Power point in ecology

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Full Definition of CONSERVATIO


1.:  a careful preservation and

protection of something;especially :

planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or


2:  the preservation of a

physical quantity during transformations or reactions


Middle English, from Middle French, from

Latin conservation-, conservatio, from conservare

First Known Use: 14th century


: the protection of animals, plants, and natural resources

: the careful use of natural resources (such as trees, oil, etc.) to prevent them from being lost

or wasted: the things that are done to keep

works of art or things of historical importance in good




As a species ourselves, we need to maintain the

environment around us in order to keep the world as we know it alive. Forests provide us with oxygen, while oceans and land give us food. If these

eco systems are destroyed, they will be gone forever.

Animals and plants interact and depend on each other in many ways.

Scientists are discovering new species all the time and produce

possible cures for cancer and other diseases on the back of years and

years of research. Mankind has not yet documented every plant in the world and yet our tropical forests are being culled further every day.

Importance of Conservation

Why Is Population Conservation Important? • Species have an inherent

right to exist. • Future generations of humans

should be able to enjoy all species. •

• Preserve genetic variation in populations. • Preserve food webs and community

structure. • Preserve ecosystem services: nutrient

recycling, waste decomposition, water


Philippine Project Conserning…

Focusing on the Philippine Eagle for the conservation of nature

The Philippine Eagle Foundation is a private, non-stock, non-profit organization

dedicated to saving the endangered Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) and

its rainforest habitat.  Organized in 1987,

it had before that time been operating as a project undertaking research,

rehabilitation, and captive breeding.  Staffed by highly

trained and dedicated personnel, it has today

evolved into the country’s premiere organization for the

conservation of raptors.


The Philippine Eagle Foundation firmly believes that the fate of our

vanishing Philippine Eagle, the health of our environment, and the quality of Philippine life are

inextricably linked.  We are therefore committed to promote

the survival of the Philippine Eagle, the biodiversity it

represents, and the sustainable use of our forest resources for

future generations to enjoy


In 1965, Dr. Dioscoro Rabor, a noted Filipino scientist alerted the

world of the bird’s endangered status. Ignored by most of his

compatriots, he was able to elicit the support of the famous aviator, Charles A. Lindbergh who helped champion the cause. In 1969, the

Monkey-Eating Eagle Conservation Program was established.Interest

in pursuing the program soon diminished with the

death of Charles Lindbergh. During this period, work on the eagle was sustained through the initiatives of Peace Corps

volunteers in cooperation with the Philippine government’s Parks and Wildlife Office.In

1977, one of the Peace Corps volunteers, Robert S. Kennedy returned to the Philippines to

study the eagle further.

He also successfully lobbied for the Office of the President to change the species’ name from “Monkey-eating Eagle” to its

present name, the Philippine Eagle.In 1987, the project started operating as a private institution. Financial constraints did not hinder the staff from pursuing its mission. They waived their salaries for over a year in order to feed the eagles,

ensure that fieldwork continued and carry on the great mission of saving the

magnificent bird.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources


--is the primary agency responsible for the conservation, management,

development, and proper use of the country's environment and natural resources. Through the

GREAT Women Project, the DENR will support integration of

environment management and sustainability measures in enterprise development.

waste management


Waste management is the "generation, prevention,

characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and

residual disposition of solid wastes". There are various types of

solid waste including municipal (residential, institutional,

commercial), agricultural, and special (health care, household

hazardous wastes, sewage sludge).The term usually relates to

materials produced

by human activity, and the process is generally

undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the

environment or aesthetics.


Miss. Maricar L. BalintayBeed-11