THE TISLS’ DIMENSION 2014Dana Zohar ha definido algunos principios que subyacen a este tipo de...

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Transcript of THE TISLS’ DIMENSION 2014Dana Zohar ha definido algunos principios que subyacen a este tipo de...

  • Francisc

    a Michell 12Th Grade C.



    Catalina Narbona 1st MC


  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



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  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Editorial of the TISLS’ Dim



    ContentsForewordEditorial of the TISLS’ DimensionAuthorities of The International School La SerenaPersonnelFacultyClass of 2013Our Students Community / Lower SchoolLower School at WorkOur Students Community / Elementary SchoolOur Students Community / Hight SchoolStudent’s DayAnniversary 2014Parents’ Association 2014Activities of the Personal Growth and DevelopmentAreaAfter - School ProgramAlumni ReunionESU English Speaking Union Contest 2014Assemblies 2014Learning in ActionFieldtripsGallery of EventsSong Festival & Dance ContestOpen HouseSchool FiestaCopa DaudActivities of 12th GradesMessages to My School, 12th CMessages to My School, 12th DA Letter to my students 12th CProfiles / Twelfth Grade CA letter to my students 12th DProfiles / Twelfth Grade DMemories




    The International School La SerenaThe TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Twenty - Second Edition

    Editor - in - ChiefCarolina Chávez Bounserio

    Associate EditorsYolanda Mai

    Ana María MondragónVerónica OpazoLiliana Cortés

    María Ester CamposRafael Bidart

    Lorena NúnezPaola Morgan

    Margori Goldberg

    Computer Support Evelin PérezEdith Nuñez

    Front Cover Francisca Michell

    Inside Cover 38Th Anniversary

    Inside Back Cover María Jesús López

    Back Cover Valentina Zaffiri

    Photographers Rafael Bidart

    Paola MorganHernán Cayo

    Design & Layout Alfonso López González

    Printing Center EDN Impresores

    The International School La SerenaAvenida Cuatro Esquinas 342-BSector Cerro Grande, La SerenaCasilla 564 Fono/Fax:







  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



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    sForeword / Palabras Iniciales

    Día a día vamos percibiendo los cambios en nuestra sociedad, lo que nos hace responsables de estar en una permanente autoevaluación y visión de futuro para ir entregándole a las nuevas generaciones los elementos necesarios para un desarrollo integral.

    Somos una gran institución que se ha consolidado en base a grandes logros formando a muchas generaciones, con la convicción de haberles brindado lo mejor a cada uno de ellos. También han habido contratiempos que hemos sabido enfrentar con entereza y altura de miras.

    En esta oportunidad, me voy a permitir plantear la siguiente interrogante; ¿Cómo nos hemos preparado para enfrentar los desafíos que vienen? Es una interrogante difícil, porque supone un conocimiento previo: ¿Cómo sabemos que es lo viene y con qué nivel de certeza tal / que nos permita estar bien preparados?

    Hoy en día existe un área de estudios que precisamente se ocupa de ello: es la prospectiva o estudios del futuro. Usando distintas técnicas, las personas que se ocupan de estos estudios, reúnen información de distintos ámbitos, construyen escenarios con ayuda de herramientas tecnológicas muy avanzadas, modelan situaciones deseables y establecen la forma de llegar a ellas.

    Indudablemente, la educación también ha sido sometida a estudios prospectivos. De hecho, en diciembre del 2012 se realizó en Argentina el Tercer Congreso de Prospectiva y Estudios del Futuro, donde se le asignó una gran importancia al futuro de la educación. El análisis de los escenarios construidos para la educación en el año 2030 indican, entre otras cosas,

    ● Que casi el 80% de lo aprendido hasta el siglo XX deberá ser reconsiderado, reaprendido, desechado o rectificado;

    ● Que se deberá considerar los otros saberes (común, doméstico, tradicional, entre otros) junto con el saber científico/ para formar nuevos paradigmas, y se tendrá que aceptar situaciones y conocimientos que no se puedan probar empíricamente, simplemente porque existen o porque son posibles,

    ● Que se va a producir un cambio de foco, de las llamadas competencias para la vida y el trabajo, al desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples, de la inteligencia emocional pero principalmente/ de la inteligencia espiritual.

    ¿De qué se trata eso de la inteligencia espiritual? La investigadora Dana Zohar ha definido algunos principios que subyacen a este tipo de inteligencia, como por ejemplo;

    ● Que las personas tengamos conciencia de nosotros mismos, que sepamos en lo que creemos y lo que valoramos, y que actuemos en concordancia con ello, que mantengamos nuestras propias convicciones sin seguir al resto;

    ● Que las personas nos preguntemos el porqué de las cosas y que las comprendamos a fondo; que podamos observar los problemas desde una perspectiva más amplia; que aprendamos de los errores, de los retrocesos, incluso de las penas;

    ● La inteligencia espiritual implica que sepamos ponernos efectivamente en el lugar del otro y que seamos humildes y reconozcamos nuestro lugar en el mundo; que nos sintamos llamados a servir, a colaborar al bien común.

    Para concluir, y a raíz de esta tendencia a volver a enfocarnos en lo valórico y lo espiritual, me voy a referir a un cuento anónimo que creo ilustra la idea:

    Había una vez un campesino que luego de terminar su trabajo en los sembradíos, se devolvía a su casa, acompañado de un fiel amigo, su perro. El camino era de tierra y había poca visibilidad. De la nada apareció un camión que iba muy rápido y no alcanzó a frenar, atropellando al hombre y al perro, muriendo ambos. De repente el campesino abre los ojos y se encuentra caminado sobre blancas nubes con su perro al lado. Muy confundido le dijo al animal que siguieran un camino que iba hacia arriba. Caminaron y caminaron hasta que vieron un castillo imponente, muy blanco y luminoso. Llegaron hasta una enorme puerta y les abrió un hombre vestido con una túnica también blanca. El campesino en forma muy tímida le dice: “Buenos días señor… ¿sabe? Andamos un poco perdidos, ¿me podría decir dónde estamos?”. “Cómo no le dice el hombre, éste es el cielo y lo estábamos esperando, adelante!” El campesino se alegra y le hace un gesto a su perro para que lo siguiera. El hombre lo detiene y le dice “Me va a perdonar, señor, pero el cielo es para las personas, el animal no puede entrar” El campesino miró al perro quien alegremente le movía la cola, y le dice al hombre “No importa señor, el perro ha sido mi compañero y si él no puede entrar, yo tampoco…..

    Y siguieron los dos caminando hasta que se toparon con un castillo igual de majestuoso que el anterior. El campesino se acercó a la puerta y apareció un hombre muy parecido al otro. El campesino lo mira y le pregunta dónde estaban. Con una mirada muy dulce, el hombre le responde que estaban en el cielo. Muy confundido el campesino le contesta “No puede ser, yo vengo del castillo de más abajo y ahí me dijeron que ése era el cielo…. El hombre le sonríe con ternura y le responde: “No no, mi amigo, ese de abajo no es el cielo, es el infierno, y ahí se quedan los que son capaces de dejar atrás a un amigo…..”

    Los desafíos de la Educación actual


    Miss Verónica Opazo NeumannRectora

    The International School La Serena 2014

  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Editorial of the TISLS’ Dim


    This has been a year full of activities, learning and labor. Big steps, little steps, they are all necessary to become better people. When we look back over this school year it is very encouraging to know that once again the school has upheld its traditions in former years and that the high standards set up in Music, Arts, Language Arts or Math have been sustained and even improved by our teachers and students.

    I would like to thank all the people who contributed to make this magazine; these pages would have not become part of our legacy without their incommensurable help and support.

    We invite you to keep on going along this path with your children and enjoy their performances and pieces of works which show their efforts and accomplishments.

    Now we are celebrating 38 years of life, we realize that our challenges continue,we never stop growing. Our School Magazine has always been a way to show our students´ efforts, accomplishments and triumphs. I invite you to enjoy these pages.

    Este ha sido un año lleno de actividades, aprendizajes y trabajo. Pasos grandes, pasos pequeños, todos son necesarios para llegar a ser mejores personas. Al mirar hacia atrás este año escolar, es muy alentador saber que una vez más el colegio ha mantenido sus tradiciones y los altos niveles propuestos en años anteriores en Música, Artes, Language Arts, Matemática, etc., han sido mantenidos, y más aún mejorados, por nuestros profesores y alumnos.

    Quisiera agradecer a toda la gente que ha participado en la en la construcción de esta revista, sin su inconmensurable ayuda y apoyo, estas páginas no serían parte de nuestro legado como colegio.

    Los invitamos a seguir este rumbo con sus niños y disfrutar sus representaciones y trabajos a través de esta revista.

    Estamos celebrando 38 de años de vida, nuestros desafíos continúan, nunca dejamos de crecer. Nuestra revista siempre ha sido una forma de mostrar los triunfos, esfuerzos y logros de nuestros alumnos. Los invito a disfrutar de estas páginas.

    Welcome to our TISLS’ Dimension


    Bienvenidos a nuestra revista TISLS Dimension



    Miss Carolina Chávez BounserioEditor-in Chief

    The TISLS Dimension 2014

    Editorial of the TISLS’ Dimension

  • Authorities of The International School La Serena

    The TISLS’ Dimension 20148

    Board of DirectorsCarlos Sainz, Alejandrina Cortés, James Hughes, Karla Soria, Félix Luengo, Isabel Mujica.

    Vice - HeadmasterMr. Jilberto Olivares

    Assistant Manager of Administration and FinanceJuan Carlos Cárcamo

    School - HeadmistressMiss Verónica Opazo Neumann

  • Authorities of The International School La Serena

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    CoordinatorsAna María Mondragón (LowerSchool), María Ester Campos (Elementary School), Valeska Lama (Complementary Curriculum), Yolanda Mai (High

    School), Gabriel Retuert (Personal Growth and Development Area).


    Heads of DepartmentsJuan Carlos Cura (History, Religion and Philosophy), Liliana Cortés

    (Language), Rafael Bidart (Technology, Music and PhysicalEducation), Miguel Angel Torrealba (Math and Science).

    Students’ Association MembersMiss Jenny Espinosa, Sofía Pakuts, Francisca Rojas, Miss Paola Morgan, Agustina Allende, Isidora Fajardo, Valentina Obrador,

    Paula Zamora, Diego Soler, Matías Ramos, Pedro Broquedis, Consuelo Benavente.

    LibrariansClaudia Hidalgo, María Antonieta Calabacero.

    High School and Elementary School Supervisors, School Nurse and Doorman

    Adolfo Figueroa, María Teresa Véliz, Luz Vega, Jessica Collao, Yasna Gálvez, Ximena Tapia, Benjamín Pavez.

  • Personnel of The International School La Serena

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Administrative StaffPaulina Esquivel, Carolina Williamson, Juan Carlos Cárcamo, Edith Núñez, Vanessa Manzanares, Evelin Pérez, Guillermo Vega, Maricela

    Zepeda, Mario Salfate, María Lissia Erazo, Jorge Fredes, Angélica González.

