Tblc april 2012 sms for libraries

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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According to the Pew Research Center, 72% of adult cell phone owners use text messaging. On average, teens send and receive five times more texts per day than adults; however, both of these demographics are sending questions, receiving notifications, and communicating with their friends, family, and social networks. As users grow more comfortable with this messaging environment, libraries have a unique opportunity to communicate directly with these users via their mobile devices.Join Novare Library Services to learn how to enhance your library services with text messaging. From answering reference questions to pushing circulation notifications to promoting library programming, new resources, and service information to their users, libraries can learn how SMS can create more regular and more efficient communication between you and your users.

Transcript of Tblc april 2012 sms for libraries

SMS Services for Libraries


o What is SMS?o Some Factso SMS in your libraryo Promoting your SMS Serviceo Future of SMSo Questions/Discussion

The Basics

o SMS - Short Message Service (i.e., text messaging)o 160 character limito Shortcodeo Blast (one to many)o Incoming/outgoingo Smart phoneo Clever phoneo Google Texting Lingo


The Facts

250+ million Americans carry mobile phones (80% of the nation)

4 of 5 teens carry a wireless device, and the majority (57%) view their cell phone as the key to their social life

Teens today have NEVER known a world without cellphones

http://bit.ly/IGl05D, http://bit.ly/IGm2hQ

Uploaded to Flickr on November 8, 2007 by Travelin' Librarian/ Uploaded to Flickr on November 29, 2006 by Michael Casey

What’s your library’s policy?

Reference Questions

• Ask a Librarian's SMS• Twilio• Mosio

• Google Voice

Create a simple ( & free) SMS Reference Service

1. Set up a free Google Voice number.

2. Promote number.

3. Optional: use free GVMax service to send notifications via Instant Messaging, emails, Prowl & Howl notifications, Twitter, HttpPost, and SMS.

4. Optional: use Twitter and go800corp.com so users can text your twitter name to 46800 and be connected to your phone.

Circulation Notices

Existing software that can help a library send hold, overdue, and other circulation-based notifications to users.

Some examples:• Mosio• Shoutbomb• Twilio• ILS Vendors with

functionality: Koha, Innovative, and Polaris.

Send Catalog Records

Other Ideas for SMS in your library

• Blast Announcements!• SMS Programming Ideas

• Trivia Night• Polls• Registration for Programs• Open Communication• Contests

Create Treks Challenges Rewards Libraries get accounts

upgraded for free

Options Play with Native App SMS


Promoting SMS• QR Codes• Email• Website• Facebook and other Social


• Word of Mouth

Pros and Cons of SMS

Pros:• Low Cost• Easy to Implement• Immediately available• Flexible• Connects directly with users• Statistics• Platform ubiquitous

Cons:• Leaves out non-SMS users• Standard texting rates may apply

Future of SMS• Payments• Group Messaging• Geo-fencing marketing• Voice (TTS, STT)• App to Person Messaging• Person to App Messaging• Directions/Maps• SPAM/Malicious apps!

Image from http://www.tuvie.com/wp-content/uploads/window-phone4.jpg


What are your plans for SMS?

Contact Information





Novare Library Services 877-816-9638

Diana Silveira