The SCROLL The Newsletter of All Saints...

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Transcript of The SCROLL The Newsletter of All Saints...

The SCROLL The Newsletter of All Saints Church

(A congregation in The Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida)

September and October, 2016

Worship Opportunities

Sunday Mornings

8:00am - Rite One

9:00 - 9:45am Rector’s Class

10:00am - Rite Two

Wednesday Mornings

10:00 Holy Eucharist Rite Two

Healing Service

Bible Studies

Wed. 11:15am Bible Study

Thurs. 10:30am Men’s Group

2016 Vestry and Officers

Don Bartoo, Sr. Warden

Jim Rissler, Jr. Warden

Nancy Medford, Treasurer

Barbara Rulison, Clerk

Robert Brackett

Sally Cartier

Hub Kirkpatrick

Dorothy Knudsen

Ron Taddeo


The Rev. Wayne Farrell, Rector

Bob Kinney, Business Manager

Mary Lou Cohen, Administrative Asst.

James Henn, Sexton

Debbie Rivera, Director of Music

All Saints Episcopal Church

1700 Keystone Rd

Tarpon Springs, FL

(727) 937-3881

Office Hours Mon-Thurs. 9-1

From the Senior Warden,

Dear Parishioners,

We are at the end of a beginning, and at the beginning of an end. Our fears

of beginning rest in uncertainty of what that beginning may bring. From my

perspective a beginning can be made more predictable because of experience.

What we know from the past helps us to frame a beginning. I apologize for the

philosophy, but it serves a purpose in setting up the following.

God has planted a tree here at All Saints. One branch is intended to flow

nourishment for our soul, the other branch to flow nourishment for our bodies.

The flow of nourishment for our soul is grounded in our worship each Sunday.

What will change in this beginning? We will use the well known Rite One or Rite

Two, the Book of Common Prayer will stay the same, the Bible, the Altar, the

church itself, will not change. Yes we will have a new priest, but we will be

operating with the very same things with which we are comfortable.

The nourishment for our body is already well established in our parish.

We have so many activities and events planned: Parish Life Fellowship, New

Outreach Programs, a great Music Program, a Youth Ministry -The Portal -

progressing nicely. All leading to ever growing membership, increasing Sunday

service attendance, a more solid financial base. “We Are A Happening”.

After my conference call with Bishop Smith I can say to you that he is

personally taking the lead to make sure we continue nourishing our souls and

bodies. That call was very reassuring. Although he did not say it, I sense he sees

All Saints as a beacon in the north. Details are sketchy, but this is what I

understand. The Bishop has already identified a retired priest that he will place at

All Saints as Priest in Charge for three to four months. The name was not revealed

as it is not yet a done deal. Father Wayne knows the person and speaks very

highly of him, calling him a perfect fit.

The Bishop also expects that we will conduct a new service for a Rector

after we describe a priest’s profile, I am certain we can do this.

Again, we will move forward; lead by God and influenced by us. We

continue what we are doing now and I will pledge to keep you well informed.

Don F. Bartoo

Sr. Warden


The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ September and October 2016



September 11, 2016 11:30—4:00pm

All proceeds to go to All Saints

outreach programs.


BBQ Chicken, 2 sides, dessert & beverage

Tickets will be sold after services beginning

August 7th, or call the office to reserve tickets.

$13.00 adult $7.00 children

Dozens of new items and services

(electronics, travel, jewelry, art, gift cards, etc)


Good Fun,Food and Fellowship



Sunday, September 25, 2016

* Come join us, create your own ice cream sundae

* Explore Ministry Fair tables: Cursillo, Outreach,

Music, Youth Ministry, Daughters of the King,

and many others.

*Bring your own business cards to exchange

*Register at the Membership Table

to win a $25.00 gift card.

The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ September and October 2016


The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. September and October 2016

Chris Scutt 9/01

Jean Jevons 9/02

Ann Scally 9/03

Mark Gloetzner 9/06

Stephanie Carney 9/07

Ron Taddeo 9/08

Midge Grabowski 9/10

Abigail Czelusta 9/11

David Duffy 9/12

Lincoln Gloetzner 9/12

Robert Brackett 9/14

Dylan Roy 9/14

Gary Gaggiani 9/17

Rebecca Fiorello 9/18

George Ditmore 9/19

Irette Higgins 9/20

Hannah Pinnell 9/20

Betty Bellinger 9/24

Connie Rux 9/26

Patricia Roever 9/27

Bob Kinney 9/28

Freeman Stalions 9/30

Norma Stalions 9/30

Pat Stimmel 9/30


Episcopal Church Women will start up again on Tuesday, September 13th. The group meets at 2:15pm in the Library. All women of the parish are invited to participate in the ECW events and activities.

