Rahim Afrooz corparation

Welcome to my presentation

Transcript of Rahim Afrooz corparation

Page 1: Rahim Afrooz corparation

Welcome to my presentation

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What is your designation and what are your responsibility?

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National Manager, sales.


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Provide clear direction. Achieve target. Deal with consumers. Motivate employee. Assign work.

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How did you get into management ?How long did it take to be a manager after you started your career?

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Mr. Amir H. Khan started his career in Castrol

(distributor in Bangladesh).

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Castrol > Mobil > Calten > Castrol

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Can you describe the Organogram of your organization and your career path? Where would you like to be in the next 5 years?

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Organogram of castrol

Board of director > Managing director > Finance.

> Sales.

> Production. > Human resource.

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In sales

Castrol > Distributor > Retailer > consumer

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In next 5 years?

Everyone wants to be in the top.

> Just chose that path which you are eligible enough.

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What do you think are some of the most common ways people fail at management in an organization?

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Fail to provide clear direction. Fail to trust. Fail to react to the problems. Fail to communicate. Not treating all employee equally.

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How do you recruit employees for your organization? What do you look for ( Degree/ Experience/ Smartness/ GPA/ University)

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Smart employee. GPA. Reputed University.

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How do you define “success” as a manager?

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Profit = success

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How do you handle subordinates when they make mistakes? What action do you takes?

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At first he shows anger, then after sometime he motive that employee.


> Give the credit what he has done.

> Consult with the employee.

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What is one of the important personal lessons or experience that guides you as a manager?

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Ronal coun was his first boss. He used to say him that “leader creates leader”. From that very day he take it as a lesson. This lesson guide him as a manager till now.

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How do you motive your employees? Do you have any incentive package in your organization?

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A cup of tea. Promotion. Give the credit for his work. Make employee feel that he is important. Consult.

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If any employee achieve the target he or she will visit Malaysia.

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What are the difference between academic theories and realities of management in Bangladeshi organization?

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Academic knowledge is for the eligibility for the job.

In real world you have to perform. You should have the practical excellence.

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So, practical knowledge is more important then Academic.

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Thank you

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“Any Questions”