On social media now what

Post on 16-May-2015

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I’m on Social Media ... Now WHAT?!?! Define your strategy: 4 simple steps (((it won’t take long, promise!))) Just like a football coach doesn’t go into the big game without a plan- you shouldn’t start social media without some plan or strategy. A clearly defined strategy is essential to implement any type of social media marketing. http://www.socialsmidge.com

Transcript of On social media now what






Define your strategy: 4 simple steps (((it won’t take long, promise!)))Just like a football coach doesn’t go into the big game without a plan- you shouldn’t start social media without some plan or strategy. A clearly defined strategy is essential to implement any type of social media marketing.

Set some Goals: (((and write it down!)))

Audience: (((who will you target?)))

Tools: (((where is your audience?)))

Long-Term Plan: (((yes, this is necessary!)))

I’m on Social Media ... Now WHAT?!?!

• Brand your company, service or product, to rrive leads, stay connected with prospects/clients, or drive the conversation of your industry?

• Current and/or prospective clients, employees, age, gender, or location?

• Not everyone is on facebook. - Go where they are- don’t expect them to come to you!

• How often …

• Who will (either in house or outsourced, someone needs to do this) …

• will you change your campaign, track results, seek prospects and make connections and engage (post) with your connections?

• continue your social media, track your analytics, engage with the audience, and monitor your brand?

Now that your plan is set let’s have some fun! Engagement is the cornerstone of social media networking. High Impact activities are ongoing conversations with your audience. Keeping in mind that 90% of what you say needs to focus on the audience – make it FUN and RELEVANT for them. Don’t use social media as an AD or SALESPITCH! You will turn people off and make enemies real quick, instead think about your business and what you can offer to the audience that is interactive and engaging.

Trivia question – Post a question like, Can you guess how many people visited us in December? How many donuts do we serve on average for breakfast?

Photo’s, Upload’s, Event’s, Staff – Spotlight your staff, show off who they are and what makes them special to your company. Don’t forget to add personal photo’s and event’s that you are a part of or hosting!

Tips/Advice – Become the expert in your industry! Tips on how to travel safely, hair care, BBQing, etc.

Sales/Promo’s- You have special offers, share them! Consider making a fan only special or deal.

Contests – My personal favorite, because it draws people from all over wanting to enter to win. What could you give away that creates interaction with your connections all week? One day is great, but come up with something that keeps them coming back and back all week to your social media avenues.

Quick Tips!Quick Tips!