Task 1 How to start a conversation?. Task 1--- How to start a conversation A very common way to...

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Transcript of Task 1 How to start a conversation?. Task 1--- How to start a conversation A very common way to...

Task 1How to start a conversation?

Task 1--- How to start a conversation

A very common way to start a conversation in the West is to talk about the weather because it is an inoffensive way to start a conversation under any circumstances. Strangers can break the ice and warm up the atmosphere by talking about the weather. In this way, people can get to know each other naturally and continue to talk about other subjects.


Nice day, isn’t it? Dreadful weather, don’t you think? It’s good to see the sun again. It’s freezing today. Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? Say, don’t I know you from somewhere? Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing--- did you

mention something about…? Excuse me, could you let me have a look at

your magazine? I am fond of the film star on the cover.

Sample dialogue

(On a train) A: Going far, are you? B: No, just Beijing. A: Oh, I see. B: And you? A: Oh, I’m going all the way to Dalian. B: Sightseeing, I suppose. A: No, to see some friends, actually,

college friends.


Start a conversation with people around on the following occasions.

At a cocktail party At your best friend’s birthday party In the school canteen On the sports ground In a bus station In the disco

Making up dialogue

1. You are seated on an airplane next to a girl/ boy and you’d like to talk to her/ him, so you start to speak to her/ him.

2. At a party you find yourself face to face with a stranger who is getting a drink. And you’d like to have a talk with him.

Task 2

Saying Goodbye

Task 2--- Saying Goodbye

When you want to end a conversation, it’s up to you to find a acceptable structures. Often these can includes a hint for your leaving or a reason for having to leave (Like “Nice talking with you” or “Sorry, I must get back to work”, etc.) It is usual practice to end a conversation politely. Just walking away would be considered extremely rude.

Common Expressions

Bye and good luck. See you later. Hope to meet you soon. It’s a pleasure meeting you. Nice talking to you. I had better be off. We’ll keep in touch. Bye, have a nice day. So long. Take care (of yourself.) I had to leave.

Sample dialogue--- I guess I’d better leave

John: It’s getting late. I guess I’d better leave. Leo: Must you go so soon? Can’t you stay a little longer? John: I’m afraid I really have to go. I’ll have an important interview tomorrow morning. Leo: Well, in that case, we won’t keep you any longer. Good luck to you tomorrow, and I hope we’ll get together soon.


1. You are at a party which you aren’t enjoying very much and are waiting for an excuse to leave. After coffee, you think out a reason and go over to your host/ hostess.

2. You are seeing Linda off at the airport. She is your close friend and has been staying with you for two weeks. She is returning to England. You ask her to keep in touch.

Task 3

Telephone Conversation

Task 3--- Telephone Conversation

There are some common expressions in talking on the phone. Usually you can firstly greet the person on the phone, then give him your name, your workplace, and the purpose for your call. If you want to talk with somebody else, say his or her name directly, avoiding making people feel confused about your purpose. We are supposed to pay attention to two points: 1. Be polite; 2. Be brief.

Common Expressions

Hi, John speaking. I’d like to speak to Tom, please. May I ask who’s calling? You’re wanted on the phone. He’s unavailable at the moment. I think you’ve got the wrong number. Can you put me through to the Service

Department? It’s pretty hard to reach you. May I leave a message? Hold on, please.

Sample dialogue--- Is Matt There? A: Hello, 6577-8868.

B: Hello, is Matt there please? A: I’m sorry. Matt isn’t in at the moment. B: Oh. Do you know what time he’ll be back? A: Sometime later this afternoon. He should be back for dinner. Can I take a message? B: Thanks. Could you tell him that Jason called? A: One moment. I’ll get a pen. Now that’s Jason. B: Yes. I’m in his seminar group( 研究小组 ). Could he call me tonight? My number is 9912-3344. A: That’s 9912-3344. B: That’s right. Thanks for your help. A: No trouble at all. I’ll make sure he gets the message. Good bye. B: Bye.

create a short telephone conversation

For each, paying attention to the cues given. A: leave a message. B: ask to have your call returned. C: tell the person you will call back later.

