Presentation skill workshop

Post on 13-May-2015

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Generic workshop for presentation skill training

Transcript of Presentation skill workshop

Copyright 2009. Jack E Rossin

Presenting With Confidence

Techniques for more powerful presentations

Jack E Rossin

Jack E Rossin

Making decisions…

“Jury” votes for the lawyer they have the most confidence in (not on the merits of the case).

Jack E Rossin

If you appear confident, they will buy what you’re selling!

Jack E Rossin

I can’t make you be confident.

Jack E Rossin

I can make you appear confident.

Jack E Rossin

10 Techniques to Make You Appear Confident.

Strong eye contact Good posture Varying facial/hand/arm expressions Speaking volume Command of material…

Jack E Rossin

Techniques that make you Appear confident...

Speaking more slowly Storytelling Experience presenting Listening Skills Preparation/rehearsal

Jack E Rossin

3 determinants of communication’s impact

Words Voice (confident and comfortable) Non-verbal (posture, eye contact, gestures)

– blink

Jack E Rossin

Tricks to Appearing Confident

Business theatrics Physical techniques Losing inhibitions…

Jack E Rossin

Stretching Exercises

Just as real stretching reduces tension in your muscles, this stretching is designed to reduce the inhibitions of your workshop exercises.

Jack E Rossin

10 Techniques to Make You Appear Confident.

Strong eye contact Good posture Varying facial/hand/arm expressions Speaking volume Command of material…

Jack E Rossin

Techniques that make you appear confident...

Speaking more slowly Storytelling Experience presenting Listening Skills Preparation/rehearsal

Jack E Rossin

The 11th Technique

Your team. Learn to give honest, specific feedback to each other that is clear and actionable.

Jack E Rossin

3 Key Presentation Techniques??

Jack E Rossin

Eye Contact

Eye contact wins people to your side One thought, one person Don’t talk without eye contact Straight shooters make eye contact

Jack E Rossin

Speaking Volume

Your voice level drives your energy level, posture, animation, body language.

On a volume scale of 1-10, speak at 7 or 8

Jack E Rossin



Eye Contact

Jack E Rossin

Introduce yourself focusing on eye contact and volume.

Take 5 to organize

Visualization technique

Jack E Rossin


The 3rd key skill technique coming up!

Jack E Rossin


The secret weapon of speaking Stories relax you and the audience An immediate way to start great and stay

great Great pitches use stories frequently.

Jack E Rossin

“If you have something important to say, wrap it in a


Jack E Rossin

Story Guidelines

A story has an open, middle and close. Give your story a visual location and mood. Stories need an intro like...”I want to tell you

a story about a …” In telling a true story, you are allowed to twist

facts and sequence to make the story flow better.

Jack E Rossin

Story Guidelines

You don’t need to tell everything that happened, especially if it requires a side story to explain.

A short sweet story is better than a long rambling one.

Jack E Rossin

Story Guidelines

Before you tell a story, decide what the ending will be.

Before you tell a story, decide what the ending will be.

Before you tell a story, decide what the ending will be.

Jack E Rossin

Tell Us a Story

2 minutes long

Take 10 to prepare

Jack E Rossin


Name a spokesperson

Jack E Rossin

Confidence Techniques

Posture Hands SMILE. Really! Vocal pace. Pause for learning.

Jack E Rossin


Ah Oh Um Hmm Aaa

$1 exercise

Jack E Rossin


The single most important factor in comprehension is sentence length.

Short sentences work better. One thought per sentence.

Jack E Rossin

Elevator Speech

An elevator speech is a 30-60 second response to the business question “What do you do?”

It typically conveys what you do at your specific job and what your firm does.

Jack E Rossin

Elevator Speech

Answer the question as if you have been asked “So what do you love about what you do?”

And what is it you admire about what your firm is doing?

Jack E Rossin


Major “Opening” exercise coming up!

Jack E Rossin

Building the Presentation

Open Middle


Jack E Rossin

Focus on the Open

Audiences are most attentive in the beginning

Energizes you and the audience Gives you confidence

Jack E Rossin

Don’t Squander the Opening

Don’t thank the audience Don’t say “you’re glad to be here” Never tell a joke Don’t say “I’ve been asked to speak about...” Don’t apologize

Jack E Rossin

Play the Audience

The prospect will be most attentive to anything that makes his/her job easier, smoother, worry free, faster, cheaper and/or less complicated.

Jack E Rossin

Grand Openings

Identify your Takeaway

Jack E Rossin

The Takeaway

What is the one thing you want them to remember from your pitch?

A takeaway is something that is very important to the audience.

Put the takeaway in the open, middle and close

Jack E Rossin

Develop the Takeaway

What is the one thing you want the prospect to remember about your pitch?

