, Hip PULL UP--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip SHOULDER PRESSDOWN--- Upper Back, Core, Shoulders, Hip OVERHEAD EXTENSION--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders, Elbows, Hip OVERHEAD ROTATIONS--- Upper Back, Core, Shoulders, Hip REVERSE SWIMMER--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Shoulders Elbows, Hip SQUAT ROWS--- Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Shoulders Elbows, Hip

LOWER BODY ASSISTED SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Hip, Knees, Ankles SINGLE LEG SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Upper Back, Biceps, Core, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Shoulders SIDE LUNGE SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Shoulders SUSPENDED FOOT SIDE LUNGE--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Knees, Hip, Ankle REVERSE LUNGE--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Knees, Ankles LUNGE PRESS--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Chest, Triceps, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees TRANSVERSE LUNGE--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Upper Back, Biceps, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees SPLIT SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Chest, Triceps, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees SUSPENDED REVERSE LUNGE--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees SUPER LUNGE--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees and Toes FRONT KICK SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Ankles, Knees SIDE KICK SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Ankles, Knees ONE FOOT HOP--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Core, Hip, Knee, Ankle, Toes SQUAT HANDLE DROP--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees QUADRICEP DOMINATE SQUAT--- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core, Hip, Ankles, Shoulders, Knees

QUAD PLANK--- everything PUSHUP--- everything extra shoulders LOAD TRANSFER PUSHUP--- everything FLY--- everything SKYDIVER--- everything SINGLE ARM EXTENSION--- everything extra shoulders SUPERMAN--- everything MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS--- everything KNEE TUCKS--- everything PIKES--- everything PRONE HIP ABDUCTION--- everything plus hip DIVE BOMBERS--- everything extra shoulders OVERHEAD EXTENSION--- everything QUAD SAFETY ROWS--- everything TRIPOD ROW--- everything plus more obliques L SITS--- everything extra abs L SIT AIR RUNNER--- everything LOW DIPS--- everything AIR SQUAT--- everything L SIT ADDUCTION--- everything TRIPOD HALO--- everything RING LADDER--- everything


Hiking & Trail Running Get out of the house and get out on the trails. Who knows where they will lead you? Hiking and Trail Running will expose you to places in nature that you can't get to by car. This will help you learn your limits while developing a foundation for outdoor exploring and an appreciation for the earth. Be sure to tell somebody where you are going. Learn to read topo maps, pack smart and bring a friend.

Paddle Sports Get out on the water by participating in sports like Surfing, Stand up Paddleboarding, Kayaking, Canoeing or Lay down Paddleboarding. These sports connect you with the water and provide an ideal way to stay in shape no matter age or experience. Find a teacher and listen to what they say about water safety and paddling skill. It's been said our bodies are mostly water so use paddle sports and find out what you're really made of.

Mountain Bike & BMX If you don't know how to ride a bike, you have got to get on it. Tell anybody and they will help you. Now if you can ride, get out and try out your abilities on a Mountain bike or BMX bike. Although very different in terms of skill and preparation, both BMX and Mountain Biking will help prepare you to handle challenges coming at you quickly. The spilt decision thinking, physical skill and endurance displayed, will set you up for a fun life on two wheels.

Rock Climbing Rock Climbing is becoming more wide spread and popular than ever before. Climbing with a group of friends can be a fun and challenging way to experience the outdoors. Climbing involves education more than anything and expert experience rules on the rock. Start with some shoes and a chalk bag and talk to local climbers about how and where you can improve your skill in this sport.

Snow Sports When the water freezes things get fun. Try out Snow Sports like Snowboarding, Skiing and Snowshoeing to get your winter adrenaline going. Start off with a helpful teacher and hit the slopes or trails once they're covered in white. Learn to read the snow and take your time progressing into more difficult terrain. When snow shoeing, be sure to tell somebody where you are going and pay attention to the weather before you. leave.

Slacklining Do yourself a favor and learn to walk a Slackline. Whether it is to improve your balance and awareness, strengthen stabilizer muscles throughout the body or to develop the ultimate in Hyper Focus. Start low and ask for help in the beginning. As you get better you will see how this new skill has improved everything else you do.

Skateboarding Did you know there's another fun way to get around on 4 wheels that doesn't require gas or produce emissions? Whether you prefer street style, vert ramps or long boards, there is very little to compare with the feeling of perpetual motion. Start within your comfort level and progress carefully through the stages of development. Help show others and save yourself miles by enjoying the ride to wherever you're going.

Highlining in Joshua Tree, California (do not attempt, trained professional) Surfing in Mexico


TOP: Running an obstacle during an Adventure Race BOTTOM: Longboarding with the Kahuna Stick in California

Young Skier going off a big jump in Taos, NM

Hiking in the Jemez River TOP Getting ready to climb MIDDLE

TruFit BMX rider catching some air BOTTOM


Fútbol / Soccer Prepare for the world's most played game by performing exercises that challenge your body in all planes of motion. Practice deceleration drills where you teach the body to slow down quickly and learn to change direction with precision and accurate foot placement. Focus on a wide range of core exercises that keep you on your feet. Try Slacklining and one leg UNIT exercises to improve hip, knee and ankle stability.

