Questionnaire and Results

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Questionnaire and Results

4. What colours would suit an Indie Folk Pop magazine genre?4. What colours would suit an Indie Folk Pop magazine genre?

Green shadesBlue and PurpleOrange and WhiteRed, white and black

6. How often would you like the magazine to be issued?6. How often would you like the magazine to be issued?

One every weekMonthlyEvery few monthsEvery other week

7. What price would you pay for the magazine?7. What price would you pay for the magazine?


10. For the main image, what pose would you like to see?10. For the main image, what pose would you like to see?

SmileTongue out/playfulNeutralHolding an instrument

3. What gender would you prefer for the front cover?What gender would you prefer for the front cover?


1. Which title suits best for an indie folk pop magazine?


Mainly IndieSmoking folkGreen light

2. How many feature articles would you like?How many feature articles would you like?

1) - 3)4) - 6)6+

1. Which title suits best for an indie folk pop magazine? Indie folk light

2. What gender would you prefer for thefront cover?

3. How many feature articles would you expect?

4. What colours would suit an Indie Folk Pop magazine genre? shades and purple and white, white and black

5. What type ofarticle topics would you expect?

6. How often would you like the magazine to be issued? every week few months other week

7. What price would you pay for the magazine?

8. If an article has aninterview, what topics would you expect?

9. Would you expect any extras if purchasing the magazine? If yes what kind?

10. For the main image, what pose would you like to see? out/playful, looking at audience an instrument?


5. What type of articles would you expect?

8. If an article has an interview, what topics would you expect?

9. Would you expect any extras if purchasing the magazine? If yes what kind?

10. For the main image, what pose would you like to see?