Men’s Bible Study Quotes Sept: Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others. Saint Augustine 354-430 Born: Numidia (modern Algeria) October: If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men. Saint Francis 1181-1226 Born: Assisi, Roman Empire

Sandra & James Brennan 9/21

Ann & Harry Scally 9/26

Rebecca & Tim Duffy


Eleanor Power 10/02

Cathi Emslie 10/03

Pat Moncure 10/07

Bob Marier 10/07

Harvey Cohen 10/09

Janet Smith 10/11

Claudia Sodaro 10/11

Marcella Robinson 10/12

Carolyn Bartoo 10/14

Bill Emslie 10/15

Bruce Greenlees 10/15

Kathie Gonyea 10/16

Sheron Obarski 10/17

Ed Hoyt 10/17

Peyton Christy 10/17

Max Washburn 10/19

Eric Czelusta 10/20

Katherine Pinnell 10/20

Art Pohl 10/22

Samantha Moore 10/23

Alice Slayton 10/24

Emerson Czelusta 10/25

Barb Rulison 10/26

Katherine Fiorello 10/29

Hank Power 10/31

Dan Wilson 10/31

Donald Krako

Brian Orlick

Our Peanut Better and Jelly Ministry is in need of donations; smooth peanut butter, grape jelly or monetary donations will be appreciated. Each Thursday volunteers prepare sandwiches for the homeless in our area. This is a 51 week commitment (only Thanksgiving is missed). Please leave jars of peanut butter and/or jelly in the Narthex. You can leave monetary donations in the church office. All are welcome to join us at 9:30 Thursday mornings to help with the sandwich making. Please contact Sharon Besalke for more details @727 938-9465.

The Daughters of the King is a worldwide Episcopal

women’s Order. The Daughters support each another

and the community with The National Order and The

Worldwide Order. Our St. Agnes Chapter prays,

witnesses and evangelizes for the church. The church

prayer list is enacted here. Other activities include the

ministries of crocheting and joyful delivery of prayer

shawls and a casserole delivery to those in need. We

participate in Quiet Days on campus and special

retreats at Day Spring. Women candidates are spon-

sored through a 3-month program. Daughters wear at

all times the distinguished cross of The Order. Please

come and share in our monthly meeting, look over a

study guide, and pray for direction from The Holy Spirit

to join us as a Daughter. October meeting will be

Sunday October 9th in the Guild Room located in

Upper Greene Hall.


The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. September and October 2016




5:00PM – 8:00PM


Food catered by:

The German Restaurant located in Holiday

Tickets will be $15.00 and includes a glass of wine or beer.

(Additional wine and beer will be sold.)

Non alcoholic beverages will be available.

Music featuring our very own Fred Faulkner and the

Deutschmeister Blas Band FUN FOR ALL AGES…singing and dancing

Please ask your friends and neighbors to join us.

(bring your dancing shoes)

727 937-3881


The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ September and October 2016


Fr. Wayne opened the meeting by leading the Vestry in Evening Prayer, followed by a recitation of the Mission of the Church. The meeting was then

called to order at 7:20 p.m. Roll was taken, and with the exception of Dorothy Knudsen, all Vestry members were present. The meeting notes of the May Vestry

Meeting were then reviewed.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Medford and Bob Kinney reviewed the Financial Report for May, 2016. Nancy stated that she will review our insurance

policies with regard to the valuation placed on our stained glass windows, with an eye toward increasing the coverage on them if necessary. Bob will contact the

Church Insurance Company to ask for their input. The report was then approved for audit.

Business Manager’s Report: Bob Kinney reported that we have received a $5,000 gift dedicated for use in increasing and expanding our youth initia-

tive. In addition, we have now received our apportionment rebate from the Diocese in the amount of $1800 which is also dedicated to our youth ministry. Bob

then presented a proposal for improvements to Greene Hall. He met with a representative of Solid Rock Community School, and they have offered to assist us

both financially and by providing labor to address the following improvements: 1) Painting Greene Hall; 2) Re-carpeting Greene Hall; 3) Replacing all light bulbs

with LED bulbs; 4) Use of 100 chairs. Solid Rock Community School will pay for the paint and provide the labor for painting; they will pay for and replace the light

bulbs; provide the chairs for our use; and split the cost of new carpet.

