Performance management process hr

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Performance management process hr

Performance Management Process & Characteristics of Performance Management

Ali Rasheed (Ma23)


• Introduction• Definition of performance management• What is a “Performance management

process”• Performance management resources.• Performance Management responsibilities.• Characteristics of performance management.• Conclusion.


• While employer needs the maximum productivity from the workers. Employees always want to know.

• How they are doing? • Are things going great? • Any positive feed back? • Are they encouraging us to do better?• Is there room for improvement? • Employee need a Constructive advice

which will enable him as a roadmap to correct his performance.

Definition of Performance Management

• According to Armstrong and Baron (1998), Performance Management is a strategic and an integrated approach to delivering successful results in organizations

• By improving the performance and developing the capabilities of teams and individuals.

• It is an on-going, partnership between supervisors and employees, working together to accomplish the goals.

• The term “performance management” gained its popularity in early 1980’s. Due to the high achievement and the importance of the total quality management programs.

Performance management process

What to be Assess In the PM process?

• Skills• Abilities• Needs• Traits of the employee

Methods used in PM

• Essay• Ranking• Paired comparisons• Rating through check list.• BARS(Behaviorally Anchored

Rating scale)

Performance Management tools and resources

• Performance Management Toolkit• Training• Consultation• Performance Rating Scale• Performance Management Forms


• Responsibility towards supervisors and managers:• To monitor the performance of during the rating period.• To collect “Every” possible, feedback from customers, team

members, coworkers, suppliers, concerning the employee performance;

• To prepare the record of rating• To meet with employees to discuss the rating and employee

development needs.• Recognizing employees who demonstrate high-quality


Responsibilities towards employees• Participating in all the discussion of their

performance. • Assuring that they have clear understanding of

supervisors expectation. • To seek the performance feedback from the

supervisors and customers.• To take action for the things that has been identified.

Characteristics of Performance management

• Congruent with organizations strategy.• Sensible• Meaningful• Identify efficient and inefficient performance.• Openness• Specific• Realistic


• PM process can be regarded as a system of managing employee performance and driving the individuals towards desired performance results

• It’s about creating a harmonious alignment between individual and organizational objectives for accomplishment of excellence in performance.

• The success of employees depends on a clear performance management process, which recognizes the accomplishments and supports the professional development..

• This is the concept of using humans as a “ resource” to the success of the organization.

Thank you


Books.Armstrong HRM practice.Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management.