To benefit the High Plains Food Bank St. Paul before...

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Saint Paul United Methodist Church

4317 W Interstate 40

Amarillo, TX 79106-4749

Returned Service Requested


St. Paul Preschool is sponsoring a


To benefit the High Plains Food Bank

Please bring your non-perishable food items to

St. Paul before December 14 Bin next to Corinthian Hall

The High Plains Food Bank is especially in need of:

Canned Tuna or Chicken, Peanut Butter, Dry Beans and Rice, Canned Soups and Veggies

Mac & Cheese, Pasta, Boxed Dinners

Help us learn to help others

Joys and Concerns Birthdays:

12-1– Ms. Scarlett ”Stone” Graham, 12-1– Mrs. Barb Zellers, 12-1– Mrs. Sherrie Burns, 12-1– Mrs. Sue Herring,

12-2– Lynnox Blankenship, 12-2– Ms. Kendra Elliott, 12-3– Mr. Zac Zellers, 12-3– Beverly Moody,

12-4– Mr. John David Shannon, 12-4– Mrs. Sherie White, 12-5 Holly Kelley, 12-5– Mr. Barry Vernon,

12-5– Mr. Kenneth Smith, 12-6– Cindy Clem, 12-6– Lee Grimm.


None this week, our next edition of the Messenger will go out next week due to the holidays. Stay tuned.

Prayer Concerns:

James Bagley, Ray Basinger, Cheryl Bryan, Robbin Burrows, Kim Ettel, Mildred Everett, Vera Gallarneau, Norman

Grigsby, Mark Hefley, Beth Hester, Christy Howard, Patsy Hutcheson, Bob Jackson Family, Charles Jones, Patsy King,

Tandy Klepper, Garrett Kwast, Vicky Lefler, Berkley Lefler, Ruby Little, Larry Logsdon, Flo Martin, Don McMahan,

Janet McMahan, Yvonne McCracken, Janette Reid, Ada Rhodes, Claire Rigler, Sis Ritter, Noah Rogers, Eric Seal,

Myrna Lou Smith, Phyllis Squyres, Auggie Spurlock, Mary Wayne Spurlock, Tharp Family, Mali Valasquez.

The MessengerThe Messenger Saint Paul United Methodist Church

Pastor Bill Ivins

Senior Pastor

Lynn Cawthon

Administrative Secretary

Amy Dyer

Preschool Director

Holly Kelley

Children's Day Out


Billy Talley

Music Ministry

Voncille Fountain

Visitation Coordinator

Kay Amiro-Peacock

Student Ministry

Brad Kinser & Kayla Moody

Children’s Ministry

Jennie Lynn Hodges


Chuck Kruse

Technology and


Beth Hester

Church Pianist

Pam Zwickey

Adult Ministries

Ricky Bustos

Building Superintendent

Roy Bustos

Custodial Services

Church Staff

Office: (806) 352-5615

Fax: (806) 352-2315

CDO: (806) 350-3317

Preschool: (806) 350-3318

Vol .19 , No.20

November 30,2017

Coming Home for Christmas Set for December 10

I’m really excited about our upcoming Saint Paul Homecoming set for De-cember 10! Scores of people have been working hard to make the day a great success. A team of people are praying daily for our inactive members. Others have been trained to make a series of visits over the next several days. The meal has been planned. Decorations are going up. The choir is rehearsing and the message is in the works! It’s going to be a great day!

Why are we putting so much effort into reaching inactive members? It’s simple…the love of Christ compels us (cf. II Corinthians 5:14). People need Christ, and people can experience Him in all His fullness only within His body – the church.

Saint Paul is moving forward. Attendance is growing. The staff is work-ing hard to develop new ministries, and we’re taking steps to hire a new Family Ministries Director. New Sunday School classes are in the works. Through all of these things, people can experience Christ here at Saint Paul.

I’m excited about Saint Paul and I want folks to experience what we’re be-coming. Be in prayer for December 10. Those who haven’t been here for a while will have a fresh new encounter with Christ that day! As always,

God’s best to you!

