Silver State Tole & Decorative Painters · 9/8/2019  · painting. Prep your peace to be ready for...

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Transcript of Silver State Tole & Decorative Painters · 9/8/2019  · painting. Prep your peace to be ready for...

P resid en t ’s Messa ge

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9 N e w s l e t t e r

Silver State Tole & Decorative Painters

Inside this issue:

Programs 2

Birthdays 2

Sunshine 2

Holiday Party 3

Maxine Thomas

Seminar 3

Hello Chapter Members,

Greetings from a very hot spot. I am

making the best of this heat and finishing

some projects.

Our last meeting was a hoot! Mary-Kate

is so much fun to paint with and we learned

a lot about Santa's face. Thanks to Patty for

planning our potluck lunch. It was well-

organized and delicious.

All of you who

contributed are we greatly


September promises

to be another busy month.

Mary Robinson will lead

us down the path to some

great folk art painting.

Prep your piece and let's

have fun!

It's seminar time! It's

so exciting to have a

teacher show us just a

little bit more about

painting. Prep your peace

to be ready for the day.

Remember, it starts at 9 a.m. See you there

please read the newsletter for all details.

We have we have many things to work

on this month.

Nominating committee for a slate of


Star Award for the next person to be

awarded an honor.

Then there is toll month be sure to

bring your items well marked and

documented on the inventory sheet.

The August board meeting went

well. I want to thank all of you in

attendance. Our next board meeting will be

Sept. 6 at Los Prados at

10:30 a.m. with the

meeting to follow

immediately. If you are

not on the board but

would like to attend,

please call Judy or Sheila.

Sketchbook or

journal? Call it what you

like! It was so much fun

to see the latest

developments of this

President’s Challenge. It

has been a challenge. I

could give you an

assignment if that would

help. You get started. But

I'm counting on you to use your meeting

and artistic skills to come up with a little

something. See you at the meeting with

your sketchbook in hand.

See you all at the next chapter meeting

Sheila Hughes

September 21 Project:

Merry Makers Greeting

Designer: JoSanja


Teacher: Mary Robinson

Fee: $15

If you missed our pot luck picnic in

August, you missed a wonderful lunch and a

fun time. I would like to thank everyone

who brought food and helped with set up

and clean up.

For the September meeting, Nanette

Hilton and Jane Banks have volunteered to

bring sweets and non-sweet snacks. Thank

you ladies for signing up.

Everyone, please remember to bring

your lunch and something to drink as the

refreshments may be just snacks. And

remember to sign up to bring refreshments

for one of the coming meetings.

See you in September.

Patty Clark

H os pit al i t y

Ways & Means

Congratulations to Carol,

Judith and Sheila. They were

the winners for the raffles at

the August chapter meeting.

We had a great time with an

auction. Thank you, Terry! You

are a great auctioneer. We

made 165.00!! Thank you

everyone for participating. We

appreciate your support. I have

some items next month for

auction of one of a kind

projects so bring your money.

Marthalene Roberts


Nanette Hilton—Sept. 16

Page 2

September 2019 Newsletter

Pro g r am s

Greetings Fellow Painters,

The results are in! Our member survey for 2020

classes has had some interesting results and conclusions.

Variety! Of course.

There is still an interest in painting for the holidays,

and not just the major ones. Thanksgiving, 4th of July

and Easter projects were requested, including but not

limited to ornaments, scarecrows, turkeys, animals,

flowers, and folk art apples and fruit.

There is interest in angels, specifically, or imagine

also people such as pilgrims or Santas with a face study.

Members are interested in backgrounds, such as with

mixed media, including stenciling, stamping, and paper

art on wood, or canvas, or included in a journaling class

with lettering.

There is always an interest in composition and

design, and specifically including altering patterns for

size and surface. Color! It can make or break a design or


There was the usual interest in alcohol inks,

zentangle, and acrylic pouring. If we have no in-house

teachers for this, remember we love to import!

Any outside teacher reading this is welcome to

submit classes of any type. Please private message me on

Facebook, at our page (

Silverstatetoleanddecorativepainters/) if you are


Creative painting convention here in Las Vegas: is a great resource for these types of

classes also.

There were some specific teachers and projects

requested. I will be communicating directly with the

teacher in mind regarding these class ideas. I know some

of our teachers are already cooking up some great

classes, and the more participating teachers we have for

class voting day in early November, the better 2020 will

be. That being said, please get your submission forms

(please email me for copies) and project samples to me

by October 31. Thank you!

Teacher corner: We are privileged to have Mary

Robinson, CDA, teaching us this September. Her project

is from Jo Sonja Jansen, called Merry Maker’s Greeting.

This cute project can be painted on a variety of surfaces,

as shown by Mary’s samples on display at chapter

meetings. She is supplying the paint and points out that

prep can be done with any close match color of your

choice. Remember to seal your wood first if you don’t

have Clear Glaze Medium. Her color chart provided in

the pattern packet will make substitutions easy. Jo Sonja

paints will be supplied on the day, and if you don’t have

these colors at home, bring small cubbies to ease

finishing later. See you in class!

Happy Painting!

Judy Gibson

Co mm un it y Ser vic e

Hello members,

It was great to see everyone at our chapter meeting.

I’m so glad to be back.

