the determination of the texture depth, skidding resistance and ...

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Transcript of the determination of the texture depth, skidding resistance and ...





This Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Transportation and Highway)

Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

MAY 2008


This Work is dedicated to my Late father Ambassador Suleiman Yero and my Late

mother Hajia Fatima BabaGana.



In the name of the most Gracious and Compassionate I will like to express my

appreciation for the support and assistance I received throughout the research process

from my able supervisors, Prof. Madya Dr. Rosli Mohammad Hainin and Dr.Haryati

Yacoob. I wish to thank Prof. Madya Dr. Aziz Chik, Prof. Madya AbdulAziz Mufti

and Che Ros Ismail for providing constructive opinions and critics in the process. My

great appreciation also goes to the Highway Laboratory Technicians for their patience

and guidance in the process, especially Suhaimi and Permad. Thanks to many friends

and colleaques, such as Wardati, Azeerana, Esarwi, Bany, Tiong and Ricky.Besides

the Undergraduate team in the research like Zamani, Romi, Bakhtia, Eja and Ummi.

I appreciate my Wifes Jamila efforts and our kids Patience and moral support despite

my absence.



Penentuan rintangan gelinciran sesuatu permukaan turapan berbitumen adalah

bergantung kepada kedalaman tekstur permukaan jalan tersebut. Kedalaman tekstur

adalah ukuran makrotekstur permukaan turapan iaitu komponen kasar bagi permukaan

aggregate dan ditentukan melalui ujian Sand Patch (SPT). Manakala mikrotekstur, iaitu

ukuran bagi celah aggregate yang berfungi sebagai rintangan terhadap kesan pelicinan

(PSV) oleh aggregate, ditentukan melalui ujian British Pendulum (PTV). Tahap

kekasaran sesuatu permukaan jalan adalah faktor penentu kelancaran permukaan jalan

tersebut dan ia ditentukan dengan menggunakan alat Walking Profilometer. Kajian ini

telah dilaksanakan di Jalan Tebrau, Jalan Pontian dan Batu Pahat. Sebanyak 180 titik

ujian dipilih untuk ketiga-tiga ujian tersebut. Kajian ini dilaksanakan dengan objektif

untuk menentukan nilai minimum rintangan gelinciran, kedalaman tekstur dan indeks

kekasaran terhadap pelabagi jenis permukaan jalan berbitumen serta mendapatkan

korelasi antara setiap ujian. Keputusan yang didapati daripada ujian menunjukkan

korelasi yang sederhana di antara nilai kedalaman tekstur dan indeks kekasaran sesuatu

permukaan jalan. Namun begitu keputusan yang didapati masih memberikan aliran

umum iaitu semakin tinggi kedalaman tekstur (TD), semakin tinggi nilai indeks

kekasaran (IRI) dan nilai rintangan gelinciran (SR), kecuali pada jenis turapan ACW 14

yang baru di mana semakin tinggi nilai SR, semakin rendah nilai IRI kerana nilai SR

bergantung pada mikrotekstur.



The determination of the skidding resistance of a bituminous pavement surface

depends on the texture depth of the road surface. The texture depth is a measure of the

macrotexture of the pavement surface, which is the coarse component of the surface

aggregate and determine by sand patch test (SPT). While the microtexture, which is the

measure of the aggregate interstices referred to as the resistance to polishing (PSV) of

the aggregate, is determined by the British pendulum test ( PTV).The roughness of the

road surface is a determining factor for the smoothness of the road surface, and was

determined by using the walking profilometer. The study was conducted on jalan

Tebrau, jalan Pontian and Batu pahad, 180 test points were investigated for the three

tests. This study is aim at determining the minimum skidding resistance, texture depth,

and roughness index of various bituminous road surfaces, and there correlation. The

results obtained from the study shows a fair correlation between the texture depth and

the roughness index of the chipseal road surfaces. But the general trend is that the

higher the texture depth (TD), the higher the roughness index (IRI) and the skid

resistance (SR), except with the new ACW 14 where at high SR the IRI is low, as the

SR depends on the microtexture.






1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3


1.3 Objective of the study 4 1.4 Scope of the study 4

1.5 Significance of the study 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 6

2.1 General 6 2.2 Asphaltic Concrete 9 2.3 Stone Mastic Asphalt 10 2.4 Surface Dressing 11 2.5 Texture Depth 12 2.6 Skidding Resistance 13 2.7 Roughness Index 16


CONCEPT AND METHODOLOGY CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 General 18 3.2 Determination of skidding resistance 21 3.3 Determination of texture depth 28 3.4 Determination of roughness index 33


CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 40 4.1 General 40 4.2 Results 40 4.3 Discussion 43 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 49 5.0 General 49


REFERENCES 51 APPENDICES 54 Appendix A 54 Appendix B 60 Appendix C 66



TABLE SUBJECT PAGE Table 2.0 Skidding Resistance values (Kwang et al 1992) 8 Table 2.1 Texture Depth values (Kwang et al 1992) 8 Table 2.2 Texture Depth values (HTC, 1999) 9 Table 3.0 Correction of Pendulum values 27 Table 4.0 Average texture depth, skid resistance 41 and the roughness index



FIGURE SUBJECT PAGE Figure 2.0 Stone Mastic Asphalt 11 Figure 2.1 Macrotexture 13 Figure 2.2 Microtexture 16 Figure 3.0 Site layout 19 Figure 3.1 Methodology outline 20 Figure 3.2 British Pendulum Tester 23 Figure 3.3 Sand Patch Test 29 Figure 3.4 Walking Profilometer 34 Figure 5.0 MTD/IRI Charts 45 Figure 5.1 PTV/IRI Charts 46 Figure 5.2 MTD/PTV Charts 46 Figure 5.3 Combine MTD/IRI charts 47 Figure 5.4 Combine MTD/PTV charts 47 Figure 5.5 Combine PTV/IRI charts 48



h - Height of measuring Cylinder D - Diameter of Sand Patch π - Pie v - Volume of Sand V - Test values IRI - International Roughness Index MTD – Mean Texture Depth PTV – Pendulum Test Value SR - Skid Resistance




1.1 Background

A lot of research work has been conducted with the aim of investigating, and

establishing the mean texture depth, skid resistance, the roughness index of various

asphalt surfaces and there correlation. The surface texture depth is an important factor

used to determine the resistance of skidding of a road surface. The surface texture depth

is a measure of the macrotexture of a bituminous pavement surface. The assessment of

the skid resistance and macrotexture of various types of bituminous road surface became

of utmost importance as it relates to the safety of the road.

The roughness index is a function of the smoothness of the pavement, comfort and

its safety to the road user. The surface texture depth as a measure of the macrotexture of

the road surface and skid resistance, are often mentioned as possible contributory factors

towards the incidences of road accidents. The macrotexture is the coarse component of

texture due to the shape of aggregate particle on road surface, and it is a determining

factor for skid resistance on bituminous road surface. It is pertinent to note that in

bituminous surface is characterized by the resistance to polishing (PSV) of the aggregates

or microtexture. The measurement of the macrotexture is most commonly estimated by


the use of the sand patch tester. The skidding resistance is a measure of the friction

generated between a pavement surface and vehicle tire.

Skidding occurs when the available friction is insufficient to counter the forces

imposed by a moving vehicle. The available friction depends upon the microtexture and

macrotexture of the road surface, the properties of the tire, vehicle speed and weather

conditions. In U.K good aggregate with resistance to polishing and polish stone valve

PSV of 55 or more are used on road surface (Hunter, 2000).

Although research on texture depth and its relationship to skidding resistance on a

bituminous road surface, had being a case of study to researchers on the safety of road.

Various Research work had been conducted on the Safety of bituminous pavement

surfaces, and very few countries like U.S.A, Australia and U.K are able to come up with

mean texture depth, skid resistance and roughness index for different wearing courses.

However, in Malaysia some research work has been conducted by the jabatan kerja

raya (JKR) and the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL) of the United

Kingdom in 1992, to assess the skid resistance and macrotexture of aged bituminous road

surfacings in Malaysia, of between 6-24 months of age in use. In the study conducted by

JKR of Malaysia and the TRRL of the United Kingdom 81 road surfaces in Malaysia

were investigated and an average skid resistance value, texture depth for Asphaltic

concrete wearing (ACW), dense bitumen macadam (DBM), and surface dressed roads

(SD) was obtained. The Study recommended a minimum texture depth of 0.33mm-

0.39mm, for ACW, 0.55mm for DBM, and 1.5mm-1.9mm for SD surfaces respectively.

The study also recommended a PSV of 55 standardized to 58, because of temperature

variance (Kwang H.J, Emby J, and Morosiuk G, 1992).

The JKR in Malaysia had adopted International roughness index (IRI) of 1.6m/km

for four lane highways, 2.5m/km for two way highways and 8m/km for minor roads

(Design of flexible pavements, JKR). The measurements of the Roughness Index (IRI)

for a completed pavement surface to be measured in terms of its lane IRI, using the

Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) walking profiler (WP).The road surface often


used by motorist has some frictional properties that is relatively associated with

performance, of the road and its safety to the road user. They include microtexture and

macrotexture depths which are often mentioned as contributory factors to road accident.

The microtexture is the interstices of the aggregate that is characterized by the resistance

to polishing, while macrotexture is the coarse component of the texture due to the

aggregate particle on the road surface.

