Presentation on Work-life Balance

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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In this ppt we have tried out to bring some issue related to Work-life balance in todays fast track life

Transcript of Presentation on Work-life Balance


WORK-LIFE BALANCEPrepared by: Group 7Nirav Patel Hiren Darji Bhupendra Zala Punit Laheru Mitesh Shah Keyur Savalia

Fl w o f p re se n ta ti n o oIntroduction Research methodology Data analysis and

interpretationConclusion Thank you

I tro d u cti n n o

R e se a rch m e th o d o l g y oObjectivethe employees To find our how of work-life balance for employers Sampling : Random Sampling (Marketing,

To carry out the study on work life balance of

Production, QA, workers)


Sample sizeIntas Pharmaceutical 40 Male - 30 Female - 10

Medico Lab Pharmaceutical - 30 Male - 20 Female - 10

Data analysis and InterpretationWorking days of employee per week

Data analysis and InterpretationWorking Hours of employee per day

Data analysis and InterpretationMotivation in work environment

Data analysis and InterpretationRating of Work life

Data analysis and InterpretationFactors which affects WLB

Data analysis and InterpretationWorry about work when not at work lace due to high work pressure

Data analysis and InterpretationPhysical Problem due to work

Data analysis and InterpretationPolicy which help in WLB

Data analysis and InterpretationTraining Programs which help for WLB

Data analysis and InterpretationSecurity for job

ConclusionIntas organized structure Better Work-life balance Job satisfaction job security

Medico lab unorganized structure work-life balance is not up to the mark Work pressure Lack of motivation

Thank You

Data analysis and Interpretation

Data analysis and Interpretation

Data analysis and Interpretation

Data analysis and Interpretation