Sharing is Caring. Keynote for Public Domain Tagung, HeK Basel 20 April 2015

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Transcript of Sharing is Caring. Keynote for Public Domain Tagung, HeK Basel 20 April 2015

Sharing is Caring

Opening up

the collections of SMK

Filippino Lippi (c. 1457-1504),

The Meeting of Joachim and Anne outside the Golden Gate of Jerusalem, 1497.

112,5x124 cm. KMSsp40. Public Domain

Merete Sanderhoff

Curator of digital museum practice


Three main points

1. What inspired us

2. What we’ve done

3. Why sharing is caring

Map of the Internet 1.0 by Jay Simons, Deviant Art

But first,

a bit of background

Navigating in

a sea of images?

Francesco Guardi (1712-93), The Bucintoro Festival of Venice. The Bacino

"Bucintoro", the Doge's State Barge, on Ascension Day, 1780-93. KMS3630, Public Domain

Our collections must be here!

Learning is interacting

Bildung ~ Building

People must be able to

”touch” the images





Openness as strategy

1. What inspired us

A beacon

Closed for renovation for 10 years 2003-12

Investment in digitising the collections

Open data and images key in the museum brand by the

re-opening in 2012

400,000 images for free download

Rijksstudio with >200,000 profiles

Open API

A promiscuous


Were our collections formed to

inspire design of makeup lines?

We are not owners,

but stewards

of our collections

“Our primary mission is to ‘tell the truth’. We put as

much quality in our work as possible. That is why

we share the best quality we have. If people google

‘The Milkmaid’ by Vermeer then we want them to

find our good quality image, not all the bad and

deformed versions of this beautiful painting.”

Lizzy Jongma

data manager, Rijksmuseum

“If they want to have a Vermeer on their

toilet paper, I’d rather have a very high-

quality image of Vermeer on toilet paper

than a very bad reproduction.”

Taco Dibbits

Samlingschef, Rijksmuseum

But wait…

aren’t we

making money

on images?

"Everyone (…) wants to recoup costs

but almost none claimed to actually

achieve or expected to achieve this.

Even those services that claimed to

recoup full costs generally did not

account fully for salary costs or

overhead expenses."

Simon Tanner,

King’s College London

Tanner in practice

at SMK

Annual turnover on images sales

~ 70,000 CHF (before 2012)

Not counting administrative costs

Annual operational budget

~ 1,1 million CHF

Participatory culture

In 2015, there are more

than 22 million registered

Wikipedians worldwide

How can museums support

– and benefit from –

this cognitive surplus*?


Infuse the web

with trusted resources

Become key reference

for your collections online

Flush out the poor copies

2. What we’ve done

Bottom up approch

Johannes Simon Holzbecker, Hyacints, from Gottorfer Codex, 1649-59, KKSgb2947/26. Public Domain.

Bottom up approch

Johannes Simon Holzbecker, Hyacints, from Gottorfer Codex, 1649-59, KKSgb2947/26. Public Domain.

Not closed for 10 years

Don’t have millions of Euro to

digitise our collections

What can

you do


Michael Edson, Director of Web and New Media Strategy, Smithsonian Institution

SMK digital advisory board meeting, November 2011

In 2012, we released

160 high res images

Phasing out image sales

We are not here to sell cultural heritage!

> We are here to preserve and provide

access to cultural heritage

> We are here to support value creation

in society*

* Inspired by Jacob Wang, National Museum of Denmark

Copyright is “a little coral reef

of private right jutting up from

the ocean of Public Domain.”

A sea of images…

Paul Torremans, Copyright law: a handbook of contemporary research, 2007

Pilot projects

to demonstrate

value and impact

of open images

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff

Metro fence #01

Analog mashup

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff


Art can be playful!

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff

Metro fence #2

Digital remix

CCBY 3.0 Frida Gregersen

CCBY 3.0 Frida Gregersen

CCBY 3.0 Frida Gregersen


Art can be helpful

CCBY 3.0 Frida Gregersen

CCBY 3.0 Frida Gregersen

Winner of the Fence Post 2013

by public vote

CCBY 4.0 Merete Sanderhoff


Breaking the ice


Embracing the

Public Domain

The difference

It is ours, but we

permit you to reuse

It is yours, so you have

the right to reuse

Today, SMK offers 25,000 images

in the Public Domain for free download

The quality and resolution varies,

but it’s a work in progress

Starting to snowball

Uptake by users

Uptake by artists

160 high res images


824 file usages

630 individual pages

27 languages

Uptake by Wikipedia

Facilitation of re-use

remains vital

SMK Fridays – monthly evening events

SMK Friday 29 May

Focus on remix and re-use

of public domain artworks

Collaboration with Europeana Creative

and Aalto University

Design challenge


Wiki workshops

Inviting art historians,

students and amateurs

to learn wiki-editing

together with us at SMK

while using our images

3. Why sharing is caring

Main arguments for open

1. Ethical What was in the Public Domain

should stay in the Public Domain*

2. Mission-basedWe are not here to sell cultural heritage

3. EconomicOpenness is better for business, in a sea of images

*Harry Verwayen, Deputy Director, Europeana

Today, we can offer online services that

are available from everywhere to anyone

seeking "to participate in the cultural life

of the community, to enjoy the arts and to

share in scientific advancement and its


Article 27.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Achieving the

Enlighenment vision

“The Age of Enlightenment fostered

dreams of a united humanity, building

on knowledge, education, and equal

access to participating in society and

culture. With digital technologies, we

have stepped closer to fulfilling that


How do we embrace this

unique opportunity to make

our institutions and work

truly support a connected


Merete Sanderhoff, Foreword to Sharing is Caring.

Openness and sharing in the cultural heritage sector.

SMK 2014.


”Our role is still more to facilitate public

use of cultural heritage for learning,

creativity, and innovation. Today,

learning happens in reciprocity.

We are all a part of the web.

We shape each other.”



Mikkel Bogh

Director, SMK

Thank you.

Filippino Lippi (c. 1457-1504),

The Meeting of Joachim and Anne outside the Golden Gate of Jerusalem, 1497.

112,5x124 cm. KMSsp40. Public Domain

Merete Sanderhoff

Curator of digital museum practice
