Trailer Analysis: LA Confidential

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Trailer Analysis: LA Confidential

A2 Media Studies Trailer Analysis of: LA Confidential, Curtis Hanson, 1997

The three characters are introduced with a voiceover and a short clip that summarises their personality. It shows that their personalities are widely different from each other and establishes an equilibrium for the audience. - i.e. the first stage in the Todorov narrative structure. This can also link with Propp’s different character types as you can clearly see that the detectives all have different traits- hence the voiceover “they were three cops that have nothing in common”

The build-up in this trailer is very short lived and is incorporated within the opening of the trailer. You can see the three detectives interacting with each other in short snippets of dialogue. For example when Ed says to Bud “how do you think this will look on your report” shows that he is more of a character that likes to play by the rules for fear of retribution. An enigma code is establishes when Ed is asked if he is prepared to be despised by the department for one single act and will make the audience intrigued as to what he has done.

Opening: Establishes setting and introduces character.

Build up: relationships established; development of characters and their world.

Problem: a dilemma or series of complications: characters faced with an obstacle (or several) to overcome. There may be more than one ‘problem’ in the narrative.

Events: a series of events as characters try to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Further complications may arise in the process

The premise of the crime is introduced through the narration of the man in the courtroom who narrates a series of shots, which help explain the plot of the six victims that have been killed. There are numerous shots with a very short length that depict moments of action within the film. A lot of the shots in this sequence use low-key lighting as they take place during their investigation into the crime on the street. This is typical of a noir trailer due to its traits as a genre. There are more enigma codes subtly placed within the trailer for example when Ed says, “the clue is when he had his throat slit”. This use of short shots makes the trailer feel more action packed and therefore the audience are more likely to see the film

The trailer takes a softer tone towards the end as the clues in the narrative are withdrawn and more emphasis is placed on their individual emotions. We can see that there is a clearly defined femme fatale in Lynn Bracken and these shots include the idea of Mulvey’s male gaze. The music becomes orchestral and the use of dialogue is reduced.

A2 Media Studies Trailer Analysis of: LA Confidential, Curtis Hanson, 1997

Introducing the three detectives

A2 Media Studies Trailer Analysis of: LA Confidential, Curtis Hanson, 1997

Introducing the crime

Low-key lighting

The femme fatale character of Lynn