Rahim Afrooz corparation

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Rahim Afrooz corparation

Welcome to my presentation

What is your designation and what are your responsibility?


National Manager, sales.



Provide clear direction. Achieve target. Deal with consumers. Motivate employee. Assign work.

How did you get into management ?How long did it take to be a manager after you started your career?

Mr. Amir H. Khan started his career in Castrol

(distributor in Bangladesh).

Castrol > Mobil > Calten > Castrol

Can you describe the Organogram of your organization and your career path? Where would you like to be in the next 5 years?

Organogram of castrol

Board of director > Managing director > Finance.

> Sales.

> Production. > Human resource.

In sales

Castrol > Distributor > Retailer > consumer

In next 5 years?

Everyone wants to be in the top.

> Just chose that path which you are eligible enough.

What do you think are some of the most common ways people fail at management in an organization?

Fail to provide clear direction. Fail to trust. Fail to react to the problems. Fail to communicate. Not treating all employee equally.

How do you recruit employees for your organization? What do you look for ( Degree/ Experience/ Smartness/ GPA/ University)

Smart employee. GPA. Reputed University.

How do you define “success” as a manager?

Profit = success

How do you handle subordinates when they make mistakes? What action do you takes?

At first he shows anger, then after sometime he motive that employee.


> Give the credit what he has done.

> Consult with the employee.

What is one of the important personal lessons or experience that guides you as a manager?

Ronal coun was his first boss. He used to say him that “leader creates leader”. From that very day he take it as a lesson. This lesson guide him as a manager till now.

How do you motive your employees? Do you have any incentive package in your organization?


A cup of tea. Promotion. Give the credit for his work. Make employee feel that he is important. Consult.


If any employee achieve the target he or she will visit Malaysia.

What are the difference between academic theories and realities of management in Bangladeshi organization?

Academic knowledge is for the eligibility for the job.

In real world you have to perform. You should have the practical excellence.

So, practical knowledge is more important then Academic.

Thank you

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