Project Acronym: EAL-NET Project Title: EuroAlmaLaurea Network … · 2008. 7. 15. · al-Farabi...

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Transcript of Project Acronym: EAL-NET Project Title: EuroAlmaLaurea Network … · 2008. 7. 15. · al-Farabi...

Project Acronym: EAL-NET Project Title: EuroAlmaLaurea Network e-recruitment on-line services

Contract Number: C517404 Starting date: 1 July 2005 Ending date: 31 March 2007

Deliverable Number: D6.3 Title of the Deliverable: D6.3 Final Conference Task/WP related to the Deliverable: WP6, Type (Internal or Restricted or Public): Internal Author(s): AlmaLaurea Partner(s) Contributing: Intrasoft, TARKI , Universities

Contractual Date of Delivery to the CEC: 28 February 2007 Actual Date of Delivery to the CEC:

Project Co-ordinator

Company name : Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea Name of representative : Dott. Matteo Sgarzi Address : Viale Masini 36, 40126 Bologna Phone number : +39 051 6088 927 Fax number : +39 051 6088 988 E-mail : Project WEB site address :


INDEX 1. Introcuction.............................................................................................................. 3

2. Conference description ........................................................................................... 4

3. The EAL-NET closing event................................................................................... 5

5. Fotos form the AlmaLaurea National Conference............................................... 9

6. Interviews and statements o the Participating Universities .............................. 16

7. Press Releases......................................................................................................... 18


1. Introcuction EAL-NET project arise form the AlmaLaurea experience in building in Italy a Inter University consortium that have reached today 49 participating Universities, 850.000 stored graduates CVs and thousand of customer companies. The idea for a European scale deployment of the AlmaLaurea services has its background in the success of the Italian experience, and it is strengthened by the needs of innovative e-recruiting services in a continent where education and job are assuming increasingly a common character. AlmaLaurea searched an its own way to find answers to more current major challenges like:

• Internationalization of the labour markets • Integration of European Higher Education Systems (Bologna Process) • Comparability of statistics at European level

The text of the Bologna Declaration itself gave to AlmaLaurea the outlines for its ambitious attempt to enlarge the Italian model to European level where was stated the purposes:

• to facilitate “the attainment of a major compatibility and comparability of the higher education systems […] supporting concrete measures that will allow to realize tangible progress”

• “to favour the occupability of the European citizens and the international competitiveness of the European Higher Education System”

The assessment of the reality that we know best, namely the Italian academic context, shows that the extension of the database to a even larger group of universities (new universities form the countries already represented in the project as well as from new countries) would allow the achievement of a three-fold advantage: 1) to raise recruiting companies’ interest, especially those operating on the international labour markets, assuring quality, trustworthiness and always updated and certified CV information. 2) to have available a new, timely and comparative information source on graduate features, expectations and satisfaction for the degree awarded and the course attended. 3) to contribute to the visibility and prestige of the individual institution, raising graduate employability thanks to the adhesion to a wide network able to promote its own students and its own national academic systems worldwide. Starting by the above assumptions should be clearly understandable why AlmaLaurea Consortium decided to give to the EAL-NET outcomes the maximum visibility including them in the larger programme of its annual National Conference.


2. Conference description The ALMALAUREA National Convention, taken place on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd of March 2007 in Bologna. The two-day programme focuses on Graduate employment conditions in Europe and Italy. (see conference programme:

The Conference included also the following other topics:

• Presentation of the Ninth ALMALAUREA survey of graduates employment (consisting

of almost 90,000 telephone interviews comprising all the graduates in the summer exam periods of the years 2005, 2003 and 2001). This survey has always obtained exceptionally high response rates (84 per cent). For your further information you can visit web pages on the latest studies realised by ALMALAUREA on this topic. (

• Presentation of the major findings of the Survey called “The Flexible Professional in the

Knowledge Society New Demands on Higher Education in Europe” (REFLEX Project) This EU funded (6th FP) study is based on a comparative analysis between 13 European countries and Japan.