    JanitorsRamiro Vega, Luis Marambio, Manuel Castillo, Claudio Alegría, Miguel Plaza, Gabriel Díaz, Nora Flores, Marta Cortés, Aida Mondaca,

    Patricia Alvarez, Lilian Muñoz, Yesica Cruz, Juana Cortés.


  • The International School La Serena Staff

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Lower SchoolAlejandra Alegría, Jasna Alfaro, Alejandra Söhrens, Karina Castillo, Marcela Silva, Ingrid López, Alicia Varas, Daniela Leiva, Paola Yerkovich, María Jacqueline Vega, Jackeline Santos, Silvana González, Ana María Mondragón, Carolina Chávez, Carola Sanhueza, Marcia Juica, Danyely-Bahamondes, Camila Carvajal, Patricia Cortés, Nevenka Juan-Oliver

    Elementary SchoolGabriel Retuert, Karlinna Vargas, Alejandra Alegría, Lorena Guzmán, Angela Caroca, Paola Bujes, Lorena Nuñez, Arturo Acevedo, Camila Brown, Gisela Castillo, Jenny Espinosa, Luis Veas, Claudia Hidalgo, Marcia Juica, María Ester Campos, María Cecilia Alvarez, Nora Gómez, María Loreto Cortés, Patricia Lucero, Alejandra Söhrens, Liliana Cortés, Ximena Valencia, Cecilia Cerda, Cossette Celis, Carolina Acuña , Camila Angel, Valeska Lama, Kerima Ojeda, Madeleine Tapia, Priscilla Ramos.

    High SchoolEduardo Milla, David Bahamondes, Eduardo Rodríguez, Marcia Godoy, Ana Beatriz Munizaga, Yolanda Mai, Karina Morales, Juan Carlos Cura, María Loreto Cortés, WiebkeSpitczock, PolletCastillo, Miguel Angel Torrealba, JeanetteJopia, Inés Poblete, Luis Veas, Jacqueline Torrealba, Jilberto Olivares, Lizette Castillo, Paola Morgan, Carolina Zepeda, Edgardo Páez, Mónica Zepeda, MargoriGoldberg, Mariela Barrera, Rafael Bidart, Gabriel Retuert.


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    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    The importance that in all human actions the resulting processes and products, the goals and means to achieve them, are emphasized in a balanced way in order to allow the development of happy, healthy and competent human beings (Educational Principles and goals Number 3 of TISLS).

    12Th Grade JCAliaga Ortega Joaquín Eduardo Alliende Larraín ManuelaAraya Valdivia Matías Alejandro Boccas Fernández Sebastien Henri Contador González José Tomás Fajardo Aguirre Camila Ignacia GutesGalecio Pedro DanielHurtado Álvarez Bernardita IreneRadic Sierra Catalina Ignacia Saavedra Albarrán Isabella Antonia Serradilla Werner Sebastián HernánToro Segura Sofía Andrea

    Homeroom Teacher 12th Grade JC Juan Carlos Cura

    CLASS OF 2013


    Araya Guerrero Simón AndrésBroquedis Peñafiel Tomás Cuadros Gómez Javiera Eugenia Dallaserra García Rodrigo Palma Jofré Catalina María ClaraPorcel Bugueño Javiera Fernanda Rojas Verasay Felipe Eduardo Salas Ugarte Nicolás IgnacioSánchez Saavedra Francisco JoséSánchez Valiente Paulina Isidora Schneider Joshua Hanson Tamburini González Valeria Camila Touret Leonard JacquesTroncoso Etchepare Loreto OdetteVásquez Saenz Claudia Edith

    Homeroom Teacher 12th Grade MC Mauricio Castillo


    12Th Grade

  • Our Students’ Community / Lower School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Play Group NAguilar Cárdenas Amanda JulietaApey Villanueva Catalina PazAraya Findel Francisco GabrielAraya Pérez Florencia PazArias Chang Catalina SofíaBitrán Keller Elías AlejandroCabrera Urrutia Matías VicenteCabrera Urrutia Tomás IgnacioCodoceo Cortez Florencia IsidoraCortés Alcota Magdalena EmiliaCostaguta Zwanzger MartínDaud Calderón Amal ConsueloDíaz Iribarren Santiago FelipeFlores Aimetta SantiagoGonzález Araya Tomás AntonioLay Guerrero Maximiliano LynyuLópez Olivares María IgnaciaMenéndez Pizarro ClaraMorales Jara Diego ArturoNieme Montecinos Carlos IgnacioOrtiz Rojas Clemente IgnacioRaboy Schnaiderman Dafnee MijalRojas Cortés Sofía AlinneVásquez Masman María IgnaciaWayland Arqueros Sofía Alexandra

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Nevenka Juan OliverAid: Miss Danyely Bahamondes

    Aid: Miss Patricia Cortés

    Play Group MAguilar González Ema MacarenaAhumada Aravena Antonia PazAraya Olivares Sebastián AugustoAraya Polanco Trinidad AgustinaArenas Fuentes Isidora TrinidadCampillay Arenas Leonor FernandaCanales Vargas BorjaCarrasco Valenzuela Laura IsabelCecchi Silva LucaConcha Gallardo María EsperanzaEspinoza Jego Martín IgnacioFuenzalida Palma ElenaGalleguillos Marín Mateo SamuelIduya Georgudis LucíaInostroza Alfaro Diego IgnacioLatiff Sanchis LucasMuñoz Ubilla Sebastián MatíasPereira Navea Mateo AndrésRodríguez Covarrubias Maite AlejandraRozas Espejo LucasSarah Valdivia RafaelTorrejón Palma Constanza Elisa AlexandraVergara Vecchiola EmiliaWasfi Páez Reda IgnacioParada Troncoso Sofía Hanny

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Marcela SilvaAid: Miss Jackeline Santos

    Aid: Miss Alicia Varas


  • Our Students’ Community / Lower School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Nursery CAngel Marín Maximiliano EduardoBadillo Godoy Sebastián GabrielBagoni Landeta ChiaraBarcos Neira Nicolás AlbertoCovarrubias Cuellar Vicente Alejandro SebastiánFernández Barahona Agustina IgnaciaGimeno Cabrera Lucas SebastiánGuerra Moreno Sofía PascalHott Pineda Gabriel BenjamínHuneeus Henríquez Felipe IgnacioHurtado García Magdalena EmiliaInostroza Alfaro Juan EstebanLastarria Morales DiegoMaureira Juárez MatíasMuñoz Arriagada Felipe AugustoOjeda Godoy Florencia AgustinaPereira Navea Arturo EmilioQuemada Smith José FranciscoRodríguez Arancibia Isabella BelénRojas Fredes Susana AntoniaSalas Svilanovich Alberto NicolásSalse Ciudad Martina Ignacia de LourdesSoto Olivares Renata VictoriaValenzuela Juneau Ofelia AngelineVarela Castro Ignacio AndrésVega Ruiz Teresa JimenaArriagada Altamirano Beatriz IgnaciaCampusano Pinochet Juaquin IgnacioPino Durán Germán Santiago

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Camila CarvajalAid: Miss Silvana González

    Teacher of English: Miss Carolina Chávez

    Nursery DAguilera Olivares Catalina AndreaAraos Gómez Belén FernandaAraya Findel JosefinaAraya Flores Ignacio AlonsoAraya Rodríguez Maximiliano Antonio EmilioArévalo Vega Tomás PabloChulak Medina Felipe CristiánEngell Sola StefanieEscala Díaz Julieta FranciscaFaggani Peña Catalina SolJadue Yarad Said EliasLavandero Castillo Vicente LeonelLeiva Muñoz MagdalenaLizana Gutiérrez Ignacio PabloMaureira Juárez MaiteMercado Such FelipeNeufeld Rosales LucasOlivares Parada Agustín EnriquePizarro Landea Trinidad MaríaRivera Mendizábal Leonor ValentinaRizzoli Soto Clemente AlessandroSaavedra Pizarro Agustín SimónSilva Roncagliolo Clemente JoséVega Araya ClementeVega Sáez Arturo JesúsVenegas Castillo Rodrigo AndrésVenegas Prat Rosario AgustinaZaffiri Estévez Laura SofíaGómez Torres Amparo TrinidadSepúlveda Lodi Laura

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Daniela LeivaAid: Miss Jacqueline Vega

    Teacher of English: Miss Ingrid López


  • Our Students’ Community / Lower School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Kinder CArenas Fuentes Vicente IgnacioAylwin Ravazzano Arturo IgnacioCastex Morales Gael AntonCerda Poirot Baltasar AlvarChristensen Villanueva OliviaCórdova Pinto Martín LucianoCruz Castillo María Emilia TrinidadDaire Carrasco Pedro ManuelDuncan Radzevicius Uranthia KarinaFlores Aimetta María IgnaciaGonzález Fernández Rabadán Cristóbal JavierGonzález Fuenzalida Paz MargaritaHidalgo Hernandez Josefa AndreaJiménez Thielemann Eugenio IgnacioLagno Venegas Martina AntoniaManzur Fuster María JoséMauad Mery Javier EmilMettifogo Guarachi LeónPalacios Prado Gabriela CeciliaPeña Pérez Agustina Fernanda PamelaPérez Gálvez María JoséPérez Jeffs BlancaPérez Riquelme Ignacia VictoriaRojas Contreras Paula ValentinaRojas Cortés Ignacia PazRubio Lira Benjamín AlbertoSaavedra Acuña Amparo InesSaavedra Albertini DiegoVarela Rojas FernandoYurac González Jadranka Snijezana

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Cecilia Pinto - Miss Carola SanhuezaAid: Miss Karina Castillo

    Teacher of English: Miss Carolina Chávez

    Kinder PAlburquenque Castillo Isidora MacarenaArias Chang Benjamín IgnacioDíaz Sarmiento MarianaEgaña González Emilio LisandroEgaña Núñez Josefa IsidoraFuenzalida Palma RaimundoGonzález Fuenzalida Amanda SofíaHartung Kellenberger Jona SalomónHernández Azócar Martina MaríaHernández Olivares Emilia FranciscaLambert Murakami Ian AnthonyMargheim Foley Penelope JeanNieme Valentini Amaya JazmínPeña Pérez Florencia Fernanda PamelaPinochet Gorichon VicentePoblete Souyet JulietaQuemada Smith Gonzalo AndrónicoRichards Rojas Christopher EduardoRojas Cortés Mariano HernánRojas Inostroza Martina JesúsSalamanca Galleguillos José PabloSalas Brieba MartínSánchez Spasojevic Emilio AntonioSchurter Aguilar Matías RenéSepúlveda Ramírez EmiliaVarela Rojas DiegoVenegas Prat Ignacia IsidoraVergara Armstrong Santiago AlejandroZúñiga Alvarado Josefa PazGonzález Saavedra Facundo Amaru

    Homeroom Teacher: Paola YercovichAid: Miss Jasna Alfaro

    Teacher of English: Miss Ingrid López


  • Lower School at Work

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201416


    …The value of self-observation and the

    capacity to recognize and accept personal weaknesses

    and strengths that will allow the knowledge of oneself as well as the development of self-

    criticism and critical sense.

