Preliminary Program · 2019-02-26 · Review key learning concepts that will be applicable to...

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Transcript of Preliminary Program · 2019-02-26 · Review key learning concepts that will be applicable to...

Preliminary Program


On behalf of the 2019 organizing committee, we invite you to Edmonton, Alberta, March 9 – 12, for the CSCM National

Food and Beverage Management Conference.

Our theme of “Grassroots” is represented by the amazing ideas, local businesses and key partnerships that literally spring

up around our clubs and communities all the time.

During this Conference, we are pleased to include tours of four completely different and unique private clubs. An opening

“beach” party at The Royal Glenora Club, a mystery tour of The Derrick Golf and Winter Club, and the progressive gala

dinner, hosted at the University of Alberta Faculty Club and Windermere Golf and Country Club.

Education sessions each day offer a broad range of topics such as management styles, human resources techniques,

sustainable food sourcing, craft and cask beers, chocolate and wine. Exciting panel discussions, round-table talks and

inspiring key speakers will educate you in the day and club, and city tours will excite you at night.

Take some time to see all that Edmonton has to offer. Catch an Edmonton Oilers game at the new Rogers Place Arena,

only a short walk from the The Westin Edmonton. Network and discover Edmonton’s amazing local downtown dining

scene. Head right across the river to explore the trendy Whyte Avenue nightlife in the heart of Old Strathcona. Edmonton’s

Club Managers are proud of their clubs and their city and thrilled to be hosting this amazing conference - feel free to ask

about some of our favorite spots.

Greet old friends and meet new ones as we all learn, socialize and dine together in Alberta’s capital city. We can’t wait to

see you here in March.

Many thanks to the following individuals for their time, efforts, and contributions to the planning of this conference

Amber Anderson, Belvedere Golf & Country Club

Derek Bevans, The Royal Glenora Club

Steve Buzak, The Royal Glenora Club

Ryan Chmilar, Belvedere Golf & Country Club

Trevor Gregory, Windermere Golf & Country Club

Brandon Pridie, Windermere Golf & Country Club

CSCM 2020 National F&B Management Conference Representatives

Jermaine Brissett, CCM, Oakdale Golf & Country Club, Toronto, ON

Jason Meier, The Oakville Club, Oakville, ON

We look forward to seeing everyone in Edmonton!

Yours truly,

Scott Hippe Brendan Robbins General Manager / COO General Manager Edmonton Petroleum Golf & Country Club Faculty Club, University of Alberta Conference Co-Chair Conference Co-Chair


Corporate Partners

Full Conference Registration

Education and Social Program

Advance Before January 25, 2019


CSCM Active Member (includes social program) $825 $995

CSCM Associate Member (includes social program) $875 $995

Non-Member (includes social program) $995

Student (includes social program) $350

Daily Rate (includes social program for one day) $475

Social Program only $425

Payment Options Cheque

Credit Card (subject to a 2.5% fee)

Electronic Funds Transfer

For any inquests regarding payment, please email


Conference Information

Learning Objectives Upon completion of this educational program, participants will be able to:

Define service excellence;

Identify emerging food and beverage trends;

Discuss the biggest challenges facing the club industry;

Review key learning concepts that will be applicable to practice.

Credits Members who register for and attend the CSCM 2019 National Food and Beverage Management Conference will be awarded four Association Activity Credits. Education Credits are awarded on the basis of one credit for each 60 minutes of education time. Breaks are not included. An evaluation form must be completed and submitted for each session in order to be eligible for the credit(s). Participants must be present for the full session to receive credit. There are a total of 14 National Education Credits possible if you attend all sessions. An additional six credits are available for those attending the optional CMI course and must successfully complete the test at the end of the course.

Social Program The social events are included in your full conference registration. Additional social program tickets may be purchased


Saturday, March 9 – Welcome Reception at The Royal Glenora Club

A beach party in Edmonton??? In March??? Yes! The opening welcome reception for the CSCM 2019 F&B Management Conference will be hosted at The Royal Glenora Club. The RGC is proud to present a unique style party on the upper pool deck of their fantastic indoor aquatic facility. Casual dress recommended so break out your Hawaiian shirt and enjoy the ambiance and fun of a beach party and an exclusive tour of one of Edmonton’s finest private multi-recreation clubs.

