The Benefits of Food Therapy, Hypnosis and Energy Therapy

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Transcript of The Benefits of Food Therapy, Hypnosis and Energy Therapy

The Benefits of

Food Therapy, Hypnosis

and Energy Therapy

A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness


Dr. Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD

Spirit Body

Soul Mind


The Benefits of

Food Therapy, Hypnosis

and Energy Therapy

A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness


Dr. Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD

Transcribed and edited, with notes added, from an interview

by Eric Auger, with Las Vegas Advice Givers

July 2015


Eric: Good afternoon, this is Eric Auger with Las Vegas Advice Givers, Episode # 13. Today on

the show, we have Danielle Duperret, who is from Switzerland, right next door to where I grew up.

Danielle, are you here with us?

Danielle: Yes, I am here. Hello Eric.

Eric: Welcome, welcome to the show. So Danielle, we met actually quite awhile ago and we

kind of lost touch and then reconnected through Las Vegas Entrepreneurs Networking Group. You are a

naturopath and before I met you, I had no idea what that was. Can you define what a naturopath does?

Danielle: Naturopaths use nature, the power of nature, of food, the sun, water, rest and exercise

to stay healthy or recover health. Naturopaths do not deal with diseases, they deal with health. How to

maintain health or recover it.

Eric: Ok. Is it almost like a preventive measure?

Danielle: It is illegal for a naturopath with my training to do something that is preventive. Only

medical doctors are allowed to prevent diseases.

(Note: there are different kinds of ND-Naturopathic Doctors. Some have done medical studies as well as

naturopathic studies. They work at diagnosing, preventing and treating diseases using natural remedies,

such as plants, homeopathy and neutraceuticals. They can also use pharmaceutical drugs and do minor

surgeries. Then there are Traditional Naturopaths, who deal only with maintaining or recovering health. I

am a Traditional Naturopath. I do not diagnose, prevent, treat or cure diseases. I do use natural

remedies, but no pharmaceutical drugs or surgery. I have NOT gone through medical studies)


Eric: Ok.

Danielle: It's all about staying healthy or recovering health.

Eric: Ok, very good. And what led you to become a naturopath? I think that you started on

that road in 1995, so take us back to 1995. Was there a defining moment for you, something that led

you to explore that discipline?

Danielle: Actually, that was when I got my doctorates. It started way, way before. When I was 10

years old, I wanted to become a medical doctor, but my parents could not afford the lengthy studies. I

wanted to be a neuro-surgeon. The brain and the mind fascinated me. When I was 15, I was diagnosed

with skin cancer and I had surgery every 6 months.

Eric: At what age?

Danielle: When I was 15, 1… 5…, 15 years old.

Eric: Ok. Oh, my God!

Danielle: I was sick during most of my childhood. I had all the vaccinations and some of the

diseases they were supposed to prevent. I had whooping cough,

mumps and the measles together. I was always the kid who missed

school the most. I was quite sick as a child. Then I was diagnosed

with cancer at age 15 and had surgery every 6 months. At 16, I

started to study psychology with an Institute in Paris, which was

also teaching nutrition. (Note: in Switzerland, school is over when

kids are 15-16, at which time they enter college or go into

apprenticeship.) One of the instructors said: "Why don't you study

nutrition as well? We have books that connect nutrition with

cancer." So I started to study nutrition and put into practice what I

was taught. I learned about eating raw, juicing and removing toxins.

I stopped going to the surgeon and I am still here. So it was in my teens that I became interested in

natural health.

Eric: Ok.

Danielle: Then I came to this country, had children and became sick again in my 30s. I was

bedridden for months. I went back to studying more about nutrition and that's when I got my degrees,

my doctorate in naturopathy (1994) and then a PhD in Natural Health (1996). I realized that nutrition

was not all there was to my condition. You also need to have your mind and your emotions under

control. My PhD dissertation was actually on "The Power of the Mind in Healing" and I went further in

that direction. So now, I work with food therapy and empower my clients to master their mind and their

emotions as well.