The study on texture depth and its relationship to skidding resistance and

occurrence of accident on bituminous road surfaces has been a course of study upto date,

as it is yet to be clearly understood. That is why this study was initiated to investigate the

condition of some various bituminous road surfaces in Johor Bahru and determine the

mean texture depth, skid resistance, the roughness index and there relationship, which is

to be compared with the JKR , TRRL , and the Australian road research board (ARRB)


As the road system of transportation becomes the leading means of transporting

people, goods and services in Malaysia. There has been considerable publicity on the

safety of these roads as there is significant increase in the occurrence of road accidents. In

Malaysia there has been an increase in the rate of accident occurrence, with an accident

record of 215,632 in 1997 to 363,314 in 2007. (Miros, 2007).

In view of this predicament the Government of Malaysia finance a series of

research in 1992 and 1996. A joint investigation by JKR and TRRL of the U.K carried

out a comprehensive assessment on the skid resistance, texture depth, the microtexture

and macrotexture of bituminous surfaces in Malaysia (Morosiuk G, Emby, and Kwang

H.J 1992).

Also in 1996 another study was also conducted to adopt alternative surfacing that

would provide a better skid resistance to roads in Malaysia (Suffian Z, Smith H R, and

Ford W G). There is a serious reason for the concern by the Government, as in 1990 the

Total accident recorded for the whole year was 87,999 (Liew T.H, 2002). This record


shows an increase in road accident by over 400% by the year 2007 compared to the

previous records in 1990, this necessassteds prompt action by the Malaysian authourity.

The Government had continued to take steps aimed at reducing the incidences of

accidents, on roads in Malaysia. This includes road maintenance, the use of Caution sign,

and accident campaigns.

Generally the road pavement structure is classified into the sub-grade, sub- base,

road base and the surfacing which consist of binding course and wearing course. The

wearing course is the exposed topmost layer that provides the travel path, skid resistance,

safety and comfort to the road user. In view of this the study investigated specifically the

pavement surface frictional characteristics, skid resistance, texture depth and the

International roughness index of these categories of bitumen pavements, ACW14,

ACW20, SMA14and surface dressed surfaces.

This study determined the correlation between the texture depth, skid resistance and

the International roughness index of various bituminous pavement surfaces in Malaysia.

It is expected that good roads should provide an economical, convenient, comfortable and

safe path for the road user. The road surface been the top or exposed layer of the road

structure also has a function of providing skid resistance and safety to the road user. In

view of this the study investigated the road surface characteristics of the various

bituminous pavements.

1.2 Problem statement

Road accident can be caused by the poor condition of the road surface, weather

condition, vehicle speed and even the driver’s behavior. Normally as a result of the

polishing of the aggregate in the road surface due to vehicular traffic, and subsequent

reduction in surface friction can lead to the occurrence of road accidents. Determining the

correlation between the SR, TD, and IRI became of utmost importance. Skidding


continues to be a factor in the tendency for accident to take place, more especially when

the road surface is wet.

While the roughness of the road surface also continues to be problem faced by road

users in developing countries, as it is the function of the smoothness of the road surface,

and in turn its convenience to the road user. Skidding leading to road accident tends to

happen, when the interface friction developed between the tires of the moving vehicle and

the surface of the road becomes insufficient to counter the forces generated by the vehicle

tires. It is also pertinent to note that wet surfaces are more prone to incidences of accidents

on highways, as they make the road surfaces slippery with virtually no friction to resist the

skidding. Also despite the numerous researches on the skidding resistance, texture depth

and International roughness index, the correlation between these frictional properties of the

road surface is also not clearly understood.

1.3 Objective of the study The objective of the study is to determine the skidding resistance, texture tepth,

roughness index and there correlation. The study investigated three classes of bituminous

pavement surfaces in Johor, these includes Jalan Tebrau (SMA) in Johor, section 2 to 3 of

Jalan Pontian and Jalan Utama UTM (ACW) at Skudai, Jalan Bulat and Jalan Parit yaani

(Surface Dressed) at Batu Pahat.

1.4 Scope of the study

The study investigated the microtexture, macrotexture and the surface roughness of

the various bituminous surface in Malaysia these include ACW20, ACW14, SMA14 and

surface dressed surfaces. The study involves field survey on these pavement surfaces in

Johor Bahru, Malaysia. It also involved carrying out the following tests, sand patch test to

determine the macrotexture, the British pendulum test to measure the skid resistance, and


the walking profilometer to determine the roughness index of the road surface. The scope

of this study also involves determining the correlation between the road surface frictional

properties. The field test was carried out in accordance with the JKR, TRL and ARRB


1.5 Significance of the study

This study shall provide useful data to determine the skidding resistance, texture

depth, roughness index and there correlation, for the three types of bituminous pavement

surfaces tested. The research shall provide the information on the condition of these roads

and the characteristics of the various surfaces. These findings shall provide necessary

data to enable the road regulatory organization in Malaysia such as Jabatan kerja raya

(JKR) to determine skid resistance, and texture depth of the adopted SMA surfaces as

they are yet to be specified. The study also determined the correlation between the teture

depth, skid resistance and roughness index of the road surfaces.




2.1 Introduction

This study was based on the internationally accepted methods of determining the

skidding resistance, texture depth and roughness index of bituminous surfaces. The study

reviewed literature works pertaining frictional properties of aggregates used in the road


The study evaluated the microtexture and the macrotexture, by using the British

pendulum tester, designed by P. Sigler and developed by TRRL in 1960 to test skid

resistance. While the texture depth was measured using the sand patch test and the

walking profilometer was used to determine the roughness index. According to Hunter N.

(2000), a texture depth of 1.5mm is normally required for heavily trafficked roads in U.K,

while the mean texture depth for Asphaltic concrete surfaces is 0.33mm for highly traffic

and 0.39mm for low traffic in Malaysia (Kwang H.J 1992). Also in the U.K good

aggregate with resistance to polishing and Polish Stone Value (PSV) of 55 or more are

used on road surface (Hunter N 2000), and from the research, Kwang et al. (1992)

confirmed that the granite aggregate used in Malaysia has an acceptable mean PSV of 55

corrected to a temperature of 35 C (Beaven and Tubey, 1978).


That equates to a PSV of 58. A study by TRRL in 1980 recommended an average texture

depth of 1.8mm for normal Hot Mix Asphalt.

The safety of the road surface is normally a function of the resistance to skidding,

which in turn depends on the microtexture and macrotexture of the road surface. It should

be noted that apart from skidding resistance, surface roughness and surface texture depth

other factors such as vehicle speed, weather and traffic intensity can contribute to

incidence of road accident.

The frictional properties of wearing course of a pavement are a function of the resistance

to skidding which depends on pavement surface texture of exposed aggregate. The

movement of vehicle at a high speed removes bulk of water from tire and stone interface

there by maintaining grip contact on the road surface. According to a study conducted by

Hosking J.R, Roe P.G and Tubey L.W TRRL report 120 that the wetness of a road

surface affects the resistance to the skidding of the surface.

The ARRB walking profilometer was used to determine the roughness index of the

various surfaces. According to Sayer et al. (1986) generally new pavement before they

are open to traffic should have an IRI of less than 1.5m/km, for old pavement should be

less than 2.5m/km, and the pavement surface with IRI greater than 4m/km is considered

to be a damaged surface and needs an overlay to redeem it. In Malaysia, an IRI of

1.6m/km for four lane highway, 2.5m/km for two lane highway and 8m/km for minor

roads (Design of flexible pavements, JKR).

The findings from the 1992 assessment of the various bituminous pavement surfaces in

Malaysia, confirms that the value of skid resistance and texture depth for the Asphaltic

concrete wearing surfaces are generally low compared to the other surfaces. The findings

are summarized in Table 2.0 (Kwang H.J et al. 1992).


Table 2.0: Skidding Resistance values (Kwang H.J et al. 1992)

Surface Type

Total of Sites

Skid Resistance

Min. Max. Mean

Asphaltic Concrete 22 46 66 55

Dense Bitumen Macadam 32 45 77 55

Surface Dressings 27 45 76 58

The average texture depth values obtained from the JKR study in Malaysia on the various

Asphalt pavement surfaces in the peninsular are recorded and summarized as in Table 2.1


Table 2.1: Texture Depth values (Kwang H.J et al. 1992)

Surface Type

Total of Sites

Skid Resistance

Min. Max. Mean

Asphaltic Concrete 22 0.20 0.52 0.35

Dense Bitumen Macadam 32 0.36 1.24 0.55

Surface Dressings 27 0.53 3.08 1.47

Roads are major means of transportation for people and goods from one point to another,

and they are also very important in our daily life activities. A road can only be good if it

can provide safety, comfort, convenience and economic service to the users, this means it

has to be free of accident and provide a smooth and safe riding surface.

A lot of research work has been conducted world over by research institutions like

the Transportation Road and Research Laboratory (TRRL), Australian Road Research

Board (ARRB), American society of civil engineers (ASCE), and the International

roughness index (IRI) all with a view of investigating the microtexture, macrotexture and

roughness index.


In Malaysia the increasing trend in road accident rates culminated in the formation of a

committee on road safety. Among the issues in contention is the skid resistance of the

road surfaces in Malaysia, which is considered to be possible contributory factor towards

the incidence of road accident in the country. This development necessitated various joint

study under a research programes by the Training and research Institute (ILP), Jabatan

Kerja Raya (JKR), Malaysia, and the Transportation and road research laboratory

(TRRL) of the U.K.

However, various values of texture depth, and skidding resistance had been obtained

from different research works. The Table 2.2 below is a typical texture depth of various

surfaces, with the Asphaltic concrete giving the lowest texture depth value compared to

the rest.