Football Incorporate UNIT Training into your Football program and see the benefits of training with multiple training styles. Work on static and movement based Core exercises and challenge yourself to rotate and do work. Isometric holds go great with ballistic movements and can prepare your body to hold strong and move quickly. Try Slosh Pipe carries for distance, UNIT LT Pushups, Rows and SL Squats and Slacklining.

Basketball Basketball is a very dynamic and unpredictable sport. Use UNIT training to help develop coordination throughout the body and build endurance in the legs and shoulders. Many of the slow paced UNIT exercises will help to compliment the fast paced action of a game especially when it comes to protecting a joint during movement or upon landing. Try exercises like the Transverse Lunge, Super Lunge and One Foot Hop.

Baseball / Softball Help prepare for Baseball and Softball with UNIT Training that focuses on strong core rotations, static holds and ballistic movements. Baseball requires special explosive strength and focus to play well. Use total body exercises with the UNIT and create challenging games where a ball is in play. Try suspended foot lunges and catch the ball at the bottom portion or try catching and tossing a ball while standing on a Slackline.

Hockey Train for Hockey with the UNIT and develop amazing leg strength and core power. Focus on isometric holds that build strength and joint stability and then try movement based exercises where you change direction and decelerate joint action. Look at Side lunging and Transverse Lunges to help prepare the knees and use "Squat Holds" to build strength in the legs. Also try Overhead and Side rotation reaching, Single arm rows and Pushups.

Lacrosse Lacrosse is a game that involves many different aspects of sport. Train similarly with the UNIT and work on power, solid core rotations and hyper focus exercises and also incorporate movement. Suspended lunges can be combined with throwing the ball at the top and catching down low. Also try the Transverse side step and Super Lunge to develop core strength with rotational movement.

Swimming Swimming is an excellent form of exercise and is an important skill to have. Swimmers should look at UNIT Training as a way to compliment their time in the water. Whether for stretching or low resistance training, UNIT exercises can improve your joints and muscles to help propel you through the water. Try the Butterfly Swimmer and Freestyle Swimmer as a way to challenge your body and train similar to your sport.

Rugby Prepare for this aggressive sport by UNIT Training that challenges your usable Range of Motion and increases your joint and core strength. Isometric holds combined with ballistic movements help to stimulate your body similar to a match and can give you the advantage over the undertrained players. Perform Pushups and Row Holds with Squat handle drops and Core rotations with overhead extension style exercises.

Track and Field Track and Field covers a vast range of events and disciplines. You must be in top shape to compete and should use UNIT training to keep yourself prepared and ready to go. Try to design a well rounded program that covers isometrics, explosive power, core rotation, strength building and flexibility training. Be sure not to over train during the season and use UNIT training to support your general conditioning.

Golf Improve your golf game with UNIT exercises that open up the body and increase range of motion and rotational power. Golf is a great example of kinetic energy and shows us how the body is truly connected from head to toe. Any misalignment in the body will show when you strike the ball, so practice exercises that improve your posture during movement. Think, Transverse Side Steps, Overhead rotational reaches and Flexibility.


Traditional Sports provide a fun and

dynamic way to get in shape while

learning how to work together as a team

with your peers.

This ability to work as a team will help you not only on

the court or field but as you go through life and face

new challenges.

Contact sports like Lacrosse, Football, Rugby and

Hockey require tremendous core control and

stability to withstand taking hits while moving


Dynamic non contact sports like Futbol/ Soccer and

Basketball require proficient training in deceleration and

direction change to help prevent joint breakdown during


Sports like Baseball, Golf, Track and Swimming require you to

be at the ready at all times. Use reactive techniques to

prepare yourself for these explosive movements


Join Us and start Fighting Now

If there is a hidden agenda for everything then here is the real secret behind TruFit. TruFit's mission is to educate and inspire youth and

families into living healthy, active lifestyles. With all the negative influences out there, it seems impossible to combat the epidemics of inactivity

and childhood obesity. Fast foods and junk foods are getting people hooked and TV programs attempt to keep them watching in suspense all

night. From the start of the day to the end of the night, it appears many people have decided just to sit down and watch life go by.

But not TruFit. Our mission is to activate people by providing the education and attitude to change their life. Unfortunately, physical

education is not what it should be and the current picture shows us that most youth, adults and boomers do not truly understand what to do

about it. Many adults default their children's health education to the school or youth coach even though those programs are underdeveloped

with coaches often under prepared. Schools are still rewarding kids with pizza parties and candy for reading books and working hard. We have

literally taught ourselves over the last 30 years to reward ourselves for everything we do and to think we are the smart ones when receiving a

good deal. This was probably not your decision. This was some corporation's idea to get rich a long time ago and now we are the ones suffering.

The entire world is getting fatter and lazier while at the same time being rewarded by $1 burgers and video games that are challenging and

progressive. This shows us that by giving small rewards to people, you can almost get them addicted to a game or restaurant. Toys in kids meals

and unlocking perks as you level up your game character does nothing for you as a person but does everything for them as a business.

