Optimizing your Google Analytics setup in 9 steps › Assets › File › social... · Optimizing...

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Optimizing your Google Analytics setup in 9 steps

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

October 2, 2012 PRNews Social Media Measurement Conference NYC Alhan Keser, Blue Fountain Media  

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com


Blue Fountain Media

Web Design / Development / Online Marketing  

Why a good GA setup matters

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

•  Gather accurate data

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Why a good GA setup matters

•  Gather accurate data

•  Make GA work for you

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Why a good GA setup matters

•  Gather accurate data

•  Make GA work for you

•  Out-of-the-box vs. advanced setup

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Why a good GA setup matters

•  Gather accurate data

•  Make GA work for you

•  Out-of-the-box vs. advanced setup

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

When it’s decision making time, you’ve got the data you need.

Why a good GA setup matters

Get the basics right •  Implement all the way •  Filter out internal visitors •  Only track your website

9 steps to a successful GA setup

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Get the basics right •  Implement all the way •  Filter out internal visitors •  Only track your website

Track more with GA •  404s •  Docs & external links •  Social actions •  Smartphone actions •  Tag all URLs •  Connect with AdWords

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

9 steps to a successful GA setup

Implement all the way

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

Why: •  It’s easy to get it wrong

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

Why: •  It’s easy to get it wrong

•  Track all visitors

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

Why: •  It’s easy to get it wrong

•  Track all visitors

•  Avoid incomplete visitor paths

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

How: •  The right account number

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

How: •  The right account number •  Asynchronous code

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

How: •  The right account number •  Asynchronous code

•  In <head> tag of html

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

How: •  The right account number •  Asynchronous code

•  In <head> tag of html •  On all pages, only 1x

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Implement all the way

How: •  The right account number •  Asynchronous code •  In <head> tag of html

•  On all pages, only 1x

•  http://bit.ly/ga-troubleshooting

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Filter out internal visitors

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Your website

Your staff Your target audience

Filter out internal visitors


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Filter out internal visitors

Why: •  Making “real visitor” data less accurate

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Filter out internal visitors

Why: •  Making “real visitor” data less accurate •  Leading to potentially erroneous conclusions

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Filter out internal visitors


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Filter out internal visitors

How: •  Filter by IP (most common)

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Filter out internal visitors

How: •  Filter by IP (most common)

•  Filter by Custom Variable (more clever)

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX-1']); _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'Internal Visitor', 'Exclude', 1]); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Step 1: Create a visitor-level custom variable on a page that only your internal visitors would visit. (Intranet, special URL, admin area, etc.)

_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX-1']); _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'Internal Visitor', 'Exclude', 1]); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Step 1: Create a visitor-level custom variable on a page that only your internal visitors would visit. (Intranet, special URL, admin area, etc.)

Step 2: Create a filter to exclude these visitors.

Filter out internal visitors

How: •  Filter by IP (most common)

•  Filter by Custom Variable (more clever)

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Only track your website

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Your website Copycat 1 Copycat 2

Only track your website


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Only track your website

Why: •  It’s easy for your GATC to be “hijacked”

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Only track your website

Why: •  It’s easy for your GATC to be “hijacked”

•  Hurts accuracy

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Only track your website

Why: •  It’s easy for your GATC to be “hijacked”

•  Hurts accuracy

•  Easy to fix

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Only track your website


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Only track your website

How: •  Create a filter to only track your domain(s)

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track 404s via GA

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Page Not Found

Track 404s via GA


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track 404s via GA

Why: •  Seeing error page ≠ good experience

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track 404s via GA

Why: •  Seeing error page ≠ good experience •  Become self-reliant

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track 404s via GA


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track 404s via GA

How: •  Modify the GATC on your 404 page template

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

_gaq.push(['_trackPageview','/404error/' +document.location.pathname+document.location.search']);

Track 404s via GA

How: •  Modify the GATC on your 404 page template

•  404 views show up in Content reports

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

_gaq.push(['_trackPageview','/404error/' +document.location.pathname+document.location.search']);