1. You are calling your friend Frank, but he is already asleep. (A)

2. You call the plumber to have your toilet repaired, but he is not in. (C)

3. You call a co-worker, but he is out to lunch. (B) 4. Joe calls a friend to give him information about the

camping trip he has organized for next week. The roommate tells Joe that the friend is sick and can’t talk. (A)

Task 4

Asking the way

Background information

When you ask somebody the way, you are disturbing him or her. You should always be polite, otherwise you may not get a direction or be given a wrong one. Generally, you should say “Excuse/ Pardon me”, “I beg your pardon”, or “Sorry to disturb/ trouble you” before asking somebody to point your way. Of course you can also use these sentences patterns, “Please tell me how to get to…” “Could you kindly tell me where …. is?”, “Hi, do you happen to know where… is?” etc.

Background information II

If someone asks you to tell them the way and you can give a hand, your help should be greatly appreciated. Anyone may need help, especially when he/she is in a new place. If you can help a stranger, please try your best to be kind. It’s usual practice to point the way clearly for others in the West.

Common expressions1. Could you possibly tell me where the museum is,

please?2. I am told West Station is near this place. Do you

happen to know where it is?3. Excuse me, could you show me the way to Holiday

Inn?4. Would you mind telling me how to get to the Central

China University of Science and Technology?5. The bank is half way down the street.6. Turn left at the first corner after the crossroads.7. You are going in the wrong direction.8. This is the shortcut to the stadium.

Sample dialogue--- I’m looking for the Exhibition Center

A: Pardon me, could you do me a favor? I’m looking for the exhibition center.

B: Yes, it’s that way. You go three blocks, then turn right at the traffic light. It’s on the corner opposite the zoo.

A: Thank you very much. I’ve only been in town a few days, so I really don’t know my way around yet.

B: Oh, I know how you feel. I moved here half a year ago, and I still don’t know where everything is.

A: Anyway, you’re so helpful. Thanks again.B: My pleasure.


Ask your partner the way to:

1. The nearest Mc’Donald

2. New World Department Store

3. Your favorite bookstore

Situations: work out appropriate replies, using the information given below.

1. Could you please tell where a good restaurant is? Reply:________

2. Do you know where I could find a hotel? Reply: ________

3. Could you direct me to the nearest post office? Reply: ________

4. Could you give me the direct location of your professor’s office? Reply: ______

5. Where would one find a place to buy a bottle of water? Reply: __________

Task 5

Asking for Information

Background Information

A conversation often depends on questions to keep it going in the direction you want it to go. The one that asks the questions usually controls the conversation. Various techniques may be necessary to get different kinds of information from different people. Most people are very polite when they ask strangers about something--- if you are more direct, you may appear to be rude. Anyway, personal questions have to be expressed very politely.

Common Expressions

1. Could you tell me some more about Shenzhou VI?

2. Would you mind telling me more about this meeting?

3. I’d like to know more about your education.4. This may sound like a stupid question, but I’d

like to know why you are still a bachelor.5. Something else I am wondering about is how

your family supported you in achieving this.

Background knowledge II

When you ask people questions, they often don’t give you enough information right away. Then you have to ask them for additional information--- you may want more details or you may not be satisfied with the answers they have given. Then you should change your question techniques for getting the extra information that you want.

Common Expressions II

6. I hope you don’t mind my asking, that is, would you tell me your age?

7. Excuse me, do you happen to know when the train to Beijing leaves?

8. Sorry, that’s not quite what I meant. What I really wanted to know was whether I could borrow your laptop.

9. Sorry to bother you again, but could you tell me how you keep in such fantastic shape?

10. Sorry, I didn’t quite follow what you said.

Sample dialogue

A: Excuse me, could you tell me something about college life? I’m new here.

