Presentation pp the end of an era and the beginning of another

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Presentation pp the end of an era and the beginning of another

1. The End of an Era and the Beginning of Another one : (Alexander the Great) 2. The Macedonians gained great power during the 4th century B.C.The king Philip 2nd had created powerful army forces.He took the leadership of the campaign against the Persians. Unfortunately,his plan fell over because he was murdered. 3. Philip's plan was made possible by his son,Alexander who headed for Persia with a great army(334b.c.)He defeated the Persian army. After many battles he headed for Egypt,where the Egyptians had welcome him. 4. The king of Persia ,Darheos the 3rd tried to prevent Alexander the Great from entering the inner part of the country but without results. 5. Greeks had conquered many cities as far as India. They had learnt a lot about far away countries,their civilization,animals,plants.So,many Greeks settled in those new cities where Greek culture was spread and the Greek language was spoken.