• Closing round table: “Human Resources trained by Universities as a contribution to a

knowledge-based society and to Italian and European development” The reliable speakers panel his composed between the other by the Italian Minister for Higher Education Hon. Fabio Mussi, Italian Minister for Employment and Social Security Hon. Cesare Damiano, the President of the European Universities Association (EUA) Prof. Georg Winckler.

• Closing speech of the President of the Italian Council of Ministers, the Hon. Romano

Prodi will give a closing speech. The AlmaLaurea Conference is still entirely visible in free video and audio STREAMING Access to the service is provided by CINECA clicking on the URL:


3. The EAL-NET closing event Thanks to this important context EAL-NET Project was presented to a very large audience (around 630 registered people) and benefited of the presence of a multiplicity of different stakeholders included top members of the Italian Government. The EAL-NET activities was split into two parts: 1) Morning session. Presentation of the EAL-NET Project’s results and future perspective. Celebration for completion of the project and its relaunching immediately thereafter. Project Dissemination to brand new foreign academic partners. Presentation was given by Mr. Angelo Guerriero, (AlmaLaurea Technical Director) and Alberto Leone (AlmaLaurea Chief Technology Officer). Rector and representatives of the involved partner universities participated to the presentation:

• Dr. Joe Ritzen – President of the University of Maastricht • Prof. Maria Szekely – Vice Rector for education, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest • Prof. Ewa Giermanowska - University of Warsaw • Prof. Mathieu Grunfeld – OFIPE Director, Marne-la-Vallée University

2) Since the database is designed for the rapid and straightforward enlargement to every University, not only European, wishing to join the project, 23 University delegations replied to the EAL-NET invitation to come in Bologna to know more about the project and how to join it for the next phase. A special working session was set out Saturday March 3rd dedicated to the EAL-NET giving to New participating universities the necessary information. The Afternoon meeting was attended by all above delegation, the meeting panel was composed by:

• Prof. Andrea Cammelli – AlmaLaurea Director • Ass. Duccio Campagnoli – Emilia Romagna Region councillor for Economic Activites • Prof. Roberto Grandi – Univerity of Bologna, Vice Rector for International Relation • Mr. Matteo Sgarzi – AlmaLaurea, EAL-NET Coordinator


Foreign Delegation who attended the conference

Stato Università Nome Cognome Carica

AUSTRIA University of Klagenfurt Marco Messier Rector delgate

ALBANIA Technological

University “Ismail Qemal Vlora”

Spiro Caushi Vice-Rector

COLOMBIA Universidad de

Antioquia Medellín – Colombia

Alvaro Cadavid Marulanda Director

Karel Rais Rector CZECH REPUBLIC

University of Technology of Brno

Emanuel Ondrá�ek Lecturer ����������� ������ West Kazakhstan

State University Tuyakbay Zeitovich Rysbecov Rector

����������� ������ al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zulkhair Mansurov Vice-Rector

LATVIA University of Latvia, Riga Juris Krumins Vice-Rector

LITUANIA Vilnius University Birute Pociute Vice-Rector

Ljubica Suturkova Vice-Rector MACEDONIA Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Velimir Stojkovski Vice-Rector

MACEDONIA Tetovo University Alji Saljihi General Secretaire

POLAND Jagiellonian University Marek Frankowicz

Bologna Process Promoter, Rector Delegate for the

East-European Net

POLAND Politechnika Krakowska Monika Domanska

Polish “Biura Karier” network

Director POLAND University of Lodz Henryk Piekarski Vice-Rector

Anatoly Bogush Vice-Rector RUSSIA

Russian State Hydrometeorological

University Maria Mamaeva Interpreter

ROMANIA "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University Henri Luchian Vice-Rector