After a motion by Hub Kirkpatrick and a second by Nancy Medford, the Vestry approved moving forward with all of the improvements and spending an

amount not to exceed $3600 from the Major Maintenance Fund for the replacement of the carpet. In addition, after a motion by Hub Kirkpatrick and a second by

Barb Rulison, the Vestry approved the appointment of Nancy Medford, Carolyn Bartoo, Nancy Kinney, Trish Farrell, and Linda Rissler to the decorating commit-

tee to coordinate with Solid Rock. Finally, the Vestry approved a re-naming of upper Greene Hall to the All Saints Fellowship Center.

Senior Warden Report: Don Bartoo began his report by explaining that the chairs scheduled for use in the Fellowship Center had developed an ex-

tensive mold problem, and were not usable. He then reminded the Vestry that the New Member Reception is scheduled for July 10th immediately following the

10:00 a.m. service in the Fellowship Center. He also reported that he was in the process of completing his effort to identify back-ups to staff members in case of

emergency. In addition, he advised the Vestry that he has asked an expert in electronic media to make a short presentation to the Vestry at our August meeting.

In addition, Don stated that the Stewardship Campaign kick-off is scheduled for September 25th with an ice cream social and Ministry Fair to be held in

the Fellowship Center after the 10:00 a.m. service. Finally, he suggested that the July Vestry Meeting be cancelled.

Junior Warden Report: Jim Rissler distributed a list of maintenance projects that included the cost and status of each. He noted that

between last month’s Vestry meeting and this meeting, he conducted a poll of the Vestry and obtained approval for the purchase of a new re-

frigerator for the Fellowship Center at a cost of $1,800. The Vestry also approved paying for the refrigerator from the Sandella account. The

refrigerator is now in place. Jim then led a discussion of the need for repairs to the sign located on Richard Irvin Road.

At Jim Rissler’s request, Hub Kirkpatrick then agreed to serve as the interim Junior Warden while Jim is out of town.

Shepherds Reports: Fr. Wayne asked whether anyone had anything to report regarding the various flocks the vestry oversees. As a

part of the discussion, Barb Rulison thanked Carolyn Bartoo for handling the change in the Flower Ministry. She also asked Jim Rissler to include

a painting of the working Sacristy as a part of the Junior Warden Request List. Nancy Medford asked the Vestry to consider funding Coffee

Hour, and the Vestry approved a motion by Jim Rissler with a second by Hub Kirkpatrick to place a “thank offering” basket at coffee hour, and

to fund the remainder, if needed, through the Evangelism Fund. Ron Taddeo gave an update regarding the youth initiative, and said that Trish

Farrell is working with some parent-volunteers on a new curriculum for Sunday School. Sally Cartier reported that the Pastoral Care flock held a

meeting and have added two new Eucharistic Ministers to their ranks. That brings the total to six.

Report from the Candidate for Holy Orders: Bob Kinney distributed a hard copy of a presentation he did regarding the Ministry of a

Deacon. He explained the history of Deacons in the Episcopal Church, and discussed the various roles that a Deacon plays in today’s church. He

is continuing to work his way through the process and stated that he will ask the Vestry’s formal support again at the August meeting. Bob

then led a discussion regarding a program called “Pack A Snack.” This program is designed to provide weekend nourishment in the form of

snacks to children who have been identified by school personnel as being in need of help. We will provide the food and deliver the packages to

the school on Thursday afternoon for distribution by the school on Friday afternoon. Bob has identified a need at Sunset Hills Elementary

School in Tarpon Springs. They have identified ten students who could use our help. After a brief discussion and a motion by Hub Kirkpatrick

with a second by Don Bartoo, the Vestry approved support of the Pack A Sack initiative and agreed to provide $1,500 from the Outreach Fund

to assist in its funding.

New Business: None

Rector’s Report: Fr. Wayne reminded the Vestry that we agreed to dispense with the July meeting. He also reminded the Vestry

that we still need to fill the vacancy created by Lynn Kostreles’ resignation.

The next meeting of the Vestry will be held on August 15th, 2016. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.


Barbara Rulison, Clerk of the Vestry Don Bartoo, Senior Warden


The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ September and October 2016


The vestry has appointed Robert Brackett to fill an open, unexpired term bringing the total to nine members.

Bob and Dorothy Brackett came from St. Luke’s, Mechanicsburg, PA in 2014. At St. Luke’s, Bob was on the vestry,

served as Jr. and Sr. Warden, and was a member of the website design team.

He retired from the Naval Supply Systems Command where he held a management position responsible for

application and generating system design, programming, implementation, and support.