This is why we need your help. To fight back against the system that has put us in this situation. To help others who have been gobbled

up by marketing tricks and smart psychology. To expose our lives for what they can actually be; Fun, Exciting, Challenging and Rewarding. This is

why we created TruFit the way we did. Our goal was to expose the benefits that a healthy lifestyle provides and to help educate youth and adults

on how they can break away from the fake world and join us in the active real world... This is why we need your help.

TruFit does not view our competitors as enemies. We view them as a network much like the U.N. We are all here to help create a better

world, and to do that means working together as a massive Army instead of as individual teams. This is why we designed the UNIT to support

almost any user with any background. The UNIT is one of our weapons in the fight against obesity and it starts working when you become familiar

with the exercises and the lifestyle TruFit promotes. As a member of this Army you must work hard to turn others away from the negative

influences that surround them. You must speak up when you know that you know better. Even if the other person doesn't want to hear it, they

will appreciate that fact that you care enough to speak up.

So Speak Up, Stand Up and Fight back against the unfairness that created this overweight and under motivated population. By joining us

in this fight, you not only help yourself live a healthy, active life; you become the example to all those around you and can influence them just as

the fast food and TV marketers do. Pay special attention to the words used in commercials and the images they put up. This is all done with your

money in mind and not necessarily your health or happiness. Once you know what to look for, you'll know how to fight back. Join us on this

lifelong battle and take yourself out of the crowd and become part of the solution.

We are not an Army of One; TruFit is an Army of US. Let's fight together and change our world back into one we can all enjoy and

appreciate. Let's learn from each other and encourage those we meet to join us and break away from the garbage. Let's reward our youth with

adventures and activity and see what happens next to them. Obesity can't survive on our side of the fence. It doesn't stand a chance. Now join us

and recruit others to knock down the barriers and take action when it comes to reshaping the future.

Who are you within the TruFit Army?

Recruits- Recruits are new members in the TruFit Army. Recruits should spend most of their time learning the information in this guidebook and testing their own skills and abilities in preparation for combat.

Sergeants- Soldiers have a basic understanding of TruFit principals and have the experience to show others and encourage them into TruFit training.

Officers- Officers are Certified Personal Trainers and Health Professionals who have learned advance training concepts and techniques. They can teach individuals, sergeants and recruits proper form and progressive measures. Officers work together with a Team and should continually aware of their local situations and opportunities.

Captains- Captains are medical professionals and graduate level coaches and trainers. Captains hold the highest authority in exercise prescription and

diagnose client needs. Refer to your Captains as a resource to tap into the highest level of education and to prepare yourself and others for an

exciting life that is always improving. Join us at


Take learning to the next level by getting online and hitting the books to increase your knowledge base.

The more you know the better prepared you will be for yourself and for helping others. Below are some

general recommendations to review and look into further.

1) Explore the various Personal Training and Health Education certifications. These certs can not only prepare you to help others but they set you up with the knowledge you need to pursue an active lifestyle. There are several great certification companies out there with fundamental education programs to get you going. Advanced courses will take you to the next level of fitness education. - Faster Global - PTA Global - National Academy of Sports Medicine - National Strength and Conditioning Association - International Sport Science Association - American Council on Exercise

2) Look up human anatomy. Read about connective tissue, the organs and their functions, the bones and joints, the brain and nervous systems and more. Become an expert on yourself and understand why you are the way you are. Once you feel like you know about the body you can start exploring ideas about movement and challenge yourself in new ways. Even briefly reading through an anatomy text book will explain many answers to questions you might not know you currently have. 3) Similar to the Anatomy study, you must look at and pickup material that explains proper nutrition and eating habits. Understanding how your body uses the food you eat is important to understanding how you can perform in sports and in life. Again look for a used high school or college level text book that covers nutrition and read it. Also look up questions you may have online and discover the answers you may have been looking for. 4) Visit a health club or gym during a busy time and look at everybody. Pay attention to what most of the people are doing and then pay attention to the trainers and ultra fit people in the gym. Compare and make mental notes about exercises you want to try out and exercises you want to avoid in the future. Talk to a fitness professional if you have any questions. 5) Visit a park and clean it up before using it for a workout session. 6) Develop an exercise routine that is unique to you and send it in to us at TruFit so we can share your great ideas with others. 7) Look up assessment procedures and practices and try out different ways to test your overall abilities. 8) Make a sweet video of yourself or your friends and family doing something amazing that represents the TruFit lifestyle and send it in.



Da Vinci's Foot

diagrams teach us a lot.

Pass on what you learn

just like Leonardo


Get Low When speaking to youth or people relatively shorter than you, try to get down to their level. They can't grow up to meet you face to face in conversation so why not squat down or take a knee when instructing and speaking with youth. It will help to make your audience more receptive to your message instead of seeing you as a Giant person who just says grown up things. Further, lower your voice. If there is one thing everybody hates in the world it its being yelled at. Don't start your session with a loud tone that doesn't necessarily work the way we intend. Often our message gets clouded in the loudness and the interpretation will be heard as dictative instead of directed or helpful. Try to hear the language and tone of voice of your audience and speak in a way that they can actually hear what you are saying.