B: But what would you like to know?A: What do you usually do after classes?B: Take me for example. I often go to the reading room or the

library, where I can get a good review of all kinds of newspapers, magazines, periodicals or journals.

A: What activities do you take part in?B: There are always lectures and reports. Every Friday

evening we can watch English films or video in our Department.

A: I like that. Will there be one this week?B: Yes, of course. I think Jane Eyre will be on show.

Sample dialogue IIA: What about sports and other extra-curricular


B: Oh, there are ball games nearly every week. You can also join different kinds of clubs organized by the Students’ Union.

A: That’s OK. Is there anything else that may be of interest to me?

B: Oh, yes. There’s always a dance held on Saturday evenings. Are you interested in dancing?

A: Interested? I certainly am. But I really don’t know what to do. College life is quite rich and full.


This is the first time you’ve studied in the Department of English. You are talking with a sophomore. Ask him/her something about the department. The following are topics of information for your reference: teachers, facilities, classroom, extra-curricular activities, etc.

Task 6

Making a Request

Cultural Background

Westerners tend to use rather roundabout ways of asking for things or favors, but use very friendly and frank words in responding to a request. If they offer you something, like a seat, they may do so only once. So if you feel you want it, just say “Thank you” or “You are so kind”, and take the offer. If you are at a Westerner’s home and you need a drink, some fresh air, or even the toilet, you can ask politely and they won’t be offended.

Common Expressions1. If you are not too busy, could you do me a

favor?2. Please oblige me by lifting this box.3. Would you be so kind as to explain the theory?4. I’d be very grateful if you’d get me up at 7

tomorrow.5. Would you do me a good turn by decorating

the Christmas tree?6. I’d appreciate it if you could advise me how to

do it.7. Will you please download this program for me

at your computer?8. Could you be so kind as to ask for sick leave

for me from Professor Jones?9. Could you get me two books if you happen to

go to the bookstore?

Sample dialogue

A: It looks like I could use another pair of hands. Colin, would you help me with the box?

B: Sure.A: I’m glad you come along. This is heavy!B: What’s in it?A: My new stereo equipment. I just bought it.B: Great! Where do you want it to be placed?A: In my dorm.A: Do you need me help to set it up?B: Thanks anyway, but I think I can manage. The

salesclerk explained how to do it in great detail.

Speaking activity---Complete the following sentences in your own words

1. May/ Can/ Could I…?

2. Would/ Will/ Could you allow me…?

3. Would/ Do you mind if I…?

4. I wonder if you could…

5. Will you please….

6. Could I bother you to…

7. Would you be so kind as to…

8. May I trouble you to…


1. You don’t have time to finish the chores your mother assigned you before your friends arrive to pick you to go see a movie. Ask your father for help.

2. You have to make an important phone call but you need money. You ask a stranger for some money.

3. You are nervous in asking a person on a date, and you seek advice from a friend.

Task 7

Giving Thanks

Cultural background

In the English language, “Thanks” is used in informal situations or in the situations in which a person has helped you in a not very important way. “Thank you” is the standard form, which is acceptable in all situations. “Thank you very much” is used only when someone has done something special to help you. The tone of voice can also add meaning to a statement of thanks. A warm, meaningful “Thanks” sometimes means a lot more to the listener than a cold formal “Thank you”.

Common Expressions

1. How can I ever repay your kindness?2. I really appreciate your help.3. I’d like to give my thanks to all of you.4. How can I thank you enough?5. Allow me to express my gratitude for your

support.6. It was very kind of you to give me so much of

your time.7. I owe all my achievements to your guidance

and encouragement.8. I’m grateful for all you’ve done for me.9. In Western countries, it is even considered

polite to thank the person who pays you a compliment.

