Soil Degradation 1 Corinne Waelti, seecon international gmbh.

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Transcript of Soil Degradation 1 Corinne Waelti, seecon international gmbh.

Soil Degradation

Soil Degradation


Corinne Waelti, seecon international gmbh

Soil Degradation

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Soil Degradation

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1. Introduction

2. Four Types of Soil Degradation

3. Human Causes of Erosion

4. Controlling Erosion

5. Conclusion

6. References


Soil Degradation

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The overall Problem

Soil degradation is an increasing global process affecting mainly arid and semi-arid zones in sub-Saharan Africa. Principal forms are the depletion of nutrients and soil organic matter and erosion.

The negative impacts of soil degradation may lead to partial or complete loss of the soil’s current and/or future productive capacity. Soil degradation can be a result of both natural hazards and unsuitable land use.


1. Introduction

What is soil degradation?Process by which one or more of the potential ecological functions of the soil are harmed or destroyed.

Soil Degradation

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1. Introduction

Four Types of Soil Degradation

Soil degradatio


Water erosion Wind erosion

Chemical deterioration


Source: RITTER (2003)


Physical deterioration



Soil Degradation

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1. Introduction

A global Problem: Human induced Soil Degradation

ISRIC et al. (1996)

Soil Degradation

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2. The Four Types of Soil Degradation

Water Erosion (1/2)

Factors influencing water erosionRainfallThe impact of raindrops on the soil surface can break down soil aggregates and disperse the aggregate material over the surface.

Soil typeSoils with faster infiltration rates, higher levels of organic matter and improved soil structure have a greater resistance to erosion.

Slope gradientSteeper and longer slopes of a field lead to greater amount of soil erosion by water.

Soil usePlants may protect the soil from raindrop impact and splash, slow down the movement of surface runoff and allow infiltration of excess surface water.

Soil particles, which are either detached by splash erosion or by the effect of running water.


Soil Degradation

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2. The Four Types of Soil Degradation

Water Erosion (2/2)

Types of water erosionSheet erosionRemoval of a fairly uniform layer of soil from an entire surface area.

Rill erosionSmall channels running over the soil surface causing deeper incision of the channels into the surface.

Gully erosionRills flowing together form larger streams and tend to become deeper with successive flow of water.

Bank erosionWater cutting into the banks of streams and rivers.


Soil Degradation

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2. The Four Types of Soil Degradation

Wind Erosion

SHELTON (2003)

Factors influencing wind erosionSoil erodibilityFine and medium soil particles can be transported over great distances. Coarse particles can be blown along the surface.

Soil surface roughnessSoil surfaces that are not rough or ridged offer little resistance to the wind.

ClimateSoil moisture levels can be very low at the surface during periods of drought, thus releasing particles for transport by wind.

Vegetative coverThe lack of permanent vegetation cover may lead to extensive erosion by wind as loose, dry and bare soil is most susceptible.

Soil Degradation

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2. The Four Types of Soil Degradation

Chemical Deterioration

FAO/AGL (2000)


•Loss of nutrients and organic matter leading to reduced plant growth



•Soil pollution

•Fertility decline

Typical causes

•Municipal or industrial wastes

•Oil spills

•Excessive use of fertiliser, herbicides and insecticides

•Release of radioactive materials

•Airborne pollutants

Soil Degradation

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2. The Four Types of Soil Degradation

Physical Deterioration

FAO/AGL (2000)


•Soil crusting

•Increased runoff

•Decreased infiltration of water into the soil

•Prevention and inhibition of plant growth

•Higher susceptibility to other forms of degradation

Typical cause

•Compaction through heavy machines or animals

Soil Degradation

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Human Actions leading to Soil Degradation

• Poor agricultural practices

• Exposing soil on slopes

• Removal of forest vegetation

• Overgrazing

• Altering the characteristics of streams, causing bank erosion

• Reducing evapotranspiration losses due to vegetation removal

• Producing impervious surfaces such as roads and footpaths causing increased runoff into streams

• Overexploitation of groundwater


3. Human Causes of Erosion


Soil Degradation

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The most common Control Methods

• Cover materials (e.g. plants)

• Improved crop production techniques (e.g. organic fertiliser, type of irrigation method)

• Ploughing to destroy rills and contour planting

• Terracing

• Careful selection of land use practices

• Conservation tillage methods

• Armouring of channels to prevent bank erosion

• Wind breaks

• Ploughing into clod sizes too big to be eroded / Ploughing into ridges

Sustainable Agriculture / Land Management


4. Controlling Erosion


Soil Degradation

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Sustainable Land Management is crucial


5. Conclusion

World population

Available land

Food production

Food demand

No sustainable land managementChanges with sustainable land management

Degraded soil

Sustainable land


Soil Degradation

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6. ReferencesACS DISTANCE EDUCATION (Editor) (2009): Soil Degradation. Stourbridge: ACS Distance Education. URL: [Accessed: 05.06.2012].

BALLAYAN, D. (2000): Soil Degradation. ESCAP environment statistics course. Rome: FAO. URL: [Accessed: 06.06.2012].

FAO (Editor), AGL (Editor) (2000): Management of Degraded Soils in Southern and eastern Africa (MADS-SEA-Network). Rome: FAO.

INFONET-BIOVISION (Editor) (2010): An Introduction to soil degradation. Zurich: Biovision. URL: [Accessed: 05.06.2012].

ISRIC (Editor), UNEP (Editor), FAO (Editor) (1996): Human Induced Soil Degradation. Rome: World Food Summit. URL: [Accessed: 06.06.2012].

PLANT (Editor), SOIL SCIENCES ELIBRARY (Editor) (2005): Picture of Gully Plug Erosion. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. URL: [Accessed: 08.10.2010].

RITTER (2003): The Physical Environment. An Introduction into Physical Geography. URL: [Accessed: 06.06.2012].

SHELTON, I. J. (2003): Soil Erosion – Causes and Effects. Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology. Ontario Institute of Pedology. URL: [Accessed: 05.06.2012].


Soil Degradation 16

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