Five benefits of massage therapy

Five Benefits of Massage Therapy


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Five Benefits of Massage Therapy

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Five Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a field that involves using manual techniques to manipulate the soft tissues in the body. This practice has been around since the B.C. times. Researchers have studied massage therapy for several years and have found that it offers a several potential health benefits. Here are five of the many benefits of seeing a registered massage therapist on a regular basis:

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Migraine Relief

A migraine is an intense headache that is accompanied with sensitivity to light and nausea. The pain of a migraine can last anywhere from two to 72 hours. Migraines are rarely caused by anything serious, but they can interfere with a person’s ability to complete necessary tasks. Studies have shown that massage therapy can help alleviate the pain of a migraine.

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Migraine Relief

Massage therapy can help reduce stress, and stress can trigger or worsen a migraine. Massage therapy can also help improve blood circulation to brain. Furthermore, massage therapy can help promote restful sleep. When a person sleeps, his or her body heals itself naturally.

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Back Pain Relief

There have been numerous studies done to confirm that massage therapy can help alleviate back pain. There was one study done in 2003 on patients who had suffered from back pain.

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Back Pain Relief

The results of the study showed that massage therapy can reduce the need for pain medication by up to 36 percent. The study also suggested that massage therapy may be more effective for alleviating back pain than acupuncture.

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Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that affects approximately 30 percent of adults. If high blood pressure is left untreated, then it can lead to heart attacks, strokes and blindness. There was a study done in 1999 by the University of Miami School of Medicine. The study involved two groups of hypertensive people.

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Lower Blood Pressure

Half of the participants were placed in a progressive relaxation group while the other half were placed in a massage therapy group. The subjects who were placed in a massage therapy group were given two thirty-minute massages per week. The study lasted for five weeks.

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Lower Blood Pressure

Both groups of participants had lower blood pressures at the end of five weeks. However, the participants in the massage therapy group had lower blood pressures than the subjects in the progressive relaxation group.

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Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry or uneasiness. Everyone feels anxious from time to time, and that is completely normal. However, chronic anxiety can have a negative impact on a person’s life.

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Studies have shown that a massage can help reduce the amount of cortisol in a person’s body by up to 50 percent. An elevated cortisol level can cause a person to suffer from anxiety.

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Cancer is a condition that occurs when the cells in the body begin to grow and divide uncontrollably. It is estimated that one-third of men and half of women will develop cancer in their lifetime.

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Massage therapy can benefit cancer patients by alleviating some of the symptoms of cancer. Regular massages can also help boost the immune system.

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Further Reading…

• Grossbeak Chiropractic & Fitness is committed to your well-being. Visit us online at to learn more.