Eric: Ok. So now you have a PhD and it's the result of a difficult childhood when you were sick

a lot. Have you ever been able to connect, to find out what was the source of your bad health? Was it

your nutrition? Was it something specific?

Danielle: I don't know that it was something specific. (Note: I was fortunate to have a happy

childhood surrounded by a wonderful family.) It is very controversial, but I am studying more about

vaccinations now and I had a lot of vaccinations. My pediatrician was even afraid, telling my parents,

"We are not going to give her anymore, she had all the vaccinations over and over." There are some

findings that vaccinations can lead to diseases. When I was bedridden in my 30s - I was in incredible

pain, screaming sometimes for hours - it could also have been a late side-effect of vaccinations.

Eric: Was it?

Danielle: It was called polyneuritis. My chiropractor said, "You have all the symptoms, but only

people who are alcoholics can contract polyneuritis." I was not drinking any alcohol. Doing some

research, I found out that it could also be a side-effect of vaccinations.

Eric: Amazing.

Danielle: Who knows whether that's it or not. I cannot go back to have a childhood without

vaccination to check it out.

Eric: Yes.

Danielle: But I became very healthy after I started the nutrition approach following the skin

cancer. I was happy and healthy.

Eric: How did you modify your nutrition? What changes did you make?

Danielle: Besides the studies with the French Institute and during the time I was having these

surgeries, I happened to be walking around in Lausanne, where I lived and I saw a poster on a telephone

pole with the title "Cure cancer with raw food." It was my first dip into something a little bit alternative.

You know when I was growing up, we had good food. My mom went to get fresh bread every morning,

we had produce from the farm. There was no GMO problems like we have today. However, I do not

think it was specifically good food for me. I learned later on that I was allergic to gluten and we ate a lot

of pasta and bread. It was probably part of the problems.

Anyway, back to that poster. I attended the conference. It was interesting. We arrived and there was a

huge table covered with fruits, vegetables and… crabs. They were asleep.

So we went in to the conference room, listened to

whatever was being taught about raw food and we

came out. We were supposed to partake of the bounty

on that table, but at that time, the crabs were walking

all around on top of the fruits and vegetables. We were told to grab a

crab, yank a claw and eat it. And I am going, "Nooooo. I don't think so." It was a little weird.


After that, I came nose to nose with another poster on another telephone pole, this time promising

cancer cures with macrobiotics. I studied macrobiotics for a year. There, you cooked everything, even

your salad and your fruits. You cook everything. And then I decided to make my own thing, because not

everything worked right. I was also doing food experiments on my own, where I did not eat a food for

about 3 weeks and then over-dosed on it to see how my body reacted. That is a way to find out if you

are sensitive to a food or not.

Later on in my 30s and 40s, I did more studies and now I do what is called food therapy. I have a

computer program. I input a lot of information in it and it gives me a chart of what a person should or

should not eat. I then talk to my clients about what's good and what's not, and why.

(Note: Food chart example

In Green: foods that act like medicine

In Black: foods that are "just" nutrition,


In Italick: only eat rarely

In Red: food the body considers as


Eric: Fantastic. Now, talking about your clients, what are the problems or issues you like to

work on most?

Danielle: Well, as mentioned, I do food therapy. I have a client who is an acupuncturist and who

does what's called the Tapping Techniques, as well as different energy therapies. She wanted me to

tweak her nutrition. So I inputted her blood type, metabolic type, brain chemistry type and her age into

the program, as well as the conditions she was dealing with. Age is important, because at different ages,

food reacts differently in the body. When I gave her the chart, she said, "I am not supposed to eat rice?

But I am Chinese." She ate rice every day. She had scleroderma and was almost totally blind. Besides

being a colleague, she was also a friend, so I said, "Why don't you give it a try?" It took her a few weeks,

then she agreed, "Ok, I'll try to follow the chart for one month." She wrote me back within 2 weeks,

saying, "You know, the pain is going away, my hands are not so stiff and I am starting to see colors."