Show and Tell and Teach This is an important rule to remember when teaching somebody exercises. If you cannot demonstrate you cannot teach effectively, unless you have someone demonstrate for you; but then maybe they should be the teacher? Being able to show your audience you can do what you want them to do will help motivate them into following through with your recommendation. Often when people are told what to do, their natural response is to question the person giving the order. By showing someone how to do an exercise, you don't order them to do it, you invite them to join you in the skill. This can be much more apparent in younger generations who see actions as speaking louder than words. Show and explain. Point out common mistakes so that others can decrease their risk of injury or embarrassment. Teach by example and practice with a mindset that you will use these skills to help others develop.

Ask Questions and Listen If you want to find out how to help somebody, you are going to have to ask them yourself. People do not like to ask for help. They feel they are bugging you or think you are already busy and won't have the time. Whatever the reason people use, they simply don't like to ask a lot of questions. So that becomes your job. One amazing thing about asking a question is that generally people always reply with an answer in some way or another. People will speak up if asked but won't offer up without the instigation. Use this to your advantage and ask people about things that will help you understand their goals and experience. How do you find out if somebody had an injury 5 years ago that never healed properly? You need to ask. Ask and you shall receive knowledge that you can choose to use or not use. The important part is listening to the important information and that will be different for everybody. The learning process starts with you, asking and paying attention.

Try to relate Nobody is the same. Every person in the world has a unique perspective that is shaped by their experiences and influences. If you want to help someone, you have to have an open mind and also understand that the person you are dealing with might not. Communicating with people can be much more effective if cultural, religious and demographic differences do not conflict with the instruction. As the instructor, you have the best ability to learn from your students and then transfer that knowledge back around to them. Think about the reasons why this person may be sitting with you talking about exercise. If you think about the last thing they thought before walking in your door, you'll finally start to connect to your students in a much different way and see how despite all our differences, when it comes to delivering education, the effort must prevail.

Over Prepare It is important when instructing others to understand and prepare for the session. This could include scouting locations for training, bringing water and fruit to an outdoor workout, cleaning a space so that it is safe and acceptable for use, bringing fall protection, sunscreen, hair ties and a special place for jewelry. Regardless of the situation, it can be made better if things are thought out first. Take away any excuse by having back up plans to the back up plans and remember to design a program that is flexible around your students.



It is up to us. To help kids succeed in the classroom, we must

focus on their physical and mental health just as much as we

teach them concepts and procedures. Obviously what most of us

did for PE didn't work back then, and currently we are cutting PE

back completely. What are we thinking? Do we really want kids

to grow up not knowing how to make food choices and

understanding how to exercise? Do we think if they are

intelligent in Language, Math, Science and History that they

won't care that they've gained 30 pounds since college and can't

seem to lose it? It was all good for them until recently, with

those high metabolisms and all that activity. But not anymore.

Now it's too late. Now they have responsibilities and in-grained

influences. All those commercials and good deals just keep on

coming, so who can resist?

We can. Right now it's time to look at yourself maybe in a way

you never have before. You are the physical education teacher.

You are the nutritional example. You are because you are the

one who they will remember. Think of it as a collateral duty to

help educate and inspire youth into staying in shape. People

remember their favorite teachers often forever throughout their

lives. Think how awesome your reach can be when your students

see you and hear you're living the active lifestyle. Bring healthy

food to the classroom and have it on display. Reward youth with

privilege instead of sugar and pizza. Talk about how much fun

your weekends are and encourage everybody to try new

activities just like you. If you do this they will see it. They will talk

about it. And they will think about it. That's a start and if we

keep it up we will all see a big difference in the future of our

education system.


It is up to us. To fight back against the marketing that influences

unhealthy behavior. To educate our kids into becoming thinkers

and understanding what is right and wrong. To empower them to

make choices and learn from their mistakes.

Not all Parents are created equal. Not all children have both

parents and some kids out there have nobody. It's a pretty

messed up situation for a lot of youth out there and often we

adults are caught thinking only about ourselves. We pull into drive

thru windows and buy candy or sodas to help quiet our

environment. We justify reasons that we truly don't believe in just

to create one more happy experience. We make purchases based

on TV marketing that our kids saw and feel like we got a good

deal. Who doesn't feel good about putting a smile on a kids face?

Making sure your kids are happy is the most important thing to a

parent. So make sure they are happy 20 years from now by

educating them and setting the example for them to live by. If you

are a healthy parent and make all the right moves, keep it up but

please share your message. If you are a parent and you know you

can do better, do it now. This section isn't meant to call anybody

out but to let you know that we have to start as soon as possible.

Within 2 years, almost anybody who is sedentary and overweight

can be considered active and in shape by their peers and their

children. The starting point isn't the focus. It is the goal line that

you cannot see yet. It is trips with your kids that you'll never

forget and experiences that will truly last a lifetime. This isn't like

going to an amusement park. This is like a changing your Kids Life

park, and you are the host. Team up with your kids, their teachers

and their peers. Get involved in any way you can and look for

others to help you out along the way. There are a lot of other

parents in similar situations and if we work together this obesity

situation can never happen again.