ROMANIA Bucharest University Ioan PANZARU Rector

SLOVENIA Nova Gorica University Gvido Bratina dean of Faculty of

Applied Sciences

SPAIN Santiago de Compostela University

Manuel Fernandez Grela Rector Delegate

TURKEY Hacettepe University Tunçalp Özgen President

TURKEY Akdeniz University Veli ORTACESME Vice Rector

UNITED Swansea University Pauline McDonald Head of Careers



Volodymyr Yermachenko Vice-Rector Vasyl Otenko Vice-Rector

UCRAINA Kharkiv National

University of Economics Konstantin Gurstiev

Head of the International

Relations Office

UCRAINA Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Sergiy Shukayev

Head of the International

Relations Office

��������� �� East Ukrainian National University Oleksandr Golubenko Rector

EAL-NET Partners

NETHERLANDS Rolf Van der Velden Partner EAL-NET


Maastricht University

Jo Ritzen President

FRANCE Matthieu Grunfeld Partner EAL-NET


Marne-la-Vallée University Pierre Dubois Partner EAL-NET

HUNGARY Maria Szekelyi Vice Rector

HUNGARY Edit Vékony Partner EAL-NET


Budapest University

Katalin Tausz Vice Dean Fac. Social Sciences

POLAND Ewa Giermanowska Partner EAL-NET

POLAND Agata Zarzycka Partner EAL-NET


Warsaw University

Marcin Sinczuch Partner EAL-NET


Programme of the afternoon working session


5. Fotos form the AlmaLaurea National Conference Conference banner


Saturady March 3rd session panel

Italian Prime Minister Hon. Romano Prodi


Italian Government Minister Hon. Fabio Mussi (University and Research)

Italian Government Minister Hon. Cesare Damiano (Labour and welfare)

Prof. Georg Winkler, President of the European Universities Association (EUA)


Fabio Roversi Monaco and, President of AlmaLaurea

Andrea Cammelli, Director of AlmaLaurea


The EAL-NET project presentation Angelo Guerriero, AlmaLaurea Technical Director

Alberto Leone, AlmaLaurea Chief Technology Officer

The EAL-NET Project Presentation


Dr. Jo Ritzen, President of the Maastricht University

Prof. Maria Szekelyi, Vice Rector for education, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest


Prof. Ewa Giermanowska - University of Warsaw

Mathieu Grunbfeld (Marne-la-Vallée University) and Matteo Sgarzi, (AlmaLaurea, EAL-NET Project coordinator)


6. Interviews and statements of the Participating Universities Puline Mc Donald (Head of Careers) – University of Swansea (UK) I was very impressed with the AlmaLaurea project. I think that it provides very imaginative solutions to assist graduate employability. I have discussed my experience at the Conference with various staff at Swansea University in Wales. I am awaiting a response from some other staff. I would welcome the opportunity to join AlmaLaurea; however I am exploring possibilities to spread awareness of the scheme to other universities in Wales. All UK universities collect statistical information on graduate destinations, 6 months after graduation. However we do not have a comparable CV service that assists graduates find employment. Clearly such a service would be a great help to graduates and employers. Professors Karel Rais (Rector) and Emanuel Ondrá�ek (consultant and former Rector). Brno University of Technology (CZ)

Following the National Convention structure, presentations and discussions we were surprised and impressed about the actual state of Italian universities graduates system in general, for creation of the effective triad: graduate-university-company running wast national system with respect of the Bologna process principles, with great interest of high level politicians, company leaders and academic representatives and others (hundreds of participants Friday afternoon/evening and Saturday morning). For this reasons we appreciated the AlmaLaurea activities very much. We feel that disseminations as harmonized nationally modified systems, in the frame of Bologna process and EUA/ EU activities, is a key trend which is to be supported and developed. Regarding to understanding the AlmaLaurea philosophy, development and system and development to EuroAlmaLaurea we appraise very much 5 ppt presentations of professor Cammelli and Sgarzi. As very important we appraise membership four foreign universities in the Projects Consortium and their approach. It is a challenge also for our university. Prof. Veli Ortacesme (Advisor to Rector for Internaltional Relations) – Akdeniz University (TR)

