La confidential title sequence

LA Confidential Title Sequence For the title sequence ‘LA Confidential’ it straight away establishes the type of genre the directors and producers are trying to put across to the audience, this is apparent due to the type of tone of the image is used, e.g. the faded colours. This shows a genre of a more olden day film, tied in with the action genre. Regards to the different type of effects that are

Transcript of La confidential title sequence

LA Confidential Title Sequence

For the title sequence ‘LA Confidential’ it straight away establishes the type of genre the directors and producers are trying to put across to the audience, this is apparent due to the type of tone of the image is used, e.g. the faded colours. This shows a genre of a more olden day film, tied in with the action genre. Regards to the different type of effects that are used, it sets the scene and gives the audience a sense of mystery and action.

From the first title sequence it is straight away apparent that the film is dated. This is due to the distorted colours and effects portrayed throughout. The film is set in 1997, so it is clear that certain effects will be different and more old fashioned than what audiences of this generation are used to. With this being said, it could link into the target audience that the film is aimed at, such as an older age range (elderly citizens) due to them being used to, or familiar with the way the film is being represented to them. It is the same type of surroundings being shown which an older generation is familiar with due to the time period they would have grown up in. Further more to this, the film title is shown as being red and bold. Due to the colours this can help the film makers portray an action/romance, hybrid genre type.

Showing the same consistency, the names of the actors/actresses that will be involved with the film are mentioned below an image of the individual, this introduces the characters to the audience watching. Throughout the title sequence a narrative is not present this in a sense creates an enigma for the audience. With the use of the sepia tones throughout the sequence yet again gives the sense of olden day genre/romance to the title sequence, due to it being in this tone it does not reveal to much and the audience are left wanting to know why the tone has been chosen and how it will tie in with the film they are going to be watching. With the soundtrack playing it the background whilst the images are being shown creates an upbeat and more vibrant mood, it can lead to the audience realising that the film is going to be more of one type of genre due to the images and sounds involved throughout.

The use of showing the city that will be involved throughout the process of the film, once again portrays a sense of action and suspense. Due to the sepia tone effect it helps to create a feeling of age and vintage to the audience. In this title sequence, we start to get an image as to what certificate rating the film may be shown as 15+. It creates an enigma and leads to the audience wondering why the city will be involved and how. The camera shots within the sequence is birds eye view and a medium shot, making the city have significance and importance, it gives the sense of power. Throughout the opening sequence there is a variation of different shots on either people or scenery which can also help create an enigma for the audience.