TGI Pitch

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of TGI Pitch

Age TargetAge a target forwards or backwards as desired or until it ceases to exist.

Created By: Daniel Schraad

Mechanic Info

Platform: PS3

Number of Players: Story mode: 1; multiplayer: 1-4

Controls: 12 button controller

Perspective: Third person

Summary of the Mechanic

Upon hitting a valid target, the player may control whether the target will age forwards or backwards. When a threshold of age is exceeded, the target will turn to dust or disappear accordingly.

This mechanic is unique because: It utilizes the age of a target to the player’s advantage, allowing exploration of new strategies.

Aging an Enemy ForwardThe enemy (left) is hit with the aging device, causing him to grow older (middle).

The player chose to age the enemy until he expired (right).

Aging a Metal Object ForwardMetal bars (left) blocked a path, so the player shot them with the aging device,

making them rust (middle), and eventually turn to dust (right).

Transform MatterChange the elemental makeup of an object to give it useful properties.

Mechanic Info

Platform: PS3

Number of Players: Story mode: 1; multiplayer: 1-4

Controls: 12 button controller

Perspective: Third person

Summary of the Mechanic

Upon hitting a valid target, the target’s appearance will transition from one texture to another. Once the transition is complete, the object will have physical properties that match the new texture.

This mechanic is unique because: It gives the player the ability to change the environment itself.

Manipulating a Wooden ObjectUpon touching this wooden beam with the elemental manipulation device (left),

the beam emitted a glow (middle) and turned into a metal beam (right).

Manipulating WaterUpon touching a pool of water with the elemental manipulation device (left), the water around the device started changing color (middle), and it became a pool of

dangerous acid. (right)

Generate Gravity Field

Change gravity to get around obstacles or multiply it to incapacitate foes.

Mechanic Info

Platform: PS3

Number of Players: Story mode: 1; multiplayer: 1-4

Controls: 12 button controller

Perspective: Third person

Summary of the Mechanic

The player may place/throw a device that pulls gravity towards the direction it faces within a radius for a short time. If placed on the ground, gravity will be doubled and lifeforms will be rendered immobile for as long as the gravity field lasts.

This mechanic is unique because: It can be used to change the battlefield and gives map makers a new method of traveling for otherwise unreachable areas.

Gravity Field on WallsBlocked by an obstacle (far left), the player places a gravity generator on the wall

(middle-left). With the new gravity, the player can walk on the wall (middle-right) and surpass the obstacle (far right).

Gravity Field on GroundA crowd of enemies lies ahead (left). The player chooses to throw a gravity

generator in the middle of them (middle), causing them to collapse from the sudden weight increase (right). One of them was out of the radius.

Magnetic PulseForce all magnetic objects in an area towards or away from the pulse origin.

Mechanic Info

Platform: PS3

Number of Players: Story mode: 1; multiplayer: 1-4

Controls: 12 button controller

Perspective: Third person

Summary of the Mechanic

The player may throw this device like a grenade using one of two buttons. After a few seconds, it will explode in sparks and electricity, causing all magnetic objects within a radius to move towards or away from the location of the explosion, depending on the which button was initially pressed.

This mechanic is unique because: It can be used to disarm groups of enemies among other potential uses.

Repel Magnetic ObjectsA crowd of enemies lies ahead (left). The player chooses to throw a charged

magnetic pulse in the middle of them (middle), causing their metal armor to take them far away from the magnetic field (right). One of them was out of the radius.

Attract Magnetic ObjectsA crowd of enemies lies ahead (left). The player chooses to throw an uncharged

magnetic pulse in the middle of them (middle), pulling all of their weapons out of their hands and towards the magnetic field (right). One of them was out of the radius.

Mirrored CloneSet up a mirror whose reflection affects the real world until it is shattered.

Mechanic Info

Platform: PS3

Number of Players: Story mode: 1; multiplayer: 1-4

Controls: 12 button controller

Perspective: Third person

Summary of the Mechanic

When fully set up, the mirror will double bullets, tools, and items for any subject in its reflection. This effect lasts until the subject is no longer in the reflection area of the mirror or until the mirror is destroyed.

This mechanic is unique because: The player can essentially double any action on targets, opening up the potential for far more strategies and risks alike.

Using a MirrorOnly able to kill one enemy (left), the player sets up a mirror (middle) and uses it

to double the effect of their gun and kill both enemies (right).