P2 Heathwall SIP

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of P2 Heathwall SIP

  • 8/3/2019 P2 Heathwall SIP


    Partial alternative to Tideway WalkI n

    t r o


    u c t i on

    Heathwall Pumping Station S i t ei nf or m

    a t i on

    p a p er

    Currently, untreated sewage regularly over ows into the River Thames from Londons Victorian sewerage systemvia combined sewer over ows (CSOs). The proposed Thames Tunnel would intercept these over ows through theuse of a new storage and transfer tunnel, which would link west London and Abbey Mills Pumping Station. Thesewage ow would then be transferred to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works via the Lee Tunnel. The reductionin untreated sewage entering the River Thames would bring long-term bene ts for the environment and users of the River Thames. In order to deliver the project we need a number of sites along the route and this documentidenti es our current preferred site at Heathwall Pumping Station.

    Thames Tunnel


    Key factsLocal authority: Wandsworth CSO names: Heathwall Pumping Station and

    South West Storm Relief CSO spill volume in an average year: 880,000m (equivalent to approximately352 Olympic swimming pools)

    Site type: CSO site Duration of main construction works: Approximately three years.

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    We are proposing to use our existing pumping stationand adjacent Middle Wharf for this construction workand to accommodate permanent structures requiredto operate the main tunnel. The site would be used toconnect two existing CSOs, known as Heathwall PumpingStation CSO and South West Storm Relief, to the maintunnel. These sites are referred to collectively in this siteinformation paper as Heathwall Pumping Station.

    The location of the site is shown in Figure 1A and extendsinto the foreshore of the River Thames. Middle Wharf is asafeguarded wharf which, although currently unoccupied,was previously a ready mix concrete works. Elm Quay, anine-storey apartment complex, is located to the east,with Nine Elms Lane (A3205) to the south and the RiverThames to the north of the site. The new residentialdevelopment (Riverlight) on the former Tideway IndustrialEstate and two boat communities and the Battersea

    Barge restaurant are located to the west of the site. Theseare the Nine Elms Pier community (around Nine Elms Pier)and Tideway Village in Tideway Dock.

    Section 1: Introduction and site information

    Related documents:


    This site information paper sets out our proposals atHeathwall Pumping Station. We have also producedproject information papers, which cover overarchingtopics relating to the project. Where we consider that aproject information paper is particularly relevant, we havehighlighted this in a related documents box. At the endof this site information paper is a list of other documents,which may be of interest and a glossary of terms.

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    Figure 1A: Heathwall Pumping Station location plan


    South West StormRelief CSO

    Middle Wharf HeathwallPumpingStation

    Riverlightdevelopment Nine Elms Lane

    Elm Quay

    New Covent GardenMarket

    B a t t e r s

    e a P a r k

    R o a d

    C r i n g l e S t r e e t


    Nine Elms Pier

    Heathwall PumpingStation CSO

    Battersea Barge



    Local authority boundary

    Draft limit of land tobe acquired or used

    Proposed tunnelroute centreline

    Existing sewer

    Existing CSOKirtling Street site

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    How we chose this site

    What we proposed at phase one consultationAt phase on consultation, which was held betweenSeptember 2010 and January 2011, we presentedTideway Walk as our preferred site to construct the maintunnel and to intercept the Heathwall Pumping StationCSO and South West Storm Relief CSO.

    Why we have amended our proposals

    Since January 2011, we have considered the commentsfrom phase one consultation, feedback from ongoingengagement and new information; and undertakenfurther technical work. This has concluded that the siteat Tideway Walk is no longer available for use becauseplanning permission for residential development has beenapproved and construction works have started on site. Asa result, we have re-assessed potential sites to construct

    the main tunnel and intercept the two CSOs.Our preferred site to construct the main tunnel is now asite at Kirtling Street. Kirtling Street is not located next tothe CSOs so a combined main tunnel drive and CSO site isno longer possible. A separate site to intercept the CSOsis therefore required.

    What we are proposing at phase two consultationWe have identified two shortlisted sites, as shown inFigure 1B, to intercept the CSOs. The sites are:

    Foreshore, adjacent to Heathwall Pumping Station,Nine Elms Lane (site 1)

    Heathwall Pumping Station (our preferred site).