Sample dialogueA: Helen, I’ve finished correcting your

homework.B: Thank you. Any mistakes this time?A: Yes, everywhere.B: Oh, I’m going to kill myself!A: Come on, Helen. I was just joking.B: What do you mean then?A: You’ve made no mistakes this time. I’ve very

glad you’ve made such great progress.B: Oh, really? Thanks a lot. Thank you so much

for your help!A: You’re welcome.

Practice--- Judge which of the following can be used either as thanks or as responses to thanks and try to

use them in your conversations.

1. I’m delighted to have been of some help to you.

2. Don’t mention it.

3. You’re most welcome.

4. I’m only too glad to have been of service to you.

5. It’s nothing.


1. You see a good friend crying in her bed. Offer help to her. And she thanks you.

2. You find a petty girl or handsome boy having difficulty in her or his studying of English. Offer help and she/he thanks you.

Task 8

Making an Apology

Cultural background

When an Englishman does something wrong, he will save a lot of trouble by apologizing first before others complain to him. In this case it may be even more essential to “break the bad news gently”( 委婉地透露不好的消息) . After people hear what he does, they may ask him to explain how the thing happens. They may then forgive him.

Background information

Westerners do not consider excessive modesty a great virtue as Chinese people do. Phrases such as “I’m sorry to have wasted your time” are considered very embarrassing; if, in fact, you really believe you are wasting others’ time, you should stay away from an office, not give a report to a seminar, or not give a speech at a conference.


1. Excuse / Pardon/ Forgive me, please.2. Excuse my interrupting you.3. I’m sorry to bother/ trouble you.4. I’m very/ extremely/ terribly/ awfully sorry.5. I owe you an apology for being late.6. I’ve got to apologize to you for not keeping my

promise.7. Hope you don’t mind.8. Please forgive me for my carelessness.9. I didn’t mean to offend you.10. I think it’s I, not you, that should say sorry.

Sample dialogue--- I’d like to apologize

A: Sorry, Lily. I’d like to apologize for breaking your glasses while tidying up your desk.

B: So it was you! You must have been careless.A: I’m on duty today. It was the first time I’d ever been

so clumsy. I’m really sorry.B: Well, in that case, don’t worry about it any more.A: I’ll pay for it and try to be more careful in the future.B: There’s no need to pay, but be sure you’re careful

form now on.A: I will. Sorry again.


1. In a dance party, one partner treads on the other’s toes. What should one say? And how should the other respond?

2. Two friends should meet at the entrance to the cinema at the specific time. But one is late for some time.

Task 9

Making a suggestion

Background knowledge There are many ways of trying to get people

to do things for their own good. But the expressions you use depend on:

1. How difficult or unpleasant the action you suggest is; and

2. Who you are and who you are talking to--- the roles you are playing.

Remember the suggestions or advice on personal matters are usually given only to close friends or when someone asks for advice. North Americans like to “do their own things” and “mind their own business”.

Avoid “You’d better” or any other structures that are commonly for strong advice, like “I think you should…” and “ I suppose you must…”,

Because these structures suggest the listener has done something wrong.

Use the structures that give the listener the option of declining your advice or suggestion, e.g. “Perhaps you could”, “How about” or “Couldn’t you try”. And the tone of their advice is also sincere.

Consider: volume, texture, pitch, and speed

the volume of the voice should be low,

the texture soft,

the pitch high,

the speed normal

In a word, advice should sound understanding and open to discussion.

Common Expressions1. You should/ ought to do it at once.

2. You’d better wear a heavy coat.

3. I think it a good idea to meet him in the station.

4. How/ What about going window-shopping?

5. Why don’t you speak to her about it?

6. The doctor suggested that he stop smoking.

7. Follow my advice and take more exercise.

8. Couldn’t you try to tell her the truth?

9. If I were you, I’d tell her everything.

10. Can you give me some advice?

Dialogue--- Some advice on how to improve spoken English

A: Hi, advisor! Would you be so kind to give me some advice on how to improve my spoken English? I’ve been studying English for over ten years, and I got high scores in the TOEFL exam, but I still find it hard to express myself in English.