Track docs & external links

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links

Why: •  Better view of user paths

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links

Why: •  Better view of user paths

•  Ability to attribute value to non-html content

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links

Why: •  Better view of user paths

•  Ability to attribute value to non-html content

•  Easy to implement

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links

How: •  Track links as virtual Pageviews

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track docs & external links

How: •  Track links as virtual Pageviews

Link without virtual Pageview tracking:

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

<a href="http://mysite.com/company-brochure.pdf”</a>

Track docs & external links

How: •  Track links as virtual Pageviews

Link without virtual Pageview tracking: With:

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

<a href="http://mysite.com/company-brochure.pdf”</a>

<a href="http://mysite.com/company-brochure.pdf" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/pdfs/company-brochure.pdf']);"</a>

Track social actions

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions

Why: •  Different from social sources

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions

Why: •  Different from social sources •  See trends & impact over time

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions

Why: •  Different from social sources •  See trends & impact over time

•  Attribute value to button actions

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions

How: •  Use GA’s trackSocial method

_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'Facebook', 'Like', targetURL]);

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track social actions

How: •  Use GA’s trackSocial method

_gaq.push(['_trackSocial', 'Facebook', 'Like', targetURL]); •  Instructions & examples:

•  http://bit.ly/gablog-social-plugin •  http://bit.ly/ga-social-interactions

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track smartphone actions

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Call Locate

Track smartphone actions


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track smartphone actions


•  Attribute value to smartphone visitors

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track smartphone actions


•  Attribute value to smartphone visitors

•  Set-up goals specifically for smartphones

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track smartphone actions


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track smartphone actions


•  Add event tracking to phone number and map links

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Track smartphone actions


•  Add event tracking to phone number and map links

Without tracking:

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

<a href="tel:+12122601978”>Call Us</a>

Track smartphone actions


•  Add event tracking to phone number and map links

Without tracking:

With tracking:

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

<a href="tel:+12122601978”>Call Us</a>

<a href="tel:+12122601978" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Mobile', 'Call']);">Call Us</a>

Track smartphone actions

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com






Tag every URL


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL


•  Gather campaign-level information, across channels

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL


•  Gather campaign-level information, across channels

•  Find optimal ad copy/creative/messaging

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL


•  Campaign

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL


•  Campaign

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest

Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest

Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest




Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium > Source

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest




Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium > Source

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest





Customer Newsletter


Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium > Source > Content

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest





Customer Newsletter


Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium > Source > Content

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

2012 Fall Sale

Photo Contest





Customer Newsletter


Lowest Prices  

Tell Us Your Story

Send us

Your Photo

Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium > Source > Content

•  Use Google’s URL Builder: http://bit.ly/gurl-builder

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL


•  Campaign > Medium > Source > Content

•  Use Google’s URL Builder: http://bit.ly/gurl-builder

•  Use tagged URLs when shortening:

Turn this: http://mysite.com/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=try%2Bus%2Bfree&utm_campaign=Free%2BTrial%2B2012

into: http://bit.ly/ex-free-trial

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Tag every URL


•  Use it for:

•  Social shares •  Emails – lists & signatures •  Digital documents •  QR Codes •  Non-Google advertising (such as adCenter)

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


•  Integrate cost data, placement, & more into GA

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


•  Integrate cost data, placement, & more into GA

•  Manage access

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


•  Need user profile that is Admin in both AdWords and Analytics

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


•  Need user profile that is Admin in both AdWords and Analytics

•  In AdWords, under Tools and Analysis > Google Analytics > Admin

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Connect with AdWords


•  Need user profile that is Admin in both AdWords and Analytics

•  In AdWords, under Tools and Analysis > Google Analytics > Admin

•  Select profiles with which you wish to integrate

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

Get the basics right •  Implement all the way •  Filter out internal visitors •  Only track your website

Track more with GA •  404s •  Docs & external links •  Social actions •  Smartphone actions •  Tag all URLs •  Connect with AdWords

@AlhanKeser Send questions: alhan@bluefountainmedia.com

9 steps to a successful GA setup

Thank You. Alhan Keser, Blue Fountain Media Send questions to alhan@bluefountainmedia.com