Personal Ownership: A short guide to improving health, well being, and productivity Bobby W....

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What/Who I am NOT  I am not a medical doctor  I am not a registered dietician  This is not a guilt trip  This is not about me, its about you  Disclaimer of Liability:  Bobby Lassiter specifically DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES and assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of any of the information or content provided in this presentation or in person. Bobby Lassiter assumes or undertakes NO LIABILITY for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use, misuse or reliance on the information and content provided in this presentation.

Transcript of Personal Ownership: A short guide to improving health, well being, and productivity Bobby W....

Personal Ownership: A short guide to improving health, well being, and productivity Bobby W. Lassiter II, DPT-PT Physical Therapist Adjunct Professor IUPUI SHRS Objectives Educate on the importance of self care to improve patient care Discuss 4 specific factors to improve your physical/mental capabilities Provide tips/tricks to improve physical and mental gains Have fun and motivate to be the best provider YOU can be What/Who I am NOT I am not a medical doctor I am not a registered dietician This is not a guilt trip This is not about me, its about you Disclaimer of Liability: Bobby Lassiter specifically DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES and assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or misuse of any of the information or content provided in this presentation or in person. Bobby Lassiter assumes or undertakes NO LIABILITY for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use, misuse or reliance on the information and content provided in this presentation. Some Fundamental Questions How many of you would say you are good at taking care of others? How many of you would say you are good at taking care of YOURSELF? Basis of this lecture Books Eat, Move, Sleep Tom Rath How Full is your bucket? Tom Rath Podcasts Barbell Shrugged Andy Stanley Tim Ferris Harvard Business Review Focusing on what components of your life? Physical Mental 4 factors of health/wellness Food Movement Mind Sleep Why are you here? A x E x S = P Attitude x Effort x Skill = Performance Our focus: Attitude and Effort Why care? Everything works out in the end Fundamental flaw in the our society Self focus = SELFISH Self awareness, focus, and growth for the greater good Oxygen mask metaphor Food Information about America Obesity rates from the CDC No state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20% 2013 Quality, not quantity (13) Harvard Study 100,000 people tracked for 2 decades Type consumed more influential than calories I drink pop. Nurse That doesnt count. 9 10 11 Food Pitfalls I deserve this No you dont! Food hangovers Certain foods increase or decrease energy High fat = Lethargic and moody The Healthy Burger Place Eliminate places that lure you in Carbohydrates Simple versus Complex Sugar, Fiber, Starch Sugar (32-34) Toxin the silent ninja Fuel for the big 4 Addictive Dopamine, the more you get = the more you want Recommendations from the AHA 25g for women 38g for men Recommendations 25g for women 38g for men My Good Ol weekends 140 calories 2g trans fats 9g sugar What is this stuff? Food Tips/Tricks Product Placement First object you see? Fridge? Pantry? Counters Best choices = 1 st seen 20 minute meals heartburn & overeating by slowing down! Put down the fork Net positive Activity and Food Example: coffee No mayo Balancing carbs & proteins 1:1 is awesome! Try to avoid 5:1 Balancing Carbs with Protein Please read your labels! Food Tips and Tricks Shopping habits Full stomach Outside of store Indulge less 1 week chocolate study Less guilt, more satisfaction, and better health Net Positive Look for small changes Every little bit counts! 19 Activity Benefits Decreases risk of cancer, heart disease, HTN, obesity, and depression Slows aging? Senescent cells Physical exercise prevents cellular senescence in circulating leukocytes and in the vessel wall Increases substances that clear plaques in the brain Alzheimers Activity Recommendations Exercise recommendations by the AHA 30 minutes moderate intensity, 5 days a week 25 minutes vigorous intensity, 3 days a week AND strength training 2 days a week Activity or the lack thereof Exercise alone is not enough Do the math Inactivity National Institutes of Heath followed 240,000 for 10 years Most time sitting = 50% greater chance of death Twice as likely to have heart disease Coincidence? Exercise has not changed. Increased sitting. Double rates of obesity Pharmacy drive through Escalators. Activity Ideas Net Positive Park further away Fit Desk Behaviors lead to imbalances Switch it up Mouse, phoneetc. Set a reminder to move or Drink more water! Make it fun Technology Step trackers: Fitbit, Garmin Vivofit, Samsung Gear Fit You cant control, what you dont track Measurement itself creates improvement -Rath My App Recommendations: Breeze step tracker using phone MyFitnessPal calorie counter, recipes, exericise Endomondo GPS running Sleep The badge of pride The All Nighter Average sleep for an American? 6 hours 51 minutes 30% of workers get less than 6 hours Sleep is restorative Yellow flag for me with post-operative patients Lack of sleep (23) 90 minutes reduces alertness by up to 1/3 6 pack of beer! Sleep Recommendations Be habitual Change the last hour Try to avoid, Facebook, and tv Read or listen to music Skip the snooze Place it across the room 66 degrees and Natural Light The best advise I have heard in a while Invest in a good mattress and Individual Experiments What works for me may not work for you Our requirements change with age Make small changes for long term gain The equation of life My equation: (Hard work G + Love)*Non-catastrophic Failure Time on earth My equation with kids: Work Life Balance When youre home, youre home Cell phone/Facebook use Boundaries/Goals Necessary Tension Mind We live in a negative world Positive Interactions Bucket and Dipper examples The magic ratio 5:1 Positive emotions are not trivial luxuries, but instead may be critical necessities for optimal functioning. Barbara Fredrickson Intrinsic versus extrinsic factors Motivators I did awesome with that patient. Positive self talk Mind Chunking work Pomodoro Technique Manage distractions. Get work done. 25 on 5 off. Purpose Say at least one positive thing to one person, everyday Give unexpectedly Mr. Raths Positivity Tips Prevent Bucket Dipping Ask if your interactions with co-workers are + or Focus on what is right Point out the positives, not the negatives 5 As and 1 C Mindfulness to Meditation Deep breathe focus on the next 10 seconds Be in the moment, not in your head Nearly all the best and brightest perform a type of meditation 34 Motivation Think of it as Health Span, not Life Span Unique No one has your education, experiences, and eyes You are important! Chain interactions & The American Flag Exponential influence with a Pediatric Cardiologist Final Thoughts Noble profession/endeavor Stand tall with your shoulders back. You are in a noble profession. You are in the business of making other peoples health, well-being, and concerns your priority and days work BL None of us are perfect, but we can be authentic, grow in character, and live in a way that causes people to trust us and want to associate with us. Tony Dungy Questions. Bobby W. Lassiter II, PT-DPT Feedback is welcomed, appreciated, and utilized! References Obesity Rates/Information: Eat. Move. Sleep. How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes. Tom Rath Food page 13 Carbohydrates/Sugar pages How Full is your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life. Tom Rath & Donald O. Clifton