So I believe food is important. Some people can eat whatever they want because they have good

genetics, but some people have to be more careful and others have to be extremely selective with food.

With a computer program now, we can quickly and easily find out what specific food people should eat

for specific conditions.


Eric: So you are saying that the body reacts differently to food depending on who you are,

depending on your genetic, maybe your medical history, and that based on that you need to tweak what

you eat and you can actually decrease the effects of some symptoms, just by doing that?

Danielle: Exactly, yes. That's part of the Key # 1 - Health and Vitality in my program 5 Keys to

Thrive on Planet Earth.

(Note: the 5 Keys are:

Key # 1: Health and vitality - Food, detox, movement and nature

Key # 2: Emotional F.R.E.E.D.O.M. - Free yourself from disempowering beliefs

Key # 3: Mental Fitness Training - train your mind for laser sharp focus

Key # 4: Imagineering or the Power of the Mind in Healing - BodyMind Partnership

Key # 5: Love, Life and Miracles - When You Change Your Energy, You Change Your Destiny)

Eric: Good

Danielle: But if for instance you live in a very stressful environment, like an abusive household - I

worked a lot with abused women and abused children - food is

not going to be enough. Your first need is to get out of that

environment and remove all the stress symptoms. You are not

going to tell somebody who has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress

Disorder), "Just eat a cucumber and you are going to feel

better." You have to get rid of the symptoms of PTSD. That's

what I like to work with. I like to dig deep to find the root cause

of the problem.

Eric: So the first thing you like to work on is the food therapy and then you move onto the

more psychological aspects of what's going on.

Danielle: It all depends on my clients' needs. I also work with business people. I am known for

finding the root cause of a blockage. Right now I have a client, a businessman, who cannot move

forward in his business. He feels something is blocking him. I am not going to do food therapy with him.

That is not what he is interested in.

We are working with a technique called InterActive Guided Imagery(sm) or Client-Centered

Hypnotherapy, going back in time to see why he has that blockage, why it is that he cannot break free of

that glass ceiling. One blockage we already found was that, when he was a child, an Army brat, he was

very worried and felt uncertain about having to move to Germany. He had to leave all his friends and he

felt that uncertainty. He was very stressed about this idea and he kept that stress locked within him.

Now, going into a new business, that uncertainty suddenly surfaces and is blocking him. We also found

another problem, an addiction. He feels bad about this addiction and subconsciously he is punishing


himself, not allowing himself to move forward in his business. We found out what to do, and where it

came from with the imagery and then we use the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Technique, my brand of EFT-Emotional

Freedom Techniques, or Tapping Techniques. I don't know if you are familiar with the Tapping

Techniques, many people talk about them now, as they help to remove blockages. It's a great tool.

Eric: It is? Yes, tell me more about that. How does that work and how does it remove a


Danielle: Well, I'll give you a very short history. You know about

acupuncture, a technique where people insert needles in specific points

on the body. That's been known for some 5000 years in China. Then a

chiropractor, Dr. Goodheart, figured out that you do not need to put

needles, you can just tap on these different points to remove allergies. So

he used that in his practice as a chiropractor for allergies. Then a

psychologist, Dr. Roger Callahan, attended one of his seminars. He made

the connection that an allergy was the same to the body as a phobia was

to the mind. It was an over-reaction.

He started to work with his patients who had fears and phobias, tapping on different points. Within

minutes, the fear or the phobia was gone. Some medical doctors realized that the patients who were

using the Tapping Techniques saw a lot of their symptoms diminishing or going away. It is

understandable because a lot of the symptoms we have come from stress. The Tapping Techniques help

to remove the stress. So medical doctors started to use the Tapping Techniques.

Then it drifted to the world of athletes; many athletes have blockages. They know

how to perform well, yet something is blocking them and they cannot do better.

Just doing the Tapping has helped people improve their golf game, for example. I

was visiting somebody one day and the television was on. There was a hockey game.