When it comes to Scholastic Programming, TruFit provides options for both Teachers and Parents to get involved. This approach

helps to reinforce the message both at home and when in the classroom. TruFit is a lifestyle that starts when you set the example.

Parents, Teachers, Peers and Television have a greater influence than any other factor when growing up. Unfortunately there is so

much marketing spent on creating young consumers that there is not much we can do about TV right now, but we can help the

other 3 with getting on board. Positive reinforcement rules here. You cannot expect youth to be receptive if you point out their

negatives and try to act like you're so special. Humble yourself for their sake and learn how to communicate effectively so that the

message isn't harsh but honest and helpful. As education professionals and concerned parents, it is our responsibility to even the

odds in our children's future and help them understand health mistakes some people have made along the way. Don't hide behind

the common ignorance of health and fitness education, but embrace the challenge set for you and work hard to prepare yourself

and every child for the real life challenges ahead.

Contact us about our Scholastic Program Inserts


1. Stop drinking calories. If you’re looking to lose weight, the quickest ways to cut calories comes from sugary drinks. Sodas, fruit juices, milk, beer, liquor, even coffee could all be cut from your daily routines if you decided to. Some people stopped reading after coffee, but this is referring to calories. Many things we drink are loaded with worthless calories. A large soda today could count as a meal! You must think about what you’re drinking, especially at meal time. Don’t drown your food with liquid candy. Water is what we need. It’s free or cheap. Go get a glass right now.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. People don't eat a lot of veggies and fruit is often second to last. This has to change. Just go to the store, buy them and eat them. Fruits are a pre-wrapped, portable and an inexpensive way to get some simple sugar into your system. Have you seen someone’s blood sugar drop? You don’t run out and get a cheeseburger. Real sugar runs the system. We use it. Fruit won’t make you fat so you should make it the focus of your snacks. Buy it, freeze it, and toss it in a bag; whatever you do make it easy. Veggies follow suit. Figure out what you like, prepare it, and eat it. You can even change your taste buds to enjoy veggies if you like. It might not happen every time, but if you have them and you see them you just might eat them.

3. Protein with every meal. We all know protein is important, although some people still think protein and picture a body builder or remember those gross tasting powders. But protein does build our body. Many proteins are called “essential” for a reason, we need them. Protein can be found everywhere. Meat, fish, chicken and turkey all apply here but you should think lean. There's a big difference between a Rib eye and a Sirloin. Protein also comes from dairy products like yogurt, cottage cheese, and milk. These provide us with plenty of lean protein options to fill the day. Protein also has a unique benefit in which its digestion requires more calories than that of carbs or fat. So eating protein with every meal will boost the amount of calories you burn each day. More protein, more burn. Add more muscle to the equation and you become a calorie burning machine.

4. Don’t be hungry, and don’t get full. When you’re hungry it doesn’t mean you’re burning fat, quite the opposite; and that feeling of “Full” actually comes about 10-15 minutes late. Learn this rule as eating every 2-4 hours and ask yourself, “Am I hungry?” “Should I stop?” “When was the last time I ate?” By thinking these questions, you can follow the rules and drop the bad weight. You must fuel your body before your body asks for it. If your stomach is growling, feed it. A good rule when eating out is that you’re getting two meals. Half now and half later, minus the fries. Take advantage of the fact you "can" take it home. Put this rule together with Rule 5 and you’ll soon see a lean, healthy, ready for action body.

5. Do not combine Bad Carbs and Fat together. Carbs are a source of fuel. Fat is a source of fuel. The body is smart and efficient. It will see the carbs as the fuel it may or may not need, and

will use them or store them for later. It will see the fat as a fuel it may or may not need, and will use it or store for later. We want to burn fat

not add to it. Give your body one fuel and give it only one option – to burn. If you follow Rule #3, then you’ll have your protein, follow rule #2

and you'll have your good carbs and fiber. So look at your meals. See protein, good. See carbs? Okay. See fat? See both? Then take one away.

Lose the bread, the sauce, maybe the cheese or the chips. It doesn't have to be every time, but this time. Follow these rules and the weight

loss will follow.

