“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—'tis...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—'tis...

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—'tis the difference between the lightening bug and the lightening.” -- Mark Twain

Vocabulary Instruction Vocabulary Instruction StrategiesStrategies

Revitalizing Vocabulary

Word Play

Direction Direction InstructionInstruction

Nonlinguistic Representation

Multiple Exposure

Word Parts

Similarities &


Direct Vocabulary Direct Vocabulary InstructionInstruction

• Vocabulary instruction is the single most valuable aspect of comprehension.

• Effective vocabulary instruction does not rely solely on providing definitions.

• Students must be able to visualize the word and also connect it to other words.

• Direct Instruction = word meaning + strategy ownership

Strategies for Direct Strategies for Direct InstructionInstruction

Expert to Expert*

Vocabulary Mapping*

Frayer Diagram/ Vocabulary Squares* *RICA strategies

Activity: Activity: Expert to ExpertExpert to Expert

ActivityActivityExpert to ExpertExpert to Expert

Form groups.

(grouping cards-bottom left)

Supplies: vocabulary cards Each group member

chooses two words to teach the group using any pictures, actions, symbols, or word associations that will help create a mental picture.

Quiz time

Expert to ExpertExpert to ExpertPurpose: Enhance vocabulary learning through collaborative study


Teacher chooses up to 7 vocabulary words.

Group students into groups of 3 or 4

Distribute a set of vocabulary cards to each group. The group should divide the cards among them.

Students will teach their words to the group using any pictures, actions, symbols, or word associations that will help create a mental picture for easy remembering.

When groups feel they are ready, they are given a vocabulary test – the test is taken individually.

Vocabulary MappingVocabulary Mapping

Purpose: Help students visualize various components of a definition

Graphic organizer Beneficial for “chunking” information and

visually showing connections Moves students from simple dictionary

statements to higher level definitions that show relationships

Opportunity for personal connections Model, model, model!

Vocabulary MappingVocabulary Mapping


What is it like?

What are some examples?

What is it?

Vocabulary MappingVocabulary MappingWhat is it?

What is it like?

What are some examples?

Yogurt is a food made from dairy products. It is cold, creamy, and delicious. There are many products, brands, and flavors of yogurt.

Food-dairy product


Fat free Vanilla Strawberry






Vocabulary MappingVocabulary Mapping(Practice – grouping card: top, right)


What is it like?

What are some examples?

What is it?

Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary SquaresSquares

Purpose: Develops understanding of words

by deciding what is essential to the word and

what is not.

Students elaborate on word meanings using multiple components of the word’s meaning.

Opportunity for personal connections Various versions Model, model, model!

Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary SquaresSquares







Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary SquaresSquares


Sour taste

Turns litmus paper red

Reacts with bases

Proton donor


Stomach acid

Soft drinks



Sulfuric acid

Strong odor



Ionizes completely in water

Drain cleaner




Baking soda

Essential Characteristics Nonessential Characteristics

Examples Non-examples


Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary SquaresSquares

Sentence/Part of Speech

Macbeth kept having malevolent thoughts about killing Duncan so he could become the next king of Scotland. (adjective)


Variations of the Word

Malevolence (noun):

Related Words:

malicious malign

mean; venomous


Having or showing ill-will; malicious



Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary SquaresSquares


Geometric property shape classification Designating a triangle with two equal sides



Two sides of equal length (congruent)

Pair of equal angle

Has line of symmetry


Triangles, trapezoids

Equilateral (Regular)




Choose one of the three completed frayer examples.

Write a short summary for the diagram.Write a one-sentence summary

for the diagram.Share with the group.

ActivityActivityFrayer Diagram/Vocabulary Frayer Diagram/Vocabulary


Revitalizing Vocabulary

Word Play

Direction Direction InstructionInstruction

Nonlinguistic Representation

Multiple Exposure

Word PartsWord Parts

Similarities &


Word PartsWord Parts

WebstretchersConnect Three

Did you know…?“un-” accounts for 26% of all prefixed

wordsun-, along with re-, dis-, and in- account

for a whopping 58% of prefixed words


Purpose: Helps the brain make associations as opposed to memorizing (and quickly deleting) facts

Uses patterns of meaning based on one base word and adding prefixes/suffixes.

Small groups work bestIllustrates the flexibility of language

Procedure:1. Divide participants into groups of 3 to 5.2. Assign each group a base word/word root.

Suggestions are: tract, port, form, press, cycle, joy, & serve

3. Give each group chart paper and instruct the group to draw a large spider web on the chart.

4. Place their assigned base word in the center of the web.

5. Each group should brainstorm as many words as they can by adding prefixes and suffixes to their root morpheme.

6. The new words should be written on the threads of their web.

7. Groups should display their webs on the wall and have someone to report on their webstretcher.


Spire breathe; breath, life









respiration respirator respiratory

aspirate aspiration aspirator

inspiration inspirationalinspired


Connect ThreeConnect ThreePurpose: Apply knowledge of word roots,

suffixes, and prefixes

Small groups create new words using a list of prefixes, base words, and suffixes.