I saw a guy going on the ice doing the Tapping. It was quite interesting.

Eric: So you recognized that what he was doing…

Danielle: … was the Tapping.

Eric: Oh, I see…

Danielle: The Tapping will not teach you how to do something. For example, I worked with people

who were doing martial arts. It will not teach you how to

do martial arts, but it will help you improve faster. For

instance, I was learning Aikido and I was afraid of the falls

or of tumbling, because I hurt myself during one of the

exercises. I had to learn to do it. I used the Tapping

Technique to not be afraid to do another fall. It helped me

improve faster. You still have to learn to do things, you still have to learn how to do business for


instance. If you need to do cold calling, you can remove the fear or anxiety about cold calling and you

will then do the calls instead of stalling.

Eric: So when you have to perform, you are in a much better mindset to perform better.

Danielle: Exactly. A lot of public speakers actually use the Tapping Techniques. It does not teach

you how to speak, but it removes the fear of public speaking.

Eric: Interesting. So you can cure (Note: naturopaths are not allowed to "cure", they "relieve")

some of the symptoms in people, but you can also help improve people's performance. It works on both


Danielle: Exactly. It helps people with performance. Now there is also a study by Kaiser Hospitals,

I believe it was based on 17,000 people, called the ACE-Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. In that

study, they found that 86% of people who suffered from degenerative diseases had an adverse

childhood experience. The energy of that experience is still stuck, somewhere in the body. We have

energy circulating in our bodies. What we believe is happening is that when we experience stress or a

trauma, for some reason, that energy stops circulating. It gets "frozen." By using the Tapping, you help

that energy get unstuck and move through the body again.

(Note: Dr. Hamer, a German oncologist, also found that a trauma would cause something like a short-

circuit in the brain. 6 months to 20 years later, a cancer or degenerative disease would develop if the

trauma had not been resolved.)

Eric: So it's that mind-body connection.

Danielle: I work on what is called psycho-neuro-immunology or psychosomatic problems, which is

the body-mind connection.

Eric: Very good. Now what are the other areas you work on or the other specialties that you

work with on your clients?

Danielle: I had a client in California who had chronic and clinical

depression. For years and years, she had been depressed. Again, we used

the imagery to find out where her depression came from. It took about 6

months to get to the root causes and to release them. I was not using the

Tapping Techniques at the time. I was just using Imagery and different

remedies. It took about 6 months and she got out of her depression.

Then, she also had a weight problem. She tried all kinds of weight loss diets and

other therapies and it just did not work. So we went back to Imagery. At the

time, I did not believe in past lives. To me, it just did not exist, yet my client

went back to a time when I guess her ancestry was in Europe and her people

were coming to America on boats. She could remember being famished on that

boat. She constantly wanted to eat.


We know now that we carry emotions from our ancestry in your DNA. For some reason, the hunger was

passed down in her DNA and she was constantly hungry, constantly thinking she was starving.

So, using InterActive Guided Imagery(sm), we can find the reason for the challenge and then we can use

the Tapping Techniques to remove the energy, the frequency of the challenge. Then, we move on to see

if there is another subconscious blockage.

Eric: Now, how do you cancel that imagery of being hungry at that time. How does that work

with the Tapping?

Danielle: How it works? I don't think anybody understands how it works. The medical doctor who

taught me about energy said, "You know, we don't understand, but maybe in 50 to a 100 years, we'll

understand what we are doing. But it does not do any damage and it works wonderfully. Why not use


As I mentioned, I started to study about the mind and nutrition when I was 15. In all my years of

research since that time, I have never come across anything that works as well as the Tapping

Techniques. It is just amazing. When I initially heard what they could do, I thought it was snake oil. It was

just not possible that such a simple technique - I taught it to my 5-year old son, and he is using it - could

work on so many different issues. We are still not sure how it works, but it does.

