Strange Areas That Also Need Natural Sunscreen Love!

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Are you getting the most out of your sunscreen? Most people are in the habit of applying it every day, yet they still forget these strange areas that really need sunscreen. Make sure you are fully protected from the sun's harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen all over. This SlideShare presentation will help alert you of commonly forgotten areas that need some natural sunscreen love, too!

Transcript of Strange Areas That Also Need Natural Sunscreen Love!

Strange Areas That Also Need Natural Sunscreen Love!

Your Daily Skin Care Routine…

For most of us, applying sunscreen is a daily routine. It becomes second-nature… we are just going through the motions without truly paying attention to where we are putting it on. Sunscreen users often only cover some of the main areas on the body but tend to exclude special areas prone to sunburn. You probably have never thought about applying natural sunscreen to these strange areas but doing so will help you prevent skin cancer and keep your skin young and beautiful!


The scalp is very sensitive to sun and being the highest point on our body it is a common place to get burned. Many women don’t like to put sunscreen on their hairline because it makes their hair greasy but it’s so important that you do! It is also a great idea to wear a hat to cover your forehead.

Back of Hands

When applying sunscreen, we cover the bottom of our hands but often forget the top! Though they may not appear burnt they are still getting a lot of sun – even when driving. Ladies, if you want to keep youthful and feminine hands for jewelry and painted nails then make sure you put sunscreen on the back of your hands everyday!

Tops of Ears

Ears are one of the most common places where non-melanoma skin cancer is found. This includes all parts of the ear – even the inside! Many hats don’t cover the whole ear so it is important to cover the entire ear with natural sunscreen. It’s an easy addition when applying to the face!


The eyelids are a very sensitive area on the body making them defenseless to the strong sun. Not only is it dangerous to damage this part of the skin but it makes for one painful sunburn as well! Make sure to use the SPF 50 for Face natural sunscreen so that you don’t irritate your eyes.

Back of Neck

You may think your long hair is covering this area but it never stays in one place! The neck like any other part of the body needs sunscreen, but we seem to forget this. This is another easy addition when applying to the back!

Top of Feet

We often think our feet aren’t exposed to the sun as much because they are low to the ground, maybe covered in sand, or underwater…. BUT this isn’t true. Just like the backs of our hands, apply the best natural sunscreens to the top of your feet to keep your skin youthful and pedicure ready!

Don’t Forget!

Next time you apply natural sun screen products, make sure to remember these frequently forgotten areas to ensure your skin is remains protected from harmful UV rays and looks as healthy and youthful as possible!