5 SIMPLE RULES- to start with

This is only to get your thinking and is not written to diagnose or treat any

medical conditions. Speak with a licensed nutritionist about your diet and

learn about all the ways you can eat healthy and stay TruFit

Abduction- refers to movement that moves a limb further from the midline of the body. Adduction- refers to movement that moves a limb closer to the midline of the body. Adjustable Locking Buckle- A key component in rock climbing, mountaineering and rescue, the adjustable locking buckle provides a quick adjustment of straps for a variety of applications. The adjustable locking buckle automatically locks when a force is exerted on the anterior strap. This provides support and safety for users when performing exercises and tasks that require a static or dynamic movement. Aerobic- with oxygen, exercise that utilizes oxygen to produce energy for the muscles for sustained periods of time. Endurance based exercises that conditions the slow twitch muscles and cardiovascular system. Agonist- A muscle or muscle group that is primarily responsible for a specific joint movement when contracting. Anaerobic- without oxygen, exercise that utilizes the anaerobic energy system uses ATP-CP or Anaerobic Glycolysis to produce energy for the muscles. Anaerobic exercise is non-endurance exercise and generally last no longer than 30 seconds to 2 minutes before the aerobic system has taken over. Trains fast twitch muscles. Antagonist- A muscle or muscle group that counteracts or opposes the agonist or prime mover. Anterior- refers to the front of the human body ex: quadriceps are on the anterior side of the body. Beast Mode- going really hard to complete and exercise, set or entire workout. Body Leverage Training- refers a style of functional resistance training in which the user positions or leverages their body against gravity to produce the desired resistance for exercise. BLT often focuses on core and stabilizing muscles too and is a progressive form of training meaning that as a user develops greater ability and skill, the difficultly can be easily increased or decreased to accommodate the new level of training. Body Weight Ring- is the ring on the top portion of the UNIversal Trainer apparatus and is designed to support the user's full body weight for exercises like Dips, Pullups and Levers. Do not use the Body Weight Ring for climbing, rappelling or in any way s not describe in this manual. Boot Camp- The first stop in any enlisted military person's career. Bootcamps are designed to bring large groups of individuals all from different backgrounds and teach them how to effectively work as a team. This is done through education, physical training and tasks that develop each individual into a key component of the overall team. Fitness Bootcamps are similar in that they are designed to bring a large group of people together to educate them and prepare them to work individually and as a team. Fitness Bootcamps are not designed to be militant in nature even though the name would suggest otherwise. Look for boot camps that are run by certified trainers and focus more on education and teamwork than pushups and yelling. CNS- Central Nervous System is responsible for all action and movement in the body from pumping blood through the heart to jumping and landing on one foot. The CNS is the driver in the human body and consists of the brain and spinal cord. It controls everything and can be manipulated through a variety of exercises and tasks. If fatigued, the CNS cannot effectively communicate with the rest of the body and simple tasks can increase in difficulty or be impossible to complete. Proper rest of the CNS is important if you want to train and perform at high levels. Carabiner- A key component in rock climbing, mountaineering and rescue. The carabiner provides a quick, safe attachment to a wall anchor, climbing harness, individual or alpine team. Carabiners used in fitness applications are often of a lower quality than those used as described above and should be given special attention for defects if using with any amount of resistance. Cardiovascular Training- Exercise that focuses on conditioning the heart and lungs. Cardiovascular training is any activity that increases heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time. Examples include running, surfing, weight training & HIIT. Cardiovascular training can focus on building the endurance and overall capacity of the heart and lungs to do work or can assist in weight loss through manipulating intensity and rest periods. Center of Gravity- Point at which the body's mass and weight are equally distributed in all directions.


Circuit Training- A style of training in which you utilize multiple stations or exercises in succession during your workout. Circuit Training promotes that you select a number of exercises, ideally 3-10, and perform each exercise for the desired number of repetitions before moving to the next exercise in order. This style of training can produce a large cardiovascular demand due to the generally fast paced tempo of moving from one exercise to another. Circuit training can also be utilized for strength training and provides the opportunity for a muscle group to recover while still challenging your central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Closed Chain exercise- Exercise where your hands or feet are fixed and joint movement is predictable. example- Pushup Complex- in this case refers to performing a series of exercises without removing your grip from the device. example: Plank followed by Pushups followed by Mountain Climbers followed by Chest Press all done without ever letting go of the handles. Concentric- the phase of exercise referring to the shortening of a muscle. For example, the "up" phase of a bicep curl is a concentric movement. CORE- the group of muscles that connect your upper body and lower body and are responsible for stabilizing and protecting your spinal cord and internal organs. Your core muscles allow you to walk upright and control rotation of the midsection while assisting all the other muscles of the body in movement. Deceleration- Begins immediately after the movement phase when the velocity of the body progressively decreases over a certain range of motion. Distal- refers to a point further away from the midline of the body ex: wrist is distal to elbow Dynamic- meaning with movement. Dynamic stretches are movements designed to prepare joints and muscles for activity. A walking lunge with an

overhead reach would be a dynamic movement.

Dynamic- refers to action through movement. Many exercises are dynamic while having static characteristics in other regions of the body. A

Pushup would be dynamic for the upper body while remaining static throughout the core and legs.

Eccentric- the phase of exercise referring to the lengthening of a muscle. For example, the "lowering" phase of a bicep curl.