Table 2.2: Typical values for Texture (HTC Infrastructure, 1999)

Material Normal Range of Texture Depth(mm)

Asphaltic Concrete 0.4-0.6

Dense Bitumen Macadam 0.6-1.2

Rolled Asphalt with Precoated Chips 0.5-2.5

Pervious Macadam 1.5-3.5

Surface Dressing 2.0-3.5

2.2 Asphaltic concrete wearing (ACW)

The history of Asphaltic concrete dates back to 1914 in the U.S.A after the

formation of the American Association of state highway officials AASHTO. Today ACW

is mostly used all over the world, and presently constitutes over 92 percent of the worlds

paved road surfaces. Asphaltic concrete is a layer of Hot-mixed graded stone aggregate

and bitumen varying in thickness from 50mm to 200mm depending on the design


specification. Basically, Asphaltic concrete pavements are made up of two layers, the

binding course (ACB) and the wearing course (ACW). In Malaysia aggregate of sizes

14mm and 20mm are often used for the wearing surfaces. This study investigated both

the ACW14 and the ACW20.

The advantage of using the ACW includes its cost of construction which is

considered to be relatively cheap. It has also the benefit as compared to other surfaces of

definite recyclable. It also produces low noise levels and low maintenance requirements

during early years of three after been put to use. It has exceptional riding quality

providing low vehicle operating costs. The disadvantage in the other hand, the ACW is

subject to early embrittlement and premature cracking. It also requires specialized

equipment and expensive equipment that can only be justified over a length of pavement.

2.3 Stone mastic asphalt (SMA)

The stone mastic Asphalt was developed in Germany in the 1960's, stone mastic

Asphalt (SMA) provides a deformation resistant, durable surfacing material, suitable for

heavily trafficked roads. SMA has found use in Europe, Australia, the United States, and

Canada as a durable asphalt surfacing option for residential streets and highways. SMA

has a high coarse aggregate content that interlocks to form a stone skeleton that resists

permanent deformation. The stone skeleton is filled with mastic of bitumen and filler to

which fibers are added to provide adequate stability of bitumen and to prevent drainage

of binder during transport and placement. Typical SMA composition consists of 70−80%

coarse aggregate, 8−12% filler, 6.0−7.0% binder, and 0.3 per cent fiber, The deformation

resistant capacity of SMA stems from a coarse stone skeleton providing more stone-on-

stone contact than with conventional dense graded asphalt (DGA) mixes as can be seen in

Figure 2.0 below;


Figure 2.0: Stone Mastic Asphalt

Improved binder durability is a result of higher bitumen content, a thicker bitumen

film, and lower air voids content. This high bitumen content also improves of flexibility.

Addition of a small quantity of cellulose or mineral fiber prevents drainage of bitumen

during transport and placement. There are no precise design guidelines for SMA mixes.

2.4 Surface Dressing (SD)

The Surface Dressed roads are roads that principally consist of coarse aggregate and

bitumen. They can be in a single layer or a double layer depending on the need, normally

provided in road overlay especially in improving the Skidding Resistance of an existing

road surface. In the developing countries of the world Surface dressed roads are often

used as minor roads in the rural areas, and some of its function includes;

i. To seal the road surface against ingress of water.

ii. To arrest the deterioration of the road surface.

iii. To provide a skid resistant road surface with the resultant benefits of reduction

in accidents.

iv. To reduce spray.

v. To maximize the cost effectiveness of limited highway maintenance funds.


2.5 Surface Texture

The road surface can be characterized in terms of friction based on the frictional

properties of the road surface, these includes surface roughness, microtexture and

macrotexture. The microtexture is the small interstices of an individual aggregate, and is

responsible for skidding resistance at low speed of about 50km/h (Hunter, 2000).

The macrotexture is the coarse component of the aggregate on the road surface. At

increase speed on a wet surface the coefficients of friction depends on the macrotexture,

which in turn depends on the extent at which the coarseness of the surface aggregate

dispels water under the tires of moving vehicle.

Normally, skidding is said to take place when the available friction generated is

insufficient to counter the forces imposed by a moving vehicle. This friction depends

upon the macrotexture of the road surface, the properties of the tire, vehicle speed and

weather conditions. The sand patch test, is the simplest method of measuring surface

macrotexture, it involves pouring a known quantity of sand on to the dry section of the

road at the test point. The sand is spread until it can not be longer spread, the resulting

circle is then measured, and the mean of five readings used to determine the area of the


2.5.1 Macrotexture

The macrotexture is the coarse component of the aggregate on the road surface, and

is mainly attributed to the aggregate size, shape, angularity, spacing and the distribution

of coarse aggregate greater than 2.0mm. It corresponds to surface irregularities with

vertical and horizontal dimensions of between 0.1 and 20mm, 0.5 and 50mm respectively

(Anis et al.2006). The greater the macrotexture simply means the larger the voids on the

road surface, which is capable of draining excess water from the tire pavement interface



As a vehicle moves over the road surface, the voids dispel water from the tire treads

to provide enough friction to avoid skidding. The macrotexture was determined by the

sand patch test. The macrotexture of the road surface consist of a combination of the

aggregate on the road surface as can be seen below in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Macrotexture (Hunter, 2000)

2.6 Skid Resistance

The skidding resistance is a measure of the friction generated between a pavement

surface and vehicle tire. Skidding occurs when the available friction is not enough to

react to the forces imposed by a moving vehicle. The available friction depends upon the

microtexture and macrotexture of the road surface, the properties of the tire, vehicle

speed and weather conditions. The frictional properties of wearing course of a pavement,

is a function of the resistance to skidding which relies on pavement surface texture of

exposed aggregate. The movement of vehicle at a high speed removes bulk of water from

tire and stone interface there by maintaining grip contact on the road surface. This is

achieved by the macrotexture of aggregate particles on the road surface.

The skid resistance generally is a function of the microtexture of the aggregate used

in the pavement surface. The microtexture is the fine surface texture of the small

interstices on the surface of an aggregate particle, and is been measured in terms of it

polishing value due to vehicular traffic. According to a study by Roe et al. of the

TRRLU.K, that the skid resistance of a road surface depends on the pavements


surface texture of aggregate in the pavement surface exposed to traffic, and termed as the

microtexture. The microtexture of a road surface depends on the resistance to polishing of

the aggregate by traffic action, in long term the polishing action of traffic can be

quantified by the polish stone valve (PSV). In the United Kingdom (U.K) aggregate with

a PSV of 55 or more is used in the construction of pavements (Hunter, 2000).

It is pertinent to note that the best polished aggregates with PSV greater than 68, are

less readily available and also the most expensive. A good PSV graded aggregate shall

provide a balance between satisfactory skid resistance performance over the service life

of the surface layer and the economic use of the available aggregate. In Malaysia, granite

aggregate with a polishing value (PSV) of 55 is commonly used in road construction

works as aggregate, which constitutes most of the Asphaltic mix by volume. The current

specifications for skid resistance surfaces is the output from long and detailed research

findings by the TRRL and published in TRL report 322 and TRL report 367.

The simplest method of determining the skid resistance is by using the portable

British pendulum tester and the procedure is standardized in BS EN 13036-4:2003 test

method. Skid resistance properties can be affected by several factors, and according to

Samsudin (2004), these factors include:

i. Road surface texture

ii. Type of aggregate and size

iii. Surface roughness

iv. Road surface defects

v. Vehicle performance

vi. Road user attitude

vii. Type of road structure

However, the skid resistance of a road surface could be enhanced through,

overlaying the existing surface making sure that there are limited cracks to avoid


premature failure or waste. The surface could be improved by retexturing using pressured

water jets or sand blasting. Other process includes grooving the surface, use of slurry seal

or micro surfacing.

2.6.1 Microtexture

The microtexture of an aggregate is often referred to the hairs of the aggregate or

the fine interstices of the aggregate. For a new pavement the microtexture is considered

to be harsh as can be seen in figure 2.0.It corresponds to the surface irregularities, with

horizontal dimension of less than 0.5mm, and a vertical dimension of 0.001-0.5mm.(Anis

et al.2006). The microtexture normally varies depending on the polishing of the aggregate

with time, when the road is new it is considered to be harsh. But due to the effect of

traffic and weather conditions with time, it polishes.

The microtexture can simply be determined by the British pendulum tester, based

on the BS EN 13036:4-2003 standards. The pendulum test value (PTV) gives the

microtexture of the road surface. The microtexture of an individual aggregate constitutes

the hairs of the aggregate as can be seen in Figure 2.3 below;


Figure 2.3: Microtexture (Hunter, 2000)

2.7 Surface Roughness

The road surface is considered to be rough when the roughness index is higher than

the specified IRI for that particular road as in the design. The roughness on road surface

is as the deviation of the surface from its true planar surface with dimensions of less than

100m and greater than 0.1m in wavelength and less than 100mm and greater than 1.0mm

in amplitude. The roughness index can simply be determined by the walking


The roughness index of a road surface is a parameter that determines the comfort

the road surface provides to the user. According to Awasthi G. et al. (2003), surface

roughness is an important parameter which also relates to the vehicle vibration, operating

speed, wear and tare of the wheel, and vehicle operating cost. Even if the road pavement

is structurally sound to sustain heavy traffic, may not be serviceable functionally if the

road surface is rough and distressed. The following roughness indices are generally used

to quantify the road surface roughness index, they include mean panel rating (MPR),


Profile index (PI), Ride number (RN), Root mean square vertical acceleration (RMSVA),

and the International roughness index (IRI). For this study the IRI is used to determine

the roughness index of the various bituminous road surfaces. The walking profilometer

was used for this study, its simple equipment developed by the ARRB. It is manually

operated, by rolling it at the walking velocity of 800m/hr. It has a laptop to record the

roughness index, and it is the relative velocity between the axles and sprung mass of the





3.1 Introduction

The study evaluated the surface texture depth using the sand patch tester, the skid

resistance using the British pendulum tester, and the walking profilometer to measure the

surface roughness index. For this study 10 points were chosen at an interval of 100m

along each of the six (6) road selected for the study. A stretch of 1km per road surface

was selected, and three tests conducted at the 10 points per road. A total of 180 tests were

conducted on the whole six road surfaces.