B: Don’t worry. I’ll be glad to help you. As I know, most Chinese students spend a lot of time reading, writing, and doing written exercises when they are in their country learning English. They seldom open their mouths to speak it.

No wonder, they find it difficult to communicate well with the native speakers when they come to America. I suggest you apply for the “One on One Conversation Program”.

A: What’s the “One on One Conversation Program”.?

B: It’s one of the services provided by the International Student Centers. If you ask for help, you will soon get a conversation partner to help you practice your oral English.

A: How much do I pay?

B: Usually, it’s free of charge. Most of the partner are retired professors, housewives and young students who are interested in foreign cultures.

A: Thank you for having told me so much. BYE!


You have got a letter from one of your friends, in which your friend asks for your advice on a tough problem. But you have no idea about it. So you now bring the problem to your class, try your classmates one by one until you find the best advice for your friend. Of course, you should make up a tough problem first.

Task 10

Making an Appointment

Cultural background

In some cultures, it is important to arrive on time for appointments, but in some other cultures people are not expected to arrive on time. In the US, people like others to be on time for business appointments, while for private parties it’s advisable to be a little late.

Background information

In western countries, generally speaking, you need to make an appointment first if you try to visit a doctor, teacher, hairdresser, etc.To go to a popular restaurant,you should also call ahead to make a dinner reservation. A visit to a doctor especially requires an appointment, since doctors are usually very busy. If you are very sick and have no time for an appointment, you must go to an emergency room of a hospital where a doctor in on duty. This might be very expensive in some countries.

Common Expressions1. What time is convenient for you?2. I’m free tomorrow, how about you?3. I’ve a dental appointment at 4pm, and I can’t

break it.4. I wonder if I could change my appointment from

Tuesday to Thursday?5. I will break up with someone if he has bad

manners.6. You’ve been dating Mary for a long time.I only

dated Susan twice.7. So what do you say about Friday evening? I’ll

take you out to dinner and then the movies.

Common Expressions

8.Interviews are by appointment only. Is Wednesday afternoon good for you?

9. It’s polite to fix an appointment with somebody before you visit him.

10.You’ve a date with your girlfriend tonight; my date is meeting me at seven.

Sample dialogue--- I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Fox.

A: Hello, this is Dr.Fox’s Clinic. May I help you?B: Yes, this is Mr. Clark.I’d like to make an

appointment to see Dr.Fox.A: Certainly. When would you like to come?B: I’ve a terrible pain in my back, so I need an

appointment as soon as possible.A: I’m afraid he is not free until 4 o’clock this

afternoon.B: Oh, dear! I’m meeting a friend at 4.

A: Dr. Fox is very busy at the moment.He won’t be able to see you unless you come after 4.

B: Well, all right. I’ll come at 4.

A: That would be fine. Now, could you please give me your full name, address, phone number and insurance details?

B: OK.

Discuss the following questions with a partner

1.A young fellow will go out with a beautiful girl for the first time by appointment.What preparations should he make?

2. Some teens like to make friends on the Internet. They do not know each other, but sometimes they would make appointments or dates with each other. What’re good and bad points in this situation respectively?

3. What’s the difference between a western appointment and an eastern one?

Task 11

Making an Invitation

Cultural background

When you invite a westerner to dinner, it’s necessary to extend the invitation a week or so in advance as he may have other plans. It would be considered inappropriate to give a last minute call to invite somebody over to dinner. The invitation may be given directly or over the telephone. For informal invitation a letter or an invitation card is sent. In this case the receiver should reply to confirm whether he comes or not.


