Research Results

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Research Results

From my results I can see that the music genre ‘Pop’ was clearly the most popular out of the other four. This works out well as initially I wanted to focus my magazine on pop music. ‘Metal’ was the least popular only being chosen eight times out of twenty.

Rate the following music genres Rate the following celebrities you would like to see on the front cover

This bar chart shows that the two most popular artists were ‘Rihanna’ and ‘Ed Sheeran’ receiving the same amount of votes to feature on the front cover. ‘The Wanted’ were the least popular which surprised me as I thought that females would have chosen an attractive boy group.

Rate the following magazine title names

This shows that the most popular magazine titles were ‘Mix’ and ‘ P oh P’, I am still unsure about which title I should pick as there was not really much significant difference between all.

Out of the following which free gift would you like to receive?

The results show that all of the free gifts were quite popular but the majority liked to receive an album, followed by a signed poster and music download. Band merchandise was the least popular and this shows that people are not that interested in artist’s/band’s merchandise.

What content would you like to see in a music magazine?

The top 20 chart was the most popular however interviews came a very close second and festivals/concerts featured third. Quizzes did not seem very popular and this didn’t surprise me as a lot of people tend to skip doing them in order to read more important content.

What price would you feel is appropriate for a music magazine?

Over three pounds for the price of a music magazine was in my opinion quite extortionate and clearly the people I surveyed agreed as it received zero votes. £2.00-£2.99 and £1.00-£1.99 were the most popular and yet under £1.00 wasn’t popular. This surprised me as according to my research free magazines are doing relatively well yet no one selected this option.

How often would you like the publication to be circulated?

From the results I can clearly see that the publication being circulated monthly was most popular with weekly and fortnightly significantly lower. No one voted for quarterly which doesn’t surprise me and I am glad that monthly was so popular as I had originally planned to do distribute it every month.

On average how long do you listen to music for daily?

From the response I can see that the majority listen to music for more than two hours a day and only one person chose less than an hour. This shows that music is something many people listen to which is helpful as my magazine will be about music.

What gender would you prefer the magazine to be specifically targeted at?


As I was only asking females to do my questionnaire I had to alter the question so that they could decide if they would prefer a magazine for both genders or one specifically targeted at females. The majority wanted one aimed specifically at females which is great as that was my original idea.

What colour scheme would you prefer the magazine to have?

I was actually quite surprised at the results from this question and thought that the feminine colours pink and purple would have been popular. However the two contrasting colours black and white were the most popular and the yellow and green colour scheme did not receive any votes.