Why? Why? Why?

Jack E Rossin

Build the Takeaway into the Opening

Through logic chain Through problem-solution Through visualization Through a story…

Jack E Rossin

Business Story Example





Jack E Rossin

Business Story Example





Jack E Rossin

Prepare an Opening to a Presentation

MAXIMUM 2 minutes long. Take 10 to prepare. Pair off.

Jack E Rossin


Pick a spokesperson

Jack E Rossin

Using Notes when Speaking

Three schools of thought– Never– Use bulleted notes– Write word for word

Jack E Rossin

Using Notes - Conclusion

Whatever makes you feel most confident is the right technique as long as you can maintain eye contact.

Jack E Rossin

Listening Skills

Listen more, talk less. Listening…understanding what the client

needs…is the foundational skill of great professionals.

55% of listening is watching body language

Jack E Rossin

Answer questions when asked

If asked a question, never say “we’ll get to that later.” It makes you look inflexible.

If interrupted, deal with it. This may be a test. Audience questions and comments always

trump what you have to say…

Jack E Rossin

Handling the handover

Introduce your colleague, but don’t cover the specifics of what he is going to say.

A better hand-off is to say “We know the budget is important to you, so Joe, our account supervisor with lots of expertise in this area took a look at your project. Joe”

Jack E Rossin

Handover exercise

Go around the room handing over the interview to the next person.

A well rehearsed handover is the sign of a well oiled team.

Take 5 minutes to prepare.

Jack E Rossin

PowerPoint Guidelines

The secret to effective PowerPoint is to use it as support, not as a cue card.

Refer to the screen, but do not read the screen.

Talk to your audience. Never speak without eye contact.

Jack E Rossin

PowerPoint Guidelines

Even the best PowerPoint can be a distraction for and from the speaker.

Use sparingly

Jack E Rossin

PowerPoint Guidelines

Keep word count low, type size large. Keep the number of pages to a minimum. Avoid clip art and gratuitous photos

Jack E Rossin

PowerPoint Guidelines

Set up all equipment in advance Use a remote control clicker Never turn the lights down. Never. Rehearse your animations

Jack E Rossin

PowerPoint Guidelines

Animation is OK, but be consistent Animation can slow you down… If I have to turn Each time I add a line It can get annoying…

Jack E Rossin

If you’re an inexperienced presenter…

Either use one animation sparingly, or… Don’t use it at all.

Jack E Rossin


Major “Closing” exercise coming up!

Jack E Rossin

Closing Thoughts

A close has two parts-Summary

-The Advance

Jack E Rossin

Summarize with Passion

Summarize with lots of supporting data Pick up pace, volume and energy Make the close a crescendo

Jack E Rossin

Closing Rules

Deliver The Advance What action do you want them to take? Thank them.

Jack E Rossin

Sell us on something you are passionate about.

Use a close and an advance to end the pitch.

Jack E Rossin


Pick a spokesperson

Jack E Rossin

Answering Q&As

An opportunity to advance your premise Don’t repeat the question If you don’t know, say so! Never say “That’s a good question” Answer Yes and No Qs with “...let me tell you


Jack E Rossin

Summary of today

Most juries vote for the presenter who is most confident, regardless of content.

Juries want to trust you and like you. The more confident you appear, the more

they buy what you’re selling.

Jack E Rossin

What Confident presenters have in common

Eye contact Posture Facial expressions Speaking volume Command of material

Jack E Rossin

Confident speakers

Speak slowly Tell stories Experience in interviews Listening skills Preparation/rehearsal A strong team

Jack E Rossin

3 Key Presentation Techniques??

Jack E Rossin

3 Key Techniques

Eye Contact Volume Storytelling

Jack E Rossin

3 determinants of communication’s impact

Words Voice (confidence and comfortable) Non-verbal (posture, eye contact, gestures)

Jack E Rossin

Summary - Opening

Identify the takeaway Layout the supporting material Is there an opportunity for a story? Package the material Visualize success

Jack E Rossin


Rehearse your handovers with the group Use PowerPoint Sparingly and always talk to

the audience, not the screen.

Jack E Rossin

Summary - Close

Close with energy and pace Review all key points Reiterate your Takeaway The Advance Use Q&A to advance your agenda Listen when the prospect speaks

Jack E Rossin


Using Notes Sit or stand? Best practice Think positive Elevator speech Lots of opportunities

Jack E Rossin


Transitions Smile Energy Pause Video tape Posture Exit

Jack E Rossin

One last exercise

Go around the room and tell us the one thing (ONLY ONE) that you would want to work on to be a better presenter.

Jack E Rossin

Your mother’s advice


Copyright 2006. Jack E Rossin

Thank You.

Go forth and present.