Sunday, November 1, 2020 11:00 AM Holy Communion

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Transcript of Sunday, November 1, 2020 11:00 AM Holy Communion

All Saints Sunday

Sunday, November 1, 202011:00 AM

Holy CommunionFirst Lutheran Church, ELCA, Kearney, NE


Dedication of Quilts and Kits


P: Let us pray

O Lord our God, maker of all things, you

have blessed us with so many Gifts—

a good eye for color, the ability to make

fine stitches, the skills to develop ever-

new and exciting patterns. Now we offer

the fruits of our labors, the Quilts we

have made, to you.


We dedicate these Quilts and Kits

to your service, trusting that your love

will go wherever each Quilt or Kit is

sent, making it more than just a piece

of material, a collection of items—

making each piece we have created an

expression of love.


There is no way for us to imagine the

power and effect an act of love can

have on a person’s life—how you can

use something as small as a Quilt, a

Baby Care Kit, or a School Kit to

radiate your love from us to the world.


May these be used in your service

and become blessings for all those

who receive them. Lord, we know that all

we possess comes from your loving hand.

Give us grace to honor you with all of our



draw our hearts to you, guide our minds,

fill our imaginations, control our wills, so

that we may be wholly yours. Use us as

you will, always to your glory and the

welfare of your people.

C: Amen



“How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place”J. Brahms

Confession and Forgiveness

P: In the name of the Father, and of

the † Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Confession and Forgiveness

P: In the dark of night God calls to

us; beckoning us on, seeking us out,

calling us to peace, to quietness, to


C: The world is dark around us,

filled with coldness, fear and


Confession and Forgiveness

P: It is a darkness of our creation:

Greed, hatred, envy: brokenness.

C: Take us and heal us of every

evil. Bring us back into the

comfort and closeness of your

embrace, O God.

Confession and Forgiveness

P: Your cleansing love, O God,

purifies our darkness restoring it to

us: Warm, comforting, restful:


C: In the dark of our night we hear

God call, offering love, strength,

healing and forgiveness.

Confession and Forgiveness

Brief silence.

P: With God the darkness brings comfort

not fear, love not hatred, righteousness

not punishment. Walk in the darkness of

your life as in the light, for both the dark

and the light belong to God, as do you.

C: Amen. Confession © Lisa Frenz.

All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.


P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the love of God, and the communion of

the Holy Spirit be with you all.

C: And also with you.

Prayer of the Day

P: Let us pray.

Almighty God, you have knit your

people together in one communion in

the mystical body of your Son, Jesus

Christ our Lord.

Prayer of the Day

Grant us grace to follow your blessed

saints in lives of faith and commitment,

and to know the inexpressible joys you

have prepared for those who love you,

through Jesus Christ, our Savior and

Lord, who lives and reigns with you and

the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

P: A Reading from Revelation

the Seventh Chapter

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

P: 9After this I looked, and there was

a great multitude that no one could

count, from every nation, from all tribes

and peoples and languages, standing

before the throne and before the Lamb,

robed in white, with palm branches in

their hands.

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

10They cried out in a loud voice,

saying, "Salvation belongs to our

God who is seated on the throne,

and to the Lamb!"

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

11And all the angels stood around the

throne and around the elders and the

four living creatures, and they fell on

their faces before the throne and

worshiped God, 12singing,

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

"Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom

and thanksgiving and honor and power

and might be to our God forever and

ever! Amen."

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

13Then one of the elders addressed me,

saying, "Who are these, robed in white,

and where have they come from?" 14I

said to him, "Sir, you are the one that


Word: Revelation 7:9-17

Then he said to me, "These are they

who have come out of the great ordeal;

they have washed their robes and made

them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

15For this reason they are before the

throne of God, and worship him day

and night within his temple, and the

one who is seated on the throne will

shelter them. 16They will hunger no

more, and thirst no more; the sun will

not strike them, nor any scorching heat;

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

17for the Lamb at the center of the throne

will be their shepherd, and he will guide

them to springs of the water of life, and

God will wipe away every tear from their


(Revelation 7:9-17)

Word: Revelation 7:9-17

P: Word of God, Word of Life.

