Suicide English3

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Suicide English3

Suicide caused by Bullying and Rumors

By: Kelsey Williams, Alaina Urban, and Maria George.

West Senior v.s The Real World


Rumors at West Have you ever had a rumor spread about you?

22/30 students said yes and 8/30 said no.

Have you ever started a rumor about someone?

10/30 people said yes and 20/30 said no.

Have you ever helped keep a rumor going?

25/30 said yes and 5/30 yes no.

Rumors• Females usually have

rumors and sexual comments.

• Rumors can be spread by anyone and can be twisted through spreading.

• They can be about anything.

• Sometimes they are not true.

Bullying at West

Have you ever bullied anyone? 15/30 said yes and 15/30 said no

Have you ever been bullied? 21/30 said yes and 9/30 said no.

Have you ever stopped it when you seen it? 21/30 said yes and 9/30 said no.

Causes and types of bullying

Bullying leads to absences from school, poor performance, depression, social anxiety, decreased self esteem, anger, and sadness.

Physical Verbal Emotionally Sexual Racial

Bullying Statistics 16% of U.S children say they

have been bullied.

6% say they have been bullies and bullied others

13% say they had not been bullies, but bullied others.

30% of U.S youth have been involved in bullying.

Males usually hit, slap or push.

Girls usually spread rumors or gang up on the other girl.


Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?

7/30 said yes and 23/30 said no.

If you ever had a rumor spread about you, did you ever think about killing yourself? 2/30 said yes and 28/30 said no.

Causes of Suicide Family life:

Parents not around Divorce Loss of parent Addicting to drugs.

Drugs and alcohol Grades and school Emotions:

Stress Self-doubt Pressure

Bullying Rumors

Suicide Statistics 27% have thought

about attempting suicide.

16% have detailed plans

20% of sample attempted suicides were bullied, 3% were not.

WSW & the Real World v.s Twisted


Rumors• Rumors that occur in the book can also

happen to kids in the real world.

• A Rumor in the book: Tyler took the pictures.– Happened in school.

• Where most sources of real life rumors occur: School.

– Which is what happened in the book.

Bullying• Tyler was bullied before he became tough and

he was bullied after the incident with Bethany.

• Kids at school and outside of school are also bullied the way Tyler was.

• People have gotten jumped before because of rumors just like Tyler did.

• Bullying doesn’t happen just in books, it can be happening all around you.

Suicide• Kids have committed suicide because they were bullied for a long period of time and had rumors spread about them that wouldn’t go


• Tyler thought about committing suicide.

• What Tyler thought of doing in the book is what actually kids think of doing when put

through horrible experiences.


• In the book, Tyler was being bullied, had rumors spread about him, and even wanted to

commit suicide.

• In the real world, Things like this happen all the time. It may not necessarily happen in

ours, but it still occurs.

• Books and the real world can be very similar sometimes. Just like Twisted.

Work Cited

• “Juvenile of Bullying.” The Prevention Research. 22 Dec. 2009.

• Amanda. “Effects of School Bullying.”In My Opinion. 22 Dec. 2009.

• “The Long Term Effects of Bullying.” Mental 22 Dec. 2009.

• “What are the Forms of Buyyling?” Counseing Corner. 22 Dec. 2009.