Social Media Marketing with Coca-Cola

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Social Media Marketing with Coca-Cola

• Use of a multichannel strategy, promoting the Q&A portal on the corporate site and on the main social media channel used by the brand.

• Differentiate the published contents by the specific features of the social media channel.

• Preliminary survey through online and social media analysis tools tracking demographic to understand through which channels the targeted audience (in this case moms and teens) approach the brand.

• The strategy is to create engagement and curiosity on the different themes, publishing relevant contents to attract the customers to the space where the brand will communicate with them.

• Create the Q&A space exploiting the already present contact section in the corporate site, transforming it in a real Q&A portal where the different themes (ingredient and nutrition, products and brand, social responsibility, history and company values) will be treated in apposite categories.

• Collect data about the previous customer service inquiries, to understand which are the themes our targeted audience is more interested in.

• Create an established list of questions and answer for every section.

• Create a forum where the consumer could freely make his question, with agents always present to moderate the discussions, engage and answer in a timely manner.

• Integrate the Q&A portal with the social media like Twitter, used to answer to immediate questions

• As a multinational company Coca Cola is always subjected to criticism from many parts, and it is possible that also in a Q&A portal customers would treat difficult themes.

• Examples: the health and nutritional effects of the ingredients present in the drink, environmental issues like the use of pesticides in the production, monopoly charges, socio-political controversies, labor right issues, problems related with the behavior of the local bottlers partners.

• Always answer in an open and transparent way, trying to underline all the company efforts to improve its practices, its commitment to the social responsibility, its transparency regarding the labels indicating the nutritional contents.

• Trying to anticipate the sensible issue in the established Q&A and to create guidelines for the community managers to constantly have a ready response. It’s important to answer fast to prevent possible crisis.

• Let the customers defend the brand: identify advocate for Coca Cola and ask them to express themselves on critical issues: the public will think that the brand has a real support because of its commitment to address the problems.

• It is important to assess who are the people speaking on our brand and which is their capacity of influencing a broader audience.

• The three main attributes to identify a key influencer are: the relevance of their conversations regarding Coca Cola and related topics, the ability to reach an audience that is important for us and the engagement they manage to create.

• A list of key influencers has to be created for every different topic, such nutrition, products, social responsibility, etc. Is important to analyze which is their attitude toward the brand and our initiatives, to define a personalized approach strategy.

• For every influencer will be evaluated whether engage him in conversation, inviting him to express his opinion and participate on the Q&A portal.

• Grow positive influencers through contests organized on social media; the winner will be the participant gathering more like or positive comments. This is a way to see who are the users more popular and able to create attention toward the brand through positive contents.

• Create a campaign using photos and videos of the historical Coca Cola commercials.

• Photos and videos have a great capacity to interest and captivate, being usually the most shared and commented kind of posts on social network.

• Develop a storytelling recalling Coca Cola history and heritage, encouraging the consumers to go to the Q&A portal to look for more information.


• Creation of a dedicated Twitter account, that could be named @askCocaCola, where the people will be encouraged to interact, do their questions and receive answers from our community manager.

• Use the channel in a proactive way: launching themes using hashtags (#themeoftheday #askcocacola).

• The Twitter account will be always addressing to the Q&A portal to have longer and more exhaustive information.


• Promote initiatives to encourage people sharing and posting their video and photo on themes related to the different topic the portal will treat

• Launch a contest between the consumers, offering awards to the winners for the best photo or video, decided by the customers with the number of likes

• To participate to the contest it will be necessary to visit the newly created Q&A portal.


• This social network would be used for institutional and corporate purpose. It will have a role in preventing possible criticism and reputational risks.

• The brand will share photo, videos and content of the initiatives it is conducting

• The consumers will be invited to visit the Q&A portal to discover more.

• Create a Coca Cola Youtube channel in Italian language

• Use the cross posting to share also through this channel the videos posted on Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram and Pinterest.