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0603306, 0606586 and 0505901 present:

The Digital Divide


Defining the divide? Why the Divide? Effects of the Divide Bridging the Divide Conclusion

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What is it?

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Defining The Divide

The Divide

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Defining the Divide

The ‘gap’ between the technologically advanced and the technologically poor

Exists between the global North and South, within continents and countries

Brings many setbacks to the area involved Can be solved and transformed into ‘Digital

Opportunities’ The Digital Divide includes disproportion in physical

access to technology as well as disproportion in resources and skills needed to participate in technology

It is argued that the Digital Divide is nothing more than a perceived gap.

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Defining The Divide High vs Degraded quality of access:

• Low performance computers• Low performance connections• High price connections• Internet access through Internet café or at home• Internet connectivity

Different levels of skills Ability to operate the technology Ability to actually use the technology for some

purpose Need for reading and writing skills Different levels of training capabilities “Computer-literate”

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Penetration Rate

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Computer/Internet Users by Country:

Computers Per Person

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Digital Divide Worldwide – The leading countries Europe: A study in 2005 in 14 European countries

focused on the digital divide found that within the EU, the digital divide is primarily a matter of age and education. Among the young or educated the proportion of computer or Internet users is much higher than with the old or uneducated. The divide is also higher in rural areas. It was found the presence of children in a household increases the chance of having a computer. The study also notes that "Despite increasing levels of ICT usage in all sections of society, the divide is not being bridged."

United States: A 2008 Pew Internet & American Life report, “55% of adult Americans have broadband Internet connections at home, up from 47% who had high-speed access at home last year at this time”. This increase of 8% compared to the previous year’s increase of 5% suggests that the digital divide is decreasing.

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Why The Divide

Why the Divide?

The result of unpreparedness of the ‘victims’.

Worse in areas that do not pay attention to the benefit of ICT in economic growth or cannot afford to.

The original lack of help from the north Although the internet is available

everywhere, somehow, (apart from the poles) most service providers are north based and charge more to the south.

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Effects of The Divide

Effects of the Divide

The Digital Divide deepens poverty levels – the poor spend more to live rich

The cost of bridging the Digital Divide has negative effects on economic stability

Individuals at the “bitter” end of the divide cannot compete with their counterparts due to technological disadvantages

The Digital Divide reduces the possibility of a global “level” in trade, investment and relations

The Digital Divide can create a complex situation in which the South is perpetually at the mercy of the North due to issues such as Data Control

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What can be done?

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Bridging the Divide

Bridging the Divide

The Digital Divide can be bridged, and can be transformed into Digital Opportunities

Bridging the Digital Divide will involve nations on both sides reaching bilateral agreements, e.g. World Summit on the Information Society, United Nations

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Bridging the Divide Take advantage of young people – the

future workforce Equip children early with ICT skills needed Provide ICT equipment (OLPC) (SolarNet) Large companies donate old IT stock –

without the hard drives of course!

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Bridging the Divide

The use of community-run, government funded places of connectivity

Use of more (free!) integrated systems in the household

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Bridging the Divide

Policy is essential to support these strategies to decide among them in the allocation

of limited resources. Developing/Emerging Countries

Lack of ICT related laws For e-Commerce For intellectual property

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Example South Africa

Electronic and Communications Act (2002) ICT Policy Framework

Correcting historical imbalances in the provision of

communication services through easy and cheap access to ICT

Developing an innovation system for ICT Developing ICT human resources Making South Africa globally competitive in ICT

products and services Opening up opportunities for historically

disadvantaged communities Utilise ICT for further integration in Africa

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Digital Divides are being bridged slowly now, thanks to major companies and benefactors

Major players in bridging Digital Divides will “drive” the post-Digital Divide era – businesses, governance, institutions, individuals, etc

Discussion: What is not being done to bridge my country’s Divide, and how can I/We take steps towards influencing the situation?

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Thanks For Listening!

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 "BBC - BBC Internet Blog: The Digital Divide." BBC - Homepage. 15 Mar. 2009 <http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2008/01/the_digital_divide.html>.

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 "A List Apart: Articles: Down By Law." A List Apart: A List Apart. 15 Mar. 2009 <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/downbylaw/>.

 Loges, William E., and Joo-Young Jung. "Exploring the digital divide." Communication Research (2001).

 "Pew Global Attitudes Project: Summary of Findings: Truly a World Wide Web." Pew Global Attitudes Project - A series of worldwide public opinion surveys. 15 Mar. 2009 <http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=251>.

 Servon, Lisa J. Bridging the Digital Divide Technology, Community, and Public Policy. Grand Rapids: Blackwell Limited, 2002.

 Skerrat, Rusten/. Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Society (Routledge Studies in Technology, Work and Organizationsá). New York: Routledge, 2007.

 Warschauer, Mark. Technology and Social Inclusion Rethinking the Digital Divide. New York: The MIT P, 2004.

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