Proposed National SET Goals for 2009

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Proposed National SET Goals for 2009. National SET Mission Mandate Team and National 4-H Council. Evaluation-related Goals. Over 250,000 youth will be reached with 4-H SET programming Tools will be developed and data collected and analyzed for year one of the Implementation Study. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Proposed National SET Goals for 2009

ProposedNational SET Goals

for 2009National SET Mission Mandate

Team andNational 4-H Council

Evaluation-related Goals

Over 250,000 youth will be reached with 4-H SET programming

Tools will be developed and data collected and analyzed for year one of the Implementation Study

Evaluation-related Goals

Baselines will be established for the number of youth engaged in SET and the number of new youth engaged in 4-H SET

Baselines will be established for the processes examined in the Implementation Study

Evaluation-related Goals

Tools will be developed and piloted for the Youth Engagement, Attitudes and Knowledge Survey.

Sixty percent (60%) of LGU's who have submitted states plans will participate in the implementation study

Evaluation-related Goals

Five trainings for facilitators of the Youth Engagement, Attitudes and Knowledge Survey will occur (at some point we'll have to establish these details, trainings may be regionally, via breeze, etc.).Use distance technology as much as possible.

Curriculum-related Goals

Increase metrics on all 4-H SET curriculum websites by 20%.

Launch and disseminate information about Curriculum Development website to the 4-H System  

Support National 4-H HQ in identifying SET curricular needs.

Curriculum-related Goals

Develop plan for revision of existing 4-H SET curriculum (HQ leads)

Evolve a searchable database for Grab-N-Go activities

Begin Phase 2: Learner Outcome Pilot for Exploring Your Environment curriculum Your Environment).

Curriculum-related Goals

Promote 4-H SET curriculum at 3 national conferences, primary focus on EYE (Exploring Your Environment).

Present Poster Session on 4-H SET Curriculum Development at NAE4HA

Develop searchable database for 4-H SET-related vodcast library

Curriculum-related Goals

Facilitate development of five new 4-H SET curricula; completion in 2010. • “Engineering for Sustainability” from

K-State Research & Extension • “Teaming with Insects” from Purdue

University • “There’s No New Water” from University of

California, Davis“• “Developing Citizen Scientists” from the

University of Minnesota• 4-H Robotics Curriculum

Professional Development Goal

Create tools and resources (with Land Grant universities) that can be delivered and utilized by the 4-H system to deliver 4-H SET.

PD Sub Goals

Develop training scripts for 12 hours of in-service training for Power of Wind

Oversee pilot of coaching component for Power of Wind to identify needs and provide recommendations for next steps

PD Sub-goals Oversee development of at least 6

hours of training that provides support to general 4-H SET initiative and includes 4-H SET curriculum development; SET Inquiry; Creating a SET Rich Environment and Evaluating Impact- Asking the Right Questions.

PD Sub-goals

Finalize the SET Competencies and work with the team to develop the tools that include – self-assessment; training guide; gaps analysis

Finalize with the team, guides that can help with job descriptions and volunteer descriptions for SET

PD Sub goals

Work with new SET curriculum to create a system for professional development efforts

National Conf. Goal

A web-based tracking system will be used to keep a record of 4-H SET presentations made at national and regional conferences

Marketing Goal

 90% of states to participate in 4-H National Youth Science Day

Increase media coverage of 4-H National Youth Science Day to X million (from 50 million in 2008)

Drive X people to

4-H SET Plan of Action

States/LGUS without a 4-H SET Plan of Action on file at National 4-H Council will be contacted and encouraged to submit a plan – the contact will be made with the 4-H SET Liaisons – LGUs without liaisons will not be contacted in 2009

The 4-H SET POAs data will be used in the 4-H SET Evaluation Implementation Plan

4-H SET Plan of Action

Data from the 4-H SET POA will be synthesized and shared with members of the 4-H SET Evaluation Design Team to assist them in developing the implementation survey

Only LGUs with a 4-H SET POA on file will be eligible for funding from National 4-H Council

The review and synthesis of the 4-H SET POA will be completed

Partnership Dev. Ensure 4-H deliverables included in

the signed MOU are met Establish 5-10 new partnerships 500 new volunteers will be

reached through the 4-H SET programming and partnership development work

4-H Urban SET  Survey local 4-H professionals working

in urban communities to: 1. Determine current level and type of SET programming; 2. Receive input on what they perceive as key to their success; 3. Receive input on what they perceive to be their greatest needs; and 4. Identify those interested in serving on the 4-H SET Urban Programming Team, participating in the pilot, and/or serving as a mentor.

4-H Urban SET Coordinate 4-H Council’s

participation in the North Central Urban Extension Conference.

Establish the 4-H SET Urban Programming Team.

4-H Urban SET Work with the urban programming team

to produce a best practices guide for implementing 4-H SET in urban communities.

Design an urban pilot program, recruit eight pilot sites, and train youth-adult partnership teams from the eight sites (training is scheduled for October 14-16, 2009 at the National 4-H Center).

4-H SET Liaisons Affirm the role of 4-H SET Liaisons Provide orientation for new 4-H

SET Liaisons

Communication CES Directors, SPL, 1890

Administrators, the 4-H System and other key groups will be kept abreast of 4-H SET work

General Goals Ensure there is a good system for

identifying what is already being accomplished that supports 4-H SET

Continue to find ways to ensure the system continues to take control and responsibility for the 4-H SET program

General Goals A 36-Month 4-H SET Succession

Plan will be developed to guide the work of 4-H SET and project the status of 4-H SET on July 1, 2012

General Goals Within two years, 4-H SET will be

institutionalized (for example):• NPL gives leadership (NIFA/Council

Leadership)• 4-H SET curricula come from Land-

Grants on an ongoing basis• Evaluation is ongoing and embedded

to assess impact• Donors are contributing to 4-H SET on

an ongoing basis

General Goals Within two years, 4-H SET will be

institutionalized (for example):• Characteristics of long-term sustainability is

defined• Maintenance of the 4-H SET Mission

Mandate work is defined • Help states define where they need to be

within three years in:• Professional Development• Curriculum, and• Evaluation