    Related documents:




    Site selection

    Kirtling StreetKS

    Heathwall Pumping Station which includes MiddleWharf, a safeguarded wharf, is our preferred site tointercept Heathwall Pumping Station and South WestStorm Relief CSOs. This is because it allows us to interceptboth CSOs within one site and makes use of land thatwe already own. There is also good access off Nine ElmsLane (A3205) and the area is largely industrial, thereforeminimising potential effects on the local residentialcommunity.

    Site 1 Foreshore, adjacent to Heathwall PumpingStation is a shortlisted site. Given that there is anavailable and viable largely land-based site in thislocation and that a more extensive foreshore site wouldbe more complex to construct and require cofferdams,this site is considered less suitable than our preferred site.

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    Figure 1B: Preferred and shortlisted sites

    N i n e E l

    m s L a n


    N in e Elm s P ie r




    Preferred site Heathwall Pumping Station

    Other shortlistedsite location

    Local authority boundary

    Site 1

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Section 2: Construction

    Construction activitiesConstruction activities are required to intercept theCSOs. We would construct interception chambers tointercept the CSOs. Connection culverts would link theinterception chambers to a drop shaft (approximately47m deep), through which flows would pass down toa short connection tunnel. This would then join to themain tunnel. Figure 2A illustrates the below groundinfrastructure proposed. As some of the constructionworks would take place within the foreshore of the RiverThames, a permanent structure extending into theforeshore is required. These activities would take placewithin the area indicated by the red line in Figure 1A, infive main phases, lasting approximately three years intotal. The main construction activities associated withthese phases are set out in Table 2.1.

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    C on

    s t r u

    c t i on


    Figure 2A: Illustration showing typical elements of below ground infrastructure

    Main tunne l

    Drop shaft

    Valve cham berShort con nection


    To pu mping stationto River Thames

    Intercept ioncham ber

    Existingoverfow sewer

    Connection culvert

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Advance works

    Phase 1

    Site setup

    Figure reference Figure 2CTypical working hours Varies Standard

    M a i n c o n s t r u c t i o n a c t i v i t i e s

    Utilities connected

    Site cleared Temporary works in the River Thames constructed

    Site facilities and access set up

    Drop shaft excavated and built

    Short connection tunnel excavated and built

    Above and below ground structures constructed

    Mechanical and electrical equipment installed

    Temporary works in the River Thames removed

    Site restored and landscaped

    Temporary site facilities removed

    Table 2.1: Main activities during construction phases

    Our typical working hours are expected to be:Standard: 8am-6pm weekdays, 8am-1pm Saturday*Extended standard: 6pm-10pm weekdays, 1pm-5pm SaturdaysContinuous: 24 hours a day, seven days a week**Varies: Working hours for advanced works will depend on the nature of the works and will be agreed

    with the local authority

    * Standard working hours would also include, subject to agreement with the local authority: a short period (up to one hour) before works start and after they have finished to allow our workers to prepare for work and check the site. equipment and machinery maintenance could also take place 1pm-5pm Saturday and 10am-4pm Sunday.

    ** The main activities taking place 24 hours a day are below ground or within an enclosure.

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    Phase 2

    Drop shaftconstruction

    Phase 3


    Phase 4

    Construction of other structures

    Phase 5

    Completion of works and site


    Figure 2C Figure 2C Figure 2D

    Standard Continuous Standard Standard

    Related documents:


    Managing construction

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Site layout and construction phasesFigures 2C and 2D show how the site might be laid out

    during the construction phases, which are set out in Table2.1 and Figure 2B. These layouts have been informed bythe size of the infrastructure proposed, the constructionmethods required and the location of neighbouringbuildings and structures. They have also been developedto minimise effects on the local community andenvironment. A particular factor at this site that hasinfluenced the layout is as follows:

    The site has been designed to maximise the use of theexisting pumping station, minimise the effect on rivernavigation to nearby wharves and utilise land in ourownership.

    The site layouts are indicative only, and the contractormay arrange the site in a different way, depending onthe chosen construction methods, provided that anyenvironmental effects are appropriately managed andthat the main construction activities are undertakenwithin the red line shown in Figure 1A.




    Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

    A d v a n c e w o r k s

    Figure 2B: Construction timeline showing approximate

    duration of works in phases (P)

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    Figure 2C: Illustrative phases 1, 2 and 3 construction plan


    Jack up bargeservicing pilingoperations

    Battersea Barge


    Drop shaft



    CITY OFWESTMINSTER Maximum extent of

    construction site for

    phases 1, 2 and 3Site hoarding


    Local authority boundary

    Site support/welfare

    Excavated material

    storage and processingMaintenance workshopand storage

    Construction support

    Internal site road

    Site access

    Existing Thames Path

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Figure 2D: Illustrative phase 4 construction plan


    Option for contractorto transport materialsusing barges

    Drop shaft




    Battersea Barge

    Maximum extent of construction site forphase 4

    Site hoarding


    Local authority boundary

    Site support/welfare

    Maintenance workshopand storage

    Construction support

    Internal site road

    Site access

    Existing Thames Path


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    Additional works and activitiesThe main construction works at this site are set out in

    Table 2.1. We would also need to undertake additionalworks and activities, some of which may be locatedoutside of the area indicated by the red line in Figure 1A.The anticipated additional works and activities are setout in Table 2.2.

    When Type of works What we would do

    Required for


    Installation of equipment to monitorenvironmental matters such as noise,vibration and dust.

    The locations of monitoring equipment wouldbe agreed with the local authority and relevantlandowners.

    Protection works to third party structures(such as buildings, bridges and tunnels).

    We would undertake studies to identify any effects ourconstruction work may have on third party structures.The studies may recommend particular constructionmethods or, in very limited instances, protection works.

    Temporary connection to utilities (such aswater, sewer, phone and electricity supply).

    If we are unable to make a connection to utilitieswithin the site, we would need to make a connection toutilities in Nine Elms Lane (A3035).

    Traffic management works.These may need to extend beyond our site and couldinclude relocating kerb lines, repainting road lines andmodifying traffic signals.

    Protection of river bed. We may need to carry out works to strengthen the riverbed to avoid scour.

    Required foroperationalphase

    Permanent connection to utilities (such aswater, phone and electricity supply) for theoperational tunnel.

    We expect to connect to utilities from within the site.

    Table 2.2: Additional works and activities

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Construction transport and accessWe propose to use barges to bring in and take away the

    material used to fill the cofferdam. It is not generallypractical and cost effective to transport all materialsto and from the site by barge so we would still need totransport some materials by road. We would howevergive the contractor the flexibility to determine the mostpractical and cost-effective means of transporting othermaterials and equipment.

    Each barge would remove approximately 55 lorries from

    the road. Using barges at this site would reduce thenumber of lorry visits to/from this site by approximately15% (saving 1,200 lorry visits over the construction periodof approximately three years). Construction works at thissite, would be supported by some construction facilitiesbeing located at our Kirtling Street site. Figure 1A showsthe location of both sites. Lorry movements associatedwith the works at both sites would be focused andconsolidated at Kirtling Street where possible, potentially

    reducing the number of lorry movements at HeathwallPumping Station. Table 2.3 sets out the anticipatedaverage daily number of lorries and barges visiting (ietravelling to and from) the site during the peak months of each phase, based on moving cofferdam fill materialby barge.

    Construction traffic would access the site from Nine Elms

    Lane (A3035), turning left into the existing pumpingstation entrance, or a new entrance to the east of thepumping station. Traffic leaving the site would turn leftonto Nine Elms Lane (A3035) from these two entrances.This access route is shown on Figure 2E. Beyond this,construction traffic would use the major road network toget to and from its final destination.

    The Thames Path currently passes along Nine Elms

    Lane (A3035) in front of the pumping station andMiddle Wharf. This route would remain in place duringconstruction. Once construction is complete, we proposethat the Thames Path would be moved to the riverfrontbehind the pumping station and Middle Wharf. Basedon our current design we do not anticipate that any roaddiversions, bus stop relocations, parking bay suspensionsor junction changes would be required.

    Phase 1Site setup

    Phase 2Drop shaft


    Phase 3Tunnelling

    Phase 4Construction

    of otherstructures

    Phase 5Completion of works and site


    Average dailylorry visits 20 lorries 28 lorries 4 lorries 28 lorries 6 lorries

    Average dailybarge visits 1 barge none none none 1 barge

    Table 2.3: Average daily lorry and barge visits during the peak months

    Related documents:


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    Figure 2E: Proposed access route to the site from the nearest major road

    Nine Elms Lane

    N i n e E

    l m s L

    a n e


    Left turn in,left turn out N



    Draft limit of land tobe acquired or used

    Internal site road

    Site access

    Local authority boundary

    Transport for London(TfL) road network

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Management of construction worksOur construction works would be managed in accordancewith an agreed Code of construction practice (CoCP) .For phase two consultation, we have produced a draftCoCP Part A: General requirements , informed by CoCPsfrom other major construction projects in London andconsultation with the local authorities. Through theenvironmental impact assessment process, scheme-wide principles to address potential effects on the localenvironment have been identified and integrated intothe design. The CoCP Part A sets out scheme-wide control

    measures that would be used to minimise potentialeffects during the construction process.