  • Our Students’ Community / Elementary School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014


    MCAguirre Barrientos Agustín AlonsoAmar Araya Constanza EmiliaArévalo Georgudis Catalina NoorArévalo Vega Martín IgnacioBerruguete Retuerto InésBramson Hevia Lucas BernardBruna Brown Catalina Soledad AlfonsinaCastro García Anita VictoriaEspinoza Henríquez Rodrigo CristianEstay Prado Magdalena FranciscaGuerra Moreno Facundo PascualKework Iturrieta Maximiliano AlbertoLotito Ibacache Vicenta EmiliaNarbona Lobretich Catalina PazOrtega Mamani María IgnaciaPefaur Sepúlveda Lucas AntonioPolanco Flores Andrea SofíaRaboy Schnaiderman Isaac AaronRadic Sierra Francisca AntoniaRozas Espejo TomásSagas Narváez Cristóbal AlejandroSassi Monárdez SofíaSoto Olivares Estela VictoriaTorres Lacazette Ema LeonorTristain Prieto MatíasVadulli Belmar Isidora ValentinaValentini Saenz Steffano GiordanoValentini Saenz Valeria GigliolaVenegas Castillo Javiera TrinidadVerdugo Pinilla Martín Aristides

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss María Cecilia ÁlvarezCo-Teacher: Miss Karlinna Vargas


    LAlfaro Thiel Isidora ConsueloAraya Flores Javiera IsidoraAstorga Hernández Catalina PazBaldoni Navarro VioletaBelmar Lepeley Diego FelipeBetinyani Mendoza TomásCarmona Alfaro Josefa IgnaciaCarvajal Meléndez Tomás AlonsoCastillo Barth Maximiliano PascalChelén Torres Violeta AnetteChulak Medina Tomás PedroCornejo Papic Vicente JoséDaruich Araya Anice RaisaDel Río Camus Carlos JoséGallardo Sapiain Catalina TrinidadHellema Medina Beatriz AmaliaInfante Gálvez María JoséJiles Bello RodrigoLabraña Castillo Francisca AndreaLeiva Muñoz AgustinaMedina Rozas JosefaNervi Solís de Ovando Bruno FrancescoPino Barquín Tomás IgnacioRuiz Tagle Duarte María IgnaciaSalas Brieba JosefinaSantander Daire María de los ÁngelesSanz Rojas Renato AndrésTapia Lizardi Benjamín IgnacioVega Sáez Catalina FlorenciaVillalobos Jiles Josefa Isabel

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Lorena NúñezCo-Teacher: Miss Patricia Lucero




  • Our Students’ Community / Elementary School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    CAbelli Ugarte Martina VivianaBolshakoff Rowan NicoleCantarutti Palacios Bruno UmbertoContador Sanhueza Manuel BenjamínContreras Cortés Martina Gianinna JesúsCortés Zepeda Antonia NataliaGonzález Bustos MagdalenaGonzález Dallaserra Martina DanielaGuzmán Peña Sofía CatalinaHernández Azocar Maximiliano MarianoHernández Cerda RaimundoKandora Alonso Kurt WernerMauad Mery Josefa IgnaciaPalacios Prado Isidora AngélicaPuga Albertini SaraRizzoli Dallaserra MattiaRodríguez Covarrubias Lucas IgnacioRodríguez Soto Clarissa Simona OlympiaRojas Cortés Nicolás RodrigoSánchez Spasojevic Santiago AntonioSantander Daire Fernando JoséSukni Zeran Nur TamamTorres Osses Matías AlonsoVega Ruiz DiegoVega Vargas Marcos ErnestoWetzel Anastassiou Joseph LeonardSoto Silva Agustín Emiliano

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Camila BrownCo-Teacher: Miss Priscilla Ramos

    MAlvear Gayoso Diego IgnacioAraya Torrejón Maximiliano PatricioBelmar Lepeley Fernanda PazBonani González Giugliana AntoniaBriceño Vivas Ana JuliaCanales Daire LorenzoCastex Morales Jecqar IgorChristensen Villanueva LucasDelgado León Beatriz MarianaFernández Mansilla Florencia AntonellaFuenzalida Palma Juan ManuelGonzález Valdés José IgnacioLambert Murakami Sophie MasamiMarín Landsberger José TomásOrellana Fuentealba Javiera PazPérez Jeffs Martina JesusPérez Riquelme Matilda SofíaPinochet Gorichon MatildaQuiroga Aravena Paulo AndrésRichards Rojas Samuel IgnacioRivera Sánchez ÁmbarSchurter Aguilar Patricio MartinSepúlveda Ramírez AntoniaValdivia Bou Maximiliano AntonioVásquez González Isidora FranciscaVelásquez Araya Jorge Nicolás

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Madeleine TapiaCo-Teacher: Miss Lorena Guzmán




  • Our Students’ Community / Elementary School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    JAlbasini Grunert RafaellaAlliende Larraín LauraBarberis Fernández Amapola del SolCabrera Vallejos Marco IgnacioCayo Pizarro Antonio RomanoDiaz Sarmiento Maria CamilaDíaz Araos Isidora RositaFuentes Lombardo Matías AndrésGonzález Saavedra Agustín AmaruGuerra González Clemente OctavioJorquera Castellón JulietaLastarria Morales OliviaMadariaga Tobar Fernanda JulietaMedina Rozas RobertoPérez Martínez Nicolás FabiánPonce De Feudis AgustinaRetamal Vicuña VictoriaRojas Cortés Catalina JesúsRubio Lira Antonia IgnaciaRuiz Tagle Duarte DiegoSprohnle Rubio Matías AntonioSukni Zeran Imad SaidTapia Moreno Valentina IsidoraTorrejón Palma Paula CarolinaValdivia Bou Juan PabloValenzuela García Rodrigo AndrésVelásquez Araya María Eliana de JesúsVenegas Núñez Martín FelipeZúñiga Alvarado Magdalena Paz

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Jenny Espinosa

    XAguirre Hernández María IgnaciaAguirre López Constanza PazAlfonso Carvajal MatildeBarrios Silva José IgnacioBelmar Lepeley Cristóbal AndrésCerda Poirot Belén AuroraDaire Geisse MáximoDaruich Araya Amal LeylaDomínguez Ceballos Vicenta PazFothergill Zeballos Sofía VerónicaFothergill Zeballos Victoria BeatrizGeraldo Mondaca Sofía del PilarHidalgo Velasquez Nicolás JoaquínIduya Georgudis ClementeJiles Bello IgnaciaLarraguibel Henseleit IgnacioLópez Olivares Benjamín IgnacioMiranda Erler Agustina AmandaMohor Sepúlveda YasirahNieme Valentini Layla NoorPazols Gutiérrez Lucas RicardoRuiz Lora Gaspar ClementeSaavedra Acuña Amelia InesSalamanca Galleguillos Paz MargaritaSchurter Vargas Alan HeinzSerrano González Tomas VicenteValera Sanza Camila PazVelasco Dellarossa RafaellaZaffiri Estévez Bianca Isabella

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Ximena Valencia






  • Our Students’ Community / Elementary School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    CAbrilot Álvarez IgnacioAguilar Cárdenas Gabriel AndrésAguilar González Pía MacarenaAlcalde Carmona Clarita de LourdesBenavente Ysart Paloma JosefaBerruguete Retuerto DiegoBroquedis Peñafiel FranciscaCuturrufo Ambler Miranda EsperanzaGalaz Ulloa María AnastassiaGomez Brenda SamanthaGonzález Valdés Sofía MagdalenaHellema Puga Jan AedzerIbáñez Barraza Luciano AlexisLizana Gutiérrez Diego PabloManouchehri Moghadam Kashan Rodríguez Rafaella TrinidadMarchant Ramírez JacintaMendicoa Rosas Sofía PazNarbona Lobretich Gustavo AndrésOlivares Fernández Matias FelipePuga Albertini Francisco AntonioRamírez Padilla Tomás IgnacioRantakyro Mondaca Julia BirgittaRojas Cancino José AntonioRosales Ocaranza Cristóbal MarioSassi Monárdez LucianoVega Ruiz Sergio PelayoVillar Henríquez Francisca Trinidad

    Homeroom Teacher:Miss Cecilia Cerda

    GAguirre Miranda MartinAlvear Gayoso Vicente SebastiánBakulic Kusanovic Ivana AndreaBriceño Vivas María SofíaCaicedo Babativa Catalina EsperanzaCéspedes Guajardo Ana VictoriaDanke Calderón Josefa BelénEgaña Gonzalez Santiago EliasGallardo Sapiain Maximiliano AntonioGimeno Ezequiel NicolásHernández Cerda José MaríaMaureira Juárez MauroMiranda Carvajal Catalina AmeliaMolina Viñas Daniela AndreaMuñoz Contreras Isidora AlejandraOlivier Rigotti Sergio ClementeOsorio Hernández Fernanda DanielaPefaur Sepúlveda Samuel EstebanPérez Díaz Camila Francisca IgnaciaPérez Gálvez Raimundo AlbertoPinto Castillo Paulina IsabellaPinto Lahsen José ManuelRojas Rojas Tomás IgnacioRosset Chinchón Pablo IgnacioSantander Vega Gabriela SofíaVan der Hoeven Alonso AgathaZepeda Godoy Matilde AndreaVelásquez Schmidt Ricardo Andrés

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Gisela Castillo

    4 thGrade

    4 thGrade


  • Our Students’ Community / Elementary School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    PAguirre Morgan Isidora CatalinaCerda Poirot Amanda PazDallaserra Ortiz José Tomásdel Río Camus Fernanda PazDonoso De la Barra Renato Tomás AndrésEhren González Annelies CatalinaElorza Aiquel Tomás PabloFernandez de la Peña Jeraldo José TomásHartung Kellenberger Elias EmilioHellema Medina Joaquín DomingoHernández Ramírez Gonzalo JavierIduya Georgudis JoaquínJuica Castro Josefa RailefLuna Miranda Mariana PazMarchant Ramírez TomásMartínez Mol Benjamín Vicente AlejandroOrellana Fuentealba Esteban AndrésOsorio Hernández Benjamín EduardoPeyreblanque Kuhn Juan AndreasPierotic Piddo Milena AndreaRivera Sánchez Celeste MarinaSaavedra Acuña Agustín IgnacioSmith Arabia Skyler BryceVacarezza Pinto Renato SebastiánVargas Barbaste Catalina SofíaVergara Vecchiola Clemente AndrésZúñiga Meuli Josefa AssisWayland Arqueros Josefa Catalina

