The Norwood Mystery - Chapter 1 and 2 (Summary)

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Chapter 1 and 2

Transcript of The Norwood Mystery - Chapter 1 and 2 (Summary)

Chapter 1 : A wild excited Young man

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were in her room in Bober Street, sitting at the breakfast table, Sherlock was dissapainted because there wereit crimes, but suddenly someone knocked the door, the housekeeper opened the door and a wild, excited young man appeared as king for help. He said his name was John McFarlane and the police wanted to arrest him, but he didn´t do anything wrong. Sherlock asked him why the police wo behind him, and John said that they thought he murdered a man called Jonas Oldacre, a builder who lived in Norwood. John saw Watson’s newspaper and said “the story´s in the newspaper”, it said that was a terrible crime at Norwood, and the police new the murder, and are waiting to arrest him. Sherlock asked to Watson if he could read the newspaper again, he did it, and then asked Mc Farlane why he police didný arrested him yet if they were sure it was him, and he answered that he wasn’t in his houses he have stayed in a hotel last ninght, and suddenly, someone knocked the door, it was inspector Lestrade with two policemen, and arrested Mc Farlane for Jonas Oldacre´s murder.

Chapter 2 : Mc Farlome´s Story

Holmes answed to Inspector Lastrade give them half on hour to hear Mc Farlon´s story, and after thought for a long time, and finally accepted, Mc Farlan´s started to talk, first he said that he didn´t know any thing about Mr. Jonas Oldacre, only hir name, John´s parents were friends with him, but when he moved to Norwood, they didn´t talk again. He appeared into John´s office at three o´clock yesterday afternoon, and told him why he wanted to see him. He had his will that he had written himself, and he wanted that John copy that paper for him (because he was a lawyer who work in London), Joh agreed, and it was very surprised for the situation. Then, when he finished, Mr. Oldacre asked him to go to his house in Norwood because thare were more papers that he needed to see, and make John promise to not tell to his parents. He tooked the train to Norwood and arrived at nine o ´clock, and Holmes asked who opened the door, John said it was Mr. Oldacre´s house keeper, she told Mr. Oldacre that John was there, and took him into the dinino room, where was Mr. Oldacre waiting for him. They looked the papers, and when they finished, John left the howe by the French windows to not wake up the house keaper. It was too late to go Blackhealh so the policeman took Mc Farlane, and Watson, and Holmes thought it was impossible to read Oldacre´s letter in his will, and then Inspector Lastrade.