“The ability to follow directions is a mark of superior intelligence.“ - Carolyn Da Cunha PAF...

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Transcript of “The ability to follow directions is a mark of superior intelligence.“ - Carolyn Da Cunha PAF...

“The ability to follow directions is a mark of superior


- Carolyn Da Cunha

PAF 101Module 2, Lecture


Class Agenda•Announcements•Drivers and Problem-Solving •Assignment

Get Your Parents to Meet Coplin•This Saturday from 9:30-10:30 at the SU Bookstore 9/26

•Send them so you can sleep later

•Coplin presents his Skills Shtick

Competition Points

As of 9/25/2015



Group # Points

14 13

12 6

1 5

2 5

11 5

17 5

8 4

15 4

18 4

5 4

4 3

3 3

9 3

6 1

7 1

10 1

13 1

16 0

Thinking about drivers•Drivers that Set the Agenda

• Fear• Greed• Guilt • Love

• Problem-Solving Needs to be Beyond the Drivers and driven by information, researched based speculation and continuing evaluation and not emotion.

Exercise 2.5•Use the 2010 census for population only

•Use 2014 estimates for the rest of the categories if 2010 data is not given on census quick-facts

Exercise 2.6

•When stating your societal problem, make sure to use:• Too little• Too much• Too low• Too high

Things You Won’t Learn in School

•Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!

•Rule 2: The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

•Rule 3: You will NOT make $100,000 a year right out of college. You won't be a vice-president until you earn it.

Things You Won’t Learn in School•Rule 4: If you think your professors are tough, wait till you get a boss.

•Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

College Board Study•Study entitled Education Pays 2013 states “both individuals and society as a whole benefit from increased levels of education.”

•What is the College Board?

More on the College Board• In 2012, the CEO of College Board retired, making $1,848,009 that year!

•Total Revenue in 2013 = $779,465,000

•Total Expenses in 2013 = $726,774,000

•Total “profit” = $52,691,000SOURCE: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/10/24/higher-ed-trade-group-presidents-make-more-many-college-presidents & http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/membership/national-2013/forum-agenda-13b7353.pdf, p. 6

Good NewsEducation Pays

Good News for Society

• Higher levels of volunteer work, blood donations, voting

• Openness to others’ opinions• Healthier, off of welfare

Bad News• 69% of graduates have debt (2013).

• Average debt is $28,400 (2013), up 2% more than what graduates owed in 2009.

• Video on Higher Education (2 min)

Average Tuition from 1978 to 2044

College As An Investment

•35% of students graduate in four years and 53% in six years.

• It might make more sense to put money in a mutual fund.

• It’s very risky especially as the price goes up.

A Public Policy Investment•Does it create economic growth?

•How much personal and public debt does it increase?

•What does it do for the poor?

Really Bad News




































Postsecondary Enrollment Rates of Recent High School Graduates by Family Income,


Lowest Income Quintile2nd Income Quintile3rd Income Quintile4th Income Quintile






Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2010.

Lack of Job Preparation• There is widespread belief that colleges do very little to prepare students to be constructive citizens of society.

• “90% of college graduates reported that their degree was useful in getting a job but did not prepare them with the necessary skills to succeed in the workplace” (Chronicle of Higher Education, October 15, 2004).

• 64% of (employed) college graduates say that they have the skills to advance in their company (Hart Research Associates, 2014).

• 64% of employers say that college graduates do not have the skills to advance in their company. (Hart Research Associates, 2014).

Bad News

Students think they are more prepared than employers do

Social and Economic Downside

Bad News

What does this mean? •“Too many people are going to college…for most America’s young people, today’s college is a punishing anachronism.”

Charles Murray

America’s Reality•“We have set up a standard known as the B.A., stripped it of its traditional content, and made it an artificial job qualification. Then we stigmatize everyone that doesn’t get one.”

Charles Murray

How Many 25 & Older Have Bachelors Degrees


For You—This is Reality •“A college degree and a dollar will get you four quarters.”

Bill Coplin in 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College

Reduce the Riskiness of College

•Figure out X•A College Degree + X = Career Success

Graduate School May Suck Too

•Unless required for job (e.g., Doctors and Lawyers but Law School Sucks)

•Unless you have at least 2 years experience after college

•Unless the program you take has high job placement that you can verify

•Universities are in business and you are the sales target.

Enough About You•What does it mean for America?

• Is subsidizing college good public policy like the College Board claims?

Why So Much Support for College?

•The middle and upper middle class want it that way.

• In the name of helping all, we create four years of summer camp

• It’s a subsidy that just keeps getting votes

Federal Policy Proposals to Make Higher Education Work for the Public Good –Ex. 6.2

1. Direct financial aid for students to where there are job shortages

2. Require Accountability for Learning Outcomes

3. Provide grants to colleges that give credit for extensive community-based learning

One more policy…

Policy proposal at the federal, and state levels…

•All Higher Education Sales Material—Print or Electronic Must Have the Following Warning:

•Disclaimer: The outcomes described in these materials illustrate past student achievements and are not guaranteed for current and future students.

Assumptions for New Policies

•For you: College should be primarily for developing skills, character and career exploration

•For public policy: Federal spending on college should be about workforce preparation and not obtaining a college degree

Regrade Instructions

On the PAF 101 website under Module One tab:

Regrade Request Form: MUST BE TYPED

*See Sample Regrade Request Form


Don’t correct your mistakes; justify why you think you deserve points back

Submit form attached to the front of your Module 1 with a binder clip to your TA the class after you get your module back.

For Module One: Due on Monday 9/28


•Contact any of the three Regrade Directors• Kailey Kanekakane01@syr.edu

• Maria Penoliarmpenolia@syr.edu

• Sonia Suchaksysuchak@syr.edu

Outside Speaker Announcement• John Mandyck, Chief Sustainability Officer of United Technologies

Syracuse Center of Excellence Seminar, September 28th

• Food Foolish - The Hidden Connection Between Food Waste, Hunger and Climate Change

• 3:30pm-5:00pm

•Click here for more information.


• Module 2 due 12:45 on Friday, 10/9

• Module 1 regrade request due on Monday, 9/28
