THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. STRUCTURE OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system consist of 2 major parts:...

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Transcript of THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. STRUCTURE OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system consist of 2 major parts:...


STRUCTURE OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system consist of 2 major


- Bones

- Tissues

such as:


2. Ligaments

3. Cartilage

TYPES OF BONELong Bone Long bones are the longest

bones and smallest bones in the body. Long bones are classified as bones that are longer than there are wide, with growth plates on both side. Long bones also have a hard compact bone layer on the out side and a spongy bone layer in the inside and bone marrow in the center.

Short Bones Short bones are classified as bones that are as long as their are wide and are meant for Stability. Mostly Spongy bone. Small amount of Compact bone.

Flat Bones Flat Bones are thin, strong bones that are designated to protect vital organs and provide a surface for musical attachment.

cranium protects the brain

Irregular Bones Irregular bones are bone that have very complex shapes and therefore can’t be classified.

Sesamoid Bones Sesamoid Bones are bones that are imbedded in a tendon. There are usually located near joints.


THE STRUCTURE OF BONE• Bones are made up of Compact tissue,

Cancellous tissue ( spongy tissue), and bone marrow.

• Compact tissue is the very hard outer layer of bone its very tough and solid.

• Cancellous tissue is also called spongy tissue is the meshwork interior shaped like honeycombs. Canellous tissue is lighter and a little more flexible.

• Bone marrow is the soft spongy tissue that lies within the hollow centers of long bones. Marrow in large bones produces new blood cells. Bones also have Blood vessels run through the bone.


• There are three type of tissues that are involved in the skeletal system Cartilage, Ligaments, and Tendons.

• Cartilage is a flexible connective tissues that is found all over the body including the ribs, nose, and between the joints. Cartilage ease the pressure in-between the joints. Cartilage is the slowest of all the tissues in the skeletal system in healing.

• Ligaments is a fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bone.

• Tendon is a connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. Tendons can withstand a lot of tension.

WHERE TWO BONES MEET • A joint is where two bones meet. Cartilage lines the ends of the bone and cushions the

area of contact. Ligaments present at the bone prevent the bone from moving to much.

• 5 types of joints

Ball and socket joint All types of movement Shoulder Pivot joint rotation Top of spine

Hinge joint Bending and straightening


Gliding joint Sliding motion Wrist and ankle

Saddle joint Rotation bending and straightening

Base of thumb

FUNCTIONS OF THE SKELETON• There are 5 major functions of the skeleton.

• The first is it is the framework of the body , with out the skeleton all you be is puddle of guts and skin.

• The second function of the skeletal system is, it serves as a “shield” for the internal organs. For Example Vertebrae protect the spinal cord, ribcage protects the lungs, and the cranium protects the brain.

• The third function is the bone marrow in the bone creates blood cells.

• The fourth function is minerals in the bone such as calcium and phosphorus are realized from the bone and absorb by the body.

• The fifth function is the skeletal system helps in movement. The muscles are attached to the bone.

DISEASES AND DISORDERS • Diseases associated with the bone.




• Osteoporosis

• Osteoporosis is the severe thinning of the bone. When human hit the age of 35, bone tissue begins to be decrease. People afflicted with osteoporosis are more likely to fracture a bone. But you can prevent osteoporosis by eating a mineral rich diet. If you do get osteoporosis you can take a pill that reverse the thinning of the bone.

• Scoliosis

• Scoliosis is the curving of the spine. Scoliosis, is caused by muscle spasms, inflammation or having different leg length. For people with mild scoliosis only need a checkup, but people with severe scoliosis will need to wear a brace or get surge to fix their spine.

• Fractures

• Fractures can happen to any bone there are caused by many things by most of the time there caused by accidents, bad falls, or malnutrition bones. People above the age of 50 are more likely to break a bone .