What is unfortunate is that this technique has been trivialized. I hear a lot of people now saying, "Oh,

yeah, the Tapping Techniques, I tried, it does not work." It works, if you use them properly. Just

downloading a free book is probably not the best way to succeed. Come and do a workshop with me

here in Las Vegas or find somebody who is using them successfully and learn to apply them efficiently.

Eric: Right, right. What you were telling me last week is that there has been a lot of

marketing and publicity made around the Tapping and it kind of took away from its efficiency because it

is not taught correctly.

Danielle: There are what is called the "1-minute

miracle". When I was teaching in high rise buildings, I

always had some students who were afraid of height

or of going in an elevator. Usually, that fear goes away

easily, within 10 minutes. It's not a problem. However,

for somebody who has a degenerative disease like

multiple sclerosis for instance, 10 minutes will not do

it, because there are layers upon

layers upon layers of problems that have never been addressed. You do not have

multiple sclerosis from one day to the next. You have signals before that something

is not working properly. We have a testimonial of somebody with MS who did the

Tapping for 2 years, every day, who got out of her wheelchair.

Eric: Seriously. She could walk again?


Danielle: She could walk again. Is that going to happen with everybody? You never know. You

don't know why they have the problem and what they can do. What we say in the InterActive Guided

Imagery(sm) circle is that the person knows why they have a problem, when it started and they know

what they can do about it. My job is to pull it out of the subconscious mind to make it conscious. Then

we can work on it.

Eric: Now, let's talk a little

bit about energy and vitality because

it's a subject that is very important to

me and to a lot of our listeners. In

everyday life, we are always called to

perform better, and better, and better.

We are like athletes who never get a

season off. And there is only so much energy and vitality we can draw out of ourselves and I know for

example that quite frequently, by mid-day, I have that 2-hr window. That's it, I am drained and I try to

concentrate and it's just not working. So let's talk about energy and vitality. What can people do and

how to manage it so that we have all these resources available to us when we need them.

Danielle: Well, first of all, the human body is not meant to work 24 hrs a day. A lot of us try to do

that and it does not work. You need some rest. It is during the time that you sleep that your body is

recovering. So, rest is important. And then, nature is important. People do not realize that we have a

certain vibration, a certain frequency and that going out in nature is like a reboot. I used to go out all the

time when I was a kid. With my parents, we used to walk in forests, we walked in the mountains, we

went to parks. Nowadays, people just stay glued to their computer, sitting day in and day out, and we

need nature. Nature is will give you a lot of vitality. So it's important to be in nature.

The sun is important. I do not mean going out to bake for hours in the sun but at least half an hour in

the morning or in the evening in the sun, that will also give you vitality.

Drinking water is important. Most people in America are dehydrated. Good water is important. And you

need to drink throughout the day.


(Note: how do you know how much to drink? Drink until your urine is a very pale yellow. Some days, you

need to drink more than others. If you exercise, if it's hot, if you do some intellectual work, you need

more water than on a cold day when you are resting at home.)

Here is one trick if you have that slump, these 2 hours when your energy goes down. Take a cup of

water and sip about a third of it, and 5-10 minutes later, drink another third and then the last third 5-10

minutes later. Very often, it will help you get over that slump.

Eric: Ok.

Danielle: I often forget to drink. I did not drink much in Switzerland but here in Las Vegas, you

need to drink a lot.

Eric: Yes.

Danielle: Now, with our wonderful telephones … by the way, try not to drink out of plastic


Eric: Ok, so I did not show you that bottle then…

Danielle: I have an iPhone and I put a reminder to drink

every hour. The reminder is to drink and to notice what I am

thinking about. Am I thinking about something positive or is my

mind going around on a problem? Becoming aware of what you

are thinking about is also very important because a lot of our

thoughts are not necessarily positive and uplifting. Just become

aware of your thoughts. If you are going to use the Tapping Techniques, you can tap away all those

disempowering thoughts.

Eric: Ok.

Danielle: Then you replace these disempowering thoughts with something more uplifting,

empowering and positive.

And then food again. If you are going to stuff yourself with delicious

spaghettis or pizza at noon, expect to fall asleep in the afternoon.