C: Thanks be to God

Word: Matthew 5:1-12

Please stand as you are able.

P: A Reading from the Fifth Chapter

of the Gospel of St. Matthew

C: Glory to you, O Lord

Word: Matthew 5:1-12

P: 1When Jesus saw the crowds, he

went up the mountain; and after he sat

down, his disciples came to him. 2Then

he began to speak, and taught them,


Word: Matthew 5:1-12

3"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for

theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4"Blessed are those who mourn, for

they will be comforted.5"Blessed are the meek, for they will

inherit the earth.

Word: Matthew 5:1-12

6"Blessed are those who hunger and

thirst for righteousness, for they will be

filled.7"Blessed are the merciful, for they will

receive mercy.8"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they

will see God.

Word: Matthew 5:1-12

9"Blessed are the peacemakers, for

they will be called children of God.10"Blessed are those who are

persecuted for righteousness' sake,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Word: Matthew 5:1-12

11"Blessed are you when people revile

you and persecute you and utter all

kinds of evil against you falsely on my


Word: Matthew 5:1-12

12Rejoice and be glad, for your

reward is great in heaven, for in the

same way they persecuted the

prophets who were before you.

(Matthew 5:1-12)

Word: Matthew 5:1-12

P: This is the Gospel of the Lord.

C: Praise to you, O Christ

Please be seated.





Pastor Elisabeth Himmelman

Sermon Song

“For All the Saints”

ELW #422

Vs. 1, 3, 4, 7

“For All the Saints”, ELW #422

For all the saints

who from their labors rest,

who thee by faith before

the world confessed,

thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

“For All the Saints”, ELW #422

Oh, blest communion,

fellowship divine,

we feebly struggle, they in glory shine;

yet all are one in thee, for all are thine.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

“For All the Saints”, ELW #422

And when the strife

is fierce, the warfare long,

steals on the ear

the distant triumph song,

and hearts are brave

again and arms are strong.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

“For All the Saints”, ELW #422

From earth’s wide bounds,

from ocean’s farthest coast,

through gates of pearl

streams in the countless host,

singing to Father, Son,

and Holy Ghost:

Alleluia! Alleluia!Text: William W. How, 1823-1897. Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958

Music © Oxford University Press

Text and Music Public Domain

Prayers of Intercession


P: Longing for Christ’s reign to come

among us, we pray for the outpouring

of God’s power on the church, the

world, and all in need.

A brief silence.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Lord of all the saints, we praise

you for evangelists and martyrs whose

sacrifices witness to your gospel across

time and space. Inspire us by their

courage to carry our faith to new people

and places around us. Hear us, O God.

C: Your mercy is great.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Lord of every place, the

universe proclaims your greatness

from generation to generation.

Prayers of Intercession

Bless the work of naturalists,

conservationists, and park rangers who

train our attention to the wonders of the

world you have made. Hear us, O God.

C: Your mercy is great.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Lord of every nation, guide this

country—red states and blue states,

rural voters and urban voters, young

and old—as we share in another

national election.

Prayers of Intercession

Kindle hearts eager to understand

our common needs and seek our

common good. Hear us, O God.

C: Your mercy is great.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Gracious host, our peace and our

strength, we pray for our nation and the

world as we continue to face

uncertainties around coronavirus.

Prayers of Intercession

Protect the most vulnerable among us,

especially all who are currently sick or in

isolation. Grant wisdom, patience,

safety and clarity to health care

workers, especially as their work caring

for others puts them at great risk.

Prayers of Intercession

Give insight to researchers and

scientists as they develop therapies and

vaccines for COVID-19. Guide us as we

consider how best to respond in our

families, congregations, workplaces,

and communities.

Prayers of Intercession

Give us courage to face these days not

with fear but with compassion, concern,

and acts of service, trusting that you

abide with us always. Lord in your


C: hear our prayer.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Lord of every blessing, your Son’s

blessing came to those living with poverty,

grief, hunger, thirst, and persecution.

