Towards a (European) certificate for internationalisation? A NVAO proposal December 2009 Karl...

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Transcript of Towards a (European) certificate for internationalisation? A NVAO proposal December 2009 Karl...

Towards a (European) certificateTowards a (European) certificatefor internationalisation?for internationalisation?

A NVAO A NVAO proposalproposal

December 2009

Karl Dittrich

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Goals and objectivesGoals and objectives

- Stimulate the level of internationalisation in different countries

- Enhance the level of internationalisation in HEIs- Deliver a tool for forming alliances between HEIs- Develop an additional information tool for students,

teachers and HEIs- Give an incentive to those concerned with

internationalisation- “Reward” good and excellent forms of


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1. Ambition level as defined in a policy statement

2. Programme level

3. Internationalisation must have impact on the quality of the programme

4. Intended and achieved learning outcomes

5. Standards should relate to teaching and learning, staff, services and students

6. Assessment by experienced and authoritative panel

7. Four point grading scale: unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, excellent

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1. Vision or policy on internationalisation

2. Learning outcomes

3. Teaching and learning

4. Staff

5. Services

6. Students

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Criteria (standards 1-3)Criteria (standards 1-3)

1.1 Explicit and shared vision on policy

1.2 Verifiable objectives and benchmarks

1.3 Evaluated periodically and improvement measures

2.1 Intended learning outcomes

2.2 Achieved learning outcomes

3.1 Curriculum, educational practice and assessment in line with vision/policy and learning outcomes

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Criteria (standards 4-6)Criteria (standards 4-6)

4.1 Engagement and composition of staff

4.2 Staff members have experience, competences and language skills

5.1 Services provided to students are sufficient

5.2 Services provided to staff are sufficient

6.1 Engagement and composition of student group

6.2 International experiences of students

6.3 Degree and credit mobility

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Panel compositionPanel composition

- Expert(s) with international experience

- Expert(s) with knowledge of internationalisation (policies) in the relevant discipline/subject

- Student with international experience

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Grading and assessment rulesGrading and assessment rules

- Each criterion assessed on four point scale- Each standard assessed on four point scale- Results for criteria on spider’s web- Certificate only for “good” or “excellent”

internationalisation- “Good”: standards 1 and 2 at least “good” + two

other standards at least “good” + no standard “unsatisfactory”

- “Excellent”: standards 1 and 2 “excellent” + two other standards “excellent” + no standard “unsatisfactory”

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Your responses and questions please!Your responses and questions please!

- Does this make sense?- Will this be helpful?- Might it be an incentive?- Right standards and criteria?- Rules simple and understandable?