As far as I know, the idea behind AlmaLaurea is unique in Europe. I deeply believe that the information collected and the documentation produced will be very useful for higher education sector as well as the employment sector in Italy and in Europe. We would like to collaborate with AlmaLaurea in the framework of the EAL-NET project There is no doubt that a graduates database will help our university in many respects, e.g. revision of education programmes according to graduates’ feedbacks. Prof. Dr. Tunçalp Özgen - President of Hacettepe University (TR)

I am sure AlmaLaurea EAL-net project will be a real successful one. Please feel free to get in touch with me in order to inform Turkish Universities about this project a meeting which can be organized in ANKARA. I found out that AlmaLaurea is serving well especially to Italian Universities by collecting them together under an umbrella. My university will be pleased to be in EAL-net project. As far as I know my universities technical back ground and back bone is satisfactory for such a project. All we have to do is, opening a page dealing with EAL-net or giving a link EAL-net.


Prof. Ioan Panzaru Rector - University of Bucharest (RO)

We find your endeavours very helpful and useful, in favour of both sides, the alumnus and the employer. In this respect, the documentation and the studies we found on the internet are very good. The conference was an impulse to identify the Romanian needs and implicitly those a database can satisfy : the professional competence is without doubt the main request, but we would be also interested to know what an alumni is entitled / allowed to work considering the competences he has, whether he can enter any field or a limited area of activties ? What expectations is a graduate entitled to have, if we consider the legal frame? The project AlmaLaurea is a great idea and the University of Bucharest is willing to join in the project. I presented it to the board of the Senate Thursday and it was approved. Friday I had the honour to present it to the Minister of Education, who was interested and commended the project. I think we might be EAL-NET partner we might implement project in our university. Prof. Ljubica Suturkova, Vice Rector, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia

The Euro AlmaLaurea-Net Project is an excellent extension of the Italian AlmaLaurea system. It represents career services for graduating students on the European universities and gives them unique opportunities to apply for jobs on the EU market and further. The project benefits employers as well giving them a possibility to enhance their recruitment activities and their image. Organizations have access to prospective employers from different regions and countries, and are given the opportunity to evaluate potential candidates thus making plans for the future growth of the company. The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University is interested in the collaboration with AlmaLaurea. One of the main reasons is that it will help in providing more resources in identifying job opportunities for its graduating students. Many younger people newly entering the labor force will be looking to pursue portfolio careers that provide a wide diversity of employment and learning experiences that the site can point them to. There is much the University can learn from the online job and CV marketplaces, as AlmaLaurea, especially because it would be guided by an independent and experienced organization. On the challenging education market our University would be able to adapt its studies to the growing and ever-changing job market. Furthermore, it provides an excellent resource for the organizations in the region in tailoring their needs to the available candidates. It will provide an excellent tool in attracting international companies to the region. Prof. Anatoly Bogush, Vice Rectors for International Relations, Russian State Hydrometeeological University, St Petersburg, Russia.

AlmaLaurea activities are an important part of education and training process and cooperation with labour market which should being implemented by each Higher Educational Institutions as well as by HEI consortiums. Produced statistics in the framework of the EAL-NET project are fine indicators for quality of educational programmes and courses. It might be successful used in an effort to raise the demand for one or another educational programme by improving curricula and including new nascent requirements of labour market. Overall study is a functioning instrument for raising an attraction and prestige of the universities involved in the project. Russian State Hydrometeorological University, which is unique Russian Higher Educational Institution specialized in the field of Environmental Sciences, is interested in collaboration with AlmaLaurea in the framework of the EAL-NET project. The graduate database could meet such needs as entering of our graduates to international labour market from one side, and obtaining of useful data on any disadvantages (if any?) and possible gaps in Russian environmental and scientific higher education.