Sunday, March 10 - The Derrick Golf & Winter Club - Tour and Social Event

A Magical Mystery Tour – After our educational session at The Derrick Club, participants are invited to tour Edmonton’s largest golf and multi-purpose private club. The Derrick team will take groups on an interactive experience as we visit different areas of this amazing facility. Be prepared to be treated to a fun experience that only Jim Hope and his team can provide!


Monday, March 11 - Gala Evening: Reception at the Faculty Club, University of Alberta and Dinner at Windermere Golf & Country Club Our progressive dinner starts with a reception at the University of Alberta’s Faculty Club, an alpine chalet style club overlooking Edmonton’s beautiful skyline and river valley. Next, we board the bus for a short drive to Windermere

Golf and Country Club, nestled along the riverbank of the North Saskatchewan River, the Windermere is one of Edmonton’s premier private golf clubs. Our gala evening will continue there with an incredible dinner and amazing live entertainment.


Conference Speakers

Saturday, March 9

Club Health & Sustainability

Presented by: Brad Kotowich, Owner/Principal, Focused Leadership Group Ltd.

This course is recognized as one of the CMI courses required under the Certification

Program, based on the successful completion of the test at the end of the course.

Clubs today are facing the daunting task to remain as effective and efficient as possible in a changing economic and social landscapes. Greater demands for increased transparency, resiliency and adaptability are required. A changing skill and mindset set of leaders for continued financial viability, ongoing sustainability and effective strategic governance and quality service delivery is paramount for all clubs. A focused and engaged board of directors is also imperative towards this end for all private clubs. This workshop style session will allow you to work on your club and show you how to simplify your leadership plan so that everyone is focused on the same metrics. If you are “too busy being busy” as an executive leader now…this session is for you.

Learning Objectives

Learn the pillars of club health & sustainability

Understand how to align leaders with a common focus & language across the club from ownership/board to senior leadership to mid-level managers

Take-away new aligned reporting and accountability techniques

Understand why the ongoing health and sustainability of your club is directly linked to your ability to provide quality services

Make the job of your board of directors/ownership easier, yet more meaningful…with aligned leadership/governance metrics

Brad is the Owner/Principal of Focused Leadership Group Ltd. His purpose in life is to nurture and align the individual and collective

strengths within organizations to achieve success and ongoing growth. His focus is on helping building great work place cultures and

intentional strategy. Since 1997, Brad has helped build strong teams, and helped to develop effective leaders and successful

organizations and feels privileged to be able to work closely with organizations of all sizes across all sectors. He started his own

consulting practice in 2004. He is an energetic and engaging speaker that will ignite your hunger for more information.

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM CMI Pre-Conference Course (optional) 6 EC - CC=Leadership


Sunday, March 10

Age of Engage

Presented by: Roger Haskett, Engagement Umlimited

Engagement means active participation in your desired company culture, a greater

buy-in to your brand, and improved bottom-line results. It is the secret sauce that

makes your work and your life magic. Roger utilizes an innovative session format

that ties stories, theory, and application together in a team-based game to prime

every participant to learn and create engagement in the room for everyone to

experience and benefit from. His unique insight and forward-thinking approach to

workplace dynamics and culture will challenge participants to re-think their

attitudes and discover new and exciting ways to deliver more value to their clients

and those around them. Participants will walk away with tangible tools that will

inspire them to be more productive, creative, and successful in their work.

Roger is an award-winning international keynote speaker and president of Engagement Unlimited. With his award-winning keynotes

and innovative programs, he ignites positive transformational change in teams and individuals across North America and beyond.

Roger’s topics range from performance under stress, the power of play, effective communication skills and the age of engage w ithin

companies and culture at large.

Connecting Your Club’s Culture

Presented by: Kelly Doody, Founder & Principal, The Social School

Prepare to learn about the marketing that matters in 2019 and beyond, and the winning tactics

and tools in everything from mobile search and website design, to organic posts and paid reach.