We welcome Bob to the All Saints Vestry.

Sr. Wardens Report

Stewardship Campaign 2017

The annual Stewardship campaign begins September 25th with a kick off Ice Cream Social and Ministry Fair and con-

cludes on Covenant Sunday, November 6th with a Thanksgiving Breakfast.

The campaign focus is on each member making a Stewardship Covenant with God. In this Covenant we express our

commitment to follow the word of God and work toward transforming our own life and the lives of those around us. We

agree to pledge financial support and provide our service for the work of our Church.

During the six weeks of the campaign you will receive information that will help you form your Covenant with God. This

information will be delivered by mail, social media, email, and also an emphasis on personal presentations showing how

ministries work toward transforming lives.

The goal of the campaign is straight forward:

1. For every member to make a Personal Covenant to support All Saints Church financially.

2. For every member to make a Personal Covenant to support the ministries of All Saints

Church by volunteering time and talents.

We are grateful for the past financial support you have given and have used these monies prudently to strengthen our

resolve and commitment to Jesus Christ. Faithfully,

Don Bartoo, Sr. Warden


The altar guild has contracted with Skip’s Florist to provide flowers every weekend for the main altar at All Saints.

An additional arrangement will be added to the altar in the Mary Chapel if requested by a parishioner.

If you have donated to the flower fund for a particular weekend and would like to take one or both of the ar-

rangements with you, please come up immediately after the service and one of the members of the guild will pre-

pare them for you.

The flowers will also be available for shut ins and those unable to attend services on a particular weekend. If you

know someone with whom you would like to share the flowers, you may let us know after the 10 o’clock service and

we will prepare them for you.

Please consider making a contribution toward flowers and/or the sanctuary light. It is a wonderful way to give

thanks for your many blessings, celebrate a birthday or anniversary, honor an event, or show praise for our beautiful


The sign up sheet is on the wall in the Narthex as you enter the church.

With many blessings,

Carolyn Bartoo, Altar Guild


The adult choir will resume rehearsals on September 8th at 6:30 pm in the choir room in

Greene Hall. In addition to preparing music for our weekly worship services, we will begin to

rehearse for a performance honoring all veterans on November 20th featuring Vaughan Williams’

Dona Nobis Pacem. If you enjoy music and good company, please come and join us.

We would love to have you!

To God Be the Glory

The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ September and October 2016

Sunday School Is Back!

Multi-Age Sunday School for preschool through 5th grade meets during the school year,

beginning September 11, 2016. We begin the service in class, then rejoin our families in church during the sharing

of the Peace. We are using the "Living the Good News" curriculum that follows the same lessons the

Lectionary) the adults are hearing in church. We usually have a snack. We always have 2 teachers for safety and are

always looking for more help. Donations of healthier snacks (cheezits and juice or water are favorites) are needed

and welcomed. Contact Trish Farrell 727-376-1571,

There will be a Deanery Ultreya on Saturday Sept 17th from 5-7pm. We will start with a

potluck dinner. There will be fellowship, food, singing, praying and praising!! Ultreya is

for people who have attended a Cursillo weekend as well as anyone who wants to learn

more about Cursillo. The next Cursillo weekend is at Dayspring Sept. 29th-Oct. 2nd. For

more information or questions please call Nancy Kinney at 727-458-4138.

The Portal is up running! Our youth and adults have been getting to know each

other this past month while having great fun bowling and hanging out at The Beach

Tampa. Some even brought friends. If you haven't seen the pictures yet, just click on the

Youth Portal tab on the website.

September 11 marks the beginning of The Portal Sunday Formation. The curriculum

is foundation theology. Our youth will explore their faith and ask the questions they actual-

ly wonder about the Bible, creed, disciples, Jesus, other beliefs, and hot topics. Here is what

Sunday morning will look like for families with youth in The Portal.

The Portal youth and teachers will participate in worship with their families in the sanctuary; then receive

communion and immediately go to the library for discussion, fun, and food, of course. Formation will last until

11:45 while parents enjoy coffee and fellowship after the service ends. Other activities will be held on a monthly

basis. We can't tell you what our next activity will be because The Portal will decide that for themselves in the

coming weeks. We are looking to our youth to lead because The Portal belongs to them. So please join us on

Sunday mornings......Amazing things happen when you travel through The Portal!