7. Press Releases Italian press release on prof. Georg WINKLER, EUA President statement:

EuroAlmaLaurea? “Un’esperienza unica a livello europeo, la mia Università è pronta a partecipare nel progetto”. Con queste parole Georg Winckler presidente dell’associazione universitaria europea e rettore dell’Università di Vienna, è intervenuto oggi, venerdì 2

marzo, al convegno “Dall’Università al lavoro in Italia e in Europa” promosso da AlmaLaurea all’università di Bologna. Per Winckler, il dibattito aperto in Europa e anche in Italia, che contribuisce a rendere interessante AlmaLaurea, è sulla valutazione dei corsi riformati sulla base del Processo di Bologna. “Le università in Italia così come quelle europee si stanno chiedendo se i propri corsi riformati sono soddisfacenti”. In più, c’è anche il problema del divario tra i tassi di disoccupazione europei e americani. “Il tasso di disoccupazione dei giovani tra i 25 e i 30 anni è intorno al 9% in Europa, mentre negli Usa è del 2-3%. Il punto è proprio questo: se i nuovi curricula europei sono orientati al mercato oppure no”. “L’impressionante quantità di dati messi a disposizione da AlmaLaurea rappresenta un patrimonio per il mondo della formazione universitaria. Io stesso intendo proporre l’adesione della mia università per trarre vantaggio da questa grande quantità di informazioni”. “Vista la sempre maggiore autonomia delle università gli strumenti per la valutazione delle proprie politiche formative hanno sempre più importanza. E quindi EAL-Net rappresenta un vantaggio per il mondo della formazione accademica perché permette ad ogni ateneo di comparare i propri dati con la media del proprio paese e con quella europea, verificando il valore aggiunto dei propri programmi di studio. Per esempio, se io trovo che i laureati della mia facoltà di fisica trovano lavoro con tassi più alti della media, posso immaginare che i miei professori e i miei corsi siano validi. Se invece, trovo che gli studi di psicologia, per esempio, hanno tassi di disoccupazione più alti, allora devo prendere delle adeguate misure”. Il progetto EuroAlmaLaurea potrebbe anche favorire la costituzione di un mercato del lavoro europeo? “Non si può fare un discorso generale, ma analizzare le singole discipline. In alcune la dimensione europea, sui pensi, per esempio ai corsi di business administration e alla già molto sviluppata mobilità continentale dei ricercatori. Per altre discipline, l’internazionalizzazione è ancora molto lontana. Si pensi ad esempio all’ambito della formazione medico”. Italian Press Agency


(V. 'UNIVERSITA': ALMALAUREA, CALA...' DELLE 15.14) (ANSA) - BOLOGNA, 2 MAR - ''All'estero il guadagno medio e le posizioni occupazionali sono molto piu' elevate, mentre il nostro Paese non e' in grado di utilizzare una generazione che e' li', in attesa solo di una chiamata''. Andrea Cammelli, direttore di Almalaurea, ha chiara l'idea che sta dietro alla nuova iniziativa della sua associazione, 'EuroAlmalaurea-Net': incrociare domanda e offerta di lavoro su scala europea, creando una rete di curriculum a disposizione delle aziende che vogliono assumere. ''Utilizzeremo l'esperienza italiana di Almalaurea che dal 1994 gestisce una banca dati di 850.000 curriculum online per favorire la mobilita' dei giovani e la democratizzazione dell'accesso dei laureati al mercato del lavoro'' ha spiegato Cammelli criticando il sistema produttivo italiano ''capace solo di produzioni di basso contenuto tecnologico e di minime spese di manodopera, ma non di investire sul capitale umano'', tanto che l'indice di laureati italiano tra i 25 e i 36 anni e' solo del 15%, inferiore a quello di paesi come Polonia e Messico. Una tendenza confermata anche dallo scarso valore aggiunto di master ed esperienze all'estero che valgono appena un 4% in piu' in termini occupazionali a cinque anni dalla laurea. 'EuroAlmalaurea-Net' e' gia' in fase di sperimentazione con gli atenei di Budapest, Varsavia, Parigi Marne-la-Vallee e Maastricht, ma in breve tempo sara' esteso a tutta la Comunita' Europea.(ANSA).