The sand patch test, is the simplest method of measuring surface macrotexture, it

involves pouring a known quantity of sand on to the dry section of the road at the test

point. The sand is spread until it can not be longer spread, the resulting circle is then

measured, and the mean of five readings used to determine the area of the patch.

The British Pendulum tester was used to determine the skid resistance on each of

the six road surfaces of the three types of bituminous road surfaces (SMA, ACW, and

surface dressed). The apparatus is set on the road surface with slider wing in the direction

of the traffic. Five readings are taken at each spot of test point and the mean or three

consecutive readings are recorded. While the walking profilometer was used to cover one


kilometer per test road at 100m interval, for the entire six kilometer stretch. The data box

on the profilometer records the roughness of the road surface at 100m each along the test

roads surface, using the human velocity of 1.3m/second.

The steps taken to determine the skid resistance included selecting the section of

road to be investigated. As earlier mentioned the after selecting the test roads, then the

apparatus (PTV) was prepared and set. The test involved the use of the British pendulum

tester, which is the simplest method of determining the surface skidding resistance of a

road surface. Though road surface testing has historically been carried out in accordance

with the road note 27. However a recent standard has been published BS EN 13036:4-

2003 road and airfield surface characteristics.

The surface roughness index was determined using the ARRB walking

profilometer; this is a portable and simple equipment to operate. It has a footwork wheels,

a cowling and a data base that records the IRI and the road profile. The test surfaces were

selected within the state of Johor Bahru as can be seen in Figure 3.0

Site layout

Figure 3.0: The Road network map of Johor Bahru


Figure 3.1: Methodology Outline


3.2 Determination of Skid Resistance (SR)

The common test to determine skid resistance is the British pendulum test,

developed by TRRL of U.K and is the simplest method of determining skid resistance of

a surface. With the modern Technology other equipment are now been used to determine

skid resistance, these include the Grip tester that is a trailer whose measuring wheel is

force to slip at 14.5% of the distance traveled. It is relatively small and can be towed

behind any vehicle which has a tow bar and accommodate a water tank. Normally used

for relatively small volume testing, in small routes. The other equipment that can be used

to determine the skid resistance of a road surface also includes the side ways force

coefficient routine investigation machine (SCRIM) that measures the skid resistance by

mounting the apparatus on a purpose built van.


In U.K the skid resistance is today measured mostly using the two devices, Grip

tester and the SCRIM. For the purpose of this study the British pendulum tester was used

to determine the skidding resistance of the 180 selected test points in accordance to the

BS EN 13036:1-2003 standards for roads and airfields.

3.1.1 British Pendulum Test

The British Pendulum tester was developed by the Transport and Road Research

Laboratory in the U.K, for investigating the skid resistance of various surfaces. It was

originally developed to test road surfaces, but other uses have evolved. Road surface

testing has historically been carried out in accordance with road note 27. However a

recent standard has been published in BS EN 13036:4-2003 road and airfield surface

characteristics, this test method contain information that supersedes that given in road

note 27.


The Pendulum test involves setting the apparatus at the selected test point, the

Pendulum arm with rubber slider set facing the direction of traffic, the spirit level set to

make sure that the instrument is leveled, then the dial was calibrated to 0, the arm was

released to mark a range of 125mm on the test surface by adjusting the upper and lower

knobs, after that the arm was returned to the hinge and the test was conducted by

subsequently releasing the arm to swing after wetting the rubber slider and the test

surface. This procedure of releasing the pendulum arm was repeated five times and the

readings on the dial was recorded as the pendulum values (PTV). Other application of the

British pendulum includes:

i. Road surface testing

ii. Testing of new road surface material under development

iii. Testing of floors and pedestrian walkways

iv. Accident investigations’, both traffic and pedestrian

v. Testing of aggregate in the polish stone valve (PSV) test

vi. Testing of pavers, in the flat bed polisher.

The British pendulum test is the simplest test conducted to determine the PTV, which is

the measure of the resistant of the expose aggregate in the road surface to vehicular

traffic. The British pendulum tester is widely use for the determination of skidding

resistance of various surfaces for both flexible and rigid pavements.

The Pendulum is also use to test the surface of interlocking concrete paving;

concrete floor finishes especially in factories and walkways. The British pendulum tester

consists of the following the British pendulum tester has a swinging arm, The Pendulum

also has a rubber slider, A vertical shaft, A base mass build in spirit level, leveling screw

and two gauges, as can be seen in Figure 3.2 below;


Figure 3.2: The British Pendulum tester

Key 1 spir it level 5 C unit scale (126mm sliding length)

2 levelling screw 6 F unit scale (76 mm sliding length)

3 pointer 7 starting bottom

4 vertical adjustment screw 8 rubber slider

3.1.2 Advantages of the British Pendulum Tester

i. The Pendulum is lightweight and portable

ii. Quick and easy to set up on site

iii. The Pendulum can be used on uphill or down slope preferably on grades less than

6%, and at most up to 1 in 10.

iv. Readings from the dial are direct values of the PTV, no complex computation.

v. The operation is easily verified by a simple check test on the equipment.


3.1.2 Disadvantage of the British Pendulum Tester

i. The operation involves blocking the traffic for safety; this can lead to traffic

obstruction in the study area.

ii. The test can be affected by moderate/strong wind and rain.

iii. It requires a trained operator.

iv. The equipment is delicate, as it is less strong than it appears.

v. The equipment requires annual calibration, and attention to the rubber slider.

3.1.4 Measure of Skid Resistance (SR)

On ACW14, ACW20, SMA14, and chipseal surfaces (surface dress).

3.1.5 Test Method:

The Test Method that was used to determined the skid resistance was the British

pendulum test method developed by TRRL, U.K

3.1.6 Apparatus

The apparatus that was used for this study includes;

i. The Radiation thermometer (pyrometer).

ii. A hard brush, for the cleaning of the test surface.

iii. A meter rule

iv. A water sprayer to wet both the test surface and the slider rubber

v. The British Pendulum Tester.


The British pendulum tester consists of the following components;

i. A spring loaded slider, mounted on the end of the Pendulum arm so that the

sliding edge is (514+6) mm from the axis of rotation.

ii. It has a vertical support column.

iii. A sufficient base mass to make sure the pendulum is stable during the test.

iv. It has a rubber slider.

v. It also has an axis of suspension, which ensures that the slider can swing clear,

transverse the test surface over a fix length of (126+1) mm.

vi. The Pendulum has a spirit level, to ensure that equipment is properly position.

vii. It also has a pointer of normal length 300mm, balance about the axis of

suspension, it indicates the position of the arm throughout its forward swing and it

has a weight of 85grm.

viii. The pendulum has a circular scale, calibrated for a nominal sliding length of

76mm on a flat surface marked from 0 to 1 at intervals of 0.05 units.

ix. It has a leveling screw, for adjustment.

x. It has a vertical and horizontal adjustable knobs

xi. It has a gauge which the pointer swings on, and gives a direct PTV of the test



3.1.7 Procedure

The following step was carried out for the purpose of this study;

i. The site for this study was selected, with a homogenous surface and grades less

ii. than 6%.

iii. The test surface was cleaned with a hard brush and flushed with clean water.

iv. The pendulum was set, and about ten (10) free swings were conducted to make

sure that the scale reading is at 0, a proper calibration.

v. The temperature of the wetted test surface was measured, making sure that it is

less than 40c before carrying out the test, using the thermometer.

vi. The pendulum arm was released to mark a measure of 125mm on the test surface.

vii. The height of the pendulum arm was adjusted, so that while traversing the surface

the rubber slider is in contact with the surface over the whole width of the slider

and it length.

viii. The pendulum was carefully placed and leveled, using the spirit level on the base.

ix. The pendulum was placed with the arm swinging in the direction of traffic.

x. Then the pendulum was released and the pointer from the horizontal position

using the holding button, and the initial reading was recorded to a whole number.

Then the pendulum was returned and the pointer was released to position by

raising the slider.

xi. This procedure was repeated about five times (5), making sure that the interval

between test surfaces is not greater than 400mm. It should also be noted that the

test surface was rewetted before releasing the pendulum for subsequent test and

all the results obtained were recorded accordingly.

xii. As the test surface is homogenous, the results obtain from the wider scale gives

the Pendulum test value (PTV) of the test surface.


3.1.8 Test Check for PTV

On completion of this study a test check was carried out, to make sure the test is

carried out in accordance to BS EN 13036:4-2003.

i. The quick check involved, checking if the apparatus is still level as when the test

is been carried out.

ii. The pendulum was swung to make sure that the pointer is at the point of origin.

iii. Also the rubber slider contact length, temperature of the wetted surface was re-


iv. After all the recheck if the discrepancy between the fifth reading and the

subsequent ones is more than three unit, the result was discarded and the process

repeated until three successive readings that are constant are obtained.