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Paola Bujes

    NAguirre Barrientos Antonia PazCampo Ruiz ClaudiaContador Sanhueza Catalina TrinidadContreras Cortés Pía IsidoraDaruich Araya Amira FlorenciaGuerra González Eduardo EnriqueHidalgo Velásquez Paulo AndrésLay Guerrero Sarah JesúsMichell Osorio DiegoMiranda Erler Diego FernandoMohor Sepúlveda FarideMorandé Castelblanco María AlejandraNervi Solís de Ovando Renata AntoniaPérez Jeffs DomingoPierotic Piddo Antonia PazPinto Burrows IsidoraRamírez Lucero Nicolás IgnacioRedolfi Velasco Agustina IsabelRuiz Lora Matilda TrinidadSaavedra Albertini LauraSagas Narváez MaríajesúsSainz Salazar Javiera IgnaciaSalazar Seguel Florencia BernarditaSalvador Montaño Andrés JesúsTamburini González Benjamín GiovanniValera Sanza Daniela SofíaVelasco Dellarossa VittoriaVergara Armstrong José PabloVillalobos Jiles Macarena PazZúñiga Soria Martín Guillermo

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Nora Gómez

    5 th

    5 th




  • Our Students’ Community / Elementary School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    AAbrilot Álvarez NicolásAguirre Miranda CristóbalÁlvarez Cortez Ignacia CarolinaAndia Herrera Sofía CarolinaBagoni Landeta EnzoBakulic Chaparro Josefina de los AngelesCamargo Renis Antonia PazCuturrufo Ambler Germán AndrésDomínguez Bruzzone Fiorella AndreaGaponov Garmendia Isidora JesúsGonzález Berríos Mauricio AndrésHellema Puga AntoniaKlaric Gaete Sebastián SpiroLópez Miranda Paloma AntoniaMaripán Frivola José Tomás RubénMiranda Carvajal Martín IgnacioMunizaga Villalón SebastiánNieme Valentini Colomba AmiraOrellana Miranda Claudio NicolásPinto Castillo Pablo GabrielRamírez Viveros Florencia PazSalazar Labrín Ivanna MicaelaSantander Vega Martín RodrigoVan der Hoeven Alonso AdrianVidal Casas Pedro IgnacioVillalobos Rodríguez Gabriel Reinaldo

    Homeroom Teacher:Miss Angela Caroca

    LAguilar Cárdenas AinhoaÁlvarez Mettifogo GonzaloAlvear Vásquez María JoséBahamondes Pizarro Rosario PaulinaBahrs Chávez Juan AndrésChulak Medina Sofía IsabelCuellar Ardila Camila SofíaEhren González Matías JohannesFava Daire IsabellaFlores Martínez Mariano StefanoHernández Vargas Vicente SimónLarraguibel Henseleit IsidoraMartínez Bustamante José ErnestoMolina Berenguela Martín SebastiánMontero Tapia Miguel EstebanNava Carmona José AntonioPeñafiel Cooper IgnacioRetamal Vicuña AmparoRivas Pereira Valentina JesúsRizzoli Dallaserra SofíaSánchez Valiente Fernando JesúsSerrano González Joaquín EduardoTamburini González Jonatan AndrésVargas Barbaste Verónica FranciscaVillar Henríquez Josefa IgnaciaWilson Grez Paloma NashlaGutiérrez de Ravé Cruz Pablo

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss: Liliana Cortés

    6 thGrade

    6 thGrade


  • Our Students’ Community / High School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    KAlbasini Grunert LucianoAraya Torrejón Carla Antonia CatalinaBarberis Fernández Margaritta PazBolshakoff Riley SueCanales Daire FelipeCatalán Muñoz Sebastián IgnacioDallaserra Ortiz Benjamín AntonioDíaz Fava JoaquínEstay Prado Ignacio AndrésGómez Yagnam VicenteGonzález Matte José JoaquínMettifogo Guarachi AmaroPastén Barriga Álvaro EnriquePefaur Sepúlveda Camila FernandaPérez Díaz Constanza Javiera AntoniaPérez Martínez Tamara BelénPolanco Leyton Tomás VicenteRamos Gómez Felipe AndrésSánchez Saavedra Vicente IgnacioTorrejón Jara FelipeVacarezza Pinto Cristóbal BenitoVasilyeva VladaWetzel Anastassiou Peter GeraldYurac González Savka AlejandraZamora Schiavetto Ignacia Belén

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Karina Morales

    MCAguirre Lillo Felipe AndrésAraos Esquivel Rosario PazArévalo Georgudis Antonia Sofía de los ÁngelesBenavente Ysart Federico AgustínBetinyani Mendoza ElisaCanut de Bon Cuellar Claudio MaximilianoCarmona Espinoza LauraCastillo Rojas Luciano AntonioDaire Copetta Pauline MichelleDaneri Castro Giuseppe EstebanDelgado León Erika NataliaElorza Aiquel Dominga AndreaFrancino Quiroz Sofía IgnaciaGallardo Moraga José NicolásGreco López Matías AndrésMaher Muñoz Carolina IsidoraMercado Such MartinaPierotic Piddo Paula SofíaPoblete Ortega Valentina SoledadRaboy Schnaiderman Karen TalitRedolfi Velasco Martín IgnacioRodríguez Soto Ignacia AndreaRosset Chinchón Constanza SusanaSmith Arabia Ian ChristopherSoto Cerda Fernando Vicente BenjamínValenzuela García FlorenciaVargas Vera Cristina PazVásquez González Sofía Helvezia

    Homeroom Teacher: Mr. Mauricio Castillo

    7 th

    7 th




  • Our Students’ Community / High School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    MLAltamirano Lemus Natalia KatherinaBertolino Chang JosefinaCuellar Ardila Juan SebastiánCuturrufo Ambler Ignacio MauricioDaud Cárdenas Alfonso AlejandroDaud Espejo Anice LeylaDíaz Araos Isabel IgnaciaGonzález Fresard Amanda MaríaHellema Medina Jan BernhardHernández Anabalón Cecilia CatalinaJatip Fernandez de la Peña Alem KamalMoreno Concha Benjamín JoséMosqueira Aracena Ivanna María IsidoraPardo Castillo Josefina IgnaciaRiveros Montero Francisco JoséSalas Ugarte Sebastián AntonioSukni Zeran Randa MontserratValdivia Bou Josefina PazVergara Armstrong Francisco JavierVillalobos Jiles Tomás DomingoZaffiri Estévez Vittorio EduardoZúñiga Soria Valentín Alexis

    Homeroom Teacher:Miss María Loreto Cortés

    rBakulic Pedemonte Romina VinkaBenavente Ysart María del MarBolshakoff Nikolai GavinContador Sanhueza Consuelo ElizabethDaire Geisse AnnaisFava Daire DiegoFuentes Lombardo Sofía AntonellaGatica Torres Felipe IgnacioJacob Varela Camila GabrielaMartínez Bustamante Agustín IgnacioMéndez Loo Gabriela TailiNieme Valentini Felipe EmilioPakuts Líbano Tomás JavierRamírez Padilla Isidora PazRojas Cancino Jaime AlfonsoSaavedra Albertini Renata AntoniaSánchez Valiente PalomaSoler Andonie Francisca TrinidadVelasco Pacareu MontserratVéliz Tello Cristóbal LuisWilson Grez Anwar CristóbalGutiérrez de Ravé Cruz AlbaHomeroom Teacher:

    Mr. Rafael Bidart


    8 thGrade


  • Our Students’ Community / High School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    PJCampo Ruiz BegoñaCanut de Bon Cuellar IsidoraCollins Cisternas Corrina AnnDíaz Bustos VicenteDougan Urrutia Randi LynneEsquivel Espinosa Diego IgnacioFava Daire José IgnacioFigueroa Zandonai AgustínFraga Valcarcel Nicolás IgnacioGreco López Diego RaimundoGuerra González Francisca del PilarHellema Puga JankeLazo Concha Diego Maximiliano VicenteLuna Miranda Joaquín AndrésMendicoa Rosas Nicolás IgnacioMolina Berenguela Marina SofíaMonge Albertini ManuelaMorandé Castelblanco Francisco JoséQuiroga Aravena Matías IgnacioRodríguez Soto Martina Trinidad AndreaSainz Salazar Nicole AndreaSalvador Mulet Claudio IgnacioValentini Saenz Danae ValeriaValentini Saenz Fiorella ValeriaVergara Vecchiola Martina

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Paula Jegó

    WAlonso Orlic Ivo SmiljanÁlvarez Mettifogo RocíoAzócar Layseca Patricio AgustínBahrs Chávez Isidora AntoniaBetinyani Mendoza AugustaBitrán Suárez PaulCaicedo Babativa Manuel EstebanContador González Juan PabloElorza Aiquel Cristóbal AgustínFernandez de la Peña Jeraldo Rodrigo AlbertoFuenzalida Cavada Emilio AndrésHermosilla Bravo Sofía BelénMéndez Valdivia Camila FernandaMettifogo Guarachi AynoaMoreno Morgado Vicente AntonioNava Carmona Monserrat del PilarPierotic Piddo Mateo NazifRantakyro Mondaca Jonas TordRizzoli Dallaserra AlessandroRodríguez Bustos Emilio DanielVargas Vera Matías AndrésVásquez Saenz Florencia Paz de MaríaVillanueva Barraza David Alonso de JesúsHomeroom Teacher:

    Miss Wiebke Spitczok von Brisinski

    9 th

    9 th




  • Our Students’ Community / High School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Álvarez Mettifogo IsidoraArriagada González Dhylan AndrésBaxter Valenzuela Elineth BelénBurns Iduya MaureenCarozzi Osorio Maite CarolinaDaire Copetta Manuel IgnacioDallaserra García IgnacioEstay Prado María PazGajardo Rodríguez Jorge LuisGómez Yagnam AntoniaHassan González Gadir AlejandroHughes Olmedo Emily AnnIbáñez Barraza Cristóbal ValentinoMunizaga Villalón María FranciscaOviedo Álvarez Florencia CarolinaPelen Lama JoaquinRanden Flores Kimberly AnnRetamal Pavisic José IgnacioSalinas Reyes Catalina AndreaSoto Olivares Javiera VictoriaSukni Zeran Walid ZiadToro Zepeda Javier IgnacioVergara Armstrong María IgnaciaVillar Henríquez Matías Ignacio

    Homeroom Teacher:Miss Juan Carlos Cura

    Aguirre Morgan Paula AntoniaAlbasini Grunert SofíaAlliende Larraín AgustinaBertolino Chang VicenteBroquedis Peñafiel PedroCanales Daire Juan JoséCarmona Espinoza José MiguelCastillo Rojas Luis AlbertoCorral Badiola Alejandro JavierElorza Aiquel Consuelo FranciscaFajardo Aguirre Isidora PazFuentes Lombardo ValentinaGuzmán Balta María IgnaciaHayward Hernández Lucas AndrésHurtado Álvarez Álvaro AntonioMaripán Frivola Josefa EsperanzaMeneses Dallaserra Sebastián AndrésMichell Osorio Ricardo VicenteObrador Marín ValentinaOlivares Veas Isidora IgnaciaPakuts Líbano Sofía AndreaPeyreblanque Kuhn Matheiu PhilipRamírez Padilla Juan PabloRamos Gómez Matías FernandoRoa Vega Laura FlorenciaSerradilla Werner Gonzalo HernánVelásquez Navea Rocío del PilarWilson Grez Sebastián Ignacio