    Table 2.4 sets out what we consider to be the key issuesfor this site during construction, and how we are currentlyproposing to address them.

    Related documents:


    Managing construction


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    Issue Our response

    The Battersea Bargerestaurant may need to betemporarily relocated to allowthe cofferdam to be installed.

    We will be consulting the owners of the barge about its possible temporary relocationduring construction.

    Possible effect of constructionvehicles on the volume of traffic on Nine Elms Lane(A3035).

    We have sought to minimise disruption to the local road network through our sitelayout and design. We would manage the effects of road transport through our trafficmanagement plans, which will seek to limit the number of vehicle movements andhours of operation, identify the most suitable site access points and any necessaryhighway management arrangements. As already set out, we also propose to usebarges to bring in and take away the material used to fill the cofferdam, which wouldreduce the number of lorry movements from this site by approximately 15% over theconstruction period.

    Access to the Thames Pathduring construction.

    Access to the existing Thames Path (which currently passes along Nine Elms Lane(A3035) in front of the pumping station and Middle Wharf) would be maintainedduring construction.

    Encroachment of constructionactivities into the foreshoreof the River Thames andassociated effect on rivernavigation and users.

    We require a sufficient area within the foreshore to provide for the construction of theinterception chamber for Heathwall Pumping Station CSO and an intermediate dropshaft connection to the drop shaft at Middle Wharf. We have undertaken modellingto test the effect that the structure has on the flow of the river. The modelling hasshown the proposed structure to be satisfactory and the Port of London Authorityand other key stakeholders are satisfied the permanent works have a minimum effecton river navigation. A full navigational risk assessment will be undertaken for thetemporary and permanent works.

    Possible effect of noise andvibration on neighbouringareas.

    The contractor would be required to implement noise and vibration control measuresat the worksite, which will be set out in the CoCP.

    Possible effects on local airquality and dust nuisance inneighbouring areas.

    Preliminary findings indicate that while there is the potential for dust nuisanceeffects, there are unlikely to be any significant local air quality effects at any of thesites. The contractor would put in place air and dust control measures at the worksite,which will be set out in the CoCP.

    Table 2.4: Key issues relating to construction

    H h ll P i S i

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Section 3: Future useThis section describes the site after the completion of theconstruction work, ie when the main tunnel is in use theoperational phase.

    Design The design of the permanent use and appearance of the structures at Heathwall Pumping Station follows ourscheme-wide principles and takes into account comments

    raised during ongoing engagement with the LondonBorough of Wandsworth and other technical consultees.

    Our permanent works which are formed within a structureextending into the foreshore of the River Thames need toincorporate functional elements, which are required forthe operation of the main tunnel. These include:

    Underground structures with ground level access coversincluding: a CSO drop shaft with an internal diameterof approximately 16m, connection tunnel to the maintunnel, connection culverts, two interception chambers,valve chamber and a passive filter chamber.

    Two main ventilation columns up to 6m high.

    A small diameter ventilation column to the interceptionchamber up to 6m high.

    Maintenance vehicle access.

    Electrical and control equipment installed within theexisting pumping station.

    Table 3.1 sets out the site specific issues that haveinfluenced our permanent design proposals and how wehave addressed them in our proposed design.


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    F u t ur e

    u s e

    Future use


    Issue Our response

    Effect onsafeguarded MiddleWharf.

    The future operation of the safeguarded wharf would not be affected by the new structure inthe foreshore of the River Thames.

    In order to prevent disruption to any operational activities at Middle Wharf whilst alsoensuring pedestrian safety, sliding gates are proposed to restrict public access along theThames Path when the existing jetty is in use. During these times the Thames Path would bediverted back to its existing route via Nine Elms Lane (A3035).

    Effect on theThames Path.

    There would be a permanent diversion of the Thames Path from its current route along Nine

    Elms Lane (A3035) to extend it along the river frontage, which would benefit users.An area of permanent hardstanding projecting slightly into the River Thames would provide anadditional public space on the Thames Path route.

    These changes would contribute to the regeneration of Nine Elms and planning policyobjectives of developing a continuous Thames Path.