1. Let’s have lunch together at McDonald’s. It’s on me. / My treat.

2. When can we expect you for a picnic?3. How about coming over for Christmas?4. Would you do me a favor by attending

my graduation ceremony?5. Would you like to go to the movies with


Background information

In the US, it is polite to accept or refuse an invitation the first time it is offered. And Americans usually give a reason when they have to say no to an invitation. It’s also common for them to bring a small gift to someone’s house for dinner to show appreciation. A bottle of wine, some flowers, or a box of candy are the most common gift.


6. He’s been invited to give a talk at the conference.

7. Admission is by invitation only.8. Are you interested in coming to the party?9. It would be very nice if you could attend

our Christmas party.10. We’re invited out to dinner tonight.

Did you invite his wife?

A: By the way, I meant to tell you just now I’d invited Prof. Roberta for tea on Saturday afternoon.

B: Good.Did you invite his wife?A: No. Should I have?B: Yes. When you invite a husband or wife to a

social occasion, you should invite the spouse as well.

A: And the kids?B: No. That’s not necessary unless you choose to.A: OK. I’ll call him up and invite his wife.


Pair work: One invites the other to do the following things.

1. Have dinner with you next Friday evening.

2. Come over to your home tomorrow afternoon.

3. Go shopping with you after school4. Go camping

Unit One

Festival and Holiday

Western Festival and Holidays

Cultural background

There are many holidays and festivals in America. These holidays often fall on a Monday or Sunday to produce a “three-day weekend”. During the national holidays, schools and government offices close but private businesses are sometimes still open.

The national holidays include:

New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday (Jan 13th),Lincoln’s Birthday (Feb. 12th), Memorial Day (May 24th, 阵亡将士纪念日Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day (Sept. 6th 劳工节 ) , Columbus Day (Oct. 12th), Thanksgiving Day (last Thurs. in Nov.), etc.Christmas

Some holidays with no day off include:

St. Valentine’s Day Easter (the first Sunday after the first full moon

after March 21st)April Fool’s DayMother’s Day (the second Sunday in May)Father’s Day (the third Sunday in June)Hallowe’en (October 31st) Veteran’s Day (Nov. 11th 退伍军人节 )

Common Expressions

1. With best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New year!

2. Independence Day, 4 July, is celebrated in the US as the nation’s birthday.

3. Hallowe ’en refers to 31 October, the eve of All Saints’ Day.

4. In England and Wales, Boxing Day ( 节礼日 )is the first weekday after Christmas Day.

Dialogue--- A Valentine

A: Morning, Bill.B: Morning, Albert.A: You look a little down. What’s wrong?B: I didn’t sleep well last night. I promised to give Mary a

satisfying gift on Valentine’s Day. But she got angry when I gave it to her.

A: What was the gift?B: A red dress.A: That’s romantic.B: What Mary likes is not only romantic but also expensive.

She wants a diamond ring!

Dialogue II--- Asking for Hallowe’en

A: Hi, Alice. What are you busy with?B: Oh look! I’m preparing my dress for Hallowe’en. It’s

coming.A: Hallowe’en? When? And what is it?B: It’s the last night of October. It was said that it was

the night when witches and evil spirits came back on earth. Superstitious people kept up many strange old customs to keep these evil influences away. For example, farmers would hang a few rowan leaves( 花楸树叶 ) over each of the stable and shed doors. For witches and evil spirits would not go anywhere near the rowan tree.

A: Nowadays, how do you usually celebrate the festival?

B: In recent times, Hallowe’en has become a time for fancy dress parties. Children will dress up as witches and play games such as “Trick or Treat”.

A: “Trick or Treat”? What do you mean by this?

B: It’s a phrase said by children who call at houses on Hallowe’en to receive sweets, etc. and threaten mischief if they do not receive them.

A: Oh, I see.

Situational Dialogue

Situation: A Chinese businessman arrived in New York just a few days before Christmas Day. He asked one of his American friends about Christmas and the celebration of it. And the American friend asked him about the information of the Chinese Spring Festival. You should focus on the origins, significance and customs of the holidays.