For me, it takes about 10 minutes if I eat food with gluten. I get very

sleepy. So be careful what you eat. Eat some salad and lean meat, if

you have the blood type that needs to eat meat. And if you like the

pizzas and the pastas, do it when you are going to fall asleep… but

it's still not a good idea.

Eric: Right.

Danielle: But watch what you are eating throughout the day to keep that energy going.


Eric: Ok. So you really have an approach that encompasses a lot. It

encompasses the food, the nutrition, the energy, the subconscious mind, it's

like a whole package thing, as opposed to maybe a western doctor who would

be specialized into looking at just your brain or just something else. So you have

an approach that almost looks at everything, right?

Danielle: It is a holistic approach. It is a psychosomatic or body-mind approach. Psycho-neuro-

immunology means your psyche, your thought, your subconscious mind works on your nervous system,

which then works on your immune system. I have been in the field for over 40 years, so I had the

opportunity to learn different things, to be sick and to recover, and to experience different therapies

and techniques. With new clients and with new issues, I keep on researching. I also like to work with

medical doctors, because I do not have their knowledge and I think if we balance the holistic with the

medical, it could be wonderful.

Eric: Yeah. How come… You know this is kind of a discipline or an aspect of medicine that is

not widely known. Why is it that people are not more interested or not talking more about it?

Danielle: Well, I think that in California, everybody knows what a naturopath or a holistic doctor

is. Also in California, there are a lot of groups which comprise a naturopath, a medical doctor, a

psychologist, a chiropractor and a massage therapist. It's a wonderful way to work together. We don't

see that yet in Las Vegas.

Many people, when you talk about food, think that they already know because they read an article, or

maybe they are afraid. Many people know they are not eating right and they don't want a naturopath to

tell them, "Eat this, don't eat that…" I tell my clients that instead of looking at what they cannot eat, to

look at all they can eat. Often, it's just about making very small changes.

When I see clients who have very bad eating habits, I usually start with salt, because if you start with

something that is simple, they will do it.

Salt can be the white salt that has

absolutely nothing and causes health

problems or it can be Real Salt, Celtic salt

or Himalayan salt or other unrefined salts.

These have about 86 minerals that the

body needs. It does not change the taste

of the food that you eat, but it's going to bring the minerals that you need.

Eric: That is an interesting tip. So the salt that you buy at the supermarket, like iodized salt,

could actually cause problems?

Danielle: Yes. You know, a lot of medical doctors tell you to give up the salt. Well, give up that

kind of salt, but the body needs salt. If you have an emergency and you go to the hospital, what do they

do? They give you a saline solution.


Eric: Right.

Danielle: If you taste your tears, they are salty. We need salt in the body but we need the good

kind of salt. (Note: and it should not be overdone. A little salt is good. We do not need much.)

Eric: So Himalayan salt you said is a lot better than regular iodized salt, when you cook.

Danielle: Yes. Himalayan or Celtic, which is grey, or Real Salt, which comes from the mines of

Utah, way, way deep in the Earth. That is a good salt too.

Eric: Ok.

Danielle: Then I move onto oils, because oils are not going to change the taste of the food that

you eat, but some oils will clog up your cells. You probably know that your body is made up of cells, and

on the membranes of these cells you have doors for nutrients to go in and doors for trash to get out.

That membrane is actually the brain of the cell and it is made up of oils. If you eat oils that clogs these

doors, nutrients cannot get in, trash cannot get out and eventually the cell will die. So the oils that you

ingest are very important too.

Eric: Ok, very good. Now, if somebody comes to see you, maybe because they want to

perform better or they want to lose weight or have more energy, how many sessions does it take to get

somebody to where they want to be? Kind of a loaded question I guess.

Danielle: Well, it depends. I just worked with a lady when I was in

Denver. She had a swollen lymph node and it took 10 minutes to get it down.

Then there was this lady who had chronic depression: it took 6 months.