    Effect onthe existingPumping Stationinfrastructure.

    Careful siting and design of permanent works would avoid effects upon existing above and

    below ground infrastructure, and enable the pumping station site to remain operational duringand after construction.

    Loss of foreshorehabitat and effectson ecology withinthe River Thames.

    Our proposals for the permanent layout and design of the site have sought to reduce theextent of the permanent works within the foreshore to minimise effects on water ecology as faras possible.

    Ecological surveys of the River Thames and foreshore are being undertaken to identify possibleeffects, and design measures would be incorporated where required.

    Construction of the tunnel would also deliver river wide improvements to local water quality,which would result in positive effects on river ecology, including habitat improvements andreduced fish kills.

    Table 3.1: Site specific issues that have influenced our permanent design

    He th ll P mping St tion

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Figure 3A: Photo of the site before the works

    Figures 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D show the current site andprovide illustrations of our design proposals. Furtherinformation on the development of our design can be

    found in the Design development report .

    Related documents:


    Future use

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    Future use


    Figure 3B: Artists impression of the site after the works are completed

    Heathwall Pumping Station

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Figure 3C: Aerial view of the completed works

    Future use

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    Future use


    Figure 3D: Layout of site once construction works complete

    Sliding gate to shutoff Thames Path whenoperational access to jetty required

    Sliding gate to shut off Thames Path when operationalaccess to jetty required


    Secure gates giveaccess to jetty

    Weathered steelinformation plateflush with paving

    Electrical and controlequipment locatedinside existing building

    Riverlightdevelopment(by others)

    Maintenance accessto foreshore structures

    Access formaintenance vehicles

    N i n e E l m s

    L a n e


    Brick walls tobe cleaned

    New wall betweenpumping station siteand Middle Wharf

    Access formaintenance vehicles

    Middle Wharf access

    Minor modifications toRiverlight developmentlandscaping to join upThames Path


    Existing jetty



    Middle Wharf

    Heathwall Pumping Station

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    Heathwall Pumping Station


    Operation and MaintenanceOnce the tunnel is operational, we expect to undertakeinspection and maintenance of the ventilation and belowground equipment approximately once every three to sixmonths. This will be undertaken within our site and aspart of the existing maintenance routine.

    Once every ten years, we expect to carry out a majorinternal inspection of the tunnel and undergroundstructures. This is likely to involve a small team of inspection staff, a small team of support crew and twomobile cranes to lower the team into the shaft. This islikely to take several days and would require temporaryfencing around the shaft for safety and security while theinspection takes place.

    We may also need to make visits to the site for unplannedmaintenance or repairs, for example, if there is ablockage, or equipment failure. This may require the useof mobile cranes and vans.

    Permanent vehicular access would be from Nine ElmsLane (A3035) or the Heathwall Pumping Stationcompound.

    Management of operational effectsWe have undertaken technical work, including stakeholderengagement, to assess and identify the key issuesassociated with this site once it is operational. Table3.2 summarises these issues and how we are currentlyproposing to address them.

    Future useFuture useFuture use

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    Issue Our response

    Possible odour effects duringthe operation of the tunnel.

    Odour effects at this site are expected to be negligible because we have developedan Air management plan to minimise possible odour and air quality effects arisingfrom the operation of the tunnel. The technology we are proposing to use at thissite includes the use of passive below ground carbon filters that will remove possibleodour before air leaves the ventilation equipment.

    Disturbance from futuremaintenance access.

    Permanent access would be required for maintenance and servicing purposes tothe shaft and ventilation equipment. Any planned maintenance visits would beundertaken during normal working hours and all visits managed to avoid disruption

    to local residents, businesses and users of affected public areas as far as possible.Table 3.2: Key issues relating to site operation

    Related documents:


    Further information

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    Further informationThis section sets out documents which may be of particular interest. Further information on our proposals can befound on our website (www.thamestunnelconsultation.co.uk) or is available upon request (call our customer centreon 0800 0721 086).

    Phase two public consultation material

    Project information papers include general information about the Thames Tunnel project. There are 17 projectinformation papers, which cover various aspects of the project. Those project information papers that may be of particular interest are set out below.

    Icon Title Details

    Build Provides information on the different types of sites required for the Thames Tunnelproject and the typical construction activities that will be undertaken at each site.

    ChangesExplains how the scheme has changed compared to that presented at phase oneconsultation, including changes to the tunnelling strategy for the main tunnel andchanges to sites.