    Homeroom Teacher: Mr. Polett Castillo

    PC10 thGrade

    10 thGrade JC


  • Our Students’ Community / High School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    MzAcevedo Bianchini Vicente LautaroAguirre García Loreto ConstanzaAllende Ávalos Nicolás Andrés VicenteArévalo Georgudis Victoria Zoë de JesúsBenavente Ysart Consuelo CatalinaBetinyani Mendoza Roberto AndrésBlanco López Sofía SerenaCamus Calderón María IsidoraCorral Badiola Jorge IgnacioDollmann Carmona Carmen MaríaHellema Puga ChristinaMoreno Concha Consuelo AntoniaRetamal Pavisic Luis FelipeRojas Burrows Ignacio AlbertoRojas Godoy Francisca MaríaSoler Andonie Diego Javier RodolfoTroncoso Etchepare Josefa AnnetteVéliz Tello Bernardo AndrésVergara Vecchiola Javier AlonsoZamora Schiavetto Paula Antonia

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Mónica Zepeda

    PMAguirre Lillo Nicolás IvánChiu Larenas José Tomás AntonioDaud Espejo Nabila AlejandraDueñas Benani MijalEsquivel Espinosa José TomásFeliú Araya Luciano AndrésFigueroa Zandonai MatildeGalaz Ulloa María JoséJatip Fernandez de la Peña Sofía KarimeLlanquitruf Tapia Javiera AlejandraMeneses Dallaserra Diego RicardoObrador Marín María IgnaciaPalma Lacazette Luciano NicolásValentini Saenz Francesco AlessandroVargas Vera Nicolás ArturoZúñiga Soria Joaquín Gerardo

    Homeroom Teacher: Miss Paola Morgan

    11 th

    11 th




  • Our Students’ Community / High School

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Araneda Navarro Juan IgnacioAraos Alziary Vicente LucianoBakulic Pedemonte Tamara MaríaCastillo Rojas Paula JavieraChamaca Yáñez Felipe IgnacioDallaserra Albertini IsabellaFraga Valcarcel Tomás AndrésFuentealba Mora Carlos MatíasGajardo Gajardo Pedro TomásGómez Jordán Tamara BelénGuzmán Mauad Javiera AlejandraHurtado García Rocío BelénLarenas Lolas Carolina AndreaMichell Osorio FranciscaMolina Carrillo Wilson AlejandroMuñoz Lenck María José TeresitaRantakyro Mondaca Mattias FredrikRencoret Taladriz Antonia MaríaRogers Medina Rolando SebastiánSchurter Vargas Valentina AndreaToro Zepeda Juan PabloValdivia Bou Javiera IsidoraVallejos Arancibia Pablo IgnacioVillalón Sepúlveda Elena Isabel

    Homeroom Teacher:Miss Carolina Zepeda

    Alcalde Carmona LucíaContreras Bujes Juan IgnacioContreras Valencia Vanessa PazElorza Aiquel Martín AndrésFava Daire Mario AleHughes Olmedo James MaximilianJatip Fernandez de la Peña Mariam CatalinaLlanquitruf Tapia Constanza IsidoraLópez Chaparro María JesúsMoya Henríquez Felipe AlbertoNeufeld Sutherland Vicente JoséOgalde Vega Felipe IgnacioPastén Gómez Sofía PaulinaPedemonte Tarque Javiera IsadoraRamírez García Isidora AlmendraSalamanca Galleguillos AlejandraSalazar Torres Sofía IsabelSalinas Reyes Francisca JavieraSánchez Saavedra Ignacio AlbertoSchmidt John CatalinaTello Cabrera Benjamín AndrésVentura Orlandini IgnaciaZaffiri Estévez Valentina Alessandra Antonia

    Homeroom Teacher: Mr. David Bahamondes

    D12 thGrade

    12 thGrade C


  • Student’s Day

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201429

    …balanced development

    between freedom and personal


  • Anniversary 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Anniversary 2014


    Singularity, difference and

    fundamental dignity in all the manifestations and

    expressions of human life.

  • Parents’ Association 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014


    La Directiva del Centro de Padres es la entidad que representa y refleja a todos los Padres y Apoderados de nuestro querido Colegio. Es su fin último y su razón de ser.

    A mediados de Agosto de este año, se ha constituido un grupo de trabajo unido, motivado, cuyas integrantes representan a todos los niveles escolares y que poseen distintas habilidades personales.

    Lo que más nos caracteriza como equipo es nuestro deseo de trabajar en base al cumplimiento de objetivos, que dirijan y encaminen el esfuerzo colectivo y los recursos que son aporte de todos.

    Nuestro gran objetivo central es fortalecer el sentido de Comunidad TISLS. Cabe destacar que es un sentimiento en común que tenemos con los distintos estamentos del Colegio.

    Para dar cumplimiento a ello nos hemos planteado diversos objetivos que esperamos satisfacer durante este último trimestre 2014 y el 2015.

    1.- Aumentar la Representatividad de los Padres y Apoderados de TISLS, en la labor del CCPP.

    2.- Definir un sistema de comunicación eficiente y efectivo que permitan canalizar inquietudes y necesidades de los padres a la Dirección, Fundación y Centro de Alumnos y de estos hacia los padres.

    3.- Colaborar con proyectos de la Dirección de TISLS que sean acordes con los objetivos planificados por el Centro de Padres y que represente un beneficio directo al mayor número de niños posible.

    4.- Colaborar con iniciativas del Centro de Alumnos TISLS que sean acordes con los objetivos planificados por el Centro de Padres y que represente un beneficio directo al mayor número de niños posible y que cuenten con la aprobación de la Dirección del colegio.

    5.-Generar instancias de participación que fomenten el sentido de pertenencia a la comunidad TISLS.

    6.- Facilitar la labor de Padres y Apoderados en el área formativa, a través de la invitación de conferencistas doctos en el área pertinente.

    7.- Fomentar un estilo de vida saludable en toda la comunidad TISLS, a través del fomento de la actividad deportiva y la alimentación sana.

    8.- Crear alianzas y vínculos dentro de la Comunidad de La Serena y Coquimbo, tal que provoque un beneficio a nuestros alumnos.

    Creemos fuertemente en el valor de la sinergia, de que la Unión de los Estamentos en pos del beneficio de los Alumnos TISLS es una buena manera de trabajar. Y que la Comunicación continua, a tiempo y efectiva es vital para que todos nos sintamos más partícipes de esta bella Comunidad TISLS.

    Existen tantas y variadas cosas que todos los estamentos; Dirección, Centro de Padres y Centro de Alumnos realizan durante el año…. Pero que en general no conocemos. Ello explica el amor de nuestros hijos al Colegio The International School La Serena.

    Trataremos de ser fieles a nuestros objetivos, recordando siempre que el Centro de Padres somos todos los Padres y Apoderados TISLS.Un abrazo

    Pamela LíbanoPresidenta Centro de Padres TISLS

    Parents’ Association 2014


    Gloria Cancino Lorena Suárez

    Marcela MoralesNélida GonzálezVanna LombardoPamela Líbano

  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Activities of the Personal Growth and Development Area


    Singularity, difference and

    fundamental dignity in all the manifestations and

    expressions of human life.

  • After - School Program

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    After-School Program


  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    After - School Program


    …The value of self- observation and the

    capacity to recognize and accept personal weaknesses and strengths

    that will allow the knowledge of oneself as well as the development

    of self-criticism and critical sense.

  • Alumni Reunion

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201436

    …The appraisal of integration and

    participation in human groups and social organizations

    so as to contribute to their development as well as to their


  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    English Speaking union Contest 2014

    On April 14th, 2014 our 12th grade C student Tamara Gómez participated in the ESU Speaking Competition in the Universidad Los Andes in Santiago with her speech “Finding Ourselves in a World of Chaos”.

    She was accompanied by her classmate Juan Pablo Toro and her L.A. teacher Miss Wiebke Spitczok, who thoroughly enjoyed her participation in this wonderful event. Congratulations Tamara!

    On Monday October 27th, Camila Pefaur (7MC), Karen Raboy (7K) and María José Alvear (6L) participated in the ESU: Poetry Competition 2014, at Villa María Academy, Santiago.

    It was the first time students of TISLS competed among thirty students per level.

    Our poetry declaimers showed conviction, a very good command of English, projection, clarity, and enthusiasm.

    Special congratulations to María José Alvear who got the Second Place in her category.


    The International School La Serena is a member of the English Speaking Union that is a British non-profit organization whose objective is to promote the development of public speaking skills in the students of English as a second language all around the world. It works through exchanges, scholarships, speaking competitions and conferences.

  • Assemblies 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • Assemblies 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201439

    …The appraisal of human work, work

    habits, and effort as principal components of the social

    construction of the reality which starts conforming from the school


  • Assemblies 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201440

  • Learning in Action

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • Learning in Action

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201442

    The importance that

    in all human actions the resulting processes and products ,

    the goals and means to achieve them, are emphasized in a balanced way

    in order to allow the development of happy, healthy and competent human

    beings (Educational Principles and goals Number 3 of TISLS)

  • Fieldtrips 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • Fieldtrips 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



    …The appraisal of everyday healthy and rich relationships with others

    in an open environment, empathy, respect and communication founded on the search of a consensual

    truth as the basic principle that regulates interpersonal relationships.

  • Gallery of Events

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Gallery of Events


    The appraisal

    of integration and participation in human

    groups and social organizations so as to contribute to their development as well as to

    their improvement.

  • Gallery of Events


  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Song Festival & Dance Contest



  • Song Festival & Dance Contest


    The importance of

    singularity, difference, and the fundamental

    dignity of the person in all the manifestations and expressions of human life.

  • Open House

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • Open House

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201451

    …The appraisal of human work, work habits, and

    effort as principal components of the social construction of the reality which

    starts conforming from the school experience.

  • The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    School Fiesta 2014



  • School Fiesta 2014

    …the appraisal of everyday healthy

    and rich relationships with others in an

    open environment, empathy,respect

    and communication founded on the search of a consensual truth as the basic principle

    that regulates interpersonal relationships.

    53The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

  • Copa Daud

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014



  • Copa Daud

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    The importance of singularity, difference, and the fundamental

    dignity of the person in all the manifestations and expressions of

    human life.


  • Activities of 12th Grades C and D 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201456

    …The appraisal of everyday healthy and rich relationships with others in an open

    environment, empathy, respect and communication founded on the search of a consensual truth as the basic principle that

    regulates interpersonal relationships.

  • Activities of 12th Grades C and D 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201457

  • Messages to my School, 12Th Grade C 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    VICENTE ARAOSDear TISLS: I am very thankful for everything you have done and given to me since my first day here. Because of you I have met very special people that marked me, that I will never forget, and that I will have in my heart for the rest of my life. For the ones that are still here, seize what this school gives you because it is something you’ll never find anywhere.