3.1.7 Specification

All the tests for the determination of the skid resistance of the various bituminous

pavement surfaces were carried out in accordance to the JKR and the BS EN 13036-4

standards. Normally for temperatures above 20 degree Celsius there is need for the

correction of the PTV obtained from the study as can be seen in Figure 3.0 below:

Table 3.0: Correction of PTV for Temperature other than 20 degrees Celsius

Measured Temperature (0C) Correction Values

40 +3

30 +2

20 0

15 -2

10 -3

5 -5


3.2 Determination of Surface Texture Depth (TD)

The surface texture depth (TD) is a measure of macrotexture of bituminous

pavement surface. The surface texture and skid resistance are often mentioned as possible

contributory factors towards the incidences of road accidents. The macrotexture is the

coarse component of texture due to the shape of aggregate particle on the road surface. It

is pertinent to note that bituminous road surface is characterized by the measure of the

aggregate protrusion on the road surface which depends on the coarseness of the

aggregate. The measurement of the macrotexture is most commonly estimated by the use

of the sand patch test. Other mechanically auxiliary equipments are also in use today to

determine the surface texture depth; they are the laser or advance image processing

equipment or road surface analyzer (ROSAN) and the TRL High speed texture meter

(HSTM). For the purpose of this study the sand patch test method (SPT) was used to

measure the texture depth of the six (6) selected test roads. The SPT is considered to be

the easiest, method of determining the surface texture depth.

3.2.1 Sand Patch Test

The surface texture depth in this study was determined by using the sand patch test

(SPT) method in accordance with BS EN 13036-1:2002. The sand patch test is the

simplest method of determining the macrotexture of the road surface. Although the test

can be time consuming and needs a dry surface, it is relatively simple and readily

verifiable. The surface texture depth is a measure of the macrotexture of the road surface.

The macrotexture helps to ensure rapid drainage of surface water away from the contact

point between a vehicle tire and the pavement surface. As the vehicle moves over the

surface it is expected that the voids on the road surface would dispel water from the

vehicle tires to give a good grip between the two interface of the vehicle tire and the road



The sand patch test method is suitable for field test because of the ease to determine

the macrotexture depth of the test road surface. With the macrotexture depth values in

conjunction with other physical test results can be used to determine the pavement skid

resistance capability, noise characteristics and the suitability of the paving material. The

sand patch test was conducted as in Figure 3.3 below;

Figure 3.3: Sand Patch Test

3.2.2 Advantages of Sand Patch Test

i. The test is easy to conduct.

ii. It does not require special training.

iii. The apparatus is very handy and can be carried easily for the test.

iv. The apparatus consist of local testing material like sand and hence makes it

relatively cheaper in term s of cost.


3.2.3 Disadvantages of the Sand Patch Test

i. The test involves Traffic obstruction.

ii. The test can be affected by wind or rain.

iii. The Sand used can not be completely reclaimed after the test.

3.2.4 Measure of Texture Depth (MTD)

On ACW14, ACW20, SMA14, and Chipseal Surfaces.

3.2.5 Test Method

For the purpose of this study the Test method that was used to determine the

Surface Texture Depth of the various bituminous surfaces, is the Sand Patch Test method.

3.2.6 Apparatus

i. A straight edge for spreading and sample.

ii. Portable wind screen

iii. Hard brush

iv. Meter rule, for measurement

v. Sample cylinder

vi. Weigh scale

vii. Measuring cylinder.


3.2.6 Procedure

In this study the procedure for the Sand Patch Test was carried out, to determine

the Texture Depth of the various test surfaces includes;

i. The test surface was selected, the selected site was visited and the pavement

surface was inspected, making sure it is dry, homogenous free of localize cracks

and joints.

ii. The test surface was cleaned, using the brush to remove any residue, debris or

iii. loosely bonded aggregate particles from the surface

iv. The wind shield was positioned at the test area, to prevent wind blow of the sand

v. Particles.

vi. The volume and weight of the sand sample was determined, using the scale

balance and the cylinder.

vii. The sand was spreaded until no more could be spread again.

viii. The resulting circular patch diameter was measured, using the meter rule and

recorded, Four (4) equal spaced locations around the sample circumference is

covered and the average resulting diameter was recorded and analyzed.

ix. For this study, the same operation was performed at Ten (10) test point per road

x. Section, at an interval of 100m, for all the various asphalt surfaces.

xi. The average of individual values measured were computed and considered as

average texture depth (MTD) of the test surface.


3.2.7 Specification

The study was carried out in accordance to the JKR and BS EN 13036:1-2002

standards, with the following formulas to determine the MTD;

V = πd h/4 …………………… equation (1)


V is the internal cylinder volume (mm)

d is the internal diameter of the cylinder (mm)

h is the cylinder height (mm)

Surface mean texture depth (MTD)

MTD = 4V/πD2 ................................equation (2)


MTD is the mean texture depth (mm)

V is the sample volume (internal cylinder volume in mm3)

D is the average diameter of the area covered by the sand sample (mm)

3.2.8 Safety consideration

This study involved field test, and hence the following safety, caution signs were

used to avoid accident. These include road diversion sign, the use of caution vase and



3.2.9 Test Check for SPT

After carrying out the test, the analyzed result was observed to make sure they

conform to the JKR and BS EN 13036:1-2002 of standard deviation of repeated

measurements by the same operator on same surface to bed as low as 1% of the average

texture depth. While the standard deviation of site to site variations may be as large as

27% of the average texture depth. (BS EN 13036:1-2002)

3.3 Determination of roughness index (IRI)

For this study, the roughness index of various bituminous test surfaces was

determined in accordance to the International roughness index (IRI) standards. The

roughness index is a function of the smoothness of pavement, and its comfort, safety and

convenience to the road user. The roughness index depends on the road surface

roughness, which in turn depends on the finishing of the road surface. A good road is

expected to give an improved riding quality, a reduce surface noise, provide minimum

delays at road works, and provides enhance deformation resistance. The roughness of

different road surface can be determined by various design field testing equipments; these

include the Australian roads research board walking profilometer and the Motorize



The walking profilometer has been generally accepted for determination of the

Roughness Index of various surfaces. It is also cheaper in terms of cost compared to the

build van with roughness index computer. The walking profilometer consist of a fitted

computer laptop to record the roughness index of the surface, a calibrated level that can

measure the surface slope, and a fitted rubber tire that enables free movement of the

equipment, and it is operated manually without much stress, as can be seen in Figure 3.4


Figure 3.4: Walking Profilometer

3.3.1 Measure of skid resistance (SR)

On ACW14, ACW20, SMA14, and Chipseal surfaces.


3.3.2 Test Method for IRI

This study used the ARRB G2 walking profilometer to measure the surface

roughness of the various test roads in accordance with the JKR and ARRB test


3.3.3 Apparatus

1. The manually operated walking profilometer that was used for this study has the

following Features;

i. It is fitted with laptop

ii. It has a measuring beam that enables the collection and presentation of various

Pavement surface profile and roughness information.

iii. The profiler is fitted with a calibrated smart level, which can measure the

pavement grade to an accuracy of +1% of the grade.

iv. It has pushing handle.

v. The manual walking profilometer is also fitted with wheel tire to enable ease in

moving the equipment for the test.

2. This study used a thermometer to measure the pavement temperature.

3.3.4 Procedure

The procedure for conducting the IRI survey involved the following steps;

1. Calibration of the Walking Profilometer


The walking profiler was calibrated, before conducting the survey. The calibration

for the profiler is normally performed at least once every six months or if a satisfactory

field offset trim cannot be achieved (AG:PT/T450-ARRB). There are two types of

calibration for walking profilometer. The first one is offset calibration and the other is

slope calibration.

The procedure involves first stabilizing the temperature of the measuring beam and

profiler by placing the walking profiler, with the beam attached, in a temperature

controlled environment for at least twelve hours prior to commencement of the

calibration. The cowl should be left in position during the conditioning period to prevent

accidental damage to or dirt contamination of the mechanism and measuring foot.

The cowl removed and ensured that there is sufficient room beside the walking

profiler to carry out the calibration procedure. The Test/Survey selector was switched on.

Then, place the calibration surface plate on the ground beside the walking profiler,

immediately adjacent too it and with the long side parallel to the measuring foot. The

bull’s eye was placed level on top of the surface plate and establish a level surface by

adjusting the legs.

Then the two M4 hexagon head screws were firmly released, and the 6 foot pads

were checked, and cleaned. The top of the surface plate was cleaned using a light

brushing with the paint brush. Disengage the rear pick up arm cones and remove the

measuring beam from the walking profiler. Place the measuring beam on top of the

surface plate in the forward position as it was removed from the walking profiler. Do not

lift the measuring beam by the accelerometer or the resilient mounting plate. Ensure the

accelerometer cable is not pulling or twisting on the accelerometer at any time throughout

the calibration process.

Then gently the measuring beam ends was lifted, one at a time and gently taped

each end on the surface plate as necessary to position it correctly. It was checked to

ensure that there is no overhang of the measuring beam, at either end on the surface plate.


Then the calibration menu was activated and then continued the prompts from the

computer. Continue the calibration, through forward offset to reverse offset, forward

slope and reverse slope as directed by the computer prompts. The calibration is complete

when the absolute offset lies between –300 mV and +300 mV, and the absolute slope lies

between 2900 m V and –3100 mV.

The measuring beam in the walking profiler was replaced and repositions the

accelerometer cable clamp. Ensure the cable is free to move without pulling tight or

snagging any other leads when the walking profiler is in use and confirm the correct

operation of the entire machine before field use by performing an offset calibration


2. Preliminary surveys,

The test site was visited and the section of the road surface to be tested was

selected and cleaned to remove debris or lose aggregate on the road surface.