Church Staff

PARISH OFFICE……………………..……………………………..727-937-3881

Church website……………………………...… E-mail……………………………………………

Fax Number………………………………………………………...727-943-0972

Rector…………………………………………………..…….…...Wayne F. Farrell

Admin. Assistant…...………………………………….….….Mary Lou Cohen

Business Manager …………………………………….……………..Bob Kinney

Director of Music…………………………..……………..……..Debbie Rivera

Membership Secretary……...……………………...…Deborah MacInnes

Sexton……………………………………………………………...…....James Henn


Senior Warden…………………………..…….……...…Don Bartoo 786-1163

Junior Warden…………………………………………......Jim Rissler 372-4818 Treasurer………………………………………..…….Nancy Medford 938-0671 Vestry 2014-2017.…………………………….…..Hub Kirkpatrick 939-1616 Barb Rulison 869-7403 Robert Brackett 727-798-6527

Vestry 2015-2018…………………..….……...Dorothy Knudsen 938-9030 Jim Rissler 372-4818 Ron Taddeo 631-949-1233 Vestry 2016-2019 ……………………………….….……Don Bartoo 786-1163 . Sally Cartier 938-5652

Events, Initiatives, & Contacts

Acolyte Festival - Marcella Robinson

Advent Brunch - Parish Life

Advent Programs - Administration

Annual Parish Audit - Barb Rulison

Christmas Angel Tree Initiative - Mary Lou Cohen

Clean-up Days, Junior Warden

Daughters of the King Quiet Day - Linda Rissler

Easter Vigil Champagne & Chocolate Celebration - Parish Life

E.C.W. Tea - Eleanor Power

Fall Festival - Parish Life

Fourth of July Breakfast - Parish Life

Grounds & Maintenance - Junior Warden

Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday - Parish Life

Mass in the Grass - Parish Life

New Member Luncheon - Vestry


Pledge Drive - Don Bartoo

Weekly Plate Counting - Bob Kinney

Worship Services - Administration


Programs and Ministries

Acolytes, Marcella Robinson…………..…………………………...……..501-6659

Altar Guild, Carolyn Bartoo………………………………………………….786-1163

Baptisms, Administration…………………………………………….…......937-3881

Birthday and Anniversaries Cards, Marge Restaneo…………....938-0671

Blessing of the Animals, Fr. Wayne Farrell...............................937-3881

Casserole Ministry, Sally Cartier………………………………….…….….470-3545

Choir, Debbie Rivera……………………………………………..…..………..584-1648

Coffee Hour, Dorothy Knudson .…………………………………..……..938-9030

Cursillo, Nancy Kinney.............................................................375-2288

Daughters of the King, Sally Cartier.……...…………………….……...470-3545

Discretionary Fund, Fr. Wayne Farrell ..……….…………….……..….937-3881

Endowment Fund, Hank Power ...……………………………………..…376-0088

Episcopal Church Women, Eleanor Power...............................376-0088

Episcopal Relief & Development, Administration....................937-3881

Eucharistic Visits Fr. Wayne Farrell ……………………....…………….937-3881

Food Pantry-Shepherd’s Center, Administration...…..…….……937-3881

Healing Prayer Team, Phyllis Faulkner………………………….…..…375-2807

Hospital Visits, Fr. Wayne Farrell…...…………………………….…..…937-3881

Journey Through Grief, Amy Kipp ..……………………………….…..…459-7596

Lay Readers, Hank Power………………………………………………...….376-0088

NAR-Anon & NARC-Anon, Administration .…………………...….…937-3881

Office Volunteers, Mary Lou Cohen…………………….…...….……...937-3881

Parish Life & Fellowship, Dorothy Knudsen………………………….938-9030

Peanut Butter & Jelly Ministry, Sharon Besalke.......................938-9465

Recycling, Men’s Group…………………………………………….………...937-3881

School Supply Ministry, Judy Scutt.………………..……………..……..807-9124

Shut-in Visits, Fr. Wayne Farrell………………………….…...….……...937-3881

Solid Rock Community School Partnership, Bob Kinney.…..….937-3881

Stewardship, Don Bartoo………….………………………….………...…..786-1163

Sunday Forum Educational Program, Fr. Wayne Farrell.…......937-3881

Sunday School, Trish Farrell ..………………...……….……………….….376-1571

Ushers, Jim Rissler ….…..………………………………….………………....372-4818

Visitor Welcome Ministry, Diane Bergner...............................786-9177

Wednesday Healing Service, Administration....……………….…..937-3881

Wednesday Night Teaching Programs, Fr. Wayne Farrell..…..937-3881

Wellness Ministry, Susan Traylor …………………………………….....251-8217

Website, George Ditmore/ Bob Brackett …………………………....372-9380

Youth Summer Camp, Administration.....................................937-3881