Groups are given 3 minutes to form as many (correct) words as possible.

Points are awarded for each combination.

Connect ThreeConnect ThreeProcedure:1. Divide students into groups of 3 to 4.2. Provide students with lists of suffixes, root words, and

suffixes.3. Explain that they are to form as many words as

possible in 3 minutes using the Connect 3 list – prefix(es), base words or root word,s and suffix(es).

4. Points will be awarded for each combination of base word or root word of two or more. The following example would earn 3 points: “pre-serve-ed.” While this example would earn 2 points: “pre-serve.”

5. At the end of 3 minutes, a member of the each team will call out the words and points will be awarded.

Connect ThreeConnect ThreeDirections:

Make as many words as possible using the prefix (es), base words/word roots, and suffix (es).


Base word/ word root Suffix


in-, ir-











-ed, -es

-e, -er



-ous, -ful

-s, -er

Prefix Base/Root Suffix







ActivityActivityConnect ThreeConnect Three

Prefix Base word/root word Suffix

transin, irre



ed, ese, eresting

ous, fuls, er

Prefix Base/Root Suffix







Grouping cards

(top left)

Technology IntegrationTechnology Integration: : Stone, Trogdon, and J. WilliamsStone, Trogdon, and J. Williams

SMART Boards

Curriculum Corkboard




Final Countdown / 3 2 1Summarize your role in regards to vocabulary instruction.

List three essential vocabulary words from your content and a strategy you feel would aid students in its understanding.

How do the methods of vocabulary instruction that you currently use in your classroom match the information discussed today?

What’s Next?What’s Next?

November 11th - Evidence Based Vocabulary Instruction wiki post due November 21st - Vocabulary Strategies-Direct Instruction and Word Parts wiki post due

December 3rd - Vocabulary Strategies-Multiple Exposure, Word Play, Similarities & Differences, and Nonlinguistic

Thank You Thank You & &

Let’s Eat!Let’s Eat!

Feedback FormsFeedback Forms


Biemiller, A. 2005, Size and sequence in vocabulary development: Implications for choosing words for primary grade vocabulary instruction. In A. Hiebert. & M. Kamil, (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Vocabulary: Bringing Research to Practice   Mahwah, NJ: Earlbaum.

Andrew Biemiller, A. 1999, Brookline Books, The Living Word Vocabulary

Hayes & Ahrens. 1988, cited in Cunningham & Stanovich, 1998, What Reading Does for the Mind, American Educator.

Language and Reading Success, a title in From Reading Research to Practice: A Series for Teachers, Brookline Books, 1999.

Marzano, R. & Pickering D. J. (2005). Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher’s Manual, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

Nagy, W. E. and Scott, J. A. (2000). Vocabulary Processes. In M. L. Kamil, P. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, R. Barr (Eds.) Handbook of Reading Research. (Vol. III. Pp. 269-284). Mahwan, NJ: Earlbaum.

N. C. Teacher Academy, 2007, The Focus on Early Literacy.

Stanovich, K. E., West, R. F., Cunningham, A. E., Cipielewski, J., & Siddiqui, S. 1996, The role of inadequate print exposure as a determinant of reading comprehension problems. In C. Cornoldi & J. Oakhill (Eds.), Reading comprehension disabilities: processes and intervention . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Taylor, R. (2007). Improving Reading, Writing, and Content Learning for Students in Grades 4-12. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Students should be exposed to concept

vocabulary 27 times in a 3 week period to commit vocabulary to long term

memory. (Spence Rogers)

Estimated Number of Terms That Can be Taught in Middle School

Grade Level

Number of Words Per


Total Words in 32 Weeks

Cumulative Total

6 15 480 480

7 20 640 1120

8 20 640 1760

These numbers include all subject areas, not just language arts. Therefore, the 15 words a 6th grader can place in permanent background memory must cover all subjects.

Robert J. Marzano, Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement, 2004.

Regroup so that you are sitting with those in your grade level that teach the same subject.

Think: As a group, list the 10 most important vocabulary words from your subject that you feel students need to remember 10 years from now.

Share: Now that you have a grade level list, get with the other two grades that teach the same subject. Combine your list so each subject has just one list of 10 – 15 words and write those words on a sheet of chart paper. (You may want to identify the grade where the word first appears in the curriculum.)

These are words all teachers in yoursubject area need to stress. Great words

to include on a Word Wall.

Ten years from now, what do I want my students to remember?