3. Pre-operation set up

i. The computer laptop and the walking profiler battery were fully charged.

ii. The foot pad and beam of the walking profilometer was clean.

iii. The tire of the walking profilometer was cleaned, making free from any build up

of material deposits from the road marking materials.

iv. Then computer laptop was properly fixed on the profilometer, and making sure

that all the leads are secured.

v. The profilometer was ignited and warm for at least 20minutes before using it for

the study.

vi. The Ambient and road surface temperature was measured, making sure that the

profilometer is not put to use at an ambient temperature greater than 45c.


4. Field offset trim

i. After warming the equipment for 20min. it was now stationed at the reference


ii. A field trim was performed before starting the operation, making sure that the

change in air temperature and the temperature of the cowling is not more than +

Or -10c.

5. Single Track Survey

i. The near side wheel path of the road surface was tested using the profilometer,

was determined.

ii. The length of the test surface that was investigated is 1km per test road at 100m

intervals for the six selected test roads.

iii. The longitudinal grade of the test surface was checked, making sure that it is not

greater than 1 in 6 in accordance to ARRB.

iv. A line was established along the selected path, this shall minimize the deviation of

the profiler as the operation continued.

v. The walking profilometer was operated on the track path traversing the section of

the test surface.

vi. The readings on the computer laptop were recorded as the Roughness Index value

for the test surface (IRI).

3.3.5 Specification

The study was carried out in accordance to the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), the

International Roughness Index (IRI) and AG:PT/T450-ARRB.


3.3.6 Data Analysis

After conducting the test all the survey data was downloaded from the walking

profilometer data base and recorded, then the average IRI was determined by using the

ARRB standard formula.

3.3.7 Formula used to determine the Roughness Index (IRI)

IRI = {IRI1 +IRI2}/2 .............................equation 3



IRI = is the International Roughness Index

IRI1 = is the first single lane Roughness Index

IRI2 = is the second single lane Roughness Index




4.1 Introduction

All the data for the three types of tests conducted on the 180 test points were

recorded and analyzed. The values presented are average figures from the various data

collected from the study. The original data can be referred in the Appendix- A and B

Datasheets. The outcome of the study was discussed accordingly as below.

4.2 Results

The data obtained from this study for the average texture depth, skidding resistance

and the surface roughness of all the test surfaces were computed based on the formulas

given by BS EN13036:4-2003 for MTD, BS EN 13036:1-2002 for SPT and

AG:PT/T450-ARRB for the IRI. The summary of the results can be seen in Table 4.0



Table 4.0: Average PTV, MTD and IRI

Jalan Pontian Jalan utama-UTM

ACW20 (2 YRS) ACW14 ( 4 MN)

PTV MTD(mm) IRI(m/km) PTV MTD(mm) IRI(m/km)

63 0.88 2.28 60 0.94 1.28

67 1.08 3.95 58 0.64 2.23

62 0.79 1.98 63 0.71 1.75

53 0.77 4.47 58 0.68 1.96

60 0.7 3.03 66 0.82 2.05

44 0.93 3.18 65 0.78 2.06

59 0.77 2.29 58 0.58 2.76

55 0.66 2.08 68 0.57 2.88

68 0.83 2.32 67 0.8 2.02

50 0.76 1.24 58 0.69 1.92

Table 4.0: Average PTV, MTD and IRI Contd

Jalan Tebrau 01 Jalan Tebrau 02

SMA14 ( 2 YRS) SMA14 (2 YRS)

PTV MTD(mm) IRI(m/km) PTV MTD(mm) IRI(m/km)

53 1.72 3.68 55 1.38 3.63

52 1.51 3.74 58 2.25 1.17

57 1.65 2.23 77 1.8 2.06

55 1.36 1.89 63 2.1 1.49

55 1.36 2.64 63 1.7 1.84

58 1.62 1.21 55 2.21 3.99

54 1.43 1.64 60 2.29 2.29

63 1.72 4.06 62 1.88 2.42

61 1.67 1.19 52 1.75 4.24

59 1.45 2.2 53 1.34 2.22


Jalan PT. Bulat Jalan Parit yaani

S/DRESS 01 (3YR) S/DRESS 02 (5 YRS)

PTV MTD(mm) IRI(m/km) PTV MTD(mm) IRI(m/km)

67 2.21 5.45 53 1.91 3.52

73 2.21 3.8 62 2.04 5.18

75 2.54 8.15 65 1.97 6.79

68 2.45 2.48 65 2.54 4.15

67 1.45 1.67 76 1.94 8.94

77 2.94 2.85 77 1.97 5.31

61 3.18 2.08 73 1.83 8.95

68 3.06 1.33 73 2.29 7.29

64 2.99 2.33 53 1.91 4.12

66 2.94 2.83 63 2.37 4.43

NOTE; PTV is the pendulum test value

MTD is the mean texture depth

IRI is the International roughness index


4.3 Discussion

From the data recorded, for this survey conducted on the three different bituminous

pavement surfaces ACW, SMA, and surface dressed surfaces. Six (6) test roads, two per

road type where investigated, and a fair correlation between the texture depth and the

roughness index was established for the surface dressed surfaces only based on the JKR

specification of an IRI of 8m/kmm this translates to a mean texture depth of 2.8mm

higher than 1.9mm for surface dressed roads in Malaysia (Kwang H.J 1992).There was

no correlation between texture depth, skid resistance, and the roughness index for the

SMA and ACW surfaces.

The findings from this study show that the surface dressed surfaces gave a higher

value of skidding resistance of an average of 67, then the SMA 57 and the ACW 54.

Though the values are relatively higher than the JKR specification of an average PTV of

55 for Asphaltic concrete, dense bitumen also 55 and surface dressing 58 (Kwang H.J et

al. 1992). The results from this study shows that both the SMA and ACW skidding

resistance values conform to the JKR specification of 55 and standardized to 58. But the

SR for the surface dressed roads is higher. According to the study conducted by JKR of

Malaysia and the TRRL of U.K in 1992 a polish stone value (PSV) of 55, standardized to

58 (Beaven and Tubey, 1978).

It was also observed that the surface dressed surfaces gave the highest mean texture

depth (MTD) of 3.18mm, then the stone mastic asphalt 2.29mm and the least is the

Asphaltic concrete 0.94mm. According to a study by Kwang et al (1992) a texture depth

of 0.35mm for ACW, 0.55mm for dense bitumen macadam (DBM), and surface dressing

1.47mm was recommended for Malaysian roads. All the values obtained for texture depth

from this study those not conform with the recommended MTD values for these Surfaces

in Malaysia.


The roughness index test conducted on these surfaces shows that the Surface dressed

roads has the highest IRI of 8.15m/km. While the SMA has an IRI of 4.06m/km and the

ACW with an IRI of 3.18m/km. With the new ACW14 having the least IRI value of

2.88m/km, this could be attributed to the age (4months) of the pavement and the

aggregate size, as they are also not protruded at the surface of the road, since the road

surface is smooth. The results obtained shows that only the surface dressed roads

conforms with specification, as the IRI value of 1.6m/km for 4 lane Highway, 2.5m/km

for 2lane Highway and 8m/km for minor roads is specified (Design of flexible

Pavements, JKR).

It is pertinent to note that virtually only the surface dressed roads showed a fair

correlation between the texture depth and the roughness index as obtained from the

results, with the SMA and the ACW having a weak correlation, as the coefficient of

variance R2 is relatively less than unity. This shows that the skid resistance depends on

the shape, especially the interstices of the aggregate, while the texture depth depends on

the aggregate size especially the angularity of the aggregate, and the IRI depends on the

surface finishing.

The general trend was that as the texture depth increases, the roughness index

increase and also the skid resistance increases. But the combine correlation indicated that

as the texture depth increases the combine pendulum test value for all the various

surfaces decreases. Also as the combine pendulum test value increases the roughness

index also increases, while for the combine correlation shows that as the texture depth

increases the pendulum test value decreases indicating an opposite trend.