Endurance Training- Endurance Training can benefit the cardiovascular system, muscular system and central nervous system. Endurance training generally requires the user to perform a task for a sustained duration with the goal of increasing the duration of the task. This occurs in the muscles by utilizing high volume loads and performing exercises to develop efficiency throughout the muscle group. Muscles over time can develop the strength and stability to handle tasks and perform movement for longer periods of time before reaching failure. Cardiovascular endurance training works to develop your oxygen system and allows you to utilize more oxygen during sustained periods of time. This is important because your muscles use oxygen to help produce energy and fuel the system for movement. Central Nervous system endurance requires a large demand be placed on the brain for an extended period. Examples would include Slacklining, playing chess or incorporating reaction training into your program. Eversion- opposite of inversion, refers to the foot turning outwards during movement. Extension- The opposite of Flexion is extension, or straightening. Extension increases the joint angle. example- elbow opening as you move your hand away from your shoulder. Flexibility Training- style of training that focuses on soft tissue elasticity and how it affects a joint, muscle group or the entire kinetic chain. Flexibility training can incorporate dynamic stretches in addition to static stretches, myofascial release, PNF stretching or other methods for effectiveness. Flexibility training is an important part of any solid training plan. Flexion- In anatomy, flexion is a position that is made possible by the joint angle decreasing. example- elbow bending as you move your hand closer to your shoulder. Foot Strap- the UNIT's patented design includes a foot strap that allows for the section to be hidden inside the handle when not in use. Force- The result of Mass times Acceleration Frontal Plane- An imaginary plane passing longitudinally through of the body from side to side that separates the body into front and back portions.


Functional Training- style of training that promotes movement and awareness. Functional training blends concepts from other styles to develop plans that create a well rounded approach to fitness training. Gait- refers to the way an individual walks or takes steps. Examining gait can provide good feedback on the kinetic chain from above the foot. Giant Set- performing three exercises in a row similar to the Super Set. Girth Hitch- a method of securing the anchor slings by passing a loop over a bar and then pulling the webbing back through the loop. This is a strong a secure method of anchoring the UNIT. (Always double check your anchor structure) Gym- A facility designed to promote weight training. Gyms are generally smaller in size to a health club and often provide a smaller selection of training options. Gyms focus more on the training experience and less on amenities but can be a great resource for the educated member. Health Club- A facility designed to promote fitness training usually providing multiple amenities such as locker rooms, swimming pools, racquet courts and child care. Health clubs can be a good option for family fitness with numerous options for educated members. High Intensity Interval Training- or HIIT, is a training modality that incorporates quick bursts of activity mixed with periods of rest. HIIT is generally done for the metabolic effect it puts on the body as it is ideal for many forms of fat loss. Example would be sprinting for 10 seconds and resting for 50 second and repeating. This method is also an effective format for cardiovascular resistance programs. Inversion- refers to the foot turning inwards during movement. Example: the foot rolls on the outside during a step and the bottom of your foot faces inward that is inversion. Isometric- the phase of exercise referring to a period with no shortening or lengthening of the muscle producing force. Example: pausing the bicep curl half for 10 seconds would be and isometric contraction. Kilo Newton- is a measurement of force an object can withstand before breaking. 1 Kn is equal to approximately 225 pounds or 175 pounds falling 10 feet. Kinetic Chain- refers to the human body as a complete chain in regards to movement. Every muscle is connected to each other through a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Maximal Effort- during exercise, exerting the greatest force or enduring the longest duration possible. This is not recommended for beginners or youth performing exercise or for people recovering from injury or long periods of rest. Medial- refers to a point close to the midline of the body ex: elbow is medial to the wrist Medical Practitioner- An individual who practices health care as a doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor or other medical professional. It is

recommended you talk with a health care provider prior to engaging in a new fitness program to ensure you are in proper condition and cleared for


Movement phase- also known as the acceleration, action or motion phase. When all force is directed towards an equal goal. Open Chain exercise- Exercise where your hands or feet are not fixed and able to move independently without recruiting other muscles. example- bicep curl Outdoor Fitness- the idea that the exercises you perform are done so to support your outdoor lifestyle and activities. Outdoor Fitness emphasizes more on skill development and natural movement rather than purely aesthetics. Overtraining- this can refer to performing too many repetitions of one exercise or performing exercise without the proper rest periods between. Overtraining can lead to overuse joint injuries and soft tissue damage. Overtraining can also refer to performing an exercise with too heavy of a load. This can be dangerous to the user and poses a high risk of injury and should be avoided.


Personal Trainer- An individual with expert knowledge of the human body, movement, training modalities, assessment procedures and safety. Should also be viewed as educators, motivators and as an excellent resource to learn and develop ideas from. Plyometric- or Plyo's, are a type of exercise designed to produce fast and powerful movements. Plyometric exercises exert maximal muscular force in the shortest amount of time using dynamic muscular lengthening and shorten cycles. PNS- Peripheral Nervous System is the network of nerves outside that of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS main function is to communicate information to the CNS. This can be in the form of feedback from an outside source such as when lifting an object. Your PNS communicates with your CNS and asks it for directions. Your CNS will then instruct your PNS to complete the movement. Posterior- refers to the back of the human body ex: hamstrings are on the posterior side of the body. Pronation- similar to inversion in reference to the foot, Pronation also refers to the wrist or forearm facing downward or "palms down". Prone- position of the body in which you are "facing down". Proprioception- refers to one's own, individual sense of relative position of neighboring parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement. Subconscious understanding of your body's position in space relative to movement. QUAD- refers to the UNIT when being used in full suspension mode. It incorporates two UNIT straps and handle sets. Extreme Caution should always be used with QUAD training and a spotter is always recommended while in use. Range of Motion- As used in the medical and fitness communities, range of motion refers to the distance and direction a joint can move between the flexed position and the extended position. Reaction Training- Style of training that focuses on the Central Nervous System and how effectively it can communicate to the rest of the body. Reaction training uses thought and movements to achieve a task. This style of training is important to focus on as is promotes healthy brain function and increases your ability to react quickly in real life situations. Examples include Slacklining, Racquetball, Kettlebell flipping & Trail Running. Recovery Phase- Analysis phase used after deceleration to regain balance and position before the next movement. Resistance Training- style of physical training that focuses on muscular development through repetitive movement of a load by a muscle or muscle group. Resistance can come in the form of free weights, body weight, elastic tubing, grocery bags and more. Rotator Cuff- Group of muscles that maintain dynamic stability of the glenohumeral joint. Consists of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor.