Answer the following questions

1. Do you think Christmas Day still carries a strong religious flavor nowadays in the West? Why or why not?

2. Do you believe it is Santa Claus that brings presents to children?

3. Why do you think that the Americans don’t celebrate May Day?

4. What does new life have to do with Easter? What is the symbolic meaning of Easter Eggs?

Chinese Festivals and Holidays

Common expressions

1. May you be happy and prosperous! 恭喜发财。2. The 7th day of the 7th lunar month is sometimes called

the Chinese St. Valentine’s Day. In a Chinese legend, the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver, once a happy couple, become stars separated by the Milky Way. They can meet only once a year when magpies fly together to form a bridge over the Milky Way on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.

3. The Mid-autumn Festival is on the 15th of the 8th lunar month; it’s not a statutory holiday. (法定假日)

Speaking Activity

Discuss the following questions:

1. How would you explain the word “spring” in the Spring Festival?

2. Who would you think likes the Spring Festival best? Why?

3. Do you know the origin of the Chinese word nian?

Unit Two


Cultural Background

In English, direct complaint can be impolite. There are many kinds of complaints. In order to be polite and appropriate, we can express our complaints by asking a question. Then the question is followed by the reason why something should be stopped. Here is an example: “Do you mind turning off the radio? You see, I’ve got a test tomorrow and I really need some sleep.”

Common Expressions

1. What a miserable day it is!2. I’ve got a complaint to make.3. I’d like to file a complaint with the

manager.4. I don’t want to embarrass you, but I

really think you ought to have spoken to him.

5. I came here to tell you that our working conditions are extremely poor.

More expressions

6. You shouldn’t have said that, Linda.7. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to leave the bed

made clean?8. I hate to say this, but I’m really fed up of your

carelessness.9. Look, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I wish you

wouldn’t have your TV on so loud.10. Would you be kind enough not to bother me

any more?

You were playing it very late last night.

A: Hello, Cecily! Could I talk with you for a minute?B: Please, Robert.A: Oh, Cecily. I.. I hate to bring this up, but… but that new

stereo system you got…B: Yeah?A: You were playing it very late last night.B: Yeah?A: It kept me awake a couple of hours.B: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was that loud.A: It was loud, and it was pretty late, you know.B: I’ m very sorry. I promise I’ll turn it down in the future.

A: It’s OK. Thank you, then.

Pair work

Tell your disappointment, resentment, etc. to your partner about the following situations:

1. You had planned to climb a mountain this weekend, but the weather turned windy and rainy.

2. Your roommate always uses your things without asking for your permission.

3. Your friend borrowed your favorite book and lost it.

Unit Three


Background information

At times saying what you like or dislike before others can be quite difficult. The skill of being tactful needs the firsthand experience of a culture as well as good study.

Common Expressions

1. There’s juice or sour milk. Which do you prefer?2. I prefer fish to beef.3. I’d rather have a walk than stay at home all day.4. I’m more interested in modern jazz.5. Hamburgers do appeal to me.6. I don’t care for them at all.7. Do you go for modern music?8. There is nothing in the world more enjoyable than taking a

shower after work.9. What would you say to their suggestion of having a break

now?10. I don’t know what can be a better entertainment.

Dialogue---Hamburgers there do appeal to me

A: Hi, Anne. Where’re you going?B: Hi, Kent. I’m going to McDonald’s. Hamburgers

there do appeal to me.A: You like them? I don’t care for them at all. On the

contrary, I prefer Chinese food.B: Do you? I think it pretty unpleasant having a meal

in a smoke-filled Chinese restaurant. At McDonald’s, you can enjoy its pleasant hamburgers, tasty fried chips, refreshing soft drinks and lots of other foods. What’s more, you have all these in a clean and comfortable environment. There’s nothing in the world more enjoyable than having a meal there.