I get an idea usually. I talk to people for awhile and then I see what I can do, if

I can do something for them. I get an idea about how many sessions it will

take to see an improvement. And it's different for everybody. So, it's difficult

to answer that question.

Eric: Right, ok, ok.

Danielle: If you have a fear of going in an elevator or a fear of flying… I had a lady who contacted

me from New York (most of my sessions are done by Skype). She wanted

to fly to Europe to visit her daughter and she was very, very scared about

flying. Within an hour, we took all that fear of flying away and she actually

enjoyed her trip. It is usually pretty easy to get rid of things like fears and

phobias. If you have to go deeper, like with addictions and weight loss,

depression or PTSD, it's going to take more than 10 minutes.

Eric: Ok. Now if one of our listeners is experiencing some of those symptoms, and they say I

want to go see someone, at what point should they just say, "Hey, you know what, I need to go see

someone. Danielle, make an appointment." How do they know it's time for them to take action?


Danielle: Well, first of all, you have to become aware you have a problem. An alcoholic is not

going to do anything until he becomes aware that he is an alcoholic and he needs to do something, he or

she needs to do something. So awareness is first. Then he has to be willing. He has to say, "It's ok, I

realize I have this problem, but am I willing to do something about it?"

Eric: Ok.

Danielle: That's when I come in with tools and techniques. I have studied many tools, many

strategies and techniques. Then people need to take action. You know that it's not enough to hear about

the Tapping Techniques, they need to do the Tapping and that will bring success. So you have

Awareness, Willingness, Tools and Techniques, Actions and that bring success.

Awareness + Willingness + Tools and Techniques + Action = SUCCESS!

Eric: So as soon as they are willing to act on all 4, then it's a good time for them to come see

you and you can speed up that process for them.

Danielle: Exactly. You may realize that you don't feel well and that you could have more vitality,

but maybe you also realize that you don't have 20 years to study everything and an article in a

newspaper is not going to give you all the tools. A lot of people think, "Ok, I read that I am supposed to

take this herb for my condition." Every week though, there is a new miracle herb for more energy, more

vitality, more this or less that. But there is more to health than just taking an herb.

Eric: Right, right. If it was just that easy as a DYI guide, then there would not be any doctors,


Danielle: Exactly. Yes.

Eric: Very good. Now if one of our listeners wants to get a hold of you, maybe to just have a

conversation or ask you a question or set up a consultation with you, what is the best way for them to

get a hold of you?

Danielle: You can go on my website, that's or my name,, it takes you to the same place or you can call me at 702-900-6730.

We can talk or set up an appointment. What I have also done is have lunch with some people and we

talk during our time together so I can feel whether I can help them or not.

Eric: Very good, very good. And you know, I've known Danielle

for awhile now and she is very intuitive. She has a way of being able to

pick up on all those cues and is able to tell you, "Ok, this is the direction

you should take." I've noticed that about you.

Danielle: Yes. Intuition plays a role too. Intuition, experience,

study and research.


Eric: Ya, ya, absolutely. So or


Danielle: Yes.

Eric: Very good, very good. Well, thanks for spending that time with us, Danielle. We really,

really appreciate. I think our listeners learned a lot about you and about what you do and how you can

help them speed up either their recovery or improve their performance and you are in Las Vegas of

course, so you will be available to them. Any last thought you want to add before we end our time


Danielle: Well, what I am studying right now is

about genes. A lot of people think it's because of

genetics that they have cancer, or have diabetes, or that

they are overweight. New research shows that genetics

count for only about 5%. Your lifestyle counts for 95% of

what's happening to you and you can take care of your


Eric: Ok. And the lifestyle is something you can control because this is the thing you can

affect the second you make a change.

Danielle: Exactly.

Eric: Very good, very good. Well thank you for your time again.

Danielle: Well ,thank you for having me.

Eric: Of course. And you know, listeners, we would appreciate if you want to just take a

minute or two and leave us a positive review on Thank you again for listening and we'll catch

you again next week.



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