Sagittal Plane- is a vertical plane which passes from front to rear dividing the body into right and left halves.

Stability Training- style of training the focuses on joint and total body stability in movement and while static. Stability training should be a foundational component of any training program as it develops joint control and proprioception that will benefit other training modalities. Stance Phase- Analysis phase that allows the body to assume an efficient position before the next movement. Static- meaning no movement. If reference to stretching, performing stretches in which you hold or gradually increase the pull. In exercise referring

to pausing or holding an exercise for a period of time. A Plank would be a static exercise.

Static- refers to action with no movement. An example of a static exercise would be a Plank or Wall Sit in which the body is still exerting effort but no movement is visible. Strength Training- style of training that focuses on increasing work output from a muscle or muscle group. Strength training requires heavier loads than generally comfortable and requires longer rest periods for recovery. A good foundation in stability training is required before focusing too heavily on strength training.


Stretch shortening- refers to the unloading of a muscle or muscular system immediately before performing a muscular contraction with that muscle or muscle group. Super Set- refers to two exercises being performed in succession to each other. These exercises can be complimentary, opposing or to provide relief. ex: Pushup followed by Tricep Dip or Pushup followed by Row or Pushup followed by Squat. All supersets will provide different effects. Supination- similar to Eversion in reference to the foot, Supination also refers to the wrist or forearm facing up or "palms up". Supine- position of the body in which you are "facing up". Synergist- Muscles that help refine movement by assisting the agonist. Transverse Plane- is an imaginary plane that divides the body into superior and inferior parts. (top and bottom). The Transverse Plane often referrers to rotational movements in which the body travels through multiple planes at once. example: shoveling snow TruFit Ambassador- Ambassadors are Personal Trainers, Coaches, Athletes, Outdoor Enthusiasts', Parents, Teachers and Students who work together to support and pass on the TruFit lifestyle and training ideas. UNIT Anchors- use UNIT anchors when attaching the UNIT to an overhead bar that is generally out of reach. Toss one end over the bar and then clip both ends into the overhead carabiner. Attaching the UNIT strap to the carabiner, you are now able to work out and remove your extension when complete. UNIT- the UNIversal Trainer is a body weight training system that incorporates rock climbing grade components to provide a safe multi-functional training experience. The UNIT supports numerous styles of training and abilities from rehabilitation to extreme sport conditioning.


TEST 130

TEST 131










































PROGRAM NAME ______________________________________

GOAL ________________________________________________

DATE ________________________________________________

Warm up- time / exercises

1. __________ ____________________________________________

2. __________ ____________________________________________

3. __________ ____________________________________________

EXERCISE time/reps notes:

1. _________ _____________________________________________

2. _________ _____________________________________________

3. _________ _____________________________________________

4. _________ _____________________________________________

5. _________ _____________________________________________

6. _________ _____________________________________________

7. _________ _____________________________________________

8. _________ _____________________________________________

9. _________ _____________________________________________

10. _________ _____________________________________________

Cardiovascular Training time/ exercise

1. _________ _____________________________________________

2. _________ _____________________________________________

3. _________ _____________________________________________

NOTES: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Everybody can use a helping hand.


Your body is amazing and works together piece by

piece to create the strength, stability and movement you

enjoy every day.

Understanding the body and nutrition at an above

average level will help you prepare for a life filled with

challenges and rewards.

We need to move more in all directions.

UNIT Training is different for every user and special

attention should be taken prior to use to ensure proper

safety measures being followed.

QUAD Training can be dangerous if not familiar with

your abilities and UNIT Training.

If knowledge is power, then you can be the most

powerful person to those around you. Set the example

and help others who want to join the party.


I will exercise and train properly to ensure my body is prepared for whatever I decide to do.

I will eat in a way that maintains a healthy weight while keeping my body energized for activity.

I will respect and help others in achieving an active lifestyle. I view my knowledge and experience as a resource

in re-shaping their world.

I will respect the natural world and will do my part to protect and clean up the earth and the oceans.

I will listen to myself and to avoid negative influences that suggest I damage or destroy my body.

I will explore the earth and within myself to discover my capabilities and true potential.

I will believe in my abilities and disregard anybody who doesn't.

I will always move forward towards my goals looking back only to learn and smile at my accomplishments.

TruFit Trainer Course Instructional Manual

©2012 TruFit LLC. All Rights Reserved. Duplication or copy of

this manual is strictly prohibited.