The Ultimate Turnaround: Managing a 24-Hour Project

Post on 22-May-2015

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Most projects we do demand quick turnaround times, however, 24 hours is more than quick, it is insane. In this discussion we will talk about the process, skills required, and project management techniques that went into building the Alpha version of for the Hack4Reno event. Using a team of 3 developers, a designer and a project manager (me), we were able to produce an engaging, feature rich and award winning web application in just under 24 hours. Presentation Take-a-ways: 1. If you are ever asked to manage a project that seems impossible, mandate that you get to pick the team. This project would have never happened without all of the players on the team. 2. Be sure to have a team meeting prior to the start and define the end goal... for us, it was to win the event! 3. When time is tight... be sure you shoot for the stars, but understand that is not what the final product will be. 4. Share the load... this comes back to the discussion about the team, a good team will pick up when others are slacking. 5. Meet and check progress often. 6. Don't be afraid to crush some pipe dreams... as long as the team knows the end goal isn't jeopardized... they will no care. 7. Though not my favorite job... ensuring that you are a cheerleader for the project is a mandatory job duty for any project manager. 8. When the end is in sight but the team is producing poor quality work, make them all focus on one task and work together to complete it. This will re-energize the team and make them come back together.  9. Celebrate! A good team wants to keep working together... so celebrate.

Transcript of The Ultimate Turnaround: Managing a 24-Hour Project

The Ultimate Turnaround:

Managing a 24-Hour Project

ROB GAEDTKEProject Manager (some times)Creative Director (other times)

Develop an app for the City of Reno in 24-Hours


Team GoOutside: 3 developers a designer and me


To win the entire thing.



Search, Add, Rate and Share your favorite go.cations.(That’s our fancy way of saying the spots in Reno you love)

Authenticate, Check-in and Like via Facebook open graph.

Built for Mobile.

GPS Detection.

Completely user moderated.

And finally… user management.




The team.


Clearly defined roles.


A solid game plan.


An end goal in mind.


IN-GAME (1 hour)

The kick-off… what are we building and more importantly, who are we building it for?

IN-GAME (2 hour)

Put the masterpiece up… but know that a solid B- performance would win the event.

IN-GAME (3 hours)

Divide and concur!

IN-GAME (9 hours)

Regroup… Reenergize… then back to it.

IN-GAME (10 hours)

Share the load… I did some HTML, uploaded locations… programmers did some content writing… what ever was needed.

IN-GAME (12 hours)

Crush some dreams in hopes of finishing.

IN-GAME (13 hours)

Continue to kill functionality that took too long or simply wasn’t working out.

IN-GAME (15 hours)

75% done… right on target.

IN-GAME (17 hours)

Playing the role of cheerleader and realist.

IN-GAME (18 hours)

Finished deliverables only. All hands finish a task before the next is begun.

IN-GAME (20 hours)

Stop new production… time for testing and polish only.

IN-GAME (23 hours)

Final push and getting ready for the big presentation.

IN-GAME (24 hours)

GoOutside for the win.