Figure 5.0 shows the correlation between the International roughness index and texture depth of the various surfaces investigated in this study. The result indicates an increase in the roughness index as the texture depth increases for all the surfaces investigated as can be seen in Figure below;


R2 = 0.51

R2 = 0.28

R2 = 0.21R2 = 0.14

R2 = 0.07

R2 = 0.09






0 2 4 6 8 10 12IRI(m/km)




SD14 SD14 SMA 01 SMA 02 ACW20 ACW14

Figure 5.0: The correlation between MTD and IRI

Note: MTD is the mean texture depth IRI is the International roughness index SD is surface dressing ACW is Asphaltic concrete for wearing SMA is the stone mastic asphalt


Also the correlation between the roughness index and pendulum test value shows that as the PTV increases the IRI also increases, for all the road surfaces investigated in this study as can be seen in Figure 5.1 below:


R2 = 0.16

R2 = 0.27

R2 = 0.38

R2 = 0.29 R2 = 0.29R2 = 0.12










0 2 4 6 8 10 12IRI(m/km)


SD14 SD14 SMA 01 SMA 02 ACW20 ACW14

Figure 5.1: Correlation between PTV and IRI

Moreover, increase in texture depth indicates also an increase in the pendulum test value for all the surfaces investigated, with the surface dressing indicating a significant change compared to the stone mastic asphalt and Asphaltic concrete surfaces. As can be seen in Figure 5.2 below;


R2 = 0.51

R2 = 0.28

R2 = 0.21R2 = 0.1428

R2 = 0.09

R2 = 0.070





0 2 4 6 8 10 12PTV




SD14 SD14 SMA01 SMA02 ACW20 ACW14

Figure 5.2: Correlation between MTD and PTV


The results obtained from all the bituminous surfaces investigated showed that the correlation of the combine average texture depth and the average surface roughness indicated, as the texture depth increases the IRI decreases as can be seen in Figure 5.3;


R2 = 0.23








0 10 20 30 40




Figure 5.3: Correlation between combine MTD and PTV

The correlation between the combine average pendulum test value and the average roughness index for all the road surfaces showed with an increase in the texture depth the pendulum test value decreases, as can be seen in Figure 5.4 below;


R2 = 0.48








0 10 20 30 40PTV




Figure 5.4: Correlation between combine MTD and PTV From the results obtained from the study also indicates the correlation between the combine average roughness index and the average pendulum test value shows that as the PTV increases the IRI also, for all road surfaces investigated in this study as can be seen in Figure 5.5 below:


R2 = 0.31


0 10 20 30 40




Figure 5.5: Correlation between combine PTV and IRI




5.1 Conclusion

The investigation was undertaken with the primary objective to determine the correlation

between the frictional properties of the various Asphalt road surfaces. The following

conclusions could be made from this study;

1. The results obtained from this study indicates a fair correlation for the surface

dressed road surface between the texture depth and the surface roughness, the

texture depth and the pendulum test value, with the SMA and the ACW having a

very weak correlation. This outcome of the result obtained from the study

conforms to a study conducted by Birmingham City Council which also indicated

that the correlation between surface texture measurements and SCRIM results

(skid resistance) is relatively low. The results obtained from that study shows that

there is little overlap between roads exhibiting low skid resistance and low texture

depth. (Viner H, et al.2006) However, the correlation between the texture depth

and the roughness index on the surface dressed (chipseal) pavement surfaces

based on the JKR specification of 8m/km IRI will translate to a Texture Depth of

2.8mm; this is higher than 1.5mm for surface dressed roads in Malaysia (Kwang

et al. 1992).


2. Findings from the study will enable JKR to further investigate and specify the

mean texture depth and skid resistance for SMA surfaces in Malaysia. The

findings also give the characteristics of these roads, which can be used by JKR to

assess the condition of the roads and determine those that require immediate

rehabilitation or maintenance. This could be done to achieve considerable safety

of the pavement surfaces and provides convenience and comfort to the road user.

3. The controlling factor in determining skid resistance, and the most important

factor at lower traffic speed is the type and source of aggregate. In Malaysia

granite with a polishing value of 55 is often used. This might be the reason for the

fair condition of the tested surfaces despite the ages.

5.2 Recommendation

1. As there is a very weak correlation between the skid resistance, texture depth,

and the roughness index for the ACW and the SMA surfaces, the study

recommends the use of aggregate with high PSV of 55 and above, aggregate with

good interstices and a surface finishing based on the JKR specification.

2. The surface dressed surfaces investigated in this study indicated a very high

value of average texture depth of 2.8mm which greater than the 1.9mm for

Malaysia (Kwang et al. 1992). In view of this the study recommends the

rehabilitation of these surfaces, with the aim of providing a comfortable and

convenient road surface to the user.

3. Also the study recommends further investigation on more test surfaces with a

prop are view of understanding the correlation between the texture depth, skid

resistance and the surface roughness of these pavement surfaces.



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depth, permanent International Association of road congress, Brussels, 1988.



Jalan Pt. Bulat Pendulum test value ROAD TYPE:SURFACE DRESS DATE: 11/02/08 TIME: 11.05am Section oC Correction

factor Skid resistance Mean

skid resistance

1 2 3 4 5 1 36.6 +3 65 65 64 64 64 67 2 37.9 +3 72 70 70 70 70 73 3 37.9 +3 72 73 72 72 72 75 4 38.2 +3 65 66 66 65 65 68 5 38.3 +3 63 63 63 63 63 66 6 39 +3 78 78 77 77 77 80 7 39.1 +3 58 58 58 58 58 61 8 39.3 +3 65 64 64 64 64 67 9 39.3 +3 63 63 62 62 62 65 10 39.5 +3 64 63 63 63 63 66


Jalan Parit Yaani

Pendulum test value

ROAD TYPE: SURFACE DRESS DATE: 18/02/08 TIME: 10.45am Section oC Correction

factor Skid resistance Mean

skid resistance

1 2 3 4 5 1 34.9 +3 51 50 50 50 50 53 2 35.5 +3 60 60 59 59 59 52 3 35.9 +3 63 63 62 62 62 65 4 36.6 +3 63 63 63 62 62 65 5 36.9 +3 74 74 73 73 73 76 6 37 +3 74 73 72 72 72 75 7 37.1 +3 71 70 70 70 70 73 8 38.3 +3 72 71 70 70 70 73 9 38.3 +3 53 52 52 52 52 55 10 39.5 +3 60 60 60 60 60 63


Jalan Tebrau 01

Pendulum test value ROAD TYPE: SMA 14 DATE: 01/03/08 TIME 12:30am Section oC Correction

factor Skid resistance Mean

skid resistance

1 2 3 4 5 1 39.5 +3 50 50 49 49 49 52 2 38.9 +3 50 50 50 50 50 53 3 38.9 +3 55 55 54 54 54 57 4 38 +3 53 52 52 52 52 55 37.3 +3 53 53 53 53 53 56 6 37 +3 55 55 55 55 55 58 7 37 +3 51 51 50 50 50 53 8 36.3 +3 60 60 60 60 60 63 9 36.3 +3 59 58 58 58 58 61 10 35.5 +3 57 57 57 57 57 60


Jalan Pontian

Pendulum test value ROAD TYPE: ACW 20 DATE: 24/03/08 TIME: 4:15pm Section oC Correction

factor Skid resistance Mean

skid resistance

1 2 3 4 5 1 38 +3 57 57 57 57 57 60 2 39 +3 55 55 54 54 54 57 3 39.1 +3 60 60 60 60 60 63 4 39.3 +3 57 55 55 55 55 58 5 39.3 +3 65 65 63 63 63 66 6 39.5 +3 55 55 54 54 54 57 7 39.6 +3 66 65 65 65 65 68 8 39.8 +3 65 65 65 65 65 68 9 38.8 +3 64 64 64 64 64 67 10 38.6 +3 55 54 54 54 54 57


Jalan Utama - UTM

Pendulum test value ROAD TYPE:ACW14 DATE: 11/02/08 TIME: 11.05am Section oC Correction

factor Skid resistance Mean

skid resistance

1 2 3 4 5 1 36.6 +3 65 65 64 64 64 67 2 37.9 +3 72 70 70 70 70 73 3 37.9 +3 72 73 72 72 72 75 4 38.2 +3 65 66 66 65 65 68 5 38.3 +3 63 63 63 63 63 66 6 39 +3 78 78 77 77 77 80 7 39.1 +3 58 58 58 58 58 61 8 39.3 +3 65 64 64 64 64 67 9 39.3 +3 63 63 62 62 62 65 10 39.5 +3 64 63 63 63 63 66


Jalan Tebrau 02

Pendulum test value

ROAD TYPE: SMA14 DATE: 18/02/08 TIME: 10.45am Section oC Correction

factor Skid resistance Mean

skid resistance

1 2 3 4 5 1 35 +3 51 50 50 50 50 53 2 35.6 +3 60 60 59 59 59 52 3 35.9 +3 63 63 62 62 62 65 4 36.3 +3 63 63 63 62 62 65 5 36.5 +3 74 74 73 73 73 76 6 37 +3 74 73 72 72 72 75 7 37.1 +3 71 70 70 70 70 73 8 38.3 +3 72 71 70 70 70 73 9 38.3 +3 53 52 52 52 52 55 10 39.5 +3 60 60 60 60 60 63



Jalan Pt. Bulat. (age 3yr)


TYPES OF ROAD:SURFACE DRESSING 01 DATE: 11/02/08 TIME: 11:20pm Section



Average Diameter

Texture Depth

1 2 3 4 5 1 30.5 130 130 135 130 122 129 1.91 2 30.9 140 130 110 120 125 125 2.04 3 30.9 135 120 128 128 125 127 1.97 4 31 115 114 115 100 116 112 2.54 5 31.7 130 131 120 130 129 128 1.94 6 33 122 130 120 130 135 127 1.97 7 33.9 132 133 150 120 126 132 1.83 8 35 115 120 122 116 118 118 2.29 9 36.1 132 125 135 130 125 129 1.91 10 38 115 120 116 119 110 116 2.37



Section IRI (m/km)

Average IRI(m/km)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 1 1.62 5.00 8.32 3.07 3.52 4.31 2 2.55 2.76 5.10 5.87 5.18 4.29 3 7.93 6.29 4.51 4.07 6.79 5.92 4 2.71 5.76 5.86 7.38 4.15 5.12 5 6.77 6.75 8.59 8.61 8.94 7.93 6 4.95 3.11 3.65 5.87 5.31 4.58 7 5.01 4.03 3.06 4.12 8.95 5.03 8 4.38 3.81 3.53 4.00 7.29 4.60 9 3.26 4.10 4.69 3.02 4.12 4.43 10 4.41 2.70 5.90 5.36 2.83 4.24


Jalan Parit Yaani. (age 5yrs)