    PAuLA CASTILLOI cannot say that I grew up side by side with my classmates, or that I knew them since we were little children. Even though I arrived only four years ago, I feel that I have been in this school my whole life. Schools are made to educate, but I think that the real learning that each of us will take are the experiences that we share with our classmates and friends. I am thankful of having arrived to T.I.S.L.S, and for having the opportunity of knowing the teachers and building bonds of friendship that will last forever. I take with me only good memories, and I am proud of having grown as a person in this school.

    ISABELLA DALLASERRADuring all these years I have been in this school, the most im-portant thing that I will keep is the moments that I have shared with my classmates. I have met different people in this school and during all the years I have spent here, now some of them are my friends. Thanks TISLS for all the knowledge and good things that you have given me. I will never forget you.

    TOMáS FRAGAFinally this long-awaited moment has arrived, but before I leave; TISLS, I want to thank you for these awesome 14 years of expe-rience. An experience where I have met many people, learned a lot and felt many things. It is strange to think that this period has come to its end. I had always seen this moment as very far away one, and now that it has arrived, many kinds of feelings come to my mind. So dear classmates, I want to thank you for your good disposition and all the moments we have lived and I hope this is not the end for us as friends. I always will remember you, and also I want to thank you for all the lessons and help you have given to me. Good bye school and see you soon.

    CARLOS FuENTEALBAIt is time to say good bye to the place that builds us as a person and teaches us new things from the first day. It teaches and gives us more than classes, material, knowledge, but experiences and

    friendships too that will be useful everywhere and that we will never forget and that will be always in us.

    TAMARA GóMEzSchool for me was a rollercoaster full of emotions, fears, experi-ences and memories that I will never forget. Throughout the years I learned a lot of things and became a better person. It was a very important chapter in my life that gave me the op-portunity to be young, confused, happy and more, meanwhile I was finding myself as a person, and I guarantee that it was much better to spend it with my friends because the bond and their support are now priceless. Finishing this chapter is another rollercoaster and so many thoughts come to my mind. I will always remember all the little things of my experience in TISLS because for me they are the most valuable and the ones that I will treasure forever, and I am sure that the best is yet to come.

    JAVIERA GuzMáN2014; another year that passes and many people think that it is a simple year with the same routine. Well for me this year has a different taste. This year marks the end of a period, but it is more than a year, actually it is the start of something totally new. Every start brings the end of something. With thesewords I want to say to you TISLS; thank you. Thank you for putting wonderful people in my path and making them part of my own family. This new start brings awesome things, and we need to be prepared.

    ROCíO HuRTADODear TISLS, I still remember my first day of school. I was so nervous; it was a new beginning for me. I spent good and bad moments during all this time. I spent more time with my class-mates than with my family. Now, I am finishing this period after twelve years being here. It was full of good moments, good friends, good teachers, and a good family I created. Thank you 12th C, for being so nice with me and for being part of my fam-ily, even though you made me shout and laugh. Thank you very much TISLS, for trusting in me and being in my good and bad moments. I leave in my head the best memories of this school. Good bye, TISLS, thank you for all!!!

    CAROLINA LARENASThank you TISLS. Thank you for introducing me to so many amazing people. You taught me a lot, and I am not referring exactly to knowledge about school stuff, I am referring to knowledge of life. Thank you for those teachers who taught me



  • Messages to my School, 12Th Grade C 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    more than there was in books. Thank you for my classmates who taught me what the meaning of friendship, and even brother-hood was. I’m not going to forget the experiences that I lived here, because now they are a part of me, like the people that I met here.

    FRANCISCA MICHELLDear TISLS:Well I did not imagine writing a message to you, trying to make a summary of all the things that my teachers and classmates taught me. I have been almost my whole life here and even if I didnot agree with some changes that the school did along the years, I need to highlight the perseverance and the persistence that the teachers have, that spirit of supporting their students, of not letting things be, but to help us to build our future.Thank you teachers for being there when we are almost surrendering, when you believe that we could do things that we didnot think that we can. Thank you for being my teachers in my path here in TISLS.

    WILSON MOLINADear TISLS: In these 4 years I have been attending this school, I have learned many things not only academic aspects, like English or Math. I have learned to share, to wait, to respect, but the most important is to value all of the things that surround me. Thanks TISLS for these years of knowledge and values.

    MARíA-JOSé MuñOzI cannot say that my life in school was easy, there were too many obstacles to overcome and goals to reach. But time helped me to understand that there are very good people and moments to be seized, that they will never return. That’s why I’m very blessed to have known such amazing people who made school a better trip. They helped me get through difficult moments I lived, and I will always be thankful for them. I just want to go back in time for this moment to never end.

    Soon a new chapter in my life will start and I wish it is for the best and I will always remember every moment lived in TISLS with my classmates as a really unforgettable experience. Thank you TISLS, classmates and specially my family for everything.

    MATTIAS RANTAKYROThe school year is coming to the end and I still cannot hold on very much to the this idea, because it has all happened so quickly. Years have passed so fast that it seemed they were just a couple of days. I give thanks to all the people that made this a unique experience such as friends, classmates, janitors and teachers. But education and school wouldnot have been the same without two very special teachers that marked my life and education. They not only showed me the importance of educa-tion but they also showed me how you can learn something each day of your life. These two teachers are my mother and father, thank you very much for all the support.

    ANTONIA RENCORETI have been 12 years in the same school, almost with the same classmates and professionals inside this enormous family. There are people I will never forget just because of their smile or hap-piness, and those little things were the ones that gave me the power and enthusiasm for coming to school, and that is the real reason why I came inside here just because of the family we formed not because of studying. And thanks TISLS for giving me the opportunity to meet all the people I met and for giving me all the facilities to share with people different than me, creating at the end an enormous community.

    ROLANDO ROGERSSometimes in our life we face certain challenges that we must face and learn from them. That is exactly what I feel when leav-ing school, the uncertainty of the future is a challenge we must all face, but I feel that all I have learned in these years with my class will be helpful to face all the obstacles that will come. So I would like to say to all my class and teachers; Farewell to all of you and thanks for all I have learned from you, I will never forget the importance you had in my life.

    VALENTINA SCHuRTERDear TISLS:I do not find the exact words for expressing what I feel right now; I can only give thanks to my classmates and the people who are part of this institution for all the good memories that will be always in my mind. I really donot understand how time passes so fast and how we, Generation 2014, is now leaving this school. But I am very glad to pass this stage with the best classmates that I would ever ask for. I will miss all the moments lived in TISLS because they were moments that helped me to be the person that I am nowadays and will be always present in me. Now that we are finishing this path I would like to say thanks for the teachers that always were available to help us, for always giving us a smile when we needed it. I only tell you that I will be always grateful for all your help.

    Thanks for everything and goodbye TISLS.

    JuAN PABLO TOROI want to thank school for several things.First of all for the Eng-lish. It is a useful tool I will surely need in the future. Second for all the experience I have gained in these thirteen years because all that experience was a great influence in the person I am now and in the person I am going to become. Third to all the people that make this school what it is; a place where children become people, a place where I found answers. Thanks to all the teach-ers and janitors who make what the school is now. And the last but not least, thanks to school for giving me the opportunity to have such great relationships with my classmates. That is one of the best gifts the school gives a student, and I feel very fortunate to have such a great class. Thank you.

    JAVIERA VALDIVIATic, tac, tic, tac… time to end the path of school. Everything in life is temporary. We even cannot understand how time flew over our eyes and made us greater. The years passed and passed and all that time, we didnot realize that the ties that we were making with our friends were bigger than we imagine, and we didnot imagine that this wouldnot last forever. Only we were enjoying.Enjoying the time at school. Everything that I have lived at school I will bring it with me always. I will remember the mo-ments that I live here, that school shows me that I never had to forget to believe in me, that every person is special, that every person can make great things. It is only missing to say thanks. Thank you teachers for being yourselves with us and making us believe that we are great people. I will miss every corner of TISLS.

    ELENA VILLALóNIt is hard to leave a place where I have been almost my whole life and where I have met so many important people for me. But although I am sad for leaving, I am happy because I had the chance to be in a good school such as TISLS. All the good mo-ments that I shared with my classmates, with the teachers, and everything that I learned in my school are things that helped conceive me as a person and will always be remembered. Thanks for everything TISLS! Goodbye.


  • Messages to my School, 12Th Grade D 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    LuCíA ALCALDE Finally I’m learning… see you soon, my dear friends.

    JuAN IGNACIO CONTRERAS School was my second home during “14” years and the place where I met some awesome friends and where I learned things I will never forget, like the meaning of friendship and respect. That’s why I want to thank my parents for giving me the chance of being in this school for these fourteen years and to all my classmates for being like my brothers and sisters!

    VANESSA CONTRERAS “Fourteen”, friends, optimism, unity, realities, truth, experiences, evolution and closeness. Fourteen years here and each of its let-ters means something. Here in school I have learned very much about different topics, but the one I like the most is called “life”. In that particular subject I learned about reality and friendship; about union and compassion; and that even though someone might not be your best friend, you can always help them with a simple word. I won’t forget school because here I have spent the best years of my life, with my true friends. Those ones that I met many years ago and the ones who despite having discovered them recently, have been always there. Thank you, TISLS, for giving me the opportunity of growing up, of having a family and for helping me in everything you could. Thanks to my family for being at my side in this long trip and thanks to my friends for making this experience so unique and unforgettable.

    MARTíN ELORzA Farewell, dear TISLS, our paths will separate now, but this is not the end, this is just the beginning of a big journey. Thank you for encouraging me to continue. Even though I fell down, you caught me and made me rise up to continue following my goals and dreams. Thank you, dear TISLS, and farewell. I know we will meet again and our paths will join together again.

    MARIO FAVA Finishing an important stage in our lives with people that we know since we were four or five years old and with unforgettable teachers, may seem very sad; but in the end, all these experi-ences will turn into happy and funny memories which will make us laugh in the future. Thank you, schoolmates and teachers!

    JAMES HuGHESThe school is considered as the place to learn the basics, to prepare yourself for your future. But that gets outshone by the people you meet and the connections you build, in which your classmates become more than just classmates; they become your family and even though you cannot notice this at first, maybe one or two months later you will realize that things will never be like they were before. And all you will have left from this family are memories.

    MARIAM JATIP Lots of experiences, lots of memories, lots of feelings and lots of beautiful moments in my life. But now I have to talk about one experience, one memory, one feeling and a beautiful moment: my schoolmates. Years have passed since we all met, since we were in 7th grade, the first time that many of us became class-mates. When I first knew that, it was bad news for me, because all my friends were in the other class; all my old classmates were next door. But now, I can surely say that being with all of you, learning from all your good aspects and from your differences has been a very beautiful experience, an unforgettable moment and memory. I have learned from each one of you, and now this is my sole feeling: loving all of you in a different way. Thank you for all. I wish we meet again! Good- bye, 12th D!