This session will help you identify effective digital marketing opportunities for your

organization, execute world-class social content and digital campaigns, and optimize your

marketing efforts for maximum ROI.

Kelly is a journalist-turned-digital marketer. In addition to founding The Social School and its flagship annual conference The Post

Forum, she is the co-founder of Press + Post – one of Canada’s foremost modern marketing agencies. Nothing makes Kelly happier than

moving individuals and organizations big and small towards becoming the masters of their online domain, and connecting the top

digital trends and tools with the entrepreneurs and innovators who need them most.

8:15 - 9:15 AM Opening Keynote Presentation 1 EC - CC=Leadership

9:30 - 10:30 AM Education Session 1 EC - CC=Membership & Marketing


Farm to Table

Presented by: Blair Lebsack, RGE RD

Connecting diners to their food and the local Edmonton food community.

Blair is the chef and owner of RGE RD (Range Road). RGE RD was built out of a desire to connect further

with Alberta’s unique culinary landscape. While we wanted to exemplify the philosophy of local, healthful

and ethical food, there was also a desire to reimagine the dining experience as belonging to a specific time

and place. Rather than emulate a style of cuisine or be pegged as something instantly identifiable or

categorical - like Italian, French, et al, we endeavour to be “untamed”.

Service Excellence

Presented by: Jim Hope, CCM, CCE, GM/COO, The Derrick Golf & Winter Club,

Edmonton, AB

Great Service is mandatory in today’s club world. The differentiating factor between

your club and the one down the street or restaurant around the corner should be Great

Service. This session will give you 9 Simple Tips for consistently providing service your

members will brag about.

Jim joined The Canadian Society of Club Managers (CSCM) in 1996 and is a past President at the

Branch and National level. In addition to having been a club manager, he is a husband, father,

cyclist, runner and ringette coach. He believes that success in this industry comes from the

sharing of information and ideas. Jim believes that with ongoing education coupled with

industry networking, managers can learn from others’ successes and discover what the “Best

Practices” are in clubs.

1:30 - 2:30 PM Education Session 1.5 EC - CC=F&B Management

3:00 – 4:30 PM Education Session 1.5 EC - CC= F&B Management


Monday, March 11

Delivering the Shaughnessy Experience

Presented by: Jason Sigurdson, CCM, CCE, GM/COO, Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club,

Vancouver, BC

With many years of delivering one of the finest club experiences in one of the largest country

club F&B operations in Canada, I often get asked, “What are the secrets for developing a winning

recipe in F&B?” The reality is that there are no silver bullets, but with: hard work, dedication,

creativity, and critical thinking, you have a chance. There are no substitutes for these components

of management. Practically speaking, for years we have followed the principles that are

encompassed by the acronym M-Y-T-H to provide consistent service standards at Shaughnessy

Golf and Country Club. While some have said it is a ‘myth’ that you can make money in private

clubs, following these simple approaches in your Food & Beverage Department will produce

improved results, better member satisfaction, and a better work experience for all staff.

M Member Experience Y Your Accountability T Team H Hiring

Jason is passionate about leadership, mentorship and coaching. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. He is currently

serving as a National Director for the CSCM, chairing the Certification Committee and is the President of the CSCM Pacific Branch as

well as the Dogwood Chapter of the CMAA. He is a regular lecturer and speaker about club management and leadership within the two

associations as well as other academic and club-related organizations.

The Art + Science of Club Leadership

8:00 - 9:30 AM Education Session 1.5 EC - CC=F&B Management

10:30 - 11:30 AM Panel Discussion 1 EC - CC=Interpersonal Skills

Presented by: Jon Fisher, CCM, CCE, EVOKE Kevin MacDonald, Clarity Success Coaching

For the purpose of differentiating your club, imagine creating a seismic shift in the experience and culture of belonging. Let’s take time to think, feel and contribute in a session that will summon artistry + logic and move intentionally from transactional to the transformational.