Thank you to all of those members who stepped up

and helped out with the Caring Place. I would have loved

to have taken care of it myself, then go through all I went

through, so thank you so much for stepping up and


These past two months I canceled helping out at the

Caring Place to give everyone a break for the summer. I

thought I’d let you all know we are starting back at the

Caring Place Sept. 9 at 10:00 am. I could use a helper that

day, please. If your able to help, give me a call. I will be



Gwen Palmer

Membership Chair

Nicole Garrett


Page 3

September 2019 Newsletter

Re po rt o n t he 20 19 SD P Co n fer en c e

W ich it a , Ka nsa s, M ay 13—18

Most of us will agree that there is nothing like home.

And so it was as we returned to the “home” of decorative

painting in Wichita Kansas for the 47th Annual

Conference on May 13-18, 2019.

The week was filled with re-energizing painting skills

and meeting old and new friends from the Monday Meet

and Greet to the very end of the week. I would like to

share some of the highlights of the week.


On Tuesday evening I attended the Chapters

Gathering as representative for SSTDP. We were greeted

on entering the room with backpacks decorating not only

the tables but all around the perimeter of the room. These

were the decorated backpacks sent by chapters that were

donated to the St. Francis Ministries. The representative

from the St. Francis organization told us that these

backpacks would be given to children who were taken

from their homes and put into the foster care system.

When the children are taken from an abusive or

unhealthy situation, they literally only have the clothing

on they are wearing. These backpacks will be filled with

some small items and given to the children to call their

own. The St. Francis Ministries organization headquarters

in Wichita and serves children in six states and two (2)

international countries. SDP chapters sent or delivered

nearly 230 backpacks for this community effort. A smaller

number of the backpacks were later displayed in the Expo

Hall for everyone to see.

New Members:

Chapter-related topics discussed included recruiting

new painters and fund raising. One chapter conducts a

monthly meeting just for “new” painters which provides

them programs for their skill level and access to the help

of other painters from the chapter. This meeting is held

the same day as the regular chapter meeting with its

program. The charge for the first paint-in becomes their

chapter dues and SDP trial membership is explained. The

initial beginner classes are planned for two months

starting with the first meeting to show the new member

how to seal and basecoat raw wood. The second month

they do the detail and now have basic prep knowledge for

future classes. They use easy pieces from artists like Shara

Reiner and Renee Mullins.

The chapter purchases beginner brush sets and then

sells them to the new member if they come for more than

one session. The chapter allows the new member to use

the brushes the

first paint-in. If

the member

does not return

the chapter

keeps the



There was

generally a


among chapters

present that

luncheons with



favors for each

guest and items

available for

sale or auction

were most

successful in

the fundraising

arena. One lady

said her chapter

made a

concerted effort to invite people from their community

(e.g. hairdressers, bankers, grocery clerks, etc) with whom

they came in daily contact. In roughly 3 years they have

grown their once-a-year luncheon to 150 attendees. Not

only has this brought in money but has increased

exposure to their chapter and attracted new painting



On Wednesday, a blue base coated “Keeper on

Parade” was delivered to the main hallway. The “Keeper

of the Plains” is an iconic image of Wichita. The original

44 foot metal sculpture of an Indian sits at the confluence

of the big and little Arkansas rivers in the downtown area

of Wichita and only blocks from where the original SDP

offices were situated. The “Keepers on Parade” are 10 foot

fiberglass replicas of the original Keeper on the Plains and

are seen on display throughout the city. Each Keeper is

painted by an artist(s) to celebrate the community’s spirit

in some unique way. The Keeper that SDP agreed to paint

during the week had a dog theme and was to be placed in

a local dog park after the painting and finishing coat were

Page 4

September 2019 Newsletter

Pro g r am s

completed. We had an initial draft that

took a “comic” style focus which quickly

became a lot more detailed once our

members added their artistic talents. It

was amazing to watch our painters,

visitors and teachers work on the piece

during the week and to see it standing

tall fully decorated on Friday afternoon!!

Hopefully, some of you were able to

attend the Annual Meeting on Thursday

through the SDP: An Artful Connection

Facebook site. The Executive Director’s

report provided some insight on

upcoming plans including the potential

for some regional retreats in lieu of the

week-long annual conference and a call

for volunteers to help plan the 50th

Anniversary Celebration. She also talked

about the “Power of One” - the power

that comes from each member bringing

just one member into the Society. She

also talked about a new exciting class to

be taught this fall in Wichita – a class to help develop

skills required to become a CDA. There is a limited

number of seats for the class; if you are interested, call

the SDP office to get the particulars.

The classes were wonderful and with the smaller size,

students often received more individual attention. The

exhibit hall had a great representation from both the

Society’s member vendors and local Wichita vendors.

The make-it take-its were great fun with a chance to try

some different paints including a paint that could be used

on furniture without any preparation!! I have the name

of a local supplier if anyone is interested.

On Saturday after all the painting and learning was

done, we were invited to attend the grand opening of the

IMSDP Museum and meet Peggy Harris, the first Artist

of Distinction. What a great display of some the pieces

acquired through donations. As was mentioned, not all

the pieces are out at any one time because of space

limitations. However, there are plans to rotate the

artwork throughout the year. It was nice to see the

various groupings by artist and see how their style

changed over the years. If you are in the Wichita area,

call to make an appointment to stop by and see this

marvelous display.

Thank you for allowing me to be the SSTDP

representative to this, the last year of annual conferences

as we have known them.

Kaye Singer