    Q&A ConsultationSets out the consultation we have undertaken to date on the project, the scope

    of this phase two consultation and how interested parties can respond to thisconsultation.

    Design Contains the design principles which have influenced the permanent appearance of our sites once construction work is complete.

    Environment Sets out the process the project is following to assess potential environmental effectsof the Thames Tunnel project.


    Includes information on what measures our contractors will put in place at our sitesduring construction.

    Odour Sets out our Air management plan and how it will work.

    Options Outlines the various ways to deal with sewage overflows.

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    Phase two public consultation material

    Icon Title Details

    Overflow Sets out how Londons sewerage system works and why the capital has an overflowproblem.

    Route andtunnelalignment

    Sets out the preferred route of the main tunnel and the reasons for our preference.

    Site selection Sets out the process we followed to find and select our preferred sites.

    Transport Contains information on the different transport options we have considered fordelivering and removing materials from our sites.

    Site information papers provide information that relate to each preferred site along the route of the Thames Tunnelproject. The following site information paper may be of particular interest.

    Kirtling StreetKS

    Further information

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    Technical reports

    Theme Icon Title Details

    Phase oneconsultation



    Report on phase oneconsultation:summary report

    Provides a summary of the comments made at phase oneconsultation and our responses.

    Phase twoconstruction


    Code of constructionpractice Part A:General requirements(CoCP)

    Sets out control measures to be adopted during the projectconstruction period.

    Phase twoenvironmentalinformation

    Air managementplan

    Outlines the methods which we will use to manage odourfrom the main tunnel at all our preferred sites.

    Preliminaryenvironmentalinformation report(PEIR)

    Contains initial assessments on the environmental effects of the Thames Tunnel project based on information collectedto date. Please refer to volume 18 of the non-technical

    summary and volume 18 of the PEIR for more informationon this site.

    Phase two schemedevelopment

    Design developmentreport

    Provides a general overview of how the scheme design ateach site has evolved to date. Please refer to chapter 13 formore information on this site.


    Phase two scheme

    development report

    Provides an overview of the development of the ThamesTunnel project and how each site was chosen. Please refer toAppendix M for more information on this site.

    Site glossary

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    g y

    Term Definition

    Carbon filters Filters that remove odours before the air is released from the tunnel.

    Cofferdam A wall that is constructed within the river around the outside of the working area and thenpumped dry. The inside of the cofferdam can then be filled to create a safe working area.

    Combined sewer A single sewer system that takes both rainwater and domestic and industrial wastewater.

    Combined seweroverflow (CSO)

    A structure, or series of structures, that allows sewers to overflow into the river when theyare full as a result of increased rainfall. Without the overflows, the sewers would back upand cause flooding in streets or houses.

    Connection tunnel A tunnel connecting a drop shaft to the main tunnel.Draft limit of land to beacquired or used

    The extent of land that we may need to use or acquire, or over which rights may be neededto carry out works that are essential to the project.

    Drop shaftA vertical circular concrete structure, used to drop flows from the high level of the CSO tothe low level of the main tunnel. It would also be used to provide access to construct theconnection tunnels.

    Foreshore Ground uncovered by the river when the tide is low.

    Interception chamber A structure, built on an existing combined sewer, which diverts stormwater overflow into themain tunnel.

    Main tunnel/connectiontunnel drive site

    A site that would be used to construct the main tunnel or connection tunnel. The excavatedmaterial would be removed from the tunnel and the concrete tunnel lining segments wouldbe delivered to the tunnel at the main/connection tunnel drive site.

    Main tunnel The tunnel from Acton Storm Tanks to Abbey Mills Pumping Station.

    Operational phase After the completion of the construction work, when the main tunnel is in use.

    Scour Movement of the riverbed materials due to the force of the water.

    Thames Tunnel projectThe Thames Tunnel project comprises a storage and transfer tunnel, from west London toBeckton Sewage Treatment Works in east London, and the control of 34 CSOs along theThames Tideway.

    Transport for LondonRoad Network (TLRN)

    The network of roads managed by Transport for London. These are the major or strategicroads, which have high capacity.

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    Heathwall Pumping Station

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    Phase two consultation: Heathwall Pumping Station

    For further information or to comment on ourproposals see our website:www.thamestunnelconsultation.co.uk


    Autumn 2011

    It is very important that you understand theinformation we have provided. If you needfurther information in another language,braille, large print or audio format pleasecontact us on 0800 0721 086.