Help Your Team WIN

Presented by: Shelley MacDougall, New Reality, Calgary, AB

It’s a new reality! Our workforce is changing and the role of the manager is changing.

Across North America, successful organizations are adopting a “coaching” style when

leading their people. In this session, we’ll look at the coaching role and apply a basic

coaching model that leaders can follow to help their people WIN!

This will be a dynamic, interactive session designed and delivered from a coaching

perspective. Participants will leave with great insights on leadership - for themselves and

others. They will take with them the resources and tools to lead their F&B department

(and their Club) to the next level this season!

Shelley is dedicated to creating leaders in life! Whether she is coaching one on one, facilitating learning for groups, or delivering keynote

presentations, Shelley’s dynamic style and compassion for people are undeniable. After obtaining her business degree at The Ohio

State University, Shelley has invested the past 30 years in training and leading others. She is grateful to have had the opportunity to

work with some top organizations. At the age of 23, she began her training career as an instructor with the Dale Carnegie™

organization. She then moved to Human Resources and senior leadership positions in the hospitality industry – including Marriott

International, and The Glencoe Club (Calgary, Alberta), one of North America’s leading private sports and social clubs.

Contextualizing the Canadian Craft Explosion

Presented by: James Phelan, UnTapped Imports

The Canadian Craft liquor movement, now in its third wave, is larger and

more diverse than it has ever been, and is impossible to ignore moving

forward. With this craft explosion come questions, opportunities, and

concerns. What do we mean by "craft?" How did we get here, what is

coming next? Most importantly, how can we benefit from this movement

and what are the risks? This presentation will contextualize and provide an

overview of the craft movement to date, discuss opportunities and risks

involved with the current craft milieu, and provide a more casual and laid

back seminar to most events in the conference.

James is a beer geek, writer, presenter, historian and Central Canadian manager of UnTapped Imports.

1:00 - 2:30 PM Education Session 1.5 EC - CC= Leadership

2:45 – 4:15 PM Education Session 1.5 EC - CC=F&B Management


Tuesday, March 12

Oh no not another HR issue! HR issues facing food & beverage departments within the Club industry

Facilitated by: Brad Sluiter, CPHR, SPHRi

We all have them at our clubs, what are your biggest HR challenges? This session will

be an opportunity for an open setting Q&A to get those challenges on the table. We

will have an opportunity for a round table discussion on what we are facing at our

clubs. Brad will be there to assist with the conversation and provide suggestions and

advice to these issues.

Brad is the Human Resources Manager for the Glencoe Club and The Glencoe Golf & Country

Club. Over the last 11 years Brad has overseen a large part of the full cycle HR function at the

Glencoe; including recruitment and selection, onboarding, training and development and

employee relations. He is an active volunteer with the Human Resources Certificate Institute

and currently sits on the advisory committee for the Human Resources Continuing Education

Program at Mount Royal University.

Livin’ the Life

Presented by: Shelley MacDougall, New Reality, Calgary, AB

This powerful workshop is designed to enhance the happiness, health and wealth of managers and all of their staff. The

first step is realizing that you have the power to design it! You will create the vision and define what “Livin’ the Life” means

to you. After you set 3 short-term goals to move you in that direction, Shelley will share some of the keys to get you there

faster. Get ready to design and live!

9:00 – 10:00 AM Round Table Discussion 1 EC - CC=Human & Professional Resources

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Education Session 1.5 EC CC=Leadership


General Information

Dress Codes Blue Jeans/denim are not acceptable attire at any education session or clubs

Education Sessions – Business Casual

Welcome Reception – Casual

Gala Dinner – Business Attire

Conference Bus Transportation Transportation to the social events is included in your registration fee. Buses will leave promptly at the times indicated in

the final program, which will be provided to delegates at the conference.

Travel and Accommodation

Host Venue World Trade Centre – Edmonton Chamber of Commerce (600-9990 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6J 1P7) will be our

host venue this year.

Accommodation The Westin Edmonton (10135 100 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0N7) will be our host hotel this year. The hotel is in the heart

of downtown near the city's vibrant arts district. Popular attractions, such as the Shaw Conference Centre, Edmonton City

Centre Shopping and Rogers Centre, are within minutes of the hotel.