    CONSTANzA LLANQuITRuF Honestly, I cannot find the right words to express a whole ex-perience here in the school, but I must say that definitely I am leaving this school with a huge smile on my face, especially when I think of all the things I have learned, shared and laughed at throughout this cycle. I am going to miss all my friends, which are the nicest people I have ever known. And thanks to all the teachers for making me be much mature.

    MARíA JESúS LóPEz School is children’s second home, specially for me that I’ve al-ways been in the same one. It is in this place where I began to discover who I am, sharing every single day with my new brothers and sisters since I was four years old. Thank you, TISLS, for everything I have learned and thanks to my parents for giv-ing me the chance of being in the school where I met with the people that has made my life so colorful!



  • Messages to my School, 12Th Grade D 2014

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    FELIPE MOYAEven if most of my years in TISLS have been somehow hard and bitter for me, I walk out of here grateful and with a smile; for I have always felt there was someone willing to help.

    VICENTE NEuFELDTwelve years: things I have learned, time spent, people I’ve met.The closure of a whole chapter of my life. Am I sad for it? Not really, because I take the chapter with me, things I have learned as knowledge, time as experience, and people as friends I’ll keep. The only doubt that I have is if the chapter that is about to come will be as beautiful as this one that is about to end.

    FELIPE OGALDEThank you, TISLS, for these fourteen years. I have learned a lot and I have met nice people. I will never forget the good moments I spent here and they will be always in my memory. Finally, thank you teachers and friends for all the experiences I have lived here and… Benjamín istrying to copy me…

    SOFíA PASTéN Teachers and classmates, thank you for teaching me along these fourteen years the knowledge I have now, because I know I will use it daily. Class, I thank you for having you as my classmates, because now I think of all the things we did together and I cannot remember a bad situation with you. See you soon, dear class!

    JAVIERA PEDEMONTE School is a box of memories, every part of it tells a story. Inside of it you can find each student’s childhood and adolescence. In my case, this school stores many important things for me, such as my first love story, my first dance in public, my first rebellious acts, my first laugh, cries, and friendship. Because of this, thank you, TISLS, for storing my teen-age memories in your walls.

    ISIDORA RAMíREzBeing in 12th grade made me realize and appreciate a lot of things that, when I was younger, I used to take for granted. An example of this is the support that we have from our teachers; they are always our backs, did not matter what, they become a part of our family because, just like our parents, they take care of us. And most importantly, they form you to be a great person. Little things like this make the school life memorable. Thank you, teachers, for making us who we are.

    ALEJANDRA SALAMANCA Along all the years in school, you never think that the school stage will come to an end. You look at it as something so far away, but it is nearer than what you think. The only thing you are able to do is to look back and remember all the wonderful mo-ments you have spent in school and, above all, your classmates. In the end, they are the ones that best know you, no matter if you are sad, happy or angry. It is your classmates the ones that are going to make you feel comfortable. So many things expe-rienced and moments I have recollected and kept with meand I know they will be useful in my coming future.

    SOFíA SALAzARThis school has taught me many things. It is true, I want to leave but I will miss some things so much. I cannot imagine to be sitting down in the university, look to my right and see an-

    other person, different from my best friend Vanessa and to be a complete day next to someone I will not be able to bother (so boring!). I cannot imagine a lunchtime without running toward the cafeteria.

    FRANCISCA SALINASThree years, three short years I have been with you, years that have passed very fast but at the same time it feels like I know you since a long time. And the best thing is that I think you feel the same, or I hope so… I appreciate all of you and I have nice memories of each of you and I feel really grateful for it. I had the chance to move from city, school, friends, a complete life I left behind and you made it easier. So thank you for being open-minded and also I want you to know that it was really hard for me, to come to a class where all the faces were unknown and you all knew each other very well. You shared all your childhood and I was like the third wheel but you all are great people, very smart, with different qualities and talents. Sometimes you amaze me with how much you know and maybe you do not know that but you are very wise people, so I know that you are all going to be very successful. I am really going to miss being in class with you, you are the reason I like to come to school, to see you every Monday, making me laugh when I feel sad, being childish, fighting , making teachers get mad, playing with diapers, arriv-ing late, being so immature and at the same time being in 12th grade. I think we still do not realize this is our last year together, but I like how this is ending and I would like you to know how I feel about you, I am not so emotional but I love, trust and believe in all of you.

    IGNACIO SáNCHEz Thank you, dear TISLS, for the great moments I had in school since Nursery; for all the knowledge you have given to us. This is a step in my life that I will never forget.

    BENJAMíN TELLO Every process comes to an end. This is our end in this process called school. A new life begins and all I want to say is thank you, TISLS, for all the lessons learned through all these years. I feel prepared and confident to face this knew challenge in my life, and I am sure every TISLSstudent feels the same.

    IGNACIA VENTuRAI have been here for fourteen years and all I have got to say is thanks to the people I met here, teachers, classmates and friends who contributed in making this experience and stage of life something valuable that will stay with me forever. I feel lucky because I have got the best classmates I could ask for, I made the best friends. I didnot come here only for studying, but for laughing and having a great time. I wish you the best. I am happy and grateful because I lived this stage with you. Thanks to all of you, YOU ARE THE BEST!

    VALENTINA zAFFIRIWhen I was six years old, I entered this school without knowing what was waiting for me. When the time passed by, I started to realize that the peoplethat were around started to be some kind of a second family to me. Now that we are leaving, it is sad to say good-bye to those people who were always by my side. Yet, I can leave with a smile, because I will always keep those people in my mind and heart, among the best of my memories. Thank you so much for making this stage of my life a memorable one.


  • A letter to My Students 12Th Grade C

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Mi querido curso 12C, he tenido la maravillosa labor de compartir con 24 jóvenes desde hace tres años, siendo un equipo, y digo equipo, porque en ellos todos aportan con un grano de arena para llegar a grandes objetivos.

    Aún recuerdo cuando los conocí en noveno grado, eran todos muy pequeños y juguetones, más si tomamos en cuenta que su paso por Pellines había dejado huella, porque en cada una de las actividades, clases y recreos recordaban sus juegos y cómo olvidar sus pegajosas canciones. Así paso el tiempo y comenzaron a destacar por su creatividad, compromiso, entusiasmo, chispa y sobre todo por su alegría. Creo que ése es su verdadero sello, la alegría, de todo hacen algo sencillo, en todo momento difícil logran identificar sus fortalezas y enfrentar como equipo las dificultades; un ejemplo sencillo, su último Aniversario.

    Todos y cada uno de ustedes son tan distintos, pero logran complementarse, apoyarse, ayudarse y sobre todo valorar al compañero, amigo y amiga que tienen al lado. En muchas oportunidades lograron entender que es mejor enfrentar y ver la vida desde otra perspectiva, mirar el vaso medio lleno, sonreír en vez de llorar, levantarse en vez de caer, conversar en vez de gritar, escuchar en vez de hablar, sin perder lo que cada uno de ustedes son, personas únicas.

    Confío plenamente en cada uno de ustedes, mis queridos alumnos, luchen por sus sueños, por sus metas, no permitan que la vida los derrumbe; frente a las adversidades demuestren que tienen fuerzas para levantarse, frente al éxito la humildad para disfrutarlo y compartirlo. Tienen las capacidades, las herramientas, nuestra absoluta confianza y cariño como sus formadores, el apoyo y amor de sus familias…. Ahora el camino lo comienzan a sembrar ustedes.



  • Profiles, 12Th Grade C

    The TISLS’ Dimension 2014

    Con cariño,

    Miss Carolina zepeda Aguirre.Homeroom Teacher


    SN: SobrenombreFx: Famoso porFT: Frase típicaFV: Frecuentemente visto/aNV: Nunca Visto/aGP: Grandes PensadoresAP: Amor PlatónicoTG: Talla GiraTI: Talla InternaMMG: Mentira más grandeRu: Regalo ÚnicoDF: Deseo FrustradoPF: Proyección Futura


  • Profiles, 12Th Grade C

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201464

    12TH GRADE CSN: Juani, Juanito, Juanini xunxo, Los mets, Guanina, Adenina, Mani, Armani.

    Fx: Los pañuelitos, los queques de su mamá, sus almuerzos, ser mañoso, ser jote, chico onclub, el paso del conejo, ser extremadamente cosquilloso, ponerse rojo, su risa, su musi-k, siempre molestar, ser mentiroso, su asistencia perfecta, el torito, ser picado, funar a las personas en snapchat.

    FT: “Parte tu”, “Reload”, “Feliz Cumpleaños”, “Me lo rajo”, “¿A quién hay que pegarle?”.

    FV: Joteándose a todas, con la Flo Oviedo, con la Javi Pedemonte, bailando, mintiendo, robando sin darse cuenta, en Onclub, jugando fútbol, hablando de mujeres, sacándose fotos.

    NV: Comiendo, faltando a clases, sin mujeres, llegando tarde, estudiando.

    AP: Nico Constanzi, Javi Pedemonte, Flo Oviedo, Aynoa, Manuela Monge, Kim, Panchi, Bea, Isi Rallin, Sofía Blanco, Augusta Betinyani, Morrichanas x 20, Sofía Jatip, Javi Valdivia, Marti Vergara, Marti Rodríguez, Sofi Hermosilla, Ro Ahumada, Geral Facuse, hermanas Rencoret.

    GP: Maji.

    PF: Ingeniero Comercial, comerciante.

    DF: Futbolista, tener una polola, gira Brasil.

    MMG: “No si con la Javi/Flo somos sólo amigos”.

    RU: Una polola, una pelota.

    Juan Ignacio Araneda Navarro

    SN: Araos, Vicerdo, Vice, Visexon, Araos#827, Araos parao, tente, vicho, boss, ars.

    Fx: El más bkn, molestar a todo el mundo, Las Tacas, watata, El tío Javier, su mansión, su perro, la bitácora, echar soya a todo lo que come, ser rápido, ser asmático, imitar a la gente, fijón.

    FT: Oe!!, y kishuu…, core ramona, ay la posh, ay la (nombre), no estudié.

    FV: Con el Elorza, joteando, haciendo deporte, peleando con la Dani en los carretes, moviéndose, molestando, colgándose de la baranda, haciendo cosquillas, cortándose el dedo, mordiéndose la lengua, reclamando por las notas, subiendo las notas.

    NV: Quieto y copiando en clases.

    AP: Dani Saldes, Isa Dallaserra, Isa Canales, Pauline Mc Evoy, Cata Radic, Sofía Jatip, Lu Alcalde, Flo Arluciaga, Valdi2 , hermanas Rencoret, hermanas Betinyani, Mariam, Milenka, Julia, Kim, Sofía Fuentes, niñas de atletismo, Fefi, Sofi Blanco, Sofi Ambler, Flo Daire, Bárbara Moreno, hermanas Rendic, Javi Maluenda. Vale Kurte ,Javi Bonilla. Por motivos de espacio no podemos continuar.

    GP: Si hablai por el enchufe, se escucha por el parlante.

    PF: Ingeniero encargado de la empresa de su abuelo.

    DF: Ser Usain Bolt.