A: Anne, you are exaggerating! Hamburgers and the like never arouse my interest. Chinese food is rich, various and colorful. In a Chinese restaurant, you enjoy its food and culture at the same time. I don’t know what can be a better entertainment.

Speaking Activity

Ask your partner which of the following items in each pair he/she prefers, and request him/her to give reasons.

1. An English film & a Chinese film2. Riding a bicycle & taking a bus3. Winter & summer4. Talking with friends & chatting with strangers

on Internet5. American English & British English

Unit Four

Approval and Disapproval

Background information

People often have different viewpoints on the same thing, perhaps partly because they were brought up with different cultures and subcultures or partly because they are in different social positions. So it is very important for you to keep it in your mind that there are different ways to express yourself for different occasions and to agree or disagree with other’s ideas and opinions in a proper way.

Expressions: 1. I couldn’t agree more. 2. That’s just what I was thinking about. 3. We approached the problem from different

angles. 4. They are right, to a certain degree. 5. That’s a good point. 6. I strongly object to making students do

homework all day. 7. I hope you don’t mind my saying so. 8. I am not sure if I agree with you there. 9. I know what you mean, but you should also

listen to the opinions of others.

Dialogue--- Women belong in the home

A: Many people think women belong in the home. Going out to work is men’s business.

B: That’s not necessarily true. Housework is important, of course, but it should be shred by the wife and husband. What I am saying is women should work both in and out of the home.

A: You’re right in a sense, but children want looking after and husbands need wives to keep house.

B: I know what you mean. But women will see too little of the outside world and fall behind the time if they are tied hard to housework all the time.

A: Nonsense! Women are women and masters of the house, just as men are better cut out for physical work.B: I don’t agree with you.A: That’s the way it’s always been and should be.B: I hope you don’t mind my saying that some things should be changed.

Situational dialogues: respond to the given situations below in three ways: positive,

indecisive, and negative. 1. I had enough money to return you the amount

I borrowed last week. On the way to pay you back I bought a new music album. So I can pay you back next week. Is that all right?

2. I’ve decided to ask the prettiest girl in school to go to the dance with me, who is someone’s girlfriend. Do you think it’s a good idea?

3. Well son, your mother and I are moving to another city. This means that you will have to change another elementary school as well. Is this all right with you?

Unit Five


Cultural Background

People experience similar emotions all over the world, but some of them are expressed differently. In some parts of the world, people express emotions very freely and you can read their faces like a book. In other parts of the world, however, it is not always as easy to know what another person is feeling. People from certain parts of the world are said to be ‘hot-blooded’ or ‘hot-tempered’. This means that they express their anger easily and quickly. In some parts of the world, however, people are taught that expressing anger is wrong and it shows a lack of control.

Common expressions1. Let me tell you how I’m feeling.2. I am uncomfortable about what she said.3. My son’s in a mood today.4. It’s not easy for me to say this, but I’m a bit upset

about what happened.5. I’m fed up with all this nonsense.6. I’m not keen on that sort of entertainment.7. That’s the best thing I’ve heard in this year.8. What a nuisance!9. She’s always in a bad mood on Mondays.10. That fellow’s manner really turns me off …. 让我厌烦

Dialogue-How was the dancing party last night?

A: How was the dancing party last night, Jason?Did you enjoy it?

B: Oh, don’t talk to me about last night! It was the most awful evening I’ve ever had.

A: Why? What happened?B: Well, Mary had promised to be my dancing partner, but she

couldn’t get away from the good-looking new-comer, Ellis, and she seemed not to know I was there.

A: What about the party, anyway?B: It was boring. The music was too slow and the drink was

lousy (very bad).A: SO how long did you stay there?B: I left after the opening dance. I couldn’t wait to get out of


Speaking Activity

You and your friends are in different moods as being angry, depressed, happy, bored, worried, etc. Tell each other the moods, and try to change your speaking partner after a discussion.