Bill Ivins

Senior Pastor

St. Paul Preschool is diving into the Christmas season!

Saint Paul United Methodist Church 2017 Saint Paul United Methodist Church 2017 Saint Paul United Methodist Church 2017 Saint Paul United Methodist Church 2017

Advent/Christmas ActivitiesAdvent/Christmas ActivitiesAdvent/Christmas ActivitiesAdvent/Christmas Activities

Christmas at Saint Paul

Christmas at Saint Paul is back! I am very excited to have a time to have fun and fellowship with my

church family at Saint Paul. We will have a brief worship service at 5:30 in the Sanctuary; then we

will all go to Corinthian Hall for food and fun. Mr. and Mrs. Claus have RSVP'd that they will be

attending, so be sure to bring your kids, grandkids, neighbor kids, or any kids you find to be with us.

Sunday School classes are bringing lots of tasty holiday treats. We will have, cookies, crackers,

cheese, cheese balls, popcorn, spinach balls, and sausage balls. We will also have fruit empanadas,

dips, sausages...It will be a feast for sure.

I'll see you there!

Pam Zwickey

United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women of Saint Paul invite you to come and join them on Wednesday,

December 6 at 9:30 in the parlor for the annual Christmas brunch and program. The children of

Saint Paul Preschool will sing Christmas songs. This is always a fun morning.

Coming in 2018

Now that you have a nice clean calendar for 2018, it's time to start filling it up with opportunities at

Saint Paul.

Wednesday night studies and activities will resume on Wednesday, January 10.

Women's Bible study will resume on Thursday, January 11 at 9:00 in the parlor. All women are

invited and encouraged to attend.

The Youth will be serving a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 4.

We will have our annual Chili Cook-off in Corinthian Hall on Wednesday, February 7.

Scout Sunday is February 11.

St. Paul Preschool is diving into the Christmas season! For some of our children, the fact that Jesus is the reason we

celebrate Christmas is a new concept. Crafts, music, and stories will center on the birth of Jesus. Nativity scenes that are child-friendly are located in our classrooms,

fostering the idea that Jesus is accessible to all of us. Our chapel lessons for December will tell the old story, new again in the eyes of a child.

St. Paul, we appreciate your prayers and support of the Preschool!

November—December 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


6:30-8:30pm.– Eagle Board

Review in Galation Hall

1 2


5:30pm– Christmas @ Saint

Paul( Worship Service, Food)


7:00-8:00pm.– Photo Club in



9:30am.–Last Balance Class

in Basement

10:00am– Advent Study in



9:30am– UMW General


6:00pm– Advent Study in

Chapel, Library, Room 116,

and Parlor

No youth

Complete Visitations



7:30pm.- Saxophone Recital



“Coming Home for Christmas”

Noon Meal


12:00pm– Staff Party at


6:30pm– Trustees in Parlor


10:00am.- Advent Study in


1:30pm.– Reading Circle in


6:30pm.– Leah Circle in Parlor


11:30am– Esther Circle @

2006 Saint Paul

11:30am.– Sarah Circle @

7001 Columbia Lane

No Youth

6:00pm– Advent Study in

Chapel, Library, Room 116,

and Parlor


9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Spy News

SPY would like to thank everyone who supported the Thanksgiving Feast fundraiser. It was over-whelming how many people brought food, helped set up, helped clean up, and donated to the

youth fund. We raised over $1400! Thank you again for your love and support of the Saint Paul Youth!

Just a Reminder: Youth will not be meeting on Wednesday nights December 6th-January 3rd. Wednesday night

youth will resume January 10th.

We are gearing up for Confirmation 2018!

Here is a list of eligible confirmands.

If you know of a youth you would like to add or notice a name missing from the list please contact Kay.

Zeauna Brandon ,Asariah Hawk, Jacinda Hawk , Noah Kirkland, Kenlee Kirkland,

Saryn Pearson, Berkley Risner, Kevin Runezerwa , Armina Williams, Katie Worley