Special quotes from e2

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Special quotes from e2

Special Quotes from E2Instrumental Music Part 1 – Summer 2016

Works of art are essential components of all cultures and time periods, and establish connections

among cultures

Because the Arts draw on a variety of intelligences, they provide multiple pathways to enhanced

students learning in most subject areas, as well as to an increased capacity to think critically and


Differentiated instruction through the arts can keep students motivated,

engaged, and coming to school

The Arts also provide students with a meaningful connection to stories,

songs, designs, expressions, and identities from a variety of cultures

The Arts can: nurture perseverance and hard work; prepare students to attend to multiple tasks, take risks,

and capitalize on their mistakes

The Arts encourage students to express themselves in both verbal

and non-verbal ways

The Arts also helps students to value perseverance and hard work, and prepare them to take risks and

respect diverse points of view

An Arts education broadens students’ horizons and creates

differentiated classrooms that strive to meet the differing needs of


The Arts can offer some of the most vital, adaptable, and enjoyable learning experiences taught in

elementary schools

The beliefs and understandings that teachers hold about the

Arts have a significant effect on how students approach and

value the Arts in schools

An Arts education broadens students' horizons and creates differentiated classrooms that

strive to meet the differing needs of students