Standard hotel rooms are available at the negotiated Conference rate of $179 single or double occupancy, plus taxes.

Reservations Online

Reservation by phone: Hotel Direct 1-780-426-3636 / Central Reservations: 1-800-937-8461

You MUST indicate that you are with The CSCM 2019 National Food and Beverage Management Conference.

Check in: 3:00 PM

Check-out: 11:00 AM

Early departure: should you check out prior to the confirmed checkout date (done when checking in) you will be

charged a fee of $75.

Travel to Edmonton

Air Canada A promotion code has been set up for this conference: 8QJN7B31

Information for Edmonton International

CSCM National Office 703 Evans Avenue, Suite 202A,

Etobicoke, ON, Canada, M9C 5E9 T: 416-979-0640 | 1-877-376-CSCM



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PROGRAM AT A GLANCESaturday Mar. 9 Sunday, Mar. 10 Monday, Mar. 11 Tuesday, Mar. 12

12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Conference Registration World Trade Centre #600 - 9990 Jasper Ave.

7:00 am - 2:30 pm Conference Registration World Trade Centre #600 - 9990 Jasper Ave.

7:00 am - 4:30 pm Conference Registration World Trade Centre #600 - 9990 Jasper Ave.

7:00 am - 4:30 pm Conference Registration World Trade Centre #600 - 9990 Jasper Ave.

7:00 am Breakfast World Trade Centre

Breakfast Tabletop Exhibits World Trade Centre

8:00 am CMI Registration & Breakfast World Trade Centre

Opening Ceremonies Education Session Delivering the Shaughnessy Experience Jason Sigurdson, CCM, CCE

Breakfast World Trade Centre

8:15 am Opening Keynote Speaker Age of Engage Roger Haskett 8:45 am

9:00 am CMI Club Health and Sustainability Brad Kotowich

Round Table Discussion Everyday HR Concerns Brad Sluiter 9:15 am Refreshment Break

9:30 am Social Media Marketing Connecting Your Club’s Culture Kelly Doody

Refreshment Break

Tabletop Exhibits10:00 am Refreshment Break

Hotel Checkout

10:30 am Refreshment Break Walk to Rogers Place Panel Discussion The Art + Science of Club Leadership Jon Fisher, CCM, CCE Kevin MacDonald

Coaching & Leadership Livin’ the Life Shelley MacDougall10:45 am CMI continued Tour of Rogers Place

11:30 am Lunch

Tabletop Exhibits11:45 am

12:00 pm CMI Lunch Closing Remarks Next Conference: March 7 to 10, 2020 Sheraton Centre, Toronto

12:15 pm Return walk to the World Trade Centre

12:30 pm Lunch

1:00 pm CMI continued Coaching & Leadership Help Your Team Win Shelley MacDougall1:30 pm Nature’s Green Acres

Farm to Table Blair Lebsack

2:30 pm Refreshment Break Bus departs for The Derrick Golf & Winter Club World Trade Centre Lobby

Refreshment Break

Tabletop Exhibits

2:45 pm CMI continued Beverage Trends Contextualizing the Canadian Craft Explosion James Phelan

3:00 pm Education Session Service Excellence Jim Hope, CCM, CCE3:30 pm

4:15 pm

4:30 pm Club Tour and Reception The Derrick Golf & Winter Club

5:00 pm Bus departs for University of Alberta Westin Edmonton Lobby

5:30 pm Gala Event

Reception Faculty Club, University of Alberta

Dinner Windermere Golf & Country Club

6:00 pm Buses depart for The Royal Glenora Club starting at 6:00 pm Westin Edmonton Lobby

6:30 pm CSCM 2019 National F&B Management Conference Opening Reception Beach Party The Royal Glenora Club

Bus departs for Westin Edmonton

Dinner on own

8:15 pm Buses depart for Westin Edmonton starting at 8:15 pm

9:30 pm Bus departs for Westin Edmonton

Daylight Savings! Remember to change your clocks - spring ahead 1 hour