Italian press release on the EAL-NET Project


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Una banca dati dei laureati europei. Per dare più opportunità di lavoro ai giovani laureati italiani, ungheresi, francesi, olandesi e polacchi. E nei prossimi mesi a tutti i laureati della Comunità europea. Al convegno “Dall’Università al lavoro in Italia e in Europa”, che si è tenuto il 2 e 3 marzo 2007 a Bologna, il Consorzio interuniversitario italiano AlmaLaurea ha presentato il progetto giunto ormai alla conclusione della sua fase pilota. Si chiama EuroAlmaLaurea-NET e ha l’obiettivo di facilitare l’ingresso nel mondo del lavoro dei laureati nel mercato europeo. Il progetto, finanziato nell’ambito del programma europeo eTEN e guidato dal Consorzio AlmaLaurea, è stato sperimentato con i primi ventimila curriculum vitae on line dei laureati dei Paesi aderenti, provenienti dalla banca dati AlmaLaurea e dalle Università di Budapest (Eötvös Loránd), Varsavia, Parigi Marne-la-Vallée, Maastricht. Sarà sperimentato per la prima volta l’incrocio tra domanda e offerta di lavoro su scala europea attraverso il modello AlmaLaurea che prevede la messa on line dei curriculum dei laureati, con oltre cento voci, a disposizione delle imprese che vogliono assumere. Le aziende potranno accedere alla banca dati e selezionare così i profili più consoni a quelli cercati; mentre alle Università e ai governi sarà restituita una tempestiva e aggiornata documentazione sulle caratteristiche e sulle performance dei propri laureati sul futuro professionale dei giovani universitari.

Il progetto EuroAlmaLaurea trae origine dall’esperienza italiana di AlmaLaurea, il Consorzio di 49 università italiane che rappresentano quasi il 70% del complesso dei laureati in Italia di ogni anno. AlmaLaurea gestisce dal 1994 una banca dati in cui sono ad oggi resi disponibili 850mila curriculum vitae.


Il progetto EuroAlmaLaurea intende favorire così la mobilità dei giovani e la democratizzazione dell’accesso dei laureati al mercato del lavoro offrendo le medesime opportunità a tutti, indipendentemente dalla nazionalità o posizione geografica. Sarà messo a punto un formato unico di curriculum con contenuti, orientamento ed organizzazione ‘europei’. Il tutto in lingua inglese e nelle lingue dei partner partecipanti al progetto: francese, olandese, polacco, ungherese e, naturalmente, italiano. “L’accelerazione impressa ai processi d’internazionalizzazione dell’istruzione e di integrazione dei mercati del lavoro rende necessaria e tanto più urgente un’adeguata valorizzazione del capitale umano oltre i confini nazionali”, dichiara Andrea Cammelli. “Un progetto, dunque, che parte da lontano, dalle radici del Bologna Process e del consiglio europeo straordinario di Lisbona”. Proprio a Bologna, infatti, nel 1999 è stata sottoscritta la Dichiarazione per favorire la creazione di uno spazio europeo comune dell’istruzione entro il 2010, mentre a Lisbona è stata affermata, l’anno successivo, la volontà di costruire una società della conoscenza.

Al convegno di Bologna oltre ai rettori delle Università che hanno sviluppato il prototipo hanno partecipano anche 22 rettori o delegati delle università straniere interessate ad aderire. Vengono da ogni parte del mondo: Austria, Albania, Colombia, Repubblica Ceca, Khazakistan, Lettonia, Lituania, Macedonia, Polonia, Russia, Romania, Slovenia, Spagna, Turchia, Regno Unito, Ucraina.