    MMG: “No, si no soy picado”.

    Ru: Motos, fábrica de kétchup y soya.

    Vicente Luciano Araos Alziary

  • Profiles, 12Th Grade C

    The TISLS’ Dimension 201465

    12TH GRADE CSN: Tami, Bakulic, #Swak, Ad Baculum, Rusia, Rubia, Tamala.

    Fx: Ser hater, ser muy swak, su camioneta Dakar, su casa con muelle, su mochila swak, su chungungo de mascota, inventar el swak, odiar el colegio, sus mantas, taldos cuando habla, inventar excusas sin sentido, no tener sentimientos, ser económica,ser croata, ir a Europa 80 veces, seducir al Matti en la gira, mirar siempre el celular, jurar que no la pillan copiando, el Keron.

    FT: “mi mama no me dejaría”, “¿mamo?”, “nito”, “me piden PSU rendida”, “swak”, “no voy a llorar en el túnel”, ahhh pero prooofe”.

    FV: con hipo, viendo vines, copiando con el celular, viendo películas, usando el celular en clases, alfrente de la Elena en las pruebas, chillando, peleando con la Vale.

    NV: Estudiando, sin celular, llegando tarde.

    AP: Clemente Lira, Billwiller, Claudio Arce, Juanjo Canales, Arzola, Nico Vargas (“Papi”).

    GP: “Profe,¿los humanos producen miel?”, “Oye Tomás ¿sabi qué? Porque yo no sé”, “Mira ahí está el Píque”.

    PF: Diseñadora.

    MMG: “No estoy con el celular”, “Profe, si solo estaba viendo la hora”.

    Ru: perfume para el Keron, revistas de moda.

    Tamara María Bakulic Pedemonte

    SN: Paulita, Roberto, Laupa, Tascillo, PC, Pauli, Tasco.

    Fx: Ser YETA, chocar con un ventanal, tener cataratas, ser tierna, ser ciega, ser de Calama, ataques de desesperación, su grito de delfín, ronronear, la Pelu, no estudiar y que le vaya bien, nunca alimentar a sus perros.

    FT: “Qué progeria!”, “cacha que la Pelu…”, “ah weno”.

    FV: Chocando ventanales, afuera de su casa sin llaves.

    NV: En su casa nueva.

    AP: Vicente Neufeld, Roberto, Gutes, Simon, Leonard.

    GP: Coté: - La cultura pide nombres de capitales de América tales como Tegucigalpa.

    Paula: - Paula.

    PF: Ingeniera Civil.

    DF: Que su nombre sea una capital, ser rubia, ser alta, ser chilena.

    MMG: “Me cambio de casa a fin de mes, te juro que no cacho na’.

    Ru: Unos zancos, colección de lentes, llaves de su casa.

    Paula Javiera Castillo Rojas

  • The TISLS’ Dimension 201466

    12TH GRADE CSN: Pipe, Posh, Chamaquito, La vendi, Pipenix, Proposhpeta, Negro, Camanchaca, Poshito, Cosa, Piponcio, Chiquitin cacú, El Chamaco, CS Chamaca, Chamacabeitor.

    Fx: Negro, tirar hielos asesinos, macabeo, la camisa distroyer, el suéter, ser locuaz, ser el papá del curso, la uña, cocinar, sus dedos largos, sus jugos gástricos, sus piernas flacas, pegarse sus discursos con palabras extravagantes, hazañas en Morrillos, nutellazo, su risa, su jockey, imitar a la Pelu, su hermano rubio.

    FT: “Te pusiste denso”, “no sé”, “LA CLÁSICA”, “qué sucede”, “opa empanada”, “vamos al skatepark”, “eterno”, “natiur”, “tagataga”, “por tanto”, “ya cabros, ¿ qué hacemos?”, “classic {nombre}”.FV: Dando vuelta vasos, con la Caro, serio, cocinando en la casa del Wilson, jugando lol, con las cabras, con la mantita metrosexual del Wilson.

    NV: Blanco, copiando materia, con cuadernos y lápices, con estuche, con la mochila llena.

    AP: Caro, Anto Kohler, Valdi, Javi Pedemonte, Dani Moreno, Lolo, Vale Schurter, Amatista, Pelu, Cata Julien, Drácula, Marx, Sofi Blanco, Gabo, Sofia Ambler, Aranka, Bea, Sofía Barria, Cony Vergara, Panchi, Natiur, Caitlyn, Popper, Paci Estay.

    PF: Abogado, Presidente, Profesor, Nana.DF:Tener su propio libro, casarse con la Caro, ser del Centro de Alumnos.MMG: “No soy macabeo”, “no voy a tomar hasta Morrillos”.

    Ru: Un jockey, un chal.TI: I’m yours, Noviembre sin ti, “Dejad que Elena”, Saltamontes mutantes, Tomahawk, plisza, saken, ion don sodio.

    Felipe Ignacio Chamaca Yáñez

    SN: Isa, Mestiza, Monalisa, Mia Pizza, El sisa, Pitonisa, zona tiza, Melissa, Hortaliza, Eloisa, Incha, Inchabella,Falabella, Vuvusela, Icha, Ibasella, Gasella.

    Fx: Su risa, sus margaritas, su hermano, ser inmadura, ser gritona, estar siempre atrasada, “que se le salga el dedo”, se le salió el hombro, ser económica, maniática del orden, ser directa, ser asquienta, hacer atletismo, ir al concierto de Violeta, ser prima de todos, mandar mensajes a mundos opuestos, descubrir Pitágoras en 3ro medio.

    FT: “No puedo tengo pre”, “basta”.

    FV: Llegando tarde, riéndose.

    NV: Llegando temprano.

    AP: Andrés Velásquez, Momo Peyreblanque, Román, Joaquín O’ Ryan, Seba Muñoz, Gian, Nacho Santander, Gutes, Carlos Fuentealba, Matti Rantakyro.

    GP: “Cacha el calendario está en alemán dice CHEDUL (Schedule)”, “profe el 1 es par?”, “la cultura pide nombres de autos tales como: Carmona”, ¿Eminem es negro?, “Cacha que está lloviendo ahí, y ahí también”.

    TI: ábreme la puerta principal, auchi, auchi.

    PF: Kinesióloga, atleta.

    Isabella Dallaserra Albertini

    Profiles, 12Th Grade C

  • The TISLS’ Dimension 201467

    12TH GRADE CSN: Tomás, Tomi, Tomar Traga, Traga Traga, Tomculo, Tommemo, Tom, Sr. Cara de Papa, Primavera de Praga, Degon, Niño Dona.

    Fx: Vender donas, sacarse casa, sus carretes, dibujar bien, su pelo, sus ojos amarillos, Noción Fraga del peligro, andar a 100 por hora, su hermano, achillado.

    FT: “¿Qué hacemos el fin de semana?”, “Si nadie se saca casa, yo me saco”, “café y cigarro, muñeco de barro”, “tranquilito por las piedras”, “sácate un café”, “sha está loco”.

    FV: Cayéndose, manejando, cortándose cuando se afeita, dibujando, papa, pechando comida, encontrándose con el Bruno, en Polonia, abrigado.

    NV: Sin croquera, carrete con el papá en la casa, con el estanque vacío.

    AP: Taito, Vale Tamburini, Anto Salgado, Vale Schurter, Flo Concha, la croquera, Maidi Rencoret, española, Dalí.

    GP: “Iba a precendedor el cigarro”.

    PF: Arquitecto

    DF: Ser Dalí, ser organizador de carretes.

    MMG: ”No voy a poner casa porque está mi abuela”, cuando vende sus cigarros: “No si los compré a 3 lucas”.

    Ru: Croquera infinita, una tabaquería.

    Tomás Andrés Fraga Valcarcel

    SN: Carlo-Moto, CHOR, #76, Carlo, Carlitos, Carlomagno, iCarly, Matíta, Jamaica.

    Fx: Ser un robot, andar en moto, ser electrónico, wedgart, nunca sacarse casa, ir a Jamaica, tener letra de mujer.

    FT: “¿Qué pasa pao?”, “naaah”, “pao”, “saaale”, “chaaa”, “joyia”, “¿cómo estamos pa’la prueba?”, “ahhh pao yo no digo pao”, “sáquense casa”, “yo apaño”.

    FV: aflijido por las pruebas, retirándose, estudiando en clases, con la polola, peleando con la Guzmán, alegando por el taco.NV:Sacándose casa, llegando temprano, sin auto, tranquilo para las pruebas.

    AP: Magda Gómez, Ureta, Isa Canales, Fran Fertilio, Anto Rencoret, Sofia Ambler, su moto, Javi Guzmán, Isa Dallaserra, Javi Valdivia, Flo Carmona, Caro Larenas, Lu, Sofia Albasini.

    GP: “La gente de Valparaíso es muy soliloquia”, “si yo soy feo, tu eri un elefante”.

    PF: Ingeniero Comercial.

    DF: Ir de gira a Brasil.

    MMG: No me la agarré.

    Ru: Pista de moto, chor nuevo, WD40, crema para las manos, bencina.

    TG: quitarle la mina al negro, ¿te vay a poner el CHORR?, “niños, el desayuno es la comida más importante del día”.

    Carlos Matías Fuentealba Mora

    Profiles, 12Th Grade C

  • The TISLS’ Dimension 201468

    12TH GRADE CSN: Piter, Petardo, Pedrito, Pendo, Gallardo, Guajardo.

    Fx: Polakito, no tener vergüenza, su casa tren, hipster, ser vegetariano, ser peludo, quedarse chico, hablar fuerte, relajado, recreo de pololeo con la Guzmán, su voz de cuico, ser elasticboy, la mochila, hater, tener ochentamil exs, su risa mute, los meetups, ser zurdo.

    FT: “La hice”, “la tengo loca”.

    FV: Desayunando en el colegio, usando el celular, con su polola, leyendo, en Polonia.

    NV: En carretes, freestyleando, estudiando, con jeans.

    AP: Magda Arias, la Bertolino , Javi Guzmán, Panchi Salinas, Paula Castillo, Anto San Vicente, Anto Valdivia, Javi Rivera, Cote Zuñiga, Cathy, Javiera Bonilla, Cata López, Aynoa Mettifogo, la española, Vicky Molina, Cata Binvignat, Milly, Chio López, Pedemonte, Sofía Lillo.

    GP: “A veces cuando tengo hambre, me da hambre”.

    PF: Seleccionado nacional en quemadas, masajista, sociólogo, psicólogo.

    DF: Ser comediante.

    MMG: “El jabón hace mal”.

    Ru: Un luckyman, jabón.

    Pedro Tomás Gajardo Gajardo

    SN: Tami, Gómez, Tama, Littleflower007.

    Fx: Gritona, enojona, ser pinky, ser motivada, parecerse a la Meryl Streep, MORRILLOS, ser perfeccionista, Shotgunearse a los primos, su iPhone casa Tomi, ser mandona, ser igual a su mamá y a su abuela, su pasado belieber.

    FT: “No te voy a hablar hasta C