Shape our vision of the saints to match

his own. Awaken in us your call to serve

all who suffer. We pray especially for….

Prayers of Intercession

Prayers of Intercession

Prayers of Intercession

Prayers of Intercession

Prayers of Intercession

P: Lord of every time, countless are the

multitudes you have called by name and

gathered to yourself. Comfort us as we

grieve those who have died in the past


Prayers of Intercession

Anthony Turner Dale Fahnholz

Betty De Beck Robyn Lind

Harold Loschen Jerry Grassmeyer

Betty Lund Jessica Eidem

Gloria Ebb-Peterson Betty J. King

Shirley Douthit Aaron Brooks

Dorothy Fischer

Prayers of Intercession

In faith, may we join with them in

ceaseless praise. Hear us, O God.

C: Your mercy is great.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Receive our prayers in the name

of Jesus Christ our Savior, until that

day when you gather all creation

around your throne where you will

reign forever and ever.

C: Amen


P: The peace of Christ be

with you always.

C: And also with you.

OFFERTORY“The Lord’s Prayer” A. Malotte


Offering boxes are

located on the tables

by the entrances.

We will not be passing

the plate.

Offering Prayer

Please stand as you are able

P: God of all goodness, generations

have turned to you, gathered around

your table, and shared your abundant


Offering Prayer

Number us among them that, as we

gather these gifts from your abundance,

and give thanks for your rich blessings,

we may feast upon your very self and

care for all that you have made, through

Jesus Christ, our Sovereign and Servant.


Words of Institution


P: We come before you, O God, not out of fear, but full of love; a love that you have provided in extravagant generosity, enabling us to live as Christ in this world, empowering us to a compassion which sees everyone as a child of God,

Words of Institution

transforming us into people who love

without reserve as you loved us when

you sent your son, Christ Jesus, to suffer

our death and bring us back to you

through his resurrection from the dead.

Words of Institution

In the night in which he was handed over

our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave

thanks; broke it, and gave it to his

disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my

body given for you. Do this for the

remembrance of me.

Words of Institution

Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.

Words of Institution

For from God, through God, with God and to God are all things. All glory and honor is God’s, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Words of Institution © Lisa Frenz.

All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

The Lord’s Prayer

P: Let us pray silently as Jesus taught us:

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be

thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be

done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this

day our daily bread; and forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive those who

trespass against us; and lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine

is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever and ever. Amen.


P: There is a place for you at the banquet. Come and feast at Jesus’s table.


Please be seated.


P: In the receiving of one element, we receive all the gifts given to us in the Lord’s Supper.

P: The body of Christ given for you.

Prayer after Communion

Please stand as you are able.


P: Lord Jesus,In this simple meal you have set a banquet.

Prayer after Communion

Sustain us on the journey, strengthen us to care for the least of your beloved children, and give us glad and generous hearts as we meet you on the way.C: Amen


P: May the God of love and grace keep you safe. May the God of comfort and healing hold you close.

May the God of peace and joy sing in your heart.

C: Amen.Blessing © Lisa Frenz.

All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission.

Sending Song

“Shall We Gather at the River”

ELW #423

Sending Song

Shall we gather at the river,

where bright angel feet have trod, with its crystal tide forever

flowing by the throne of God?

Sending Song

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,

the beautiful, the beautiful river; gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God.

Sending Song

On the margin of the river,

washing up its silver spray,

we will walk and worship ever,

all the happy golden day.

Sending Song

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,

the beautiful, the beautiful river; gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God.

Sending Song

Ere we reach the shing river,

lay we ev’ry burden down;

grace our spirits will deliver,

and provide a robe and crown.

Sending Song

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,

the beautiful, the beautiful river; gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God.

Sending Song

Soon we’ll reach the shining river, soon our pilgrimage will cease;

soon our happy hearts will quiver with the melody of peace.

Sending Song

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,

the beautiful, the beautiful river; gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God.

Text and Music: Robert Lowry, 1826-1899Text and Music Public Domain



P: Beloved of God, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

C: Thanks be to God.



“Come, Come, Ye Saints”English folk tune