Maastricht University Press release

Press Statement Maastricht University

At the Bologna Euro Alma Laurea (EAL) Convention, Maastricht University’s President Dr. Jo Ritzen - a former Dutch Minister of Education, Culture & Science and Vice President of the World Bank – shares Maastricht University views on the EAL NET project but above all learn from the Italian Alma Laurea system which was set up more then 10 year ago, in 1994. Maastricht University has always strongly believed in assisting students with their first steps into an increasingly competitive job market. In doing so, Maastricht University therefore actively provides its students with education, information, advice and support to enhance their future (international) career. The first training courses in writing applications and preparing for interviews have recently taken place at Maastrichts Careers Services unit. Career Services provide excellent network opportunities as it is a forum for contacts and collaboration between internal parties such as, faculties, alumni and student associations and external parties such as, recruitment agencies / national & international companies. Maastricht University is truly committed to linking graduates and careers which can be illustrated by a recent university conference in October 2006 – the European Labor market for academic graduates. Jo Ritzen regards it essential and important to share the international experiences in order to improve the EAL NET system and come to a unique national and international electronic recruitment service for higher education graduates and businesses. Therefore, first of all he indicates that in order to be able to provide the correct information for the system, the focus should be on the target group using the system, the business and industry world. They should be the leading agent with regards to the content of the information in the system. Needless to say that the client per university might vary depending on the university’s subject orientation and link to the national or international job market. Secondly, he says that target groups for universities are more likely to be similar within one specific country. As a result an essential step to be taken in the project therefore involves setting up a strong national system as a basis from which an international European system can develop. And thirdly, for an international system to be developed and fine tuned it is essential to focus on the ‘certification of diploma’s’; a company should be able to identify instantly that the information provided on the system with regards to degree and diploma is correct. It is important for a future employer to be able to recognize the quality of the diploma that the student identifies in his/her c.v. As stated earlier Maastricht University is keen to learn from the experiences with the Italian Alma Laurea system which currently comprises 790,000 c.v.’s with some 12,000 client firms using it. In relation to the Italian experience a number of questions arose, such as ‘is it clear how many ‘clicks’ have been made on the alumni c.v.’s of specific universities and by which companies’, ‘is it clear how many successful candidates have been selected through the system in recent years’ and ‘is it clear whether businesses, who pay for the system, are satisfied with the system the way it has been set up?’. Jo Ritzen is also interested to learn to what extend the offered Career Services at universities in Italy have proven successful for Italian universities in attracting more students? To conclude, Jo Ritzen believes that a big challenge lies ahead for the EAL NET partners in working towards developing an efficient and effective international electronic recruitment service system for higher education graduates and businesses in Europe but also indicates that starting from a strong national based system should be the initial step in reaching this goal.

Maastricht University


Warsaw University Press release ���������������� ��

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Press Release UMLV AND THE EAL-NET PROJECT : RESULTS AND PROSPECTIVE - During the last 20 months, UMLV has been one of the 4 test sites of the EAL-NET project,

working in good partnership with Alma-Laurea and other European universities. Our university, created 15 years ago, has always put at the core of its development the connection between a high quality Research and the professional world. Therefore such a project as EAL-NET seemed perfectly relevant with our will to create new links between Higher Education institutions and the Labor Market. - The most important goals of the project have been achieved :

- we contributed to the creation of the international CV data base and began to generate a high level of interest from the students, peculiarly in professional curriculums.

- the pilot site has been tested by several companies who often underlined thei

interest in an international e-recruitment system as well as the high quality of information contained in the EAL-NET CV’s, as compared to other on-line paying serviece

- The French Ministry for Higher Education has recently assign a third mission for public

universities : not only are they supposed to produce knowledge through their research activities and disseminate this same knowledge through teaching, but they are also summoned to care a lot more that they had previously done about the employability of their students and graduates. In this context, the EAL-NET site can only be perceived as an opportunity to fulfil this mission, specially for many french universities who do not possess any efficient system.

- During the dissemination phase, we communicated the results of the projects to other

partners and universities. A meeting was held in Paris on february the 14th during which the representatives of other universities (1/4 of the French universities were present) were proposed to join EAL-NET in 2007. About half a dozen of them already declared that they were interested and, as coordinators of the French part of the project, we will study quickly the way to extend the collection of CV to these other universities before the summer so as to reach a critical mass of CV’s before the end of the year.







Conference news on European Universities Association web site

Université Marne-la-Vallée promotion