TYPES OF ROAD: SURFACE DRESSING 02 TIME: 11:55am DATE: 18/02/08 Section



Average Diameter

Texture Depth

1 2 3 4 5 1 30.3 130 130 135 130 122 129 1.91 2 32 140 130 110 120 125 125 2.04 3 32.1 135 120 128 128 125 127 1,97 4 33 115 114 115 100 116 112 2.54 5 34 130 131 121 129 130 128 1.94 6 35.2 122 130 129 121 135 127 1.94 7 35.6 132 133 150 120 126 132 1.83 8 36 115 120 122 116 118 118 2.29 9 37 132 125 135 130 125 129 1.91 10 39 115 120 116 119 110 116 2.37



Section IRI (m/km)

Average IRI(m/km)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 1 8.07 1.86 5.14 5.96 5.45 5.61 2 2.34 3.70 5.56 1.86 5.14 3.72 3 3.25 1.87 4.02 4.95 8.15 4.45 4 4.34 5.76 5.51 2.30 2.48 4.08 5 2.84 3.92 5.49 2.86 1.67 3.36 6 3.72 4.36 4.06 9.63 2.85 4.92 7 2.20 3.34 2.13 2.66 2.08 2.48 8 1.85 1.29 1.65 1.24 1.33 1.47 9 2.82 2.95 2.58 2.70 2.33 2.68 10 4.41 2.70 5.90 5.36 2.83 4.24


Jalan Pontian. (age 2yrs)


TYPES OF ROAD: ACW20 TIME:11.15pm DATE:23/03/08 Section



Average Diameter

Texture Depth

1 2 3 4 5 1 30.2 200 190 185 189 187 190 0.88 2 30.1 180 165 170 165 179 172 1.08 3 29.2 205 200 204 196 200 201 0.79 4 29.2 204 191 210 206 211 204 0.77 5 29.1 215 210 211 219 210 213 0.70 6 29 185 180 190 185 183 185 0.93 7 28 200 195 220 195 205 203 0.77 8 28.1 220 200 229 226 220 219 0.66 9 28 202 201 199 185 195 196 0.83 10 28 200 205 208 204 208 205 0.76


TYPE OF ROAD: ACW20 DATE: 23/03/08 TIME:1.15pm

Section IRI (m/km)

Average IRI(m/km)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 1 3.85 2.65 1.56 1.82 2.28 2.43 2 1.54 3.79 4.04 2.79 3.95 3.22 3 2.93 4.13 3.32 2.56 1.98 2.98 4 2.55 1.88 7.60 4.18 4.47 4.14 5 4.46 3.28 4.30 8.06 3.03 4.63 6 2.44 2.20 8.21 7.64 8.06 5.73 7 1.65 1.59 1.65 3.75 5.46 2.82 8 4.04 1.67 1.55 1.07 2.08 2.08 9 3.31 3.98 2.90 3.80 2.32 3.26 10 3.47 3.06 2.95 2.83 1.24 2.71


Jalan Tebrau section 01 (age 2yrs)


TYPES OF ROAD: SMA 14 TIME: 10:45pm DATE: 1/03/08




Average Diameter

Texture Depth

1 2 3 4 5 1 27.8 130 145 138 120 135 134 1.72 2 27 141 145 155 145 140 145 1.51 3 27 135 140 145 140 135 139 1.65 4 27.1 170 151 144 160 140 153 1.36 5 27.2 155 150 145 162 153 153 1.36 6 27.1 130 145 135 140 150 140 1.62 7 26.9 145 148 155 150 145 149 1.43 8 26.9 150 145 130 125 130 136 1.72 9 26.8 140 145 130 135 140 138 1.67 10 26.7 150 145 155 150 140 148 1.45


Section IRI (m/km)

Average IRI(m/km)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 1 7.38 2.21 1.22 2.47 3.63 3.40 2 10.75 2.19 1.85 1.42 1.17 3.5 3 11.77 2.48 1.67 1.59 2.06 3.9 4 1.96 1.69 2.07 1.50 1.49 1.7 5 8.27 2.37 6.08 2.82 1.84 4.28 6 4.39 3.05 1.59 5.44 8.99 4.69 7 2.13 2.53 3.58 2.90 2.29 2.69 8 1.47 2.16 1.07 2.26 2.42 1.88 9 1.33 2.31 1.54 2.23 4.24 2.33 10 4.74 2.50 1.73 2.38 2.22 2.71


Jalan Tebrau section 2, (age 2yrs)


TYPES OF ROAD: SMA 20 TIME:2:35am DATE: 1/03/08 Section


Diameter (mm)

Average Diameter

Texture Depth

1 2 3 4 5 1 27.5 165 145 150 152 148 152 1.38 2 27.4 117 110 100 106 110 119 2.25 3 27.4 140 145 115 135 130 133 1.80 4 27.4 125 126 131 108 125 123 2.10 5 27.2 140 130 143 140 132 137 1.70 6 27.2 115 135 120 110 120 120 2.21 7 27 125 115 125 110 115 118 2.29 8 27 130 125 129 125 140 130 1.88 9 26.6 140 133 130 137 135 135 1.75 10 26.3 160 140 150 160 160 154 1.34


Section IRI (m/km)

Average IRI(m/km)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 1 2.64 1.41 1.28 2.48 3.68 2.30 2 3.96 3.52 1.92 3.64 3.74 3.40 3 2.66 1.99 3.28 4.84 2.23 3.0 4 3.10 7.74 2.54 2.72 1.89 3.60 5 4.03 4.25 4.26 3.46 2.64 3.70 6 7.97 5.28 2.46 3.75 1.21 4.10 7 1.56 3.13 2.21 1.59 1.64 2.02 8 2.25 1.59 2.43 2.00 4.06 2.50 9 8.33 2.56 2.06 1.97 1.19 3.22 10 7.60 2.60 2.73 1.70 2.20 3.40


Jalan UTAMA-UTM (age 4months).


TYPES OF ROAD: ACW14 TIME: 2:15pm DATE: 5/03/08 Section


Diameter (mm)

Average Diameter

Texture Depth

1 2 3 4 5 1 26 180 185 190 180 183 184 0.94 2 26.4 240 215 200 220 215 218 0.67 3 26.4 200 230 210 210 210 212 0.71 4 26.4 230 210 210 215 220 217 0.68 5 25.2 200 205 190 200 190 197 0.82 6 25.2 200 205 208 205 190 202 0.78 7 25 230 235 230 240 235 234 0.58 8 25 245 240 220 240 235 236 0.57 9 24.6 198 198 200 197 194 199 0.80 10 24.3 225 190 220 210 230 215 0.69


Section IRI (m/km)

Average IRI(m/km)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 1 1.36 1.33 2.13 1.21 1.28 1.46 2 4.56 1.90 1.62 1.78 2.23 2.52 3 4.72 2.45 2.55 1.66 1.75 2.65 4 5.01 1.78 1.57 2.51 1.96 2.4 5 3.39 7.5 7.76 3.21 2.05 4.65 6 6.13 2.40 4.06 3.93 2.06 3.57 7 7.82 9.39 4.01 2.88 2.76 5.58 8 4.45 7.70 13.98 2.58 12 8.24 9 2.58 2.78 2.93 1.98 2.02 2.58 10 2.91 2.98 2.14 2.33 3.03 3.91


APPENDIX C The Road Profile of Jalan Pontian







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI1.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI2.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI3.dat




Distance (m)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI4.datP


e (m


Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI5.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI6.dat




Distance (m)


Jalan Pontian Contd.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI7.datP


e (m


Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMI8.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMY9.dat




Distance (m)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\romi\ROMY10.datP


e (m


Distance (m)


The Road Profile of Jalan Tebrau 01 (SMA14)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM1.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM2.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM4.dat




Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM5.dat




Distance (m)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM9.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM10.dat




Distance (m)


Jalan Tebrau 01 Contd.








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM 3.datP


e (m


Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM 6.dat




Distance (m)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM 7.dat




Distance (m)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\zam\ZAM 8.dat




Distance (m)


The Road profile of Jalan Tebrau 02 (SMA14)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI1.datP


e (m


Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI2.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI3.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI4.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI6.dat




Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI7.dat




Distance (m)


Jalan Tebrau Contd.






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI 10.datP


e (m


Distance (m)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI MOK 8.dat




Distance (m)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMI MOK 9.dat




Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\umi\UMY5.datP


e (m


Distance (m)


The Road Profile of Jalan Parit Yaani at Batu Pahat (Surface Dressed)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S2.datP


e (m


Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\ARAFAT S1.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S3.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S10.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S6.dat




Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S5.dat




Distance (m)


Jalan Parit Yaani contd.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S10.datP


e (m


Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S9.dat




Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S5.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\arafat\S8.dat




Distance (m)


The Road Profile, for Jalan PT. Bulat at Batu Pahat (Surface Dressed)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKH8.datP


e (m


Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKH7.dat




Distance (m)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKH6.dat




Distance (m)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAK4.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKH9.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKHTIAR1.dat




Distance (m)


Jalan PT. Bulat contd.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKHTIAR3.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\BAKHTIAR5.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\bakh\Survey 7.datP


e (m


Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and

Profile (m)

Distance (m)


The Road Profile of Jalan Utama UTM (ACW14)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\A#RAFAT1.datP


e (m


Distance (m)









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT2.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT3.dat




Distance (m)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT4.dat




Distance (m)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT6.dat




Distance (m)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT5.dat




Distance (m)


Jalan Utama UTM Contd.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT7.datP


e (m


Distance (m)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT8.dat




Distance (m)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT9.dat




Distance (m)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Profile : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\walking